Betrayed by Blood

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Betrayed by Blood Page 6

by Allison West

  "Aaron," she whined, squirming as she tried to escape her discipline.

  He wouldn't let her go. Aaron paddled her bottom with his hand, ignoring his own sting of his palm as her bottom reddened because of him. "I will not have my queen disobey me." Swat after swat, he knew she would remember her punishment for quite some time. He didn't do this to hurt her. He wanted to teach her how to behave like a proper lady. It would do her good to follow the rules, prepare herself for being at his side on the throne.

  "Queen?" Lorelei asked, her mouth mumbling into the blankets on the mattress. She whimpered in protest of the spankings, her buttocks clenching with each forceful swat. She no longer tried to escape or fight the punishment, except for the constant whimper and groan as his hand came down on her rear.

  His eyes caught sight of her swollen pink folds and the sweet aroma that wafted made his cock harden in his pants. No. This was strictly about punishing Lorelei. He wasn't going to reward her tonight. Certainly not with what she'd done. She'd hurt him emotionally, those wounds would take time to heal.

  Aaron knew she wouldn't want to sit on her bottom for hours, perhaps it would be a helpful reminder for her not to make the same mistake again.

  "What have you learned today?" Aaron asked, his hand smoothing over the redness making sure he didn't leave any bruises. His intention was to teach Lorelei, not hurt her. He guided her panties and pants back up her thighs and helped her stand. The king sat on the edge of the bed, staring up at his love. "Tell me, Lorelei."

  She didn't say a word.

  Aaron didn't know if she was being sassy or just had no clue what she'd done to disappoint him. "You know the rules. We've talked about this before, Lorelei. A woman can't be a guard. Yes, hundreds of years ago the world was upside down and women fought in military battles, but we don't allow that anymore. It's not safe for the population, putting women at the frontlines, destroying our chance for survival." Women had the ability to conceive children which made them a valuable asset, especially in the past to the princes, who had desired to father many children. He knew some changes would begin, courtesans no longer forced to the palace upon their eighteenth birthday, but he didn't wish to endanger Lorelei or any other woman. That wasn't what he wanted to be remembered for when he no longer ruled.

  Lorelei didn't argue with him. He didn't know if she agreed or just thought it best to be quiet so she wouldn't find herself with another swat to her bottom.

  "Do you have anything to say?" Aaron asked. He was slowly growing annoyed with her lack of answers.

  "I just wanted to be brave. I thought you'd be proud of me for volunteering."

  Aaron sighed and reached out, pulling her closer to him. His arms wrapped around her waist, careful not to touch her sore bottom. "I'm proud of you, Lorelei, for so many other things. You're a survivor. You managed to live with that bastard slave owner for years and he never broke your spirit. I can't stand the thought of never seeing you again."

  She leaned her forehead against his and shut her eyes. "I know. I didn't think, I just acted. I do that sometimes."

  He noticed that she did that a lot. This time it landed her into a heap of trouble. Aaron couldn't demand she not join the explorative army. Although it was his right, she had volunteered in front of the nation. He risked others turning down their offers, which would get them nowhere. If he hadn't become king, together they could have traveled the open seas and seen what existed, on their own.

  That was a fantasy, nothing more for Aaron. He realized that now and sending Lorelei on the boat would break his heart. There was only one thing he could do to guarantee she wouldn't be allowed to leave.

  "Lorelei, I want you to marry me."

  "What?" Her eyes widened and she slipped from his grasp, taking a tentative step back. "Have you lost your mind?"

  "You don't want to be with me?" Aaron didn't understand why she said no.

  "I think we should talk about it before jumping into something so life changing. It's not just you and me, Aaron. The entire nation of Brayleigh will be looking up to me."

  Aaron hadn't thought that she'd have an issue with being queen. It wasn't as though Brayleigh had a queen for many decades. Gideon had made sure of it, bringing countless women to his room and sampling the ladies from the royal harem.

  "I know," he said. "You won't be required to lead the nation, just accompany me."

