The Soul of Archer

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The Soul of Archer Page 9

by Michelle Kee

  “I’ll ask them tomorrow morning, but I don’t see them having a problem.” Ethan answered.

  “Well, talk to them and let me think about it. I'll have an answer after this case. Okay?” Danny replied.

  “You got it.” Ethan grinned.

  As they ate, Danny rolled the proposal around in his head. It would be a nice change of pace, not to mention he would be home every night and he did like the guys at Blackout. It could be a good change and he would be working with Ethan. He would think it over and after the raid in Houston he would have his answer. For now, he just needed to focus on nailing the Malconi’s and protecting Alora.


  Lance and Alora sat on the sofa watching the baseball game. It was Houston versus L.A. Alora was cheering on the Astros. “Oh, come on! That wasn’t a strike, it was high and left.”

  Lance laughed, “So I take it you’re an Astros girl?”

  “You bet your ass I am. Every year on opening day until I left for college, me and dad were there right behind home plate. When they made it to the series in ’05 I was so hoping that would be the year they finally won a series. But hey, there’s always this year.” She beamed.

  “I’ve always been a Red Sox guy, but when half my family is from Boston, I kinda have to be.”

  “I will admit the Red Sox are a good ball club, but I will always go for my ‘Stros.”

  Lance draped his arm around her and tucked her into his side. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He caught a flash of headlights from the window a second before the first sound of breaking glass. On instinct, Lance shifted his grip on Alora and had them both on the floor between the sofa and coffee table just as gun fire erupted. Under him, Lance felt Alora reaching for something.

  “Ethan! Get over here! Someone…yes that’s fucking gunfire!” she yelled, making Lance smirk despite the flying bullets.

  The shooting stopped, and he vaguely heard tires peeling out and a car roaring off. Slowly, he stood then pulled Alora to her feet. He turned her face left and right and started checking for any sign that she was hurt. Nothing. Sighing in relief, he pulled her into his arms. “You okay Alora?”

  “I’m okay. You? You hit or anything?” she nodded.

  “No, I’m fine. I guess Ethan is on his way?”

  “That’s what he said. I’ll call 9-1-1. I’d say call your team, but I bet Ethan already has.”

  Lance was once more in awe of the strength that Alora had. Most women would be a crying sniveling mess, but not his Tigress. She was a lot like Krista. She was a tough woman with nerves of steel. Yet she was all feminine. And all his. As she was on the phone with P.D., Lance turned and studied what was left of his living room. The picture window he loved was nothing but the frame and jagged glass. His sofa looked like swiss cheese, the fireplace and flat screen were riddled with bullet holes. If he hadn’t reacted as fast as he had, there’s no doubt in his mind that he and Alora wouldn’t be breathing right now. What made his blood boil was that it had been someone’s intention and that someone was the Malconi family.

  Chapter 14

  Tony let out a low whistle as he looked around the living room. “Damn Hawk, someone wanted you dead.”

  “No shit.” Lance sighed. “I just got this feeling about the time I saw headlights reflecting through the window. I grabbed Alora and hit the deck.” He turned and looked to where Alora stood talking to Wilson, Harker and Fortner. “Malconi is getting desperate. He’s trying to send a message.”

  “Yeah, but was this done on the son’s orders or the fathers?” Tony asked.

  “And that’s the million-dollar question Tony.” Lance replied as Danny and Gage walked up. “Well, what did you guys find?”

  “If this was ordered by Sam, he wasn’t one of your shooters. My guys have him with his mom and dad at a restaurant downtown. Of course, one of the three of them could have ordered this.” Danny stated. “It’s obvious they want you out of the way Lance.”

  “I’m with Danny on this. After seeing you two together Saturday night Sam must figure you’re her new man and a piss ant like that won’t take it well. You remember what Alora said in her statement. He got pissed when she told him it was over. In his mind, she’s his and he won’t let her go.” Gage added.

