Betrayed by Blood

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Betrayed by Blood Page 4

by Allison West

  Lorelei followed behind Aaron, casting her votes.

  "What now?" she whispered to him as they stepped further back into the crowd, letting others cast their vote. "What do you think will happen?"

  He had no idea how the country would vote. They weren't being given the choice of the sentence for the crime. If Gideon and August were found guilty, they'd be put to death. Was it possible to aide in their escape? Right now they were both in cuffs and chains, making it difficult to run and obvious should they try and move with any haste. The links would rattle and the ball at their feet weighing the cuffs down would be unbearable. Neither were incredibly strong. They hadn't needed to be, there were always servants to do heavy labor.

  "They'll probably be executed," Aaron said. The nightly bursts of anger and fire that smacked the palace walls was the only hope the former prince had of a few not-guilty verdicts. Much of the nation seemed aligned with Rhys's new rule. How had that happened? What had the people needed so badly that they had turned their back on their king?

  "Any sign of your other brother, the one that you were looking for earlier?" Lorelei asked.

  "James?" His eyes scouted through the crowd. "I don't see him." Could he have left the palace like Henry had done? Aaron didn't blame his brother for fleeing. It was probably a wise decision. How would Rhys handle the former prince after August and Gideon were executed? Would he still be pleasant toward Aaron or would he have exactly what he wanted and no longer have the need for him?

  Aaron was the face for the rebel leader, whether he intended to be or not. Giving a verdict, instilling power in Rhys, he'd worked right into his hand. He'd been played. How could he have not seen it sooner?

  If the people wanted a revolt against Rhys, they'd been waiting anxiously for Aaron to give it to them. Instead he stood watching as citizens cast their vote. He'd been a coward at the worst moment possible.

  The line only seemed to stretch onward as it grew later into the day. It wasn't too late. He could still fight back, but how? Rebel soldiers snaked along the line, armed and ready should the need arise.

  Quietly he tugged Lorelei's hand and pulled her with him away from the crowd of onlookers. They needed to make a bomb, detonate it, and help Gideon and August escape. Time wasn't on their side.

  Chapter Six

  "What are you two up to?" Luna asked as she quietly walked into the hall.

  Aaron was knee deep in the supply closet, searching for cleaning tools that would form a weapon. He remembered one of his servants growing up telling him never to mix bleach and ammonia because it created chloramine, which caused coughing, burning eyes, shortness of breath, and chest pain. How would dosing everyone outside be feasible? Aaron needed it to rain, forcing everyone inside but the sky was sunny. The weather wasn't cooperating for him.

  "Just cleaning up a mess," Lorelei said, keeping her tone casual. She didn't stray too far from the truth either.

  An explosion would be his best chance to get August and his father free, but he knew nothing of how to make a bomb. It wasn't as though one was lying around in a supply closet for him to start the timer.

  "Oh. Sounds awfully boring," Luna said.

  Aaron couldn't trust Luna. She had evidently confided in Rhys which meant she was one of them, a rebel soldier. How would he get her to leave? He didn't want to hurt her or tie her up in the closet while they worked on their plan to rescue his family. Besides, she hadn't figured out what they were up to.

  "Lorelei, will you go with Luna and grab some additional rags and maybe a glass of water. It's a bit stuffy in here. I could use something to drink."

  "Sure," Lorelei said and smiled, probably knowing that Aaron was trying to get rid of Luna nicely. Though he wanted Lorelei's help, if keeping Luna away was her involvement, he was fine with it. Now, if only he knew what to make a bomb out of.

  Aaron dug through the cabinets and paused, hearing heavy boots behind him.

  "Can I help you with something?" a guard asked.

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. At least Lorelei wasn't around to get caught.

  "Just looking for a mop to clean up the mess around here." Aaron tried to think quickly on his feet. The palace was still in a state of disarray after the attack. Windows had been boarded and rubble brushed aside, but the palace wasn't neat and tidy like it'd been with Gideon as king.