  Her eyes narrowed. "What you're saying is that I'm supposed to be your trophy? Do you parade me around and show me off when you have guests over?"

  Aaron stood, towering over her. "If you don't want to be my wife, then just say as much. Belittling the position of queen, however, is not acceptable."

  She pursed her lips together.

  Aaron had no idea what was running through her mind.

  "I accept. I'll be your queen on one condition."

  "I'm not sure it's open for negotiation, but go ahead." Aaron nodded.

  "If a woman decides she wants to join the explorative army or any other military group funded by our country, then she has that right. We've condemned the slave trade, we need to make it clear that women are equals."

  "No one's saying they're not," Aaron said, clarifying his position. "I just feel that we have to tread carefully. If all childbearing women went into battle, we could find our country in peril."

  Lorelei smiled warmly at her king. "Yes, but as far as we know we're the only people left in existence. I'm not too worried, and you shouldn't be either."

  He grumbled under his breath. "Yes, fine." If letting a woman join the military made Lorelei happy, who was he to tell her no. So long as it wasn't his queen.

  Chapter Ten

  The ceremony for the wedding and coronation were wrapped into one. Both were small and short, just as Lorelei desired. Aaron sent messengers with word that the new king had found a bride and would take only her to his chambers. There would be no more courtesans in Brayleigh, ever.

  The ballroom was set up with palace guests and invited attendees, which meant most of Brayleigh was welcome to celebrate with drinks, dancing, and music. Requirement for admittance was an elegant gown or courtesan dress for women and a classy old-fashioned business suit for men. A handful of wealthy merchants attended along with a few familiar faces of guards and palace staff.

  The palace felt like a true masterpiece with artisan flavor. It had never held such grace in all the years Aaron had lived there. The guards had done well to clean the palace up and make it presentable after the recent late night attacks.

  Paintings that Aaron had stolen from homes, or rather returned to Brayleigh, hung on the walls and in the ballroom. A fresh coat of paint made the palace appear more beautiful that it had before the rebels invaded.

  "Care to dance?" Lorelei asked Aaron. She held out her hand and he took it without a second thought.

  "Aren't I supposed to ask you to dance?" The king smiled at his queen. He led her onto the ballroom floor in the center of the room, wrapped one hand around her waist and kept the other in her hand as they glided across the floor in tune to the music.

  In the corner of the room, his eyes caught Luna twirling her hair and smiling with another young woman that leaned forward and kissed her in the shadows. At least she was happy at the palace. It was all he could ask for, things seemed to finally be going well.

  His gaze returned to Lorelei, focusing on his bride and his queen. Surely now that she was queen she had to understand that leaving the country would be a terrible idea. That conversation would come later. There was no point in drudging up another argument or to paddle her bottom sore on their wedding night.

  "What will I do, as queen?" Lorelei asked.

  The country needed a queen, more than Aaron had realized. Hundreds had come, wanting to be part of the historical ceremony. They stood out on the palace lawn, until the doors opened and they were invited into the ballroom for the festivities.

  "You will be one of my advisors," Aaron said. "People will come to you, seeking help. You
'll listen to their story and determine if they are justly in need and we have the ability and resources to offer them aid."

  "That sounds kind of nice," Lorelei said. "Is that what your father used to do?"

  Aaron laughed under his breath. The idea absurd. "Hardly. We're trying to invoke change and the best way to do that is grant an audience with the queen."

  "How many people are we talking about, Aaron?"

  The music slipped from one song to the next. The king took her hand and led her off the dance floor. He grabbed two glasses from one of the waiters carrying a tray of wine, offering them each a drink. "Only as many of an audience you wish to have. Start with one day a week for an hour or two. If you feel it worthwhile, offer more time."

  "What if they desire something I can't give them?" Lorelei asked.

  She sounded nervous. Aaron finished his glass of wine, placed the empty drink on another tray as a waiter walked by and then ran his hands along Lorelei's shoulders, trying to massage the anxiety away. "You mean like my throne?" he teased her, hoping she'd relax. "We do what we can but we can't help everyone. We listen and that should mean something to the people. If you can't offer something small, like bread for a starving family or clothes for a newborn child, then you come to me. Let me help."

