The Soul of Archer

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The Soul of Archer Page 3

by Michelle Kee

  "You mean the other employees don't know where the safe is? That's smart right there." Tony said.

  "That's what I told her when she said that's what she wanted. She said her former boss in Houston did that and never had problems with people skimmin' the till. I gotta get back, if you need anything, just holler." Frank stated, gave a wave and headed off.

  Lance moved to Tony's side, "What we got?"

  "She's got the same system Krista had. That just makes our job all the easier. The flood lights outside are motion activated, as are the interior lights." Tony explained.

  "Alright, well, I'll get started installing the exterior cams out back. Figure I can hide them beneath the flood lights. We don't want Malconi to think he's smarter than us." Lance said.

  "Ooh-ra." Tony nodded.


  Alora sighed as she finished the last of the piping. She stood back and admired her handy-work. She had always loved the elegant look of pipe work on wedding cakes. It was that attention to detail that had caused her to fall in love with cake decorating. That and trying out new flavors and learning new techniques.

  "Lookin' good 'Lora."

  "Thanks Jeff. How's the flowers coming along?" Alora smiled facing him.

  "We're about half finished. We'll have them all done in about two hours and then they just need to dry. Good call on talking the bride into going with the gardenias." Jeff replied.

  "Well considering her bouquet is gardenias and poppies it seemed logical. I have NO idea where she got the idea for tulips and daisies." Alora groaned shaking her head.

  "My guess, her mother. God that woman had no clue about flowers." Jeff laughed.

  Alora giggled. She then spotted Lance walking back in from the back lot. "Okay, move this beast into the cooler. I'll check in with you guys before lunch."

  Jeff gave a salute and went to get some help to move the cake. Alora moved through the baking room toward the security office. When she walked in she found the floor covered in cables, boxes and tools.

  "Good lord, what did you two break?" She demanded, her hands on her hips.

  Tony looked up laughing, "Take it easy, we didn't break anything. What we're doing is swapping out your old system with one of our bad boys. Trust me, in about an hour you'd never know all this was here."

  "An hour? Really? Wow, it took the guys nearly half a day to install the old system." She said, in shock.

  "Tony is a wizard with this stuff." Lance added.

  "Guess so. I suppose I need to call the old company and tell them what's going on." She mused moving closer to watch Tony.

  "Already handled. I called them before I got started. They said your final bill is on the way and I even talked them into waving the disconnect fee since you still had a year on your contract." Tony winked.

  "You did? Oh, thank you Tony, that was sweet." She beamed.

  "No problem." Tony shrugged turning back to the wires in his lap.

  "Ms. St. James..." Lance began.

  "Just call me Alora, please." Alora interrupted.

  "Very well Alora," he nodded. "Let me show you what I've done out back."

  Alora barely hid the shiver when he said her name. It was the same feeling when he called her tigress the day before. His southern baritone voice was like smooth melted chocolate and did funny things to her. He held open the back door for her and when she felt his hand on the small of her back she damn neared whimpered. What the hell was wrong with her?


  Lance didn't miss her reactions to him. He was feeling his own body wanting to react to her, but he held back. What was it about her that peaked his interest? Sure, she was beautiful...okay drop fucking dead gorgeous, but it wasn't like him to react like this to a client. He guided her into the lot and turned to face the building.

  "So, I've installed cameras here. They're hidden under the flood lights and just like at your home, once you set the alarm, they will activate." He explained.

  "I can't even see them," she said squinting at the lamps.

  Lance moved behind her and pointed. "There and there."

  This time Alora couldn't stop herself as a delicious shock wave washed through her. His large frame pressed against her. All those muscles shielding her back, hiding her in front of him. Unconsciously, her body pressed back against him more.

  Lance bit back a moan when the petite woman pressed into him. God, she felt good against him. For a second, he stood there breathing her in. She smelled like chocolate and wildflowers. His devious mind flashed with a brief image of her under him, her face a picture of sexual bliss as he drove inside of her. Instantly he hardened and there was no way to hide it from her with how she stood against him.