  Swiftly, he mixed bleach and rubbing alcohol, dousing the contents onto a cloth. He spun around, shoving the damp liquid over the guards face. The man dropped to the floor, unconscious. Aaron dragged him into the supply closet, not knowing where else to hide the guard. At least Rhys wouldn't be searching for him for quite some time, too busy with the vote.

  "Aaron?" Luna's voice caught in her throat as she carried a glass of water in her hands, walking alongside Lorelei.

  "Fuck," Aaron said under his breath. Nothing seemed to go as planned.

  "What are you doing?" Luna asked as they approached.

  Aaron swung the closet door shut but the pair of legs only pushed it open when the latch didn't clasp onto the door lock.

  Luna gasped, her eyes widened and she opened her mouth. The glass of water slipped from her palms, shattering and spilling all over the tiled floor.

  Lorelei dropped the rags in her grasp and shoved her hand over the young woman's mouth. "Quiet!"

  Luna fought back, trying to scream, her voice muffled until she came face-to-face with Aaron. The silence engulfed them as the only sound that could be heard was Luna's heavy panting.

  He couldn't put her in the supply closet with the guard and taking her down to the dungeon would take time he didn't have. Aaron needed to show he was a leader, become the prince he was destined to be, and even though he knew he'd never be king, he needed to act as one, command his people and take ownership of the nation's problems.

  "You won't scream," Aaron said, his voice stern.

  Luna swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded adamantly. Her lips remained shut and she made no attempt to flee.

  "What are we going to do with her?" Lorelei asked with trepidation. "The minute she steps outside, she'll inform Rhys that we're in here."

  "No, I won't. I swear I won't tell anyone," Luna said. "I don't even know what's going on."

  "Says the girl pleading for her life," Lorelei said, mocking Luna.

  "I mean nothing to Rhys. He won't even notice I'm gone. I have no allegiance toward anyone or a home. The palace is my refuge. Please don't take that away from me."

  "Well we don't plan to burn the place down," Aaron said.

  "Or blow it up," Lorelei added and smirked.

  It had been exactly what they intended to do, create a small explosion as a diversion to release the two prisoners, except neither knew what chemicals would create the reaction they intended. There wasn't much available either, putting a heavy restriction on their plan.

  Luna glanced between them, thoroughly confused. "What are you both doing inside? Why the supply closet?"

  She hadn't caught on and Aaron was grateful she seemed naive in many respects. "We were gathering the cleaning supplies for after the sentencing," Aaron said. He bent down, carefully mopping up the water with the rags and picking up the large shards of glass to ensure no one got hurt.

  "The prince is going to clean up his father's blood?" Luna frowned. "That's terrible! Why would Rhys make you do that?"

  Aaron tossed the shards of glass, every last one, into a bucket stored in the closet. It was probably for mopping the floor, not garbage. He didn't care, it was the easiest way to clean up the spill.

  Lorelei wrapped an arm around Luna's shoulder. "It is awful, isn't it? Rhys isn't the kind soldier he's led you to believe him to be. We need to think about Brayleigh and what we want for our nation. You must have been wondering why Aaron had been gone from the palace for so long."

  Luna's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly awaiting an explanation.

  "Aaron went off to rescue the two young women that had been sent into the courtesan s
lave trade. Together," Lorelei said, reaching for his hand, "we stopped the men responsible and saved the young women, offering them new lives. There are still slave traders in Brayleigh that need to be stopped with a force greater than that of the rebel army."

  "Who will stop them?" Luna asked. Her bottom lip quivered and she twirled her hair.

  "Aaron needs to rise and take the throne. It won't be easy and there are plenty of rebels that will try and stop him, but he's a good man. He deserves the opportunity to rule our nation justly."

  Luna shifted uncomfortably on her feet, thinking the idea over. "I don't know."

  If she wasn't buying him as a leader, no one else would either. Aaron couldn't believe how their shit poor plan had gone from bad to worse in a matter of minutes.

