Sinners MC: A Motorcycle Club Anthology

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Sinners MC: A Motorcycle Club Anthology Page 5

by Evan Grace

  Capone took a glance in Saige’s direction. She hadn’t moved. The poor woman must not have slept in a long time. Returning his attention to the stove, he moved the pan to a cooler spot.

  “So, we can assume this might have been the case here?” Saige fled a bad relationship only to be found by this monster and either had to flee or pay. But could it have been this Taylor dipshit that’d roughed her up?

  “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Thanks for the help. I owe you.” Capone grabbed a plate from the cupboard and covered it with a paper towel.

  “You should never tell anyone in the mob that.” Arlo chuckled into the phone. “We’ll make you an offer you don’t dare refuse.”

  “Hey, I’ve seen how you work. We got your back.” The Tribe trusted the Caponellis and vice versa, and that was important. “Call me anytime and I’ll come running.”

  “Same here. Catch you later.”

  “Will do, and thanks again, man.” He ended the call and started to carefully place the tasty pieces of meat on the plate to drain.

  “That smells delicious.” Her sultry voice almost made his hair stand on end. Somehow, he missed that last night. He’d remembered her speech as tight and controlled; now it was low, sexy, and more relaxed.

  Capone turned, leaned against the counter, and folded his arms in front of his chest. “How did you sleep?”

  She ruffled a hand through her hair, attempting to smooth out the strands. “The best I have in a long, long time.” Saige fidgeted with the shirt he’d draped around her last night.

  “The bathroom is in there if you need it. There’s a pack of toothbrushes on the counter. Feel free to use one.”

  Her face turned a pretty pink, as she nodded and started to turn. “Hey, how do you like your eggs?”

  “I’m not fussy. I’ll leave it up to the cook.” She smiled before leaving the room. That voice again. For some messed-up reason, it calmed and soothed him. Maybe it was just the fact Saige was here. In his home. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d brought a woman home. Capone appreciated his time alone but still he wouldn’t mind getting to know Saige better.

  “Over easy, it is.” Grabbing eggs from the fridge, he added some bacon bits and cheese to his supplies. Using a different pan, he plopped some butter and swirled it around. Adding eggs, he let them simmer and tossed in some pepper and parsley. When they looked just right, he flipped everything over and tossed some shredded cheese on top.

  Shoving some books and motorcycle magazines aside, he made room for them to eat. It briefly crossed his mind to wonder when the last time someone had been there. He couldn’t remember. Solitude was peaceful; if he wanted to be around people, he’d head to the club.

  When Saige didn’t return, he started to worry. Was she okay? “Saige?” he called out before heading toward the bathroom. The door was open, but she wasn’t inside. His house wasn’t that big, so there weren’t that many places she could be. Dread filled him with a dose of embarrassment thrown in. His hobby wasn’t something he shared with many people.

  Walking to his spare room as quietly as possible, he spied Saige studying the different items in his special room. He cleared his throat and leaned against the door frame.

  Saige jumped and turned around. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spy, but this…these are amazing.” She twirled around before facing him again. “Are you the artist?”

  He nodded.

  “Tell me more.” Her eyes were wide, and she bounced on her toes.

  “What’s there to say? I loved drawing as a kid. A teacher in high school thought I had talent and got me interesting in painting.”

  “There’s so many different ones also. Landscapes, portraits, animals, and this one of the woman by the motorcycle. That’s Tracy. I’d know her anywhere.”

  “Yeah, I just finished it and was saving it for her birthday.”

  “Capone, I work at a small art gallery in Chicago. You should do a show. People would pay a fortune for these.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not interested.”

  “What? Why?”

  Capone exhaled and pointed to his face.

  “What because of the scar? What does that have to do with it?”

