Free (Save The Kids Book 4)

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Free (Save The Kids Book 4) Page 5

by E. M. Leya

  "William?" Dyson cringed. "Seriously?"

  Brad laughed. "I thought the same thing. Bryon must have it out for you."

  Dyson was sure it was Carter's doing, not Bryon's, but he couldn't be sure. "He could have chosen some kickass alpha name."

  "I think that's the point. He wants you as far away from kickass alpha as you can be right now. Think accountant, insurance salesman, or car salesman. You need to create a persona that is so far from who you were that no one is going to blink when you tell them what you do. You want as far away from your old identity as you can get. Look at it as a way to leave all the old behind and start fresh." Brad smiled as he glanced over at Dyson again. "I know. I'm just the messenger."

  "Fuck." Dyson sighed. As pissed off as he was at having to leave his old name and identity behind, it was the only option. Bryon would leave nothing of his past. Everything was going to have to be new. He'd thought about it a lot while in jail, even going as far as wondering what he could do to cover up some of his old tattoos with new ones. He hated to do that, but they were a huge clue to who he was, especially since the jail had pictures of all of them now. "Shit." Dyson moaned. "I just renewed my gym membership for a year."

  Brad laughed. "Yeah, the hardships of a new identity. If you're lucky, they'll have made you some rich guy. Then you won't have to worry about anything."

  Dyson was pretty sure he wouldn't have to worry about money. No one on the team did. There was more than enough for all of them. "Yeah, it sucks not knowing. I hate thinking about everything I'm leaving behind. I guess I should be glad I don't have a family or even a pet to worry about."

  "Still isn't easy. You'll have days where you want to slip back to who you were. Get over those urges quickly. You end up back in jail, no one is going to get you out again."

  "You know this all from experience?" Dyson didn't expect an answer. This was the kind of stuff you didn't talk about. "All I care about right now is getting safe, taking a long hot shower, and sleeping in a bed with a real mattress."

  "I've got clothes and the basics already for you at the safe house. The bed's not fantastic, but it's better than what you've had for the last month. Water is hot, and the kitchen is stocked." Brad nodded to a huge warehouse a block ahead of them. "This is where we change cars. Once we're inside, grab that hat, get that hoodie on, and empty your pockets."

  "If anything goes wrong and I don't get the chance to say it later, thank you." Dyson was more than aware of the risk everyone helping him was putting themselves in.

  "Nothing's going to go wrong, but you're welcome. I owed Bryon a few favors."

  Dyson wanted to ask how Brad knew Bryon, but there were some questions best left unasked. Right now, the less he knew about them, and the less they knew about him, the better it would be for both of them.

  He was glad for the darkness, even though he knew it did little to hide them. The car could easily be traced through the cameras around town. Even switching cars wasn't foolproof. The cops would eventually work their way through every camera and every vehicle in the area during the next few hours. He refused to think about all the risks. He had to trust that everyone helping him knew what they were doing. They all knew the risks, and it was their lives on the line now too.

  As they pulled into a large warehouse, he was surprised to find it holding at least twenty other vehicles. Once they parked, he got out, taking a moment to pull his hoodie over his head and sticking the pale blue baseball cap on.

  "Empty your pockets, then put this over your hoodie." Brad handed him an orange vest like many construction workers wore. He glanced around, seeing that everyone in the building was dressed in them as well.

  "Don't worry. People come and go from here all night. We'll blend right in. Keep your head down and don't make eye contact." Brad pulled a vest on. "We're going to take one of the white vans. I need you to get in the back so it looks like I'm alone to all the cameras." Brad pulled on a blonde, long-haired wig, tucked a hat on top, then held out his hand. "Wallet and anything else you have."

  "You can have it all but this." He tugged out a photo of Faith out of his wallet he was surprised the cops hadn't kept. "She's my good luck charm." He gave the photo a kiss and stuck it back into his pocket. He didn't care about anything else, but he refused to lose the picture that Faith had given him after her first year back in school after the kidnapping. She'd given him newer photos over the years, but the first ones after they saved her reminded him why he did the job he did, and why he'd put his whole life at risk night after night.