  "Ohh…" she breathed.

  Lance didn't stop and think. He gripped her shoulders, spun her around, and without giving her a chance to back away he bent down capturing her lips with his. It took only a second before the woman in his arms melted against him, returning his kiss. When she began mewing like a kitten, he pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss.

  Slowly, Lance slowed the kiss before gently pulling away. Her eyes fluttered opened, her lips swollen from his kiss. She looked so beautiful in this moment. With her eyes still locked on his, she licked her bottom lip.

  "I'm sorry." Lance sighed. "I don't usually kiss clients, it was inappropriate of me."

  Alora's body when from hot and bothered to rigid in a flash. She quickly slipped into what her employees called Boss Lady Mode. "It's okay Mr. Archer. It's just one of those lapses in judgment. Everyone's guilty of them from time to time."

  She moved out of his arms and calmly turned back toward the building. Without a backward glance, she walked back inside. Work. Yeah that's what she needed to do. Taking a couple slow breaths, she moved toward the next project on the day's list and went to work, pushing all thoughts of Lance Archer from her mind.


  Lance stormed into his house, the large oak door slamming behind him. What the hell had he been thinking? Kissing a client? That was a line he swore he would never cross. Mixing business and pleasure was never a good idea. However, a part of him brought up that it seemed to work out fine for Ethan and Krista.

  "That's different. They had a past." He growled to himself as he went to his basement gym.

  He walked to the cabinet that always held a set of work-out clothes. He stripped out of his work attire, pulled on his running shorts, socks then moved to the bench to lace up his sneakers. Once laced up, he moved to his treadmill, programmed a run and started running.

  Ever since he and Tony had left Alora's bakery he had been in a mood. Tony had wisely kept his mouth shut. Once back at Blackout, Lance went to his office and spent the rest of the day doing the paperwork he had been putting off. Anything to try and keep Alora St. James off his mind. It didn't work.

  'Fuck me, what am I going to do? I can't forget what I did. Nor that she kissed me back. Damn if she didn't taste good,' he thought pumping his legs harder.

  He could still taste her on his lips. And the way she kissed him, yeah, he had been right when he called her tigress. He bet she would be hot as hell in bed. No, no he wasn't going there. He wasn't going to cross another line. Once you started doing that, it always led to trouble. When his quads started screaming, he slowed to a jog, then a walk and finally ended his run.

  Sweat poured off his face as he caught his breath. Yet the feel and taste of Alora was still on his mind. Groaning, he stepped off the treadmill, snatched up a towel and went to grab a shower. He started this and damnit he'd find a way to fix it. Hopefully.

  Chapter 5

  Alora closed the door, locked it and sighed. Home. She was home again. After two days with Deb and Nick, she felt ready to come back home. She dropped her keys on the table in the entryway and headed for the stairs. Dumping the bag Krista had packed on the floor by her closet, she picked up her robe from the foot of her bed and walked to the bathroom.

  It had been two days since Lance had kissed her,
yet it still played in her mind. Like a song stuck on repeat. What was his problem? Was she repulsive to him? Not his type? He had been so hot then so cold. Turning on the shower, she stripped and with pulled her hair free of the bun she wore for work. The second she stepped under the hot raining water, all thoughts of Lance Archer and her long day washed off and down the drain.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was dressed in only her fluffy robe and headed back downstairs. She entered the kitchen and quickly poured herself a glass of her favorite red wine then moved toward her living room. Grabbing her remote, she switched on the tv, loaded up her DVR and settled back to get caught up on her latest TV series.

  Yet fate had other plans. Not two minutes into the show, someone was pounding on her front door. With a groan, Alora sat her glass down and rose from the sofa. She was nearly to the door when she heard a voice she desperately wanted to forget.

  "Alora! Open up!" Sam yelled.