  Lance knew they both were right. Sam Malconi was a loose cannon and when he was insulted he acted out like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Alora walked over then and he just pulled her into his arms, as if he was assuring himself that she was safe. “So now what? We can’t stay here obviously.”

  “Then that leaves my house.” Alora spoke up. “Look, you and I are leaving for Jacksonville on Friday evening so it’s only for another four days. If we show him that he’s getting to us, he wins Lance. We can’t do that. You and I go about business as usual.”

  “She’s got a good idea there Lance. I’ll add some drive-byes for her house starting first thing in the morning.” Wilson agreed.

  “Danny’s got guys that have been watching Alora’s house, right?” Harker questioned, looking at Danny who nodded. “Well, me and Jimmy can spare two guys to work with Danny’s guys. So, between us, Danny, and Wilson there will be eyes on her place until you guys leave town.”

  “Not to mention the men we have there too.” Gage added.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” Lance agreed.

  Wilson, Danny, Fortner and Harker walked off to make the calls. Ethan and Grant came over, so it was now just Alora and Blackout. “I’m glad you and Alora are alright buddy.” Ethan said.

  “Thanks.” Lance nodded.

  “If Sam and his parents weren’t the shooters here, then how do we find out which one ordered this? I’m sick of having to look over my damn shoulder and guessing where the next attack is going to come from.” Alora hissed.

  “Alora…” Lance started.

  “No, don’t do that. Do NOT patronize me Lance or I swear to god I’ll knock you upside that stubborn head of yours. Tonight, was close. They’ve already sent you to the hospital and I’m not going to stand by and let them do it again!”

  The five men just stared at her in surprise. Lance felt his heart swell in pride at her tenacity. This was the same woman that had shown up at Blackout two weeks ago scared of her own shadow. Now, she had turned that fear into a righteous anger. He laid his hands on her shoulders. “Take a breath Tigress. It’s going to take more than a few bullets and a car mirror to take me out. Okay?”

  Alora released a slow breath and covered his hands with hers. “Okay. It still pisses me off that we are two steps behind them and have no idea where or when they’re going to came at us again.”

  Ethan smiled a little when Lance pulled Alora into his arms again. “Alora, we’ve got all of Blackout, the D.A.’s office, the Feds and the D.E.A. trying to figure that out. The raid in Houston is happening next Friday and one way or another this will be over.”

  Alora looked up at Ethan, “And if Sam and Ian slip away in Houston, what then?”


  Danny was just about to walk into his office when his cell rang. “Jameson.”

  “Hey Danny, I think we just caught a break on the shooting last night.” Jimmy said.


  “Yeah. Cain is calling Tony and Grant. Think you can get over here, that way we can show you guys? I already called Wilson and he’s on his way.”

  “I’m on my way. Be there in five.” Danny said and hung up.

  He told his secretary where he was going and headed back out to his bike. It seemed things were finally falling into place. Just after he got home from Lance’s house, his guy in Malconi’s crew called and said the location and time had been finalized. The exchange was going to happen at one of the smaller piers on the Houston ship channel at nine thirty Friday night. After this meeting with Jimmy and Cain, he’d be calling the office in Houston to get things set up. Five minutes later, he pulled up outside the Federal building and hurried inside. He met up with Tony and Grant on the elevator

  “Looks like things are shifting in our favor.” Grant said.

  “I’ll say. My guy called and said the time and place have been set. Nine thirty next Friday night at Pier 16. It’s one of the smaller piers on the ship channel.” Danny explained.

  “I’ll tell Ethan when we get back. Wonder what they found last night.” Tony replied.

  The three stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall toward the conference room. They found Wilson, Jimmy and Cain waiting. “What did you guys find?” Danny questioned.

  Jimmy took the lead. “After you guys left, me and Cain started looking around the front yard. We had just finished taking some pictures of the tire marks by the curb when a lady approached us. She said she was taking her usual evening walk when this blue car came pulling up. The only reason she noticed was because she had seen the same car sitting near Lance’s place for the last week.”

