Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1) Page 25

by Sheridan Anne

  Charlie pushes through to the den and I silently thank him as the four walls around us mask the jealousy and confusion radiating off Colton, allowing me to concentrate on the fine piece of man meat wrapped between my legs.

  He kicks the door closed behind him and the sharp ‘bang’ of the door closing has my world ready to detonate. It’s just me and Charlie with a million possibilities and a silent promise of the time of my life.

  His hands fall to my waist and I reluctantly unwrap my legs just in time to be thrown down on the big couch.

  I look up at him and there’s a fire burning so intensely that it speaks right to my core. Holy hell. He’s ready. More than fucking ready.

  His shirt is pulled over his head and I watch as it’s discarded on the floor before his hands find the button of his jeans. He stalks toward the couch and I bite down on my lip.

  Fuck, yes. I need this so bad.

  Charlie’s jeans drop and I’m not at all surprised to find him going commando. His cock springs to attention and it’s almost as though it’s staring right at me; large, powerful, and in charge. This thing is going to be my undoing and if he doesn’t slam it deep within me soon, I think I might scream.

  I scramble up on the couch so my back is up against the backrest and as he looks down at me, I feel everything clench.


  Oh, holy hell. Who is this guy? This isn’t the fun-loving Charlie who grins about girls liking bad boys, this is a fucking man ready to claim what’s his and for that, I will bow at his feet and let him take it, all of it. There’s nothing worse than getting a guy in bed to find he’s an incompetent, nervous wreck. I like someone who will take charge, dominate me, and make me feel like a goddamn woman. A guy just like Charlie.

  I peel my damp shirt over my head to find my bikini still beneath. I never bothered to get dressed after the party, just pulled my pajamas over my bikini. My shorts are twisted and cold but I make quick work of them too.

  I get to my feet and stand up on the couch in my red bikini, putting us eye to eye.

  Charlie reaches out to touch me and I slap his hand away. “Wait your turn,” I demand.

  His eyes blaze but he refrains from touching me like a good boy should. I reach up behind my neck and tug on the bikini string, slowly releasing the knot at the base of my neck.

  His hand falls to his hard cock and I watch as he slowly pumps up and down.

  My bikini top falls to the couch and I run my hand over my tits. My nipples are hard from the cold, wet bikini, only making them sensitive to my touch.

  I palm my breast, squeezing it hard and watching as he mimics the movement on his cock then grins. “Fuck, baby. You’re perfect but I need to touch you. Taste you.”

  “You will,” I promise.

  I release my breast and pull on the two knots on either side of my bikini bottoms just as slowly as I had with the top. The flimsy material falls away and I slide my hand over my hip and down between my legs, feeling my wetness staining my fingertips.

  I gently circle my clit, not once taking my eyes off Charlie.

  He looks pained, desperate and I decide not to torture him any longer.

  Knowing I won’t make it if we fooled around first, I glance down at his discarded jeans. “Do you have a condom?” He gives the slightest nod and I sigh a breath of relief. “You’re going to need to put that on.”

  A seductive grin crosses his face and within seconds the foil wrapper is between his hands. Not willing to release the hand on his dick, he raises the condom to his mouth to tear it open with his teeth and I pinch it from his fingers. “Let me.”

  Charlie steps closer to me and as I tear the little foil packet open, his free hand falls to my waist before running up and down my skin. I take hold of his large size and slide the condom over his impressive length, loving the way his eyes flutter closed at my touch.

  I grab hold of his shoulders and push him down to the couch. He instantly looks up at me, his eyes burning with lust as I remain standing. I step over him, a foot on either side of his thighs, showing him everything that he gets to play with before sinking down over him.

  I line myself up with his cock and drop down over him until he’s fully seated inside of me. My head falls to his shoulder, my eyes closed as I get used to his size. “Shit, Charlie.”

  He groans low, taking my hips to hold me still. “Take your time, baby.”