  Without hesitation, she ran for her phone on the coffee table.


  Lance had just pulled into his drive when his cell rang, "Archer."

  "He's here!"


  "Sam's here. Oh god he's trying to kick in the door." Alora said, fear lacing her voice.

  Lance was glad he hadn't shut off his truck yet. He threw it in reverse and roared out of the drive, "Alora listen to me, where are you?"

  "The top of the stairs. Oh fuck, he's kicking the door harder."

  "Go to your bathroom and lock the door. I'm on my way. I'll be there in less than a minute. Just stay with me Alora." Lance ordered. In the background he could hear faint yelling and the sound of Alora running down the hall. He had just turned onto her street when he heard her let out a strangled cry. "Alora, talk to me!"

  "He's...I can hear him in the house." Alora answered, her voice barely a whisper.

  Lance whipped into her drive, slammed the truck in park and jumped out. "I'm here. Stay quiet. I'm coming in. Hang up and call Ethan now."

  Lance disconnected the call. Slipping his phone into his pocket, he upholstered his .357 and moved toward the house. Her front door was open, and the frame busted where Malconi had kicked it in. Staying calm, he silently moved inside. He could hear Sam yelling for Alora from the direction of her kitchen. As he made his way there, Sam stepped into the door way. The two men stood there staring at each other for a moment.

  "Don't you fuckin' move Malconi." Lance warned.

  Sam hissed, spun on his heel and bolted. Cursing Lance gave chase. He burst from the back door just in time to watch Sam vault over the short wooden fence separating Alora's yard from her neighbors. Lance cleared the fence and charged after Sam, urging his legs to move faster. Sam disappeared around the side of a house and by the time Lance got there, it was just as Sam jumped into a flashy blood red BMW and speed off.

  "Dammit!" Lance panted, slipping his weapon back into his shoulder holster.


  Alora jumped up when Lance walked back inside. "Did you catch him?"

  "No, the fucker got away." Lance hissed.

  Alora sank back to couch next to Tony and buried her face in her hands. "What am I going to do now? It's obvious I can't stay here."

  Lance walked to her and knelt beside her, "Alora, look at me." She lifted her head and locked onto his turquoise eyes. "We will keep you safe. We'll find somewhere for you to stay."

  Alora believed him. Something in his eyes told her she could trust not just Blackout, but Lance. This enigma of a man would keep her safe she just knew it. When he reached out and took her hand she felt both a shiver of desire and calmness wash over her. Both looked up when someone hurried into the room.

  "Alora, you alright?" Krista asked rushing toward her.

  "I'm fine." Alora assured her, breaking eye contact with Lance.

  Alora stood and was quickly embraced by Krista. She watched Lance move off to talk with Ethan. Tony patted her back then joined Ethan and Lance. Krista released her and sat her back on the couch.

  "Ethan and I got here as fast as we could. How did Tony beat us here?" Krista questioned.

  "After I called you guys, Ethan said to call Tony. Seems Tony lives one street over. He got here just as Lance chased Sam out of the house." Alora answered.

  "Thank god you're okay." Krista said, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulders.


  "What are we going to do boss?" Tony inquired as he, Lance and Ethan studied what was left of the front door.

  "I called Wilson on the way over while Kris called Nick. Seems Danny was over, and he and Nick were coming here. Wilson said he'd grab Harker and Fortner and be this way." Ethan explained. "Damn, she's lucky you got here fast Hawk, otherwise..."

  Lance clenched his fist at the thought of what could have happened. "I chased the bastard, but he got away. She can't stay here Ethan."

  "I know buddy. She can stay with me and Kris..." Ethan started.

  "No." Lance growled.

  Ethan quirked a brow at the possessive tone. "Oh? Then where do you suggest she stay? Nick and Deb?" Suddenly realization hit him. He smirked, "You?"

  "I...well..." Lance stammered.

  Ethan and Tony started chuckling. "Oh boy, it's finally happened." Tony grinned.