  "You have to trust us, Luna," Lorelei said.

  Luna smiled and dropped her hands to her sides. "Of course I trust you, but I don't think Rhys is going to go for it. He's outside ready to behead two royals. What makes you think he'll let you take the throne?"

  He hated how much Luna was right. His only hope was to see the verdict and hopefully even if it was guilty, Rhys would speak openly about the count, revealing how many still believed in the country as it was.

  Aaron needed to face the reality that he might not be able to save his family, but he could still have an opportunity to save his country.

  Chapter Seven

  Aaron stepped back outside into the crowd of citizens, blending in as best as possible. Those that had already cast their ballot stood eagerly awaiting the verdict.

  "I say we burn the bastard. He raped my daughter and then sold her off as a slave!" a woman's voice screamed from the crowd.

  Shouts further erupted and fists rose into the air in a rhythmic chant. "Burn the king."

  Lorelei brushed her lips against Aaron's ear. "We may be too late to save Gideon."

  Rhys rose his arms, silencing the crowd. "There will be no sentencing until the verdict is complete and everyone has had the opportunity to vote accordingly."

  Aaron hated to admit that the rebel leader knew how to calm the crowd.

  "As leader, what are you going to do about the slave trade?" Another voice shouted toward the front where Rhys stood.

  He folded his arms across his chest, his face contemplative. Was he deciding how to answer or determining what the people wanted to hear? Mixed among them were slave traders. Would they revolt against him should he denounce all slave trading? Rhys had helped destroy the courtesan slave trade, but where did he stand when it came to him running the country?

  "We have armed guards sweeping the streets. Anyone we find in violation of the new law, harboring slaves, whether it is one or hundreds will find themselves up there with your former king and prince. Slavery of any person will be not tolerated."

  Most of the crowd cheered in response to Rhys's comment. Though not everyone was in agreement with him. Aaron easily spotted the men that must have been slave traders or owned slaves at their home. They stood out as they scowled at the rebel leader, angry with his decision to end the slave trade. A few moved within the crowd, forming a pact together like animals as they whispered amongst one another their discontent.

  "They're going to revolt," Lorelei said into Aaron's ear. "You see it, don't you?"

  Aaron nodded. He didn't know what was planned, but he was certain that the slave traders would retaliate.

  * * * * *

  The last of the votes were in and a guard counted each slip of paper, keeping a tally as the numbers were added up.

  As of the current count, both Gideon and August were to be executed. Only a half dozen slips of paper remained, neither enough to save either royal.

  Shots rang through the crowd.

  Aaron ducked, pulling Lorelei onto the ground, shielding her from danger. Who was their target? His father would face the guillotine soon enough. No one needed to force it any sooner.

  Blood trickled from Rhys's lips as his knees buckled and he collapsed in front of the people.

  "Stay down. Get inside if you can," Aaron said to Lorelei.

  Chaos ensued with some citizens scurrying away from the palace and others lying on the ground covering their heads, probably praying it would be over soon.

  "Enough!" Aaron shouted into the void of screams and panic, coming back with silence. He rushed to the rebel leader's side. He may not have liked the man, especially lately, but his plan hadn't been to kill him. At least not yet, and certainly not in front of the citizens of Brayleigh.

  They needed a leader, someone that could carry out the sentence and prove themselves worthy. Bending down to Rhys's body, blood seeped through his chest and bubbled out of his mouth. He reached down, feeling for a pulse. It was non-existent. Someone murdered Rhys.

  "Guards!" Aaron shouted, taking command. This was his opportunity, the chance to rise in power and show that he could be the leader that Brayleigh needed. "Don't let anyone leave the palace lawn." He would catch whoever murdered Rhys. Maybe he couldn't award him a metal, even if he wanted to, but he would make the people feel safe. That was what was most important right now.

  "What about the verdict? The sentencing?" A woman rose slowly from the ground. No further gunfire erupted. "How do we know you didn't plan this all along? You could have hired someone to shoot our nation's new leader. A true leader would listen to the vote from the people."

