Free (Save The Kids Book 4)

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Free (Save The Kids Book 4) Page 26

by E. M. Leya

  Jessica laughed. "He was furious at first, telling me I was crazy and asking me if I knew what the fuck I was doing, but then, after he realized I wasn't going to leave the team unless you guys made me, he calmed down a bit and wanted to know how you guys did it. I figured telling him about the actual act wouldn't hurt the team. The doctors all know what they find when they see the pedofucks at the hospital. So, I walked him through the basics of how it's done, and why it doesn't kill them. He was fascinated, but a bit cringy at times. Of course, I think any guy would be."

  Jeremy grinned. "Yeah, I think I sat with my legs crossed for a week straight after hearing about it the first time."

  "Kevin supports what the team does. He knows that you can go in and get more evidence and do more good than the police can. Even if they had time to dig through the dark web like you do, the manpower isn't there, and like D has said, they'd slap these pedofucks on the hand and they'd serve a few years before getting out and doing it again. He may ask more questions, he may worry about me, but I know he won't be a problem. I swear to you guys, I will never give him names, I won't give him the location of the team house or any of your homes. I will protect you guys with my life." Jessica looked back and forth between them. "I'm so sorry this even happened."

  "I need to make the rest of the team aware of what happened. The team works so well because we are open and honest about everything. When we meet, they might not take things as well as we have. We will listen to their worries and go from there. You need to be ready that they might not take this well," D told her. "You also need to know, besides Marshall, who you met, we also added another member last night. I knew the guy in California. He'll be working with you and me on the stings. I would like you to meet him soon and we can vote to officially add him to the team or send him back home." D hoped that they wouldn't be sending Patrick anywhere. "I want you to stay home for a few days, get yourself feeling better, then we can plan something. The sting we had planned tomorrow, I'll do alone. I want you stronger before you go out again. The cast will be a dead giveaway to identify you, so it's best you wait until that comes off. I know that's a long time, but it's for all our safety."

  "Can I still come over? Maybe cook for the team or help on the computers?" Jessica asked.

  "Sure, I can always use someone to help on the computers if you're comfortable with that. As for cooking, the guys would love it. Rani's been doing most of the cooking. I'm sure he'd love a break," Jeremy told her. "Hell, sit downstairs and play video games if you want a way to pass the time."

  "I'm going back to my day job tomorrow, but I'll be over after work if I have the energy. I want to meet the new guy and apologize to everyone for what I caused." Jessica sighed. "Thank you for understanding."

  D smiled. "Thanks for getting your brother to put down that gun. I owe you one."

  "