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Ascended Page 22

by S. Young

  “You’re in the Western General … in Edinburgh. You were found in the rubble of an explosion in a village a little west of here twenty-four hours ago. Do you remember how you got there?”

  Marita! Caia sucked in a breath, the events of the night before whooshing into her body like a gust of wind. The inn … she’d gone after Marita to the inn and … had she killed her? Had she been successful?

  “Were there any other survivors?” she whispered frantically.

  The nurse frowned again, shaking her head. “No, honey, you were the only person found in the debris. It was just a load of ash and rubble, they said. Why? Were you wi’ somebody? Can you tell me your name?”

  Caia had to get out of there. She had to get back to the pack, and she had to get someone to come deal with all the people who’d been at the site of the inn, because clearly she’d made quite a mess. Glancing around, she was relieved to find herself in a private room.

  “Can I speak with the doctor?” she asked.

  The nurse pinched her lips. “I’ll have a wee look and see if I can find him for you. The police are waiting to question you, so I’ll hurry along, eh?”

  As soon as the door closed behind the woman, Caia ripped out the tube in her hand and pulled off the leads for the heart monitor, silencing it with her magik. Hurriedly, she used magik to clothe herself in jeans and a T-shirt. She swayed badly, clutching a plastic chair in the corner to push herself upright. This was no time to be lacking energy.

  Her nerve endings shaking, Caia took a deep breath and pictured the dining hall in the hotel.

  Everything was black, her aching body pressed against something cold. Then noise exploded all around her.


  “Oh my goddess—”

  “Caia! You’re back!”

  She felt hands tugging at her and realized she’d landed prone on the hardwood floor of the dining hall. Someone gripped her under the arms and turned her gently, and she looked up into the concerned silver eyes of her mate.

  “Lucien.” She reached for him, and he hauled her into his arms, his entire body shaking with emotion as they embraced.

  “I thought you were dead,” he choked and squeezed her tighter. She was vaguely aware of weeping, and people patting and stroking her back as she lay comforted in her mate’s arms.

  Eventually, Lucien pulled back a little. “Can you stand?” he asked hoarsely, his eyes washing over her face as if afraid to look away.

  She nodded. There was still a lot to do, and she didn’t have time to play the invalid. Slowly but surely, Lucien helped her to her feet. She stood to face a wearied and worried pack, including Marion, Saffron, and Reuben. Caia was heartened to see Ryder, Jaeden, and Vil all in good shape—she guessed they’d taken care of Marita’s lykans. As her eyes took them all in, a frown formed between her brows. Wait a minute …

  “Where’s Eliza?” she asked, panicked.

  Marion waved away the question. “She’s at the Center.”

  “But she’s a Midnight.” Oh goddess, what if the Council locked her up?

  However, Marion shook her head. “Eliza’s fine. She’s being well cared for. Penelope has taken her under her protection. She was surprised to see me alive, though.”

  Caia grunted but relaxed marginally at the news Penelope was the one watching over Eliza. Of all the Council, she seemed the most ready to believe that Midnights might be all right after all.

  “Caia, what happened?” Jaeden asked abruptly. “Marion took Saffron and Vil to that inn, and when they got there, there was nothing left of it. Just rubble and debris, and the ash from Marita and her magiks’ bodies.”

  Marita and her magiks’ bodies! Relief flooded through Caia’s entire being. “I did it?” she asked, near breathless. “I killed her?”

  Reuben grinned. “Looks like.”

  She frowned, remembering the disgusting mess she’d made of Ethan when she’d used that same strange energy burst on him. “Why was there ash?” she whispered and looked directly at Marion, seeking answers. “Last time with Ethan … there was … you know …”

  The witch matched her expression. “Interesting. Did you feel any different this time around, when you did whatever the Hades it is you do?”

  As she forced herself to relive the moment pinned beneath Marita and the other magiks’ power, she realized her fear of Marita and her evil had been even greater than that of her uncle. Perhaps because now she fully comprehended the impact a person that powerful and ruthless could have on their world.