  “No art gallery will want to have a show with someone that looks like me.” Just thinking about it brought back nightmares. He’d even been a candidate for an art scholarship. As a kid from a poor family, that was huge. Unfortunately, the night before his high school art show, he decided to go and celebrate with some friends in town. There were tons of people in town that weekend. As they passed a bar, they were pushed to the sidewalk when a couple guys fighting crashed through the front door. One had a bottle in his hand. He crashed it on the concrete and turned to attack his opponent. Regretfully, the glass met Capone’s face instead. The doctors told him later he was lucky he didn’t lose an eye. Some luck. He missed the art show and lost interest in pretty much everything after that. Until the Tribe of Mayhem motorcycle club showed up, that was, but Saige didn’t need to hear either story right now.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” Saige started again. “People love interesting artists. A bad-ass biker that can paint. They would eat that up.”

  “Speaking of eating. The food’s getting cold.” He turned and headed back to the kitchen with Saige trailing behind.

  “Well, thanks again for the accommodations and giving me a ride. I promise to pay you back when I can get to an ATM.” Saige took the seat he pulled out for her.

  “The only thing you owe me is answers and you’re not leaving until I get them.”

  Chapter Three

  He set a heaping plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of her before going to the fridge for some OJ, milk, and maple syrup. At least he’d just gone grocery shopping not too long ago so there was plenty to eat.

  “How about you tell me about your paintings instead? That sounds much more interesting.” Saige tucked both hands under her knees and stared at him.

  “No, I want to hear about you,” he insisted.

  “If I share my story, then will you tell me their stories?” Her head nodded toward the other room.

  She bit her lip and looked up from her plate.

  Those eyes of hers drew him in. Saige was becoming a danger to him. Something he yearned for and needed but didn’t want to let go. Maybe she had that effect on the other man and that’s what landed her here.

  “Deal,” he finally relented. “You go first.”

  She smiled and reached for the syrup. Saige popped the top and poured it over both the pancakes and bacon. Taking it from her, Capone did the same. The girl just eased her way into his heart a little more. If she was able to eat everything on her plate, they just might be soulmates. He laughed at the lovesick thoughts racing through his head. The fuck! He needed to get out more.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Picking up her fork and knife, she used both to finely cut and eat her food. She had manners much higher than the usual chicks he hung out with and did she just place a paper towel on her lap like it was a napkin?

  “No, just thinking about something else.” He took a healthy bite of food to give him time to figure out what to ask next. “Tell me, why did you say that man from last night was trying to kill you? Did he cause the bruises?”

  “It’s complicated.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Most things usually are.”

  Saige followed his example and took a bite of eggs instead of answering. “These are really good.”

  “Yeah, now spill or I’ll take them away.” Her eyes got big, and Capone winked.

  She pulled the plate closer and narrowed her eyes. Chuckling, he admired her spunk.

  “Let me finish eating and I’ll tell you everything I know.”

  “It’s a deal, but at least tell me where you’re from.”

  “Here.” She waved her fork in the air. “I was born and raised here in Genoa.”

  “Really? You don’t live here now?” That was a
surprise. How did he not know her?

  “After I graduated from high school, I decided I wanted to get out and see the world.” Saige frowned and took a sip of milk. “It didn’t work out so well.”

  “So, you came home?” He grabbed the pot of coffee and poured them each a cup. “Do you have family here?”

  “Like I said, it’s complicated.” Saige turned her attention to her breakfast again and seemed to tune him out. Capone’s spirits took a tumble. At first, he cursed having to babysit this woman, but as much as he hated to admit it, in the short time she’d been there, he was actually starting to enjoy having her around. She was a mystery, and that was something that had always intrigued him. If he still wanted her around after discovering all Saige’s secrets, well, that still remained to be seen.

  “I can wait.” He’d eaten much faster than his guest. Pushing his plate back, he leaned back in his chair. The front legs came off the ground. Maybe he wasn’t ready to hear what she had to say just yet. Hell, maybe she was married. At least he could pretend she was available for a while longer. Pretend he might have a chance with someone clearly out of his league. “Got any plans for today?”