  He knew she was right. If he wanted to prove his loyalty to his country, it would mean executing his brother and father. Fuck, that was not how he wanted the rule to end up. He had hoped there'd been the chance to offer them an escape, warn them never to return to the palace, and live in hiding or flee the nation entirely.

  Aaron turned to face Peter. "What is the final verdict?" The exact numbers no longer seemed to matter. Not like he'd had expected. One of his father's loyalists had sealed the deal in murdering Rhys.

  "Former King Gideon and Prince August are both found guilty of treason. How do you sentence them?" Peter asked.

  The crowd stared at Aaron, awaiting his judgment.

  "Son!" Gideon shouted, attempting to plead his case.

  Aaron didn't want to hear it. He shook his head no. "They will both be put to death by order of the new king of Brayleigh," Aaron said. He had given himself the new title, appointed by no one but him.

  Gasps erupted from the crowd. A few cheers and claps followed. Would the people respect his ruling and follow him as king or revolt against the palace a second time? He needed to tread carefully, avoiding the mistakes his father made while cautiously fixing the broken rule of the kingdom. They were weak and had there been any nations nearby like in another lifetime, they'd have been quickly overthrown.

  Aaron felt lucky the world had become so small after the Gem Apocalypse. Were there other survivors? He could not know. Perhaps as king he would order men to search for other nations and survivors. The world didn't have to be such a small place.

  "Guards, search everyone as they leave. At sunrise tomorrow, Gideon and August will face the guillotine." He may not have wanted to execute his family, but they'd committed enough crimes the punishment was fair. Aaron had to think about his country. Sometimes doing what was right wasn't particularly easy.

  He couldn't take the sight of the crowd any longer as he stalked inside the palace. Lorelei took off after Aaron, a few steps behind him as he headed further inside the building.

  "Where are you going?" she asked, her voice echoed off the stone walls.

  "I need time to think," he said. He wasn't a murderer. Ordering two family members to death made him the executioner, except he wasn't. His job was to give the orders. Another man would bring the guillotine down upon their heads.

  "Let me be with you, Aaron. Don't shut me out."

  He let her stay, taking her hand as he led her to the library and shut the door behind her.

  "How am I supposed to do it?" He knew it wasn't a choice. If he didn't follow through, he'd be a coward and it would risk his own head. Wi
thin a few days he'd probably be assassinated himself.

  "You show the country you put them above all else," Lorelei said.

  She was right, that was what he'd been intending to do when he'd taken back the throne. It wasn't that easy though. He'd never been particularly caught up in politics and learning the workings of a kingdom. Sure he knew about the maps, recognized land masses and knew where the people lived, but he wasn't privy to who farmed the land and how much the food cost to feed the entire nation. Aaron had never been expected to take the throne as the fourth prince.

  "Promise me you won't tell anyone of our conversation," Aaron said. He couldn't afford to look weak or insecure. His rule had to be tough but fair. "Did you see Henry or James in the crowd?" They probably feared for their lives. He didn't blame them. One small mistake and they would be sentenced to death.

  "Neither of the princes were in attendance today. I heard someone mention James left with the emerald. He took a boat this morning across the ocean."

  Aaron's stomach was a bundle of knots. His brother left and hadn't so much as said goodbye? Had they been worried Rhys and his men would come after them? The guards patrolled the palace, a few supposedly searched for slave traders. There weren't enough to hunt down the princes. Unless James had been concerned that the citizens would have carried out their own revolt.

  He'd witnessed the shooting at the palace. The people were enraged and looking for blood. Why they'd shot Rhys, he couldn't fathom, unless they were men loyal to Gideon and the crown. They were probably slave traders. Aaron needed to make it clear that he didn't condone such behavior. His rule sounded closer to Rhys's as the leader of the movement.

  "I'm sure he'll be fine. Same as Henry. They disappeared because they were afraid to face the people of Brayleigh. You're no coward, Aaron."


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