  "What are you two morons getting at?" Lance demanded.

  "You. You're falling for her." Ethan elaborated.

  Before Lance could say another word, three more vehicles pulled up. Still trying to wrap his mind around what Ethan was implying he watched as the rest of Alpha team, Nick, Danny, Harker, Fortner and Wilson approached the house.


  Alora felt drained. After the Feds and Detective Wilson arrived, she hurried upstairs to slip on some clothes then returned to go over what happened. As she gave her statement the men of Blackout and Krista's brother Danny went to work examining her door and checking the security feed. She was just glad she remembered to set the alarm once she got home.

  "Ms. St. James..."

  "Please Detective, call me Alora."

  “Very well Alora, do you have any idea where you could go for the time being? At least until Blackout can fix the door and my team gathers evidence." Wilson asked.

  "I really hadn't thought about it. Guess I better do that." Alora answered with a slight smile.

  "Well, you could come stay with me and Ethan." Krista offered.

  "I wouldn't want to impose on...."

  "You can stay with me." Lance interrupted, stepping toward her.

  "Huh?" Alora responded dumbly.

  "I said you can stay with me."

  Her stay with Lance? What the hell? Her mind spun at the thought. Yet, the way he said it and the way he was looking at her right now made it seem more a demand than a suggestion. And for some reason that turned her lower belly molten. Had any man ever looked at her like that.

  " you sure?" Alora stuttered as Krista just watched on with a knowing smirk.

  "I'm sure. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't." Lance said. "So, what do you say?"

  "Well, okay then I guess..." She began.

  "Let's go get you some things." Krista butted in with a wide grin.

  Chapter 6

  "So, why do the guys call Lance "Hawk"? I mean I've heard it a few times now." Alora asked as she put a few pairs of jeans in a bag.

  "Ethan told me it's because he has the eyes of a hawk and he's a fan of Hawkeye from the Avengers. He's the sniper on Alpha team and back when they were in the Marines together. Ethan says Lance is a deadly shot." Krista said, folding one of the chef jackets for Alora.

  "So, Lance and the other were Marines?"

  "Yes ma'am. More specifically, MARSOC. That's the Marine Special Forces. That's where the guys met. After their time was up they all went into business together and started Blackout."

  This fascinated Alora. Oh, she suspected the guys had been former military, but Marines? Ryan had been a Marine for eight years and knew they were tough son-of-bitches. She felt even
more safer knowing this.

  "So, what's up with you and Lance anyway?" Krista inquired.

  "What do you mean?" Alora replied quickly.

  "Oh no you don't girl. Spill!" Krista laughed.

  Alora groaned and sat on the foot of her bed. "I have no damned clue what's up. I mean the day he and Tony did the security at my shop he, well, we were in the back lot and he kissed me."

  Krista let out a little squeal and sat beside her. "I knew it. Oh, ho ho, I'm so going to bust his balls over this. I warned him."

  "What are you talking about you warned him?"

  "You see, last year when I had that asshole Ingram stalking me, I was at the range with Lance and Grant for some target shooting. Just in case ya' know. Anyway, I told Lance that he'd meet a girl who’d knocked him on his ass and I'd have a front row seat. Seems that girl is you hon."

  "Pffft." Alora scoffed. "I'm just a job to Lance."

  "I beg to differ. The way he looked at you tonight when he offered for you to stay with him...Christ. If I wasn't so in love with my husband I'd be jealous." Krista argued.

  Alora just sat there as Krista stood and finished packing. Was Krista right? Could Lance really be into her? Lord knew she found him both intimidating and fascinating. Okay more than fascinating, she found him hot as hell. The bigger question now was, what was she going to do about this?


  Lance glanced at Alora as he drove toward his house. She had been silent since he helped her into his truck. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it and decided to stay quiet. What the hell would he say anyway? Christ, what had he been thinking when he offered for her to stay with him?


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