  "Nothing else?"

  "Nope, they kept my cell phone and I don't carry anything else on me when I go out. Oh, guess you'll want these too. My release papers." Dyson glanced around as he handed them to Brad, who quickly tossed them and his wallet into the front seat of the car they just left. "Which van?" There were five of them parked off to one side.

  "Third one. Crews come in and take them to job sites at night. Mostly overnight construction jobs. Cops are used to them coming and going from here." Brad spoke quietly as he led him to the van. "Got any music requests before we head out?" He opened the back of the van.

  Dyson looked inside, finding it empty except for a blanket and a couple of bottles of water stacked in one corner. He climbed in, situating himself on the blanket. "Nope, I'm good." He offered a bottle of water to Brad.

  Brad took it, twisted the cap, and downed it. "In case you're worried, the water's safe." He tossed the empty bottle in the back and shut the doors.

  Dyson laughed. That was exactly what he'd been thinking. He had images of himself being drugged and taken to some location he didn't know. There was no way he was going to not know where he was at any given time. From the back of the van, he could see out the front window. He moved so he was directly behind the passenger seat, tucking his knees to his chest as he wrapped the blanket over everything but his head.

  "You might as well nap if you can. It will be a long drive. We're going to get you near the border." Brad started the van.

  "Wait, I'm not leaving the States. That isn't part of the deal." He would beat Carter and Bryon if they were sending him into Mexico.

  "No, you're not leaving the States. We're just putting distance between us and the jail for a few days. Bryon's driving down here in a couple of days to pick you up and take you back. He knew you wouldn't leave without talking to the rest of the team." Brad slowly pulled out of the warehouse following three other white vans identical to theirs.

  "How do you know so much about the team? I was under the impression that Bryon didn't talk to anyone about it."

  "You need to ask Bryon that. It's not my story to tell. Not many know, but a few. Let's just say I'd do anything for Bryon after all he's done for me. Now keep your head down, stay out of sight from the front, and enjoy the ride. I'll get you there as soon as I can."

  Dyson nodded, resting his head against his knees, and closing his eyes. Hours ago, he'd gone to bed thinking he would spend yet another day in his cell, now he was free. He vowed no matter what, he wasn't going back to jail. If they came for him again, he'd fight his way out, even if it cost him his life. Being dead was better than being locked up, at least for him. He held on to hope that everything would work out, but the truth was he was scared, and with all the changes he was sure were coming his way, his fear only grew. He was going to have to face this alone, and that in itself was his biggest fear. Leaving the ones he loved behind wasn't going to be easy. Hard or not, he wouldn't let the team down. He'd show them he could do this because quite possibly, one day they would have to do it too, and he wanted to show them that despite how scared he was, it was all going to be okay.


  "Hey, wake up. We're here," Brad called from the front seat.

  Dyson rubbed his eyes. "Fuck, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

  "Probably the stress. It will get you every time." Brad glanced back at him.

  "We weren't followed?" Dyson asked.

  "Nope, from th
e text I just got from Carter, no one has even noticed you've been released yet. The longer we can go without anyone catching the error, the better off we'll be. I've parked in a large garage. No one will see you since it's connected to the house. Rob is inside waiting for us." Brad climbed out, slamming the front door shut. A second later, the back doors opened. "Welcome home, at least for a few days. Enjoy your stay. I'm not sure where they're sending you from here, but I doubt it's got this view."

  Dyson raised a brow as he climbed out. He'd expected to see some trashy garage, in some poor neighborhood, but what he saw around him was anything but poor. A Corvette was parked next to the van, and beside that, there were two Harleys. "Those for me?" He eyed the bikes.

  "Not a chance. The car belongs to Bryon, but the bikes are mine and Rob's."

  "And all I get is a white work van?" Dyson grinned as he followed Brad to the door that must have connected to the house. "So if the car's Bryon's, is he here?"

  "No, he owns the place, but I haven't seen him down this way in over a year." Brad pushed the door open.