  “Who is she? This lady?” Grant demanded.

  “Her name is Sharon Tillman, she lives two houses down from Lance. According to Mrs. Tillman, for the last week, the car had been in the same spot at the same time. She would see the car pull up about five forty-five. She had a view of it from her kitchen window and would see it as she was fixing her husband’s lunch. Her husband works for Morgan Stanley and is out the door every morning by six thirty. Anyway, last night, she said it was the same car. She saw the doors open and ducked behind a tree when she spotted the guns. Two men got out, doors open and the car idling.” Jimmy reported.

  Cain continued, “She said both men were tall and big. Like body builder big. One was dark haired, dark complexion, maybe Hispanic. The driver was blond haired, fair skinned. Both wore dark suits. After they emptied their guns into the front of Lance’s house, they got back in the car and sped off. She was about to call the police but Ethan and you guys all started showing up. She waited around for us.”

  “And how do we know she’s telling the truth?” Danny asked. “Rule number one of an investigation. First witness, first suspect.”

  “That’s usually the rule. We ran her and the husband. They are both Austin natives, have lived in the house since 2013. They are both in their mid-forties, two kids in college. We even asked Lance about her and he says they’re salt of the earth people, wouldn’t hurt a flea. He also confirmed her story about her evening walk. Says, you could time your freaking watch by it.” Jimmy stated.

  “You two wouldn’t be so excited about this unless, you’ve identified the shooters.” Wilson said.

  Cain laid two pictures on the table. “Meet Branson Fernandez and Carmichael Jackson. Both on the Malconi payroll. We’re going to ask Alora if these are the two men who were with Sam the night she saw him kill that man. If they are, then we have your shooters.”

  “And we have our line to the Malconi’s.” Tony grinned.

  “Exactly.” Jimmy smiled.


  Alora leaned back in her office chair. “Yeah. Yeah, those are the two men who held Omar as Sam shot him. Wherever Sam went those two were always close by. Even on our dates, they would be there.”

  “Do you remember what kind of car they would drive?” Jimmy asked.

  “Um, it was a four door. Maybe a Lincoln? I never paid much attention to it. But those two? Yeah you don’t forget them. They’re big and scary. I didn’t talk to them if I didn’t have to.”

  Cain frowned a little, “What do you mean by scary?”

  Alora sighed. “Scary by how they used to look at me. It made me feel creeped out. Kind of like how Sam’s dad looked at me the only time I met him. Undressing me with their eyes. There was this…I don’t know…look. Like they…”

  Jimmy and Cain got the picture. “Did they ever touch you? Or try to?”

  Alora shook her head, “No. But whenever Sam would, they just smiled.”

  “Touch you how?” Jimmy asked, confused.

  “Sam liked to, mark his territory. We would be out to dinner and it was nothing for him to slide a hand over my ass or brush the side of my boob. It got old fast and if I said stop, he either laughed it off or got pouty. More pouty though.” She elaborated.


  Lance pulled into the back lot of the shop. After talking to Alora, Jimmy and Cain had told him what she said about Carmichael and Branson. Oh, he was furious. He had immediately hit the gym at Blackout to work out his aggression. Just the idea that Malconi’s hired thugs had even looked at Alora that way made him want to rip their hearts out. He killed the engine and walked to the back door. He was let in by one of the decorators. Lance had agreed to stay at Alora’s place under the condition that he drop her off and pick her up until this ordeal was settled. She agreed.

  “Hello Mr. Archer. Alora is over there.” The girl pointed.

  “Thanks.” Lance nodded and moved to where his woman sat at a work table rolling out some dough.

  He took the time to admire her. Her hair was braided and wrapped in a bun, stray hairs sticking out every which way. Her face was spotted with flour along with her apron and chef coat. She was in her element here. Looking so calm and collected, not like a woman whose life had been turned upside down. Smiling he walked closer and leaned against the empty table beside her. She glanced over and winked.

  “You’re early.”