  “I felt more,” she whispered.

  “Then perhaps the energy this time was more powerful. Not to mention you’ve come along in your magik since then.”

  Nodding, Caia decided not to let it worry her. Knowing Marita was out of the picture should relieve her, take the pressure off, not add to it. She leaned into Lucien and he pulled her into his side, kissing the top of her head. “I did it.”

  “You did it,” he murmured.

  “What happened to you?” Jaeden persisted.

  “I was taken to a hospital by humans.” She threw a worried look at Marion. “We need to get back any blood tests and mess with the memories of all the people who dealt with me and the scene of the incident.”

  Marion nodded militantly. “Of course. Which hospital?”

  “Edinburgh.” Caia shook her head trying to remember the name the nurse had given her, but in all the chaos, she couldn’t. “I dunno which one.”

  Reuben shrugged. “That’s easy. You obviously used your magik there.”


  “I can sense each magiks’ different energy.” He tapped his nose. “I’ll just follow this. I’ll need Marion and Saffron’s help.”

  “Of course.” Marion nodded and then smiled sadly at Caia.

  I killed her sister.

  “I’m sorry, Marion,” she whispered.

  The witch shook her head, her lips pinched. She came forward, drawing Caia into a delicate hug. “Don’t be. You did what I couldn’t.”

  Pulling back, Marion glanced at Reuben and Saffron over her shoulder. “Let’s make this quick.” She held a hand out to Reuben, and he clutched it tightly as if offering her comfort.

  Caia sighed. He could be sweet when he wanted to be.

  With a little buzz in the air, all three of them vanished.

  A tense silence fell among the pack, a heightened sense of expectation leaping from member to member. They wanted to know where they went from here. But as Caia’s eyes drifted over them and stopped on Rose, who stood off to the side from the rest of them, they would have to wait and see until after her showdown. The lykan flinched under Caia’s regard and she immediately saw the guilt there.

  A snarl ripped from deep within her, and Caia shot out her hand, sending Rose flying back into the wall with a crack of her head. She lifted her with her magik and pinned her there.

  “Caia, what the hell!” Lucien gripped her arm tightly and tried to pull her back. The pack broke apart as if unsure what to do. The children cried out, frightened by the unexpected attack. The only one who appeared calm was Jaeden who took a step toward Caia.

  “What did she do?” she asked with a growl.

  Through her anger she felt a deep connection of friendship with Jae, and her gratitude for it was undying. “She called Marita. She told her about the Septum. She betrayed us.”

  “No.” Lucien growled. “Caia, you’re mistaken.” He tugged once more at her hand, trying to break her hold.

  She threw him an angry, hurt look. “You believe her over me?” she whispered hoarsely, not letting go.

  He glared at her. “I think you’ve been through a lot. Caia, for goddess’ sake.” He wrapped a hand around her waist and tried to pull her away from Rose.

  A noise of distress drifted out of Jaeden, and Lucien was shoved away from Caia with an invisible force. Jae was using her telekinesis against the Alpha. He was glaring at Caia, though, so he thought it was her, and she wasn’t about to give Ja
e away.

  “I’m telling you the truth. Marita told me Rose told her where to get Eliza. How else would she have found out? And she has motive. She’s in love with you and wants me gone!”

  “Lucien, no!” Rose shrieked from her place up on the wall. “She’s lying. I didn’t do that!”

  Fury shot through Caia, and she gripped a magikal hand around the lykan’s throat, choking her. “People died because of you!”

  “Caia, stop it! That’s an order!” Lucien yelled.

  Seemingly out of nowhere, little Laila strolled slowly out in front of the trio and came to a stop before Rose. Tentatively, she reached up and placed a gentle hand on Rose’s. The lykan watched her warily and then stopped struggling. Laila took her hand away, her shoulders wilting, and turned back toward Caia and Lucien. “I think she betrayed us to Marita, Lucien.”

  He shook his head in disbelief, and Rose’s eyes widened. “No! It’s not true.”