  Aaron dropped his lips to hers, kissing her softly. "I'll work up the numbers with how much we can give per week when the people pay us a visit. You leave the finances to me, my queen," Aaron said, kissing her once more. "The vessel we secure will be costly but the trip I believe will fund us with great riches."

  "I hope you're right," Lorelei said. She linked her fingers with his, squeezing his hand.

  "Let's go mingle with the guests, shall we?"

  * * * * *

  Aaron sent four men out to secure a vessel large enough to travel across the Pacific. He expected work needed to be done on the ship to get it into sailing condition, but within a few months time his explorative army could find their way to foreign soil.

  "Your Majesty," Saul said, getting the king's attention. He'd been a guard for the rebels and had been invited along with many others to the wedding reception. "Our men were unable to find a ship that would survive the rough waves. We've searched along the coast to no avail can't bring you what you've asked for."

  Aaron's jaw remained tight, his men had failed a simple task. "It's only been a few days." Had they looked everywhere? "What about parts of a ship? Could you rebuild a vessel that you have found?" Aaron said.

  Saul's eyes latched onto the floor. "Your Majesty, there are no more vessels to be had."

  How could that be? Aaron had discovered from Peter about a wealthy merchant sending an old cruise liner across the ocean. The rumor was that his brother, Prince James and the emerald had found their way aboard for a hefty price.

  Perhaps it was best, to not know what existed. What if they were still at war with one another and the Gem Apocalypse hadn't ended? "Very well," Aaron said and gestured for him to leave. He needed time to think.

  An explosion blasted through the ballroom, sending the ceiling tumbling down and debris flying in every direction. Thrown to the floor, Aaron didn't have time to shield Lorelei let alone himself.

  Where were his guards? How many had died in the explosion? The room had taken one hell of a hit.

  Smoke burned his eyes and the fire from the explosion caught the beverage table filled with alcohol, keeping it lit as the curtains alongside of the window caught up in flames. The palace was in ruins, worse than when the rebels invaded.

  The king's eyes burned and blurred. The room spun and as he tried to get to his feet to steady himself and find Lorelei, a man with black hair and a graying mustache slammed him over the head with a rock of cement from the palace.

  His last single thought was of Lorelei before he fell unconscious.

  Chapter Eleven

  Aaron opened his eyes. All he saw was complete darkness. "Lorelei?"

  His hands were bound behind his back as he was seated on a chair. His feet were bound in front of him as well with rope.

  Where was he? Who took him?

  A slight groan answered him.

  "Lorelei, is that you?"

  "My head hurts," she said, moaning. "Where are we? What happened?"

  Aaron thought back to the wedding reception at the palace. "There was an explosion in the ballroom. Do you remember that?"

  "Ballroom? What are you talking about? Who are you?"

  Aaron frowned. "It's me, Aaron." Had she not recognized his voice in the darkness of the room? Perhaps fear had situated itself in her veins. He didn't blame her, she'd been through quite an ordeal.

  "I don't know an Aaron," she said.

  He heard footsteps and assumed she was free. Why hadn't they bound her but they did him? His head throbbed but he ignored the pain. What felt worse was Lorelei not knowing who he was. Perhaps it was temporary and would go away. Her state of confusion could be explained, right?

  From a distance, Aaron could hear the creak of a door handle and the door opened at the top of the stairs, casting the room in a glow of light. The man descending the steps flipped the switch for the light. He carried a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. Did he really think he needed two weapons?

  "Hey, Lorelei," the man coming down the stairs said.

  Her eyes squinted as she looked at him. "Do I know you?"

  If she did, Aaron doubted she'd remember him, since she didn't even know who he was.

  "I was friends with Grady. I used to come to the cabin and pay you a visit."

  "Grady I remember," Lorelei said, snarling at the man. "Stay away from me!"