  I start rocking back and forth, getting used to him until I’m ready to go. I pull back and meet his eyes. “I’m good. I need to move.”

  His hand spanks down on my ass and we both groan. “Fuck, yes.”

  I start moving, riding his cock like a fucking cowgirl at a rodeo. He meets me with every thrust while he sucks my nipple into his mouth. His fingers tighten on my hips and up until now, he’s let me take control but I know he’s dying to take charge. While he’s down with being fucked, he wants to fuck me and he wants to do it right.

  Without missing a beat, he scoots down on the couch and the new position has his cock slamming against my G-spot and making my eyes clench. “Yes,” I scream, panting with need, knowing damn well that the boys can hear me out by the pool.

  “Don’t you dare fucking come. Not yet,” he growls, not even close to being finished with me.

  Charlie’s arm curls around my waist and within the space of two seconds, he flips us over until my back is pressing against the soft cushions of the couch. He doesn’t skip a beat and picks up my rhythm right where I left off, only in this position, he’s able to dive so much deeper.

  My leg is hitched up over his hip as he slams into me and I hold onto him, begging him not to stop. Charlie presses his hand down between us and starts rubbing lazy circles against my clit, making my orgasm build like never before.

  I’m right on the edge and when his hand spanks down on my ass once again, my orgasm tears through me. Charlie doesn’t stop moving and I clench down around him, loving the ecstasy on his face as he watches me come undone.

  My leg falls from around his hip but when he grins down at me, I know he’s not nearly done. He flips me over until I'm on my knees with my back against his solid chest and his hard cock firmly against my ass. He pushes me down, pressing my chest against the soft cushions leaving my ass high in the air, ready and waiting.

  His groan is nearly enough to have me coming again, but something tells me that I don’t have to worry about that. Charlie isn’t the kind of guy to walk away, leaving a woman with only one ground-shattering orgasm. If he’s going to tear it apart, then he’s going to make sure his job is thoroughly done. What can I say? I love an overachiever.

  He takes my hips and rocks me back toward him. “You said you wanted it rough,” he comments, his voice low and dangerously addictive. “Are you sure you can handle it? I don’t want to hold back.”

  I wiggle my ass, letting him know I’m ready. “Fuck me, Charlie.”

  Just like I’d said to Spencer, Charlie isn’t the kind to need to be told twice. He slams into me hard and fast and I scream out while trying to fist my fingers into the material of the cushions. I can practically feel him in my throat, and damn it, I’m going to be feeling him with every step I take for the next few days.

  His fingers clench and I know it’s going to bruise yet that only has me pushing my ass back into him, wanting more.

  My hand slips down beneath me and I rub my clit as he tortures me with his cock. His hand roams over my ass and down past my crack until his fingers are lightly pressing against my hole.

  I suck in a breath. I’ve never been wild enough to explore with that but the small amount of pressure he’s giving me has me desperately rethinking. This is fucking good.

  He pushes a little harder and picks up his pace. His other hand at my hip squeezes and just like that, we both come hard until we’re crashing down on the couch, completely and utterly spent.

  Chapter 23

  “I heard he fucked her on Carrington’s kitchen counter.”

? I heard she took it in the ass like a desperate little slut.”

  “Bullshit. That’s not what happened. She sucked him off all night, rode him real fucking hard, and let him come all over those big tits of hers.”

  “Damn, I can’t wait to fuck that little bitch. I’ll show her what it’s like to really fuck.”

  “Wanna double up? I bet a kinky bitch like that wouldn’t mind a little sharing.”

  What the actual fuck? I knew I shouldn’t have come to school today. I had a bad feeling about this.

  I step out from behind Milo’s massive frame and take a look at the three juniors standing behind us. They’re fucking skinny little computer nerds. I don’t doubt that these guys are referring to me and Charlie but what’s funny is that if these guys even tried to fuck me, I’d probably break their fragile little bones in the process.

  “The fuck did you just say?”