  Lance shrugged. “Yeah, Ethan cut me loose. Whatcha rolling out there?”

  “Sweet bread.”

  “Need a hand?”

  Alora giggled, “Ten minutes ago I would have said yes, but I’m almost done. But, you could grab that cookie sheet on the shelf behind you and bring it over.”

  Lance followed her instructions. He watched in fascination as she put the rolling pin aside and using a flat cutter, quickly cut the dough into five strips. He then watched her braid the five strips before taking the braid and making it into a circle. She dusted the sheet with flour and laid the wreath on it then carry it over to one of the drying racks. Brushing her hands against her apron, she faced him once more.

  “All done. Let me go get my stuff.”

  He couldn’t explain it but watching her making the bread had not only fascinated him but had turned him on. When she walked toward her office, he was right behind her. Shutting and locking the door behind him, he was on her in seconds. His lips ravaging hers, his arms banding her to him. Alora moaned against his lips, her fingers threading through his hair. God, he wanted her. He backed them up so that she was now pinned between his body and the wall of her office.

  “Lance, we can’t…”

  “Yes, we can. You just have to be really quiet.” He teased, shoving down her pants.

  “God…I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She moaned.

  Lance growled deep in his throat. He quickly freed himself from his jeans. He reached a hand between her legs and found her wet and ready. Hoisting her off her feet, her back resting against the wall, Lance caged her wrists above her head and slid into her. His mouth swallowing her cry. She was hot and tight around him, her back arching allowing him to slide even deeper. When her hips began moving and her hands trying to grip the wrist of his hand pinning them, he started moving. His hips began pistoning into her, her hips matching his. Both moaning into the kiss. Their climax built fast and when they came it was intense, their bodies locking up as he emptied into her.

  Lance held her, catching his breath. Then froze. His eyes snapped open as realization at what he had just done hit him. “Shit. Oh shit.”

  “Lance? What’s wrong?” Alora’s asked.

  “Christ how could I have been so stupid! Alora, I’m so sorry.”

  Alora frowned for a moment till she too realized what he was talking about. She smiled a little and tugged her hands free of his. Cupping his face, she lifted his head, so they were now eye-to-eye.

  “Lance, it’s okay. No don’t interrupt, I mean it. I’m on birth control and you are the only man who has ever not used a condom with me. I’m clean. Sam insisted that we get tested regularly and he always used a condom. I was tested ri
ght before this mess began. And judging by your reaction you’re clean too.”

  “Yes I am. I swear I’ve never not used protection. But I’m still sorry that I put you at risk like that.”

  Alora leaned in and kissed him. “Hey, I didn’t think about it either. It takes two ya know.”

  Lance nodded. He slowly withdrew from her and reached for the box of tissues on her desk. When he handed it to her she shocked him once more. His eyes widened as she slowly slid two fingers down her stomach and inside her. She moaned quietly before removing her fingers coated in their juices.

  “I think I like knowing that I still have a piece of you inside me. Sir.”

  “Fuck me. You’re so going to get it when we get home.”


  Alora sighed as she watched Lance cook dinner. He hadn’t been kidding when he warned her back at the shop. After her stunt, they came home where he proceeded to fuck her brains out deliciously. She now sat at her kitchen island admiring him. He stood at the stove in only a pair of green USMC sweat pants, no shirt and barefoot. His tattoos on full display for her viewing pleasure.

  He was a work of art, especially with the start of a beard on his face. Normally she wasn’t a facial hair type but on Lance…hell yeah. Giggling, she reached for the wine glass he had poured for her.

  “Something amusing you over there?”

  “Yep. Just admiring that beard your starting to sport.”

  Lance rubbed his jaw, “Yeah, I forgot to shave this morning. I’ll take care of it…”

  “No, leave it. I kinda like it.”

  Lance turned from the stove and moved to her. “Is that so?”

  Alora reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. “Yes, I do.”

  He kissed her softly. “Alright then, I’ll leave it. Just for you.”


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