Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1) Page 11

by Sheridan Anne

  I shrug my shoulders as I reach for the keys of his Aston Martin on my bedside table. “Been better,” I admit, tossing his keys across the room and watching as he effortlessly catches them. “The tub of ice cream helped a lot.”

  “Damn, that bad?” he murmurs. “Would hearing that Coach Sylvester was just arrested help?”

  My eyes bug out of my head and I sit up a little straighter. “Bullshit. Really?”

  “Yep, just before school let out. Cops pulled up and took him away in cuffs. They interviewed a few of the students from our PE class and they all had the same story so I guess you won’t have to worry about that shit again.”

  I grin wide. “Wow. He really does work fast.”

  “Who does?”

  “Charles Carrington. When I got back here I kind of went on a rant and told him everything that happened today. Dean Simmons was a douche and made out like I’d orchestrated the whole thing as some sort of attention-seeking stunt. Charles said he was going to handle it. He wasn’t impressed.”

  “No shit. Charles is on the board for BSA and personally vouched for Simmons and a fuck-up like this reflects poorly on him. He’s probably happy you went straight to him about it so he could handle it before word spread.”

  “Well, shit. I didn’t think about that.”

  “Trust me, around here, everyone is in each other’s pockets. It’s hard to keep it straight sometimes,” he explains before stepping toward the door. “Anyway, I wish I could stay and keep you company, but my father has requested my presence this afternoon.”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  Milo presses his lips into a hard line. “It’s too hard to tell. That man is unpredictable but if I have to take a wild guess, he’s probably heard about what happened today. He’s on the board with Charles so he would want to hear it directly from me.”

  I cringe, sending him all my good vibes. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks,” he laughs. “I’ll let myself out so I don’t piss off your house bitch.”

  “Sure,” I smile. “Thanks for letting me steal your car for the afternoon. I don’t think I would have survived if I had to stay there a second longer.”

  “Anytime, babe.”

  With that, he steps out of my room, leaving the door wide open so I hear the sounds of the busy afternoon house. Judging by the loud, angry music coming from downstairs, I’d say that Colton is down there somewhere and is pissed. At one point, I hear Charlie and Spencer’s voices from down the hallway, and I send a silent thanks up above when they leave without bugging me.

  Mom comes in, no doubt having heard the gossip from the other staff about my day, and she demands answers. By the time I’m finally through explaining it all, It’s time for dinner.

  Just like yesterday, dinner is an awkward hour of sitting at a too big table with Colton glaring at me while Charles sits on his phone, unable to get out of a business call. Colton is up and gone from the table the second he can and just like yesterday, I avoid heading back upstairs by helping in the kitchen.

  Time ticks by way too slowly, and after taking over Colton’s media room for a few hours, I head upstairs to have a proper shower and go to bed. The shower I had at school was cut short and I hardly got a chance to wash properly before being rudely interrupted.

  I stand under the hot stream of water, groaning with how my muscles ache from running around on the field for a good part of my day. My hand travels down my body and I do my best to rub my muscles, but truth be told, I’m probably going to be sore for a few days.

  Grabbing my towel, I quickly dry my hair and wrap it around me, loving how warm and cozy it is. I didn’t even know that heated towel rails were a thing, but apparently, they are, and I freaking love it. As much as I hate being here in this mansion, it certainly has its perks.

  I step out of my bathroom and back into my moonlit bedroom as a yawn pulls from deep within me. I can’t wait to climb into bed and find the peacefulness of sleep. I drop my towel at the bathroom door and stride across my room before slipping in between the sheets, not bothering to get dressed.

  My head crashes down on the pillow and my eyes close with satisfaction, yet my mind still swirls with the memories of today. Apart from my dad’s murder, it’s been a long time since I’ve had such a shitty day.