  Caia choked her harder, and she made horrible gagging sounds.

  “Caia—” Magnus implored quietly.

  “Caia, don’t.” Laila shook her head, and some of the anger dissipated, enough to bring Caia back under control.

  She relaxed her grip but kept Rose suspended. “Tell him the truth.”

  No answer.

  She envisioned a little water filling up Rose’s airway; the lykan must’ve felt it because she began to struggle anew.

  “Tell him the truth!”

  She nodded frantically, so Caia made the water disappear. “Okay!” she cried, frightened tears streaming down her cheeks. “I did it! I went to Marita, but only to protect you and your pack from her!” She gestured hatefully to Caia. “She’s a monster, Lucien!”

  An almighty howl exploded around the room, followed by a harsh row of snarls. When he spoke, his lykan was evident in his words. “Caia, let me go.”

  Caia nodded subtly at Jae, and Lucien slumped free. He straightened and clamped a hand down on Caia’s shoulder. “Let her go.”

  Gazing up into his eyes, she saw pain and betrayal and sorrow. She wished she could take it all away from him. With a sympathetic nod, Caia retracted her magik, and Rose crumpled to the floor with a thud.

  The pack all turned on her, and their Alpha approached her like a hunter going in for the kill. She scrambled against the floor until her back pressed to the wall, her lips trembling, pathetic tears spilling down her pretty cheeks.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  Lucien’s hands curled into fists. Caia knew how difficult this was for him. “As pack Alpha, it is my prerogative to kill you for your act of betrayal against the pack and its Alpha’s mate.”

  A terrified sob poured out of Rose.

  “But I’m not going to. You don’t deserve a quick death, and I’m afraid that’s all I’d be capable of. No.” He glanced back at Caia and his eyes begged for forgiveness. He didn’t seem to be able to look anywhere else, and Caia wanted to run to him and tell him it was okay … it was all over. She nodded to encourage him, and his gaze moved to Vil. “I’m going to leave your judgment, Rose, to the Council.”

  The magik instantly understood and moved toward the female. She cried and shook but didn’t struggle as he pulled her to her feet, clamping a hand on her upper arm.

  “Ryder, the Council knows you. Go with Vil and explain, please.”

  His friend nodded and strode forward to take Rose’s other arm. The three of them disappeared.

  Unable to resist any longer, Caia crossed the room to Lucien and placed a comforting hand on his back. He turned into her. “I am so sorry, Caia.”

  “You couldn’t have known.”

  Jae snorted. “I always disliked the bitch.”

  Caia winced. “Not the time.”


  She let Lucien hold her, ignoring the pack as they mumbled to one another about everything that had happened. So much had happened. So much was still to come. Wanting nothing more than to go back to Lucien’s room and lose herself in him, Caia drew back from him instead. She wouldn’t be allowed that luxury for now … perhaps ever. Her mate wanted no part in the war, but she … she was a piece of it.

  She traced the annulet on her palm she’d been trying to keep hidden from the pack and gestured for them to sit around the dining table.

  “I have to tell you what’s been going on,” she said wearily as she perched on the chair at the table head, trying to ignore Lucien’s burning gaze. She held up the palm with the annulet and they all frowned, mumbling queries.

  “What is that?” Lucien demanded.

  She locked gazes with him. “I told you I couldn’t kill the Septum. So I asked Reuben to let me meet the Cassandrian who said all of this was going to happen because of me. The Prophet. I asked him—if I killed Marita and the coven made me Head, could I ask the gods to take the trace back? Both traces—Midnight and Daylight.”

  “Freeing us,” Lucien said, his eyes widening. “Caia, that’s brilliant.”

  She smiled wryly. “If only I had thought of it sooner, huh?”

  Then we wouldn’t be awkward with each other because I wouldn’t have lied to you and you wouldn’t have kicked me out of the pack.

  As usual, he seemed to understand and covered her hand with his own, giving it a quick squeeze.

  “Anyway, he said the gods already knew what I wanted and he was awaiting their reply.”