  “Huh? No, and my car isn’t going anywhere even if I felt safe enough to retrieve it.”

  “If that man is following you, he’s going to hang out in the area looking for you. Where’s the last place he would expect to find you?”

  Her gaze landed on his cut that was draped over a nearby chair. “With a biker gang.”

  “Good. Then I’ll have to introduce you to the rest of the guys.” Capone smiled while trying to guess what her reaction would be.

  Saige lifted her chin. “Is this a dangerous club or just a bunch of guys having a midlife crisis?”

  “We have a few old timers in the group, but most are just bad to the bone. I promise not to kill anyone in front of you or make you an accessory to a crime.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened again as Saige finished off her juice. “Are you serious? What do you do? How bad is it?”

  “I can’t tell you. I’d have to show you,” he teased. “Interested?”

  Her finger traced a circle on the tabletop as she seemed to ponder her answer.

  “Well? Do I introduce you to the club on the back of my bike or do I take you somewhere else?” Never one to believe in luck, he still crossed his fingers under the table.

  Her eyes lit up for the first time since she’d come into his life. “Bike.”

  “That’s my girl.”


  He took it easy on her, but then what did she expect? Maybe he’d just made that up to scare her. They didn’t go to a notorious drug deal with Russian warlords or sell guns to gangbangers. Instead Capone took her for a ride on his bike to some of his favorite spots. Local places, some that she knew about but never stopped at while others she knew well but never remembered seeing him there. It was hard to believe they’d grown up in the same small town but had never met. Sure, he was a few years older than her, but they’d probably at some time passed each other in a school hallway.

  Capone was tall, dark, and exotic. She’d been so painfully shy in her younger years; Saige most likely had her nose in a book and never looked up. Most of her time had been spent on the lake. She even did a stint working on the mail boat in Genoa. The early morning cruise that tourists adored was how locals living on the lake received their post. The mail boys or girls would jump off the front of the boat and onto the dock, put the mail in the postbox, and then hop back on the back of the large ship.

  The boat went slow, but occasionally one would miss getting back on board in time. Her first day was humiliating, yet her parents wouldn’t let her quit. She looked like a drowned rat after falling twice. At least the riders were kind and cheered when Saige made it after her third attempt.

  “What are you thinking about?” She and Capone sat on the dock eating some lunch they’d picked up. It was nothing fancy, just some burgers and fries, but it was the company that made it better.

  “You know the mail boat they do in the morning in Genoa?”

  “Of course. The tourists love that.” He dipped a French fry in ketchup and fed it to her. “What made you think of that?”

  “I used to do that.” She laughed. “Well, in the summers during high school.”

  “I worked at the pier as a busboy in those days.”

  They talked for another hour about growing up where they did. Capone was easy to talk to and never judged, unlike her parents. It was hard to believe that he was such a talented artist and yet also the member of a gang. The same could be said about his face. So handsome and stunning on the one side, yet scarred and tragic on the other. It just made him more appealing to her. Gave him more depth than the people she was used to hanging around, and best of all, he seemed just as interested in her.

  The next place they traveled was a scenic overlook. It had a stunning view of the valley below.

  “I recognize this place.” She rushed to the viewing sight.

  “Here I thought I might be taking you someplace new.” Capone leaned his elbow on the railing closest to the edge.

  “You did, but this was one of your paintings.” She mirrored his stance and inhaled his scent. He didn’t wear cologne but smelled of leather, pine, and whatever fresh shampoo he’d chosen this morning.

  “I never paint anything that I don’t love looking at, that doesn’t make me feel something, or that doesn’t make me happy. This is one of those places.”

  “But you do other works of art, right? Like you did in school.” That he was such a talented painter still mystified her.

  “Of course, but right now I do it solely for pleasure.” He was quiet for a moment. “You really think people might be interested in buying some?” It was hard to believe he didn’t realize it.