  Thoughts of Colton pop into my mind. This is all on him. I know Coach Sylvester would have still done what he did, but Colton has the power in that school. It’s as obvious as the sky is blue. He would have just had to say one word and it would have been over. Same with the towel situation. Had he told the by-standers to fuck off they would have, but he didn’t. He allowed it to continue.

  God, I fucking hate him.

  But those eyes, and the way he touched me when he came in here yesterday. His breath against my skin. The way he kissed me, so rough and forceful. I’ve never felt anything like it. He’s powerful, and while it’s scary as hell, it’s also one of the most attractive things I’ve ever seen.

  Goosebumps spread over my skin and I find my hand slipping down between the sheets and finding my center. I’m already so wet. Why does he have this insane power over me? What I wouldn’t give to feel his hands on my body just one more time. I'm sure I’ll get him out of my system after that.

  His hazel eyes flash in my mind as my fingers rub slow, agonizing circles over my clit. I let out a low groan, not wanting to be heard. “God, yes,” I moan, picking up my pace and wishing for something much better than my fingers.

  A loud, amused scoff comes from the corner of my room and my eyes fly open. What the fuck was that? I fly up in bed, pulling the comforter with me to cover all the important bits to find Colton casually relaxed back into the armchair in the corner of my room, watching the whole fucking show.

  Fuck. I just dropped my damn towel and strutted across my room then touched myself. Fuck my life.

  What is his fucking problem?

  “You’re thinking about me, aren’t you?” Colton murmurs, his voice dangerously low and tortured, almost as though he’s struggling to remain in the armchair. “My hands on your body, my hard cock pushing up in between those sweet legs.”

  “Get the fuck out of here,” I screech, climbing out of bed with the comforter heavily wrapped around me, getting more pissed by the second as I find him making himself even more comfortable. “Are you fucking insane? What kind of creep sits in the corner of a girl’s room in the dark while she’s in bed?”

  His eyes blaze with lust and I watch as he raises his hand to find my phone between his fingers. “I came to give you this. Charlie dropped it off this afternoon but it’s not my fault you decided to get naked and put on a show.”

  He spins the phone between his fingers and the backlight turns on, illuminating my room and showing off the hard column beneath his grey sweatpants, making my traitorous pussy clench with need.

  I try to ignore the way his hard cock seems to be pointing right at me. “You’ve had that all afternoon?”

  Colton shrugs a shoulder. “What can I say? I was waiting for the right time to give it to you, and it seems I found the perfect time.”

  “Give me my phone.”

  “Who’s Nic?”

  My eyes widen as frustration pulses through me. “You went through my phone?”

  “Who’s Nic, Jade? It sounds like he’s got a real fucking hard-on for you.”

  My eyes drop down to the front of his sweatpants, not wanting to tell him a damn thing about my best friend. “He’s not the only one.”

  Colton’s gaze drops to his dick before trailing his eyes back up to meet mine, only now they’re so much darker. Gone is the soft hazel, replaced with a seductive shade of forest green. His greedy stare promising more than he can offer me in words.

  It’s a fucking trap, Ocean. Don’t fall for his games.

  I hold my hand out, adjusting the comforter in my other so I don’t accidentally drop it and give the guy another peep show. “My phone please.”

y don’t you come over here and then maybe I'll give you what you need.”

  His double meaning isn’t lost on me and I hate him more for it. He wants to play a game. I see it in his eyes, but just how much am I willing to lose if this goes badly? There’s no way in hell he’s just going to hand over my phone and walk away. I have to take what’s mine and considering how hard he got just watching me, it’s going to be like taking candy from a baby.

  Letting out a breath, I go for it.

  The comforter drops to the ground and I watch as his brows shoot up. He didn’t expect that. Victory shoots through me as I step out from the comforter at my feet. My eyes become hooded and I focus them heavily on his as I stride slowly across the room, swaying my hips and giving just the slightest bounce to my chest.

  He swallows hard and adjusts himself in his pants.

  Hook, line, and fucking sinker.