  “You’re telling me this guy has a direct link to the gods?” Aidan asked, astonished.

  Caia grinned ruefully. “Yup. And the gods have a funny sense of humor. They made me wait weeks for an answer.”

  Jaeden’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “But they said yes, right?”

  “They said yes.”

  A whoop rushed around the pack before she quieted them, laughing at their encouragement. “That’s all fine and dandy, but it means this … this war isn’t over for me.” She couldn’t look at Lucien. “This annulet on my palm is part of a blood oath I took with the Council. I promised them that if they made me Head of the Coven, I would complete the rite to the gods and have them take away the trace. If I don’t, all my powers will be given to the Council.”

  “What the hell kind of risk is that to take?” Magnus grumbled.

  “One I had to,” she insisted. “And now I have to go back to the Center and finish this.”

  At their continued silence, Caia finally managed to lift her gaze from the table to look into Lucien’s face. His eyes told her he loved her, but his expression told her how torn he was. He had made a promise to the pack.

  And she understood that. As much as she didn’t want to.

  Magnus’s cough broke their eye contact, and they looked over at her uncle. He pinned them both with a stern stare. “Now, look here. This stuff about protecting the pack from the war is nonsense. We’ve been in this war for a long time, and we’re not getting out of it without every other supernatural on the planet getting out of it as well. And we will follow you, Lucien, no matter what. Marion told me after she took Eliza to the Council and explained about her being alive and all that—”

  Caia almost laughed at the blasé way he said it.

  “—they offered the pack a home at the Center until this is all over. So let’s go with Caia. We can’t leave her alone in this.”

  A spark of hope flared inside her, and she switched her gaze to Lucien. He was looking around at the pack, carefully reading them all. Finally, he turned back to her, and that spark burst into flame at his slow grin of agreement.


  Save Our Souls

  Twenty-One Pilots played softly from the sound system in their suite at the Center. It was dreary outside in Paris, shadowing the room in a gray-blue gloom counteracted by the candles Jaeden had lit all around them. The atmosphere outside their door was tense and expectant. Inside, she lay snuggled against Ryder as they dozed on a sofa, untroubled by anything but one another. It was nice to forget about the last few months of horror, to forget about the fight that lay ahe

  “I like the name Anna,” Ryder mused, stroking his fingers up and down her bare arms. Goose bumps rose where he touched, and she smiled at his turn of conversation.

  “A name for what?” she teased.

  “Uh, the Hummer I have a deposit on,” he replied sarcastically. “A kid, Jae, a little girl.”

  “Whose little girl?”

  “Well, I was going to say ours, but this conversation is rapidly making me rethink procreation with you.”

  Jae chuckled. “Sorry. I just can’t believe you’ve thought of names. What else have you thought about?”

  “I don’t know. I thought we could wait a few years, have some time just the two of us. And then I was thinking maybe we could get a house next to Lucien and Caia so our kids grow up close, you know. Maybe have three or four kids …”

  The warmth of his sweetness settled like a pleasant ache on her chest. “Boys or girls?”

  “I don’t know. What do you think?”

  “Three boys and a little girl.”

  Amusement laced his words as he replied, “Ah, so you have thought about this?”

  “I guess. I always thought that would be nice, you know, having three big brothers.”

  “I thought Christian drove you crazy?”

  “Oh, he does,” she whispered, thinking about her brother these last few weeks. He’d been wonderful to her mother when Jae hadn’t. But now that she was acting like a sane person again, they were getting through the loss of Dimitri together. Her brother had taken on a paternal role that was annoying … and yet so welcome. “But I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

  Ryder pressed a kiss into her hair. “Then three boys and a girl it is.”

  She laughed. “Just like that?” She twisted around to look at him.

  His expression was serious as his eyes drank her in. “Of course. What do I gotta do to make you understand I’d do anything to make you happy?”

  I love you.

  Jae reached for him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. A soft kiss that quickly grew heated. Ryder groaned underneath her and she felt a tug on her shirt as he began undoing buttons.


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