  “Absolutely. I know for a fact they would.” Her mind raced with ideas. She still kept up with what was going on in town and knew for a fact there was retail space on Main Street that would make a great gallery. They could sell the originals at a high price and make copies to sell cheaper. The tourists would love a keepsake to take home with them. Even the portraits he’d done were masterpieces. “I know many of my parents’ friends that would pay a fortune for you to do their likeness to hang in their mansions. You would be the eccentric artist that rides a motorcycle and paints on the side.”

  “What about you? Would you consider staying here and helping me sell them?” His eyes focused on her as if trying to see through to her soul.

  Until the last few moments, she’d not really thought about it. But there was nothing holding her in the Windy City. Saige hadn’t felt like she belonged there either, but maybe she just hadn’t found the right people to hang around with. Being with Capone, she felt comfortable in her own skin.

  “Maybe.” She turned to look at the view again. “Maybe I will.”

  The rest of the day they just drove around before returning to his home. Never once did she consider calling her brother or parents. Her time here with Capone was her escape. A fantasy she could relish for the time being. If someone had told her a week ago she’d be comfortable staying in some biker’s home, she’d say they needed to be committed, yet here Saige was.

  It was a perfect night as well. Her handsome host made steaks for supper. After a few drinks and the good food, she was feeling better than she had in a long, long time. As she snuck a peek at the man sitting close to her on the couch, she realized something else. Saige was also horny. When was the last time she’d had sex? As Capone moved his arm to the back of the couch behind her, a nervous laugh escaped her mouth.

  “Something funny?” He gazed down at her. Capone always tried to stay to the right of her, like he was ashamed of the other side of his face, but she’d purposely sat on his left.

  “I was just thinking maybe you were trying to put the moves on me.” She shrugged her shoulders, and her cheeks flushed.

  “Is that what you want me to do? Remember, I said you’r
e safe here, and I mean it.”

  It was true she did feel safe here with him. For once in her life, Saige wanted to break out of her little shell and live life to the fullest. Take the bull by the horns, so to speak. It was totally out of character for her to want to jump the bones of someone she’d just met. It also dawned on her that she had to stop living in the past; this was her future. Life was short, and she wanted to experience it. Experience Capone.

  Joy bubbled up inside as she reached out to touch both sides of his face. Smiling brightly, Saige nodded before touching her lips to his. It was a tender kiss, one that she needed. One that said, “I got you and I’m here for you.” When it ended, she leaned in for more, but Capone held a finger to her lips.

  “I know we just met and you probably think this is all bullshit, but Saige, I want you. Now. In my bed. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. You’ll probably go back to your life and never think of me again but…”

  This time it was her that put a finger to his mouth. “Then give me a night I’ll never forget.” It was corny as hell, but it was simple and true. Never in her life had she been promiscuous, but being an adult sometimes meant going after what one wanted.

  Before she knew it, Saige was naked and in Capone’s bed. Neither cared right now about taking things slow; they had all night. She could have stared at his gorgeous body all night long, but there would be time for that later. His mouth and hands were everywhere, kissing, stroking, and worshipping every spot of flesh he could find. As she arched her back, Capone took her breast in his hand and sucked the nipple to a hard peak. When his lips touched hers again, his kisses made her swoon. It was happening fast and furious, but right now that’s all she wanted.

  Reaching for his nightstand drawer, Capone made fast use of a condom. His cock nudged her opening, and they were soon joined. His gaze never left hers as he started to move. Slow at first before thrusting at a rapid pace. Her heart pounded, her thighs quivered, she was on fire, rising higher and higher. Her climax was one for the record books, if there was such a thing. If she could put it in words, Saige could fill a whole book. It wasn’t just sex. This was a connection. They met for a reason. She knew it. What tomorrow held didn’t matter. The whole night he either held her or made love to her, and she never wanted to leave this bed.


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