  He can’t take his eyes off me. He might hate me just as I hate him, but there’s no denying that I’m under his skin. I’m an itch that he desperately wants to scratch, and that knowledge is going to be his downfall.

  Reaching the armchair, I drop to my knees before him, still with my eyes locked on his. A low rumble sounds deep in his throat as I press myself between his knees. I slowly rise, brushing my body softly along his. I feel my nipple, brush along the fabric of his sweatpants only to feel his hard length beneath.

  His fingers brush over my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. My hand slides up his body and over his wide chest until it’s curved around the back of his neck. I hitch my knee up beside his hip and climb on until I’m straddled on his lap and can feel his cock pressed tightly against my clit.

  I lean into him and close my eyes and his hand comes down on my waist then trails lower and grabs a handful of my ass. Why does that have to feel so damn good? My tits press against his chest and my lips come down on his neck. I kiss him, tasting his warm bronzed skin and breathing in that heavenly scent.

  My phone is forgotten, and his other hand comes to my body as he presses his dick up against me. I grind on it, both of us groan, and I know that I'll more than likely leave a wet spot on his sweatpants.

  Colton’s hand comes up and threads into the hair at the back of my head. He grabs my hair and tears my head back until my tits are up in the air. He sucks my nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the tight bud, sending my eyes rolling back into my head.

  I’m helpless under his touch but then, so is he.

  I roll my neck, pulling against his hold on my hair and he instantly lets go. My hand slips down beside his thigh and I wrap my fingers around my phone, keeping my body moving on his. My lips brush over his ear and he groans with need. “Do you want me, Colton?” I whisper, making his fingers clench against my ass.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  I let a moan slip through my lips and adjust myself on his lap, before kissing his neck once more. “Guess what?” I murmur, pressing my knee against his crotch and making his whole body stiffen like a board. I press harder and his eyes shoot up to mine and it’s like having iced water tipped over his head. “You will never get this.”

  With that, I slip off his lap and grab the throw blanket on the dresser beside him and quickly wrap it around my body. “Now please,” I say with a sickeningly sweet smile, my phone safely in my hand, and an epic female version of blue balls. “Get the fuck out. I won’t be asking again.”

  He shakes his head, almost in shock, and I don’t doubt that he feels like the biggest fool. He lost this round, and I can guarantee that now he knows exactly what lengths I’d go to; he won’t be making that mistake again.

  He stands before me and steps into my personal space, curling his hand around the back of my neck. His lips come down on mine just like they had yesterday. Bruising, forceful, and filled with power. “Game on.”

  Chapter 10

  I sit beside Milo in the cafeteria, scowling at Colton from across the room. The more I watch him sitting on his tabletop surrounded by followers, the angrier I get. Everyone watches him eagerly as he speaks, all of them laughing even when he's not funny.

  I try to tune him out but the only other thing for me to do is listen to the way Milo’s friends go on and on about the cops showing up here yesterday and the board members filing into Dean Simmons’ office first thing this morning. Apparently, it’s all their gossipy mothers could talk about last night.

  While yesterday was a shitty day with an even shittier ending, it means that now the guys at school have backed off. They now understand that I won’t accept shit from anyone, and I’m not afraid of taking them down. Well, it mostly means that. I wouldn't have been able to do it without Charles Carrington and they know that.

  Milo’s elbow comes shooting into my arm. “What’s up with you. You look like you’re about to murder someone, or you're constipated. Seeing as though you have the best chefs in town, I’m going to go with option number one.”

  I press my lips into a tight line and my eyes involuntarily shoot across the room to Colton, only to find his glare already on me. I’m instantly reminded of how it felt grinding down against his hard cock and my thighs clench under the table, but of course, from where Colton sits across the room, he catches the movement.

  Fuck. I hate him so bad.

  “It’s nothing,'' I grumble but Milo’s wide grin tells me he knows exactly what it is.