  All three pairs of eyes snap to me before widening in fear. “Oh, shit,” the one in the center gasps.

  Damn fucking right.

  I don’t hold back and luckily for me, Milo has my back just as I knew he would. I go for the guy in the center and shove my hands into his chest until his back slams against the brick wall behind him.

  The fucker looks as though he’s about to piss his pants and secretly, I hope he does. It will serve as a lesson that nobody is going to get away with talking about me like that. Not to their friends, certainly not to me, hell, not even to themselves. If my crew had overheard that, the three of them would already be in the ground, but as Colton pointed out, I have an issue with leaning on them when I should be handling my problems myself.

  Milo grabs the two others and easily restrains them. He probably loves being a part of a boy sandwich but truth be told, these boys probably aren’t his type. I bet he’s more of a muscly, golden pretty boy type … say, someone like Spencer.

  I press up into the guy, putting my hand around his throat the same way Nic had taught me. Nic actually taught me a whole lot about bringing a man to his knees and defending myself against dickheads like this. He kind of got off on it. There’s something about violence that gets him worked up and I can’t deny that I’m finally starting to understand it. I’ll have to tell him all about it. Not the part about why I had to do it of course because that will be classified as running for help and I can’t have that.

  “I know you weren’t just talking about me,” I say, giving the guy's throat a little squeeze and watching the way his eyes bug out of his head with fear.

  “I wasn’t. I swear.”

  “You swear?” I question, narrowing my eyes.

  He tries to nod and I give him a sweet smile, refusing to let up on my hold. We both know he’s lying, just like we both know that I’m not squeezing hard enough to cause any damage, just a little discomfort. “Then please, fill me in on the gossip. Who’s the kinky bitch that’s about to be double-teamed? Wait … what did you say she did? Got fucked on the kitchen counter after sucking the guy off all night and letting him destroy her ass?”

  The guy looks to his friends who are too shit scared to say a word before looking to Milo for help, but they should know better. This is my show and I’ll run it the way I see fit.

  He looks back at me. “I … I don’t know. I just heard tha—”

  “You heard wrong,” I tell him. “Who the fuck has been talking shit?”

  He looks back over my head at Milo who scoffs. “I’d hurry up and tell her what the fuck she’s looking for before you really fuck up and piss her off. Trust me, this is tame. You don’t want to see this bitch when her claws come out.”

  The guy panics and takes a deep breath before meeting my eyes. “Fine. Charlie was boasting about it during health but half of the guys already knew.”

  “What was he saying?”

  “Just that he sealed the deal with you and that you were fucking wild.”

  I push into him harder, not sure if I should be happy about the wild comment or fuming that he was stupid enough to tell the world about it. “How did the other guys already know?”

  “I don’t know,” he groans, his eyes beginning to fill with tears. “I just heard them talking.”

  I roll my eyes and let out a frustrated huff. “If I ever hear you or any of your scrawny little friends talking about me, or any woman, like that again, I’m going to tear off your good for nothing balls and then feed them to you. Got it?”

  He nods viciously and after a silent pause, I release my hold. The guy runs with his dickhead friends trailing behind, every single one of them tripping over their own feet in their desperate need to escape.

  I turn to Milo.

  “Are you okay?” he asks before I get a chance to start ranting.

  I start storming toward the cafeteria. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Oh, okay. We’re really doing this?” he rushes out, hurrying after me while digging into the pockets of his expensive school blazer. “Hold up. Let me get my phone first. I need to record this shit.”

  I ignore him as I continue toward the cafeteria. Milo’s legs are twice the size as mine and in his desperation to see Charlie Bryant get his ass kicked, he’ll probably beat me there.

  As I storm through the hallway, unwanted attention falls on me. Hands start reaching out, my tits are grabbed, my ass squeezed, and then come the comments.

  “How much?”

  “Wanna fuck?”

  “I’ll tap that sweet ass for you.”

  Fury tears through me. How fucking hard is it to get through one goddamn day at this school without being sexually harassed?