  The blood had caked to her forehead and she had a second wound to the back of her head. Aaron watched, unable to stop or help her, though he wasn't sure she'd let him either. He worked diligently to free his hands from the binds, giving himself rope burn. Aaron ignored the searing pain. His legs there was no chance to free without the use of his hands. He needed to work faster, who knew what this crazy loon was capable of. The guards could all be dead for all Aaron knew, the only chance of survival might have depended on getting himself free now, while the door was still unlocked.

  "Why would I want to stay away from such a beautiful girl?" the man asked. He shoved the pistol in his pants but kept the knife close, the handle in his grip. "Come here. Let me check that head of yours. I could give you a nice warm bath, clean you up real nice."

  "The hell you will!" Lorelei stumbled as she walked, but skirted the man as he approached her, keeping always out of his reach.

  "Don't you dare touch her!" Aaron shouted. He'd break his wrists to get free, if it helped. The rope was slowly loosening but it wasn't happening fast enough.

  "Shut up!" The man balked at the king.

  "What do you want with us?" Aaron asked. Why hadn't he killed them both already? If he was after the throne, an assassination would have been easiest. Why drag them to some unknown location and risk getting caught?

  "I'm not the buyer," the man said.

  Aaron's eyes narrowed. "As your king, I order you to let us go. Perhaps I will still spare your life."

  Lorelei's head turned to stare at Aaron. She shook her head no and winced. "King. No. That can't be." She stumbled on her words, evidently confused.

  Did she remember Gideon as king and that had confused her or were the memories beginning to resurface? Aaron hoped she would soon remember him. He wasn't just a king, she was his queen.

  "Seems she doesn't want to remember the two of you together," the man said and laughed. "Probably for the best. Your reign didn't even last a week. I bet you won't even find your way into the history books."

  Aaron hadn't done it for the role of being remembered. He desired a better world but people like this man that had abducted them and attacked the palace proved the world hadn't changed enough since the Gem Apocalypse.

  "How many people did you kill?" Aaron asked, keeping the man talking to him. At least then he wasn't preying on Lor

  "At the palace? Or in general?" Another sinister laugh echoed through the confined space. "I assure you, I've done enough killing to make it slow and painful if that's what I had planned, but like I told you, there's a buyer that set this all up. Rich fellow that insists the throne is his."

  Aaron swallowed the lump in his throat. Could it be Henry? He hadn't heard from his brother since before the rebel attack. Had he orchestrated Rhys's murder and was now removing Aaron from the throne? In a sick sadistic way, it made sense. With August dead, Henry was next in line for the throne.

  "Tell me it isn't my brother," Aaron said. He hated even suggesting Henry would betray him, but it was the first place to start.

  "Oh but it is, Prince Aaron," the man said. "King Henry's already got himself a new palace, with a harem filled with hundreds of women. You may have been invited to join him, if you hadn't denounced the harem in front of everyone. Shame on you."

  "Aaron?" Lorelei's voice caught in her throat as she turned to stare at him. Her eyes slowly revealing the recollection of who he was to her.

  The trader grabbed her arm, dragging her at knifepoint up the stairwell. "Don't fight it," he warned.

  Lorelei slammed her elbow into the man's chest, only to find his gun poke her in the ribcage. He cocked off the safety. "Henry wants Aaron. He said nothing about what I'm to do with you."

  Chapter Twelve

  "Let her go!" Aaron couldn't watch Lorelei die. The burn from the rope sliced the skin of his wrists raw as he broke free. He couldn't get up, not so easily. He leaned forward, unbinding his legs, freeing himself as he chased after the man that dragged Lorelei up the stairs at gunpoint.

  "I'll let her go when you denounce yourself from the throne," the man said, dragging her out of the basement, slamming the door shut behind him.

  Aaron rushed up the stairs, two at a time. It wasn't fast enough. The handle was locked. He slammed his body against the door, repeatedly attempting to break free. It barely budged. There must have been more than just a lock but a bar of wood on the opposite side keeping it sealed.


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