  “Why don’t you just fuck him and get it out of your system?”

  “No way. That's what he wants. I'll never give in to him like that. I’d rather watch him burn.”

  Milo groans and falls back into his seat, stretching his legs out wide under the table. “Ugh, thanks for reminding me why I go to an all-boys school. You chicks are so dramatic.”

  “And you dudes are dick heads.”

  “Shut up,” he laughs. “You’re such a bitch when you're horny. When was the last time you got dick?”


  Milo continues as though I didn’t even speak. “I’d offer you mine but you’d have to put a paper bag over your head and strap your titties down. I can't have them bouncing around and ruining my flow.”

  Realizing this is Milo’s way of bugging me until I give in, I let out a frustrated groan and get it over and done with. “I had just taken a shower so I was walking around my room naked and got in bed, then you know …”

  “You were spanking the monkey?” he supplies helpfully with a grin.

  “Spanking the monkey?” I question. “What the fuck is that?”

  “You know, jerking the gherkin.”

  “I don’t have a gherkin.”

  Milo groans. “You know what I mean. You were getting off and from the way you can’t stop scowling at the prick across the room, I’m assuming it was him you were thinking about.”

  Heat floods my cheeks and I let out a huff. “Okay, yes. I was getting off to the thought of Colton and I was just about to the good part when I realized he was in the room. He’d watched me strut around naked, climb into bed, and start going to town on myself and didn’t say a damn word.”

  Milo howls with laughter. “You’re fucking kidding me?”

  “I wish I was.”

  “What did you do?”

  “What do you think I did? I gave him the worst case of blue balls to ever exist and then told him to fuck off.”

  “You’re my fucking queen,” he declares, giving me a pathetic excuse of a bow while he remains seated beside me. “Personally, I would have just fucked him and called it a day.”

  “Yeah, well something tells me that when it comes to Colton Carrington it’s never quite that simple.”

  “You’d be right about that,” he tells me. “So, what are you going to do for revenge?”

  “Revenge is such a harsh word. I like to call it returning the favor,” I grin. “But so far, I don’t know. I’ve been too pissed to even think about it.”

  “Well,” he grins, spinning his phone between his fingers. “Maybe I could be of hel
p until you come up with something good.”

  My eyes narrow at him and I watch as he unlocks his phone and pulls up a website. He starts entering details and a second later, puts the phone down on the table. “Watch,” he smirks, looking pointedly across at Colton.

  My brows furrow but I do as I’m told and watch as Colton receives a message to his phone. He reads over it, his eyes going big and then panic taking over. “FUCK,” Colton roars through the cafeteria before grabbing his blazer off the table and stalking out.

  I gape at Milo. “What did you do?”

  “There’s a site you can go to where you can anonymously send someone an alert saying that they need to go and get checked for an STD.”

  Laughter rattles me but my phone rings and I don’t have a chance to tell him how freaking brilliant he is. “Oh,” I say, spying Nic’s name on my screen. “I’ve got to take this.”

  Milo nods as I push up from my seat and bring the phone to my ear. “Hey, Nic. What’s going on?”

  “It’s your lunchtime, right? I’m just checking in. I didn’t hear from you yesterday.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. It was a bad day and my phone was gone.”

  “What do you mean gone?”

  I let out a sigh and give him a quick rundown. “The pricks at school thought it’d be funny to steal all my things while I was showering after PE. There was all this bullshit that came after that. I don’t know what happened to my clothes, but I got my phone back late last night when Colton snuck into my room and watched me getting off.”


  “Shit, dude. Calm down.”

  “Calm down? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “I handled it.”

  “Oh, yeah? And how did you handle it?”

  I go quiet. That’s not exactly a story I want to be sharing with Nic. I can only imagine what kinds of shit he’d do. After all, the boys were more than happy to fuck up Jude the other day. If Nic found out the guy got a look at me naked and put his hands on me … fuck. It’d all be over.


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