  This bullshit was starting to settle down until Charlie had to go and open his big fucking mouth. Now every bastard here thinks I’m some cheap whore who will drop her panties for anyone.

  This is humiliating. He turned a great night into a fucking nightmare.

  Just as expected, Milo gets to the cafeteria a slight moment before I do and slams through the double doors like a fucking queen, taking away the moment for me. I’m going to have to speak to him about this. There’s nothing better than being the one who gets to slam through the doors and make a dramatic entrance. That freaking spotlight stealer.

  All eyes shoot our way and it’s as though I have a sign above my head saying ‘I’m down for a gang bang.’ They all start heading my way and within seconds, I have fifty horny teenagers crowding around me, touching, groping, feeling.

  Comments are thrown my way, my hand is grabbed and rubbed against someone’s dick and then to top it all off, a fucking hand shoots straight up my skirt.

  Panic rises within me. I have to get out of here.

  What the fuck is this?

  Their laughter and taunting is so damn loud that I can no longer make out a single voice let alone my own terrified scream.

  Milo starts pushing guys away but there are too many of them and he’s quickly overpowered. More people join while others try to help but it’s not until Colton’s loud “LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE,” comes tearing through the cafeteria that the chaos ceases.

  Students start getting pulled away from each direction as Milo continues pushing guys away from the inside of the circle. It’s like I’m a tiny little bunny that’s been thrown in the hungry lion’s den. It’s absolute bullshit.

  I’ve never seen anything like this before and it makes me wonder why. There have been comments like that thrown around about me since day one, so why the insane chaos now? These guys see girls every weekend at parties. Why would they all of a sudden come at me like this? It doesn’t make sense … unless someone put them up to it.

  Fuck. How blatantly obvious. How could I have not seen this straight away?

  Realizing that their fun is over, the guys slowly begin slinking away but it doesn’t stop the few last stragglers from trying to feel me up. They get pushed aside and soon enough, it’s me standing in the middle of a small circle with five boys protectively crowded around me; Colton, Milo, Charlie, Spencer, and Jude.

  The last
two confuse me. I don't know why they would help but I’m grateful.

  Colton’s eyes roam over my body, checking that I’m okay, but all my attention is on Charlie. I ball my hands into fists and keep them glued to my side, resisting the urge to break his nose. “You just had to go and open your big mouth,” I yell with tears filling my eyes. “What the fuck was that, huh? I told you to fuck me, not to fuck me over.”

  Charlie’s mouth drops. “I don’t … what do you mean? I only told the boys.”

  “Bullshit. You were just boasting about it during your health class. What the fuck, Charlie? This is all on you. How would you feel if this was your mother, or your sisters, your cousins? I shouldn’t have to be scared of being sexually assaulted every time I walk into this fucking school. It’s already bad enough as it is and now this? Are you fucking insane?”

  “What are you talking about?” he demands, making the anger bubble up inside me which only pisses me off more. I’ve never had a guy make me regret climbing into bed with him until now. “I didn’t put them up to this.”

  Jude scoffs. “Sexually harassed? They were just making crude comments and getting in your face. I’d hardly call that sexual harassment.”

  I turn on him as the others seem to shut the hell up. “Are you kidding me? Unsolicited demands to get on my knees and suck someone’s dick is the definition of sexual harassment. Not to mention that in the last two minutes, my tits have been grabbed by fifty different hands, my ass has been squeezed, hands have slipped up my skirt, pulled on my underwear. What is the fucking matter with you? Oh, hold on. It only counts as sexual harassment with you once the deal is done and the cops are called.”

  Colton steps in closer. “What are you talking about? They were just getting in your face.”

  I shake my head but it’s Milo who speaks up. “Nah, man. It was fucking bad. You probably couldn’t see it from outside the circle but nearly every fucker in this goddamn cafeteria just copped a feel. It was fucking wrong. Someone put them up to this.”


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