  "Wait. Bryon owns this place?" He knew Bryon had other property not far from the STK house, but they were nowhere near that now.

  "Again, not my story to tell. All he said was I could tell you it was his place and to make yourself at home while you're here." Brad kept walking.

  Dyson followed, taking in what looked to be a very expensive home. A multi-million-dollar home if he wasn't mistaken. He was sure of it as they came around the corner into the kitchen and he saw the view of the ocean outside the window. "My safehouse is beach front property?" He walked to the window and stared out.

  "If you'd rather the motel down the street…" an unfamiliar voice said.

  Dyson turned, finding a tall, dark-haired man watching him. He reminded Dyson of some of the guys he'd known in the military. Everything about the man screamed special forces. "You must be Rob."

  "And you must be William." Rob used Dyson's new name.

  Dyson cringed, making a face. "Let's just forget that now. You said it was William D. Liston, so how about you just call me D. I don't even give a fuck what it stands for, it's better than William."

  Rob smiled. "My grandfather was named William."

  "And I'm sure it was a great name for him, but it doesn't work for me. I couldn't fake being William if my life depended on it, which it does. Call me D." Dyson was not going to give up his name that easily. He was willing to abbreviate it, but he would not go by William.

  "Alright, D. Welcome to San Diego. I've got an early breakfast for us if you're hungry. I figured after a month in jail you could use a steak. So I made steak and eggs. I'll show you to your room if you'd like first."

  "Yeah, I need a shower before anything else, but keep that steak warm. I'm starving. They don't feed you enough in jail to keep you alive." Dyson looked around. "Any chance you have coffee too?"

  "Do I look like I'd be sitting here at nearly three in the morning without any coffee? You want it now or after your shower?" Rob asked.


  "Then let me show you to your room. I've put clothes on the bed that should get you through the next few days. If you need something I forgot, just let me know."

  "Anything that isn't bright red." Dyson hated the fucking jumpsuits he'd been living in for the last month.

  "Promise there's nothing red, other than maybe your toothbrush. I can't remember what color that was." Rob waved at him to follow.

  "You sticking around a bit?" Dyson asked Brad.

  "Yeah, I'll catch a few hours' sleep, then head out." Brad leaned against the counter. "Go get your shower. We'll all talk when you get done."

  Dyson nodded before turning and following Rob down a long hallway.

  "The place is huge, I'd give you a tour, but it's probably more fun to explore it yourself later. After that tiny jail cell, this place should give you a little breathing room. The only rule we have is go no farther than the balcony. In a few hours, your face is going to be all over the news again, and everyone is going to be looking for you. You're safe here, but I can't promise you'll be safe out there." Rob gestured to the large window in the bedroom he'd walked into with a view of the beach.

  "That's okay. I'm happy hiding inside. I'm not going to be a problem child. I have no desire to end up back in jail." Dyson walked over to the bed and picked up a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "This will do perfectly." He tore the hoodie over his head, tossing it on the floor near the wall to deal with later.

  "Your legs as tatted as your arms?" Rob asked.

  "Pretty much."

  "Then no shorts once we leave here. Play it safe." Rob moved to the doorway. "Everything you need is in the bathroom. Come on out when you're done."

  "Thanks, I appreciate everything you guys are doing for me." Dyson met the man's stare.

  "No problem. Bryon assured us that you'd do it for us if we asked. Maybe someday you can return the favor if we need a hand." Rob gave him a nod before leaving the room.

  Dyson shut the door and finished stripping. He eyed the bed, tempted to lie down for a moment, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to climb back out once he got in there. He was experiencing a huge adrenaline dump, and his body wanted to just crash.

  Forcing himself into the bathroom, he turned the water on hot, sighing happily at the strong water pressure. He stepped in, ignoring the burn of the water against his skin. He'd been dealing with ice-cold showers for the last month, the hot water was a luxury he'd never take for granted again.

  Rob had stocked the shower with men's shampoo, and everything else he needed, so Dyson took his time lathering the stench of jail off his body as he enjoyed his freedom.

  His stomach growling forced him to finally climb out and get dressed. With clean clothes, clean skin, and the smell of fresh coffee, he almost felt human again. He glanced out the window before leaving the bedroom. He could get used to this place. It was a shame he couldn't stay.

  "Hungry?" Rob asked as he set a hot cup of coffee on the table.

  "Starving." Dyson sat down.

  "Cream or sugar?" Brad pushed both toward him.

  "No, black is good." He took a small sip, burning his lip. "God, how I've missed coffee." He inhaled the scent. "Thank you again for all this. I didn't expect anything this nice when I got out."

  "Bryon said you deserved a couple days to relax before everything got crazy."

  "No clue where he's sending me?" Dyson looked back and forth between the two men.

  "I know some of Bryon's plans, but the location isn't one of them. It's not for us to talk about. Bryon will fill you in as soon as he gets here. Until then, just act like you're on vacation. Sleep late, eat too much, and just enjoy yourself. No one should come around other than me, so don't answer the door for anyone." Rob set a huge plate filled with food in front of Dyson.

  "Did you cook all this?" Dyson snatched a piece of fruit off the plate.

  "I did," Rob affirmed.

  "You single?" Dyson grinned.

  "Yep." Rob smiled, then ruined it by adding, "and very straight."

  "Fuck, just my luck." Dyson laughed as he reached for his fork. "Can't blame a guy for hoping. I could love the fuck out of a man who cooked me this all the time."

  Brad laughed. "That simple? Feed you and you're hooked."

  "Well, the food has to be good, but yeah, good food, good sex, what more do you need?" Dyson took a huge bite of his steak. "God, this is amazing after all that shit jail food."

  "I was planning spaghetti for dinner tonight, if that's okay?" Rob asked as he cut into his own steak.

  "Perfect. I'm happy to help with whatever. I don't expect you guys to cater to me while I'm here." Dyson reached for his coffee.

  "We both know how it can be to adapt after being in jail, even for a short time. Take it easy and relax. I'll take care of everything until Bryon gets here in a couple days. Brad will join us for a late lunch later today after he grabs a nap, but then he's off on another assignment."
br />   "You two ever need anything, just say the word. I'm in your debt." Dyson meant every word. He wasn't taking what these two did for him lightly. They'd put their freedom on the line to help him get out of jail. Every minute they were with him, they were in danger.

  "In our line of work, it's good to have friends. We may take you up on that someday." Brad pushed his plate back. "If you guys will forgive me, I want a shower and some sleep. I have a long drive ahead of me later today. I'll see you both in a few hours."

  "Thanks again," Dyson called as he watched Brad walk down the hall.

  Rob and he ate in silence for a while, and Dyson wondered about the two men. Just what exactly was their line of work? He knew better than to ask, but he was curious. "So, have you known Bryon long?"

  "About fifteen years. My daughter and Bryon's sister knew each other." Rob's jaw clenched.

  Dyson nodded. He knew Bryon's sister had been the reason he'd started STK, but he didn't know the story behind what had happened. It was something Bryon refused to talk about. It was also something he wouldn't ask about. "I'm sorry." He hoped that would be enough.

  "Thanks." Rob rubbed his chin. "So, you holding up okay? Can't be easy knowing you have to leave your old life behind."

  "I'm not happy about it, but there aren't any other options. I knew what I was signing up for when I joined the team. It's just one of those things you never really believe will happen. I mean I keep thinking about my last night before the arrest. It was like any other night. I had dinner, watched a bit of TV, then headed in to work around midnight. I had plans to pick up some guy after the job and spend the rest of the night working off the tension. Not once did I consider that it could be my last night, my last job. I took everything for granted. Now, I have no clue what's going to happen to my house, my shit, but even more, my friends. The team is like family, leaving them behind is going to be the hardest part." The thought of not having Xander just a few minutes away nearly killed him. They'd been together for so long, side by side through the worst parts of their lives. He wasn't sure how to live without his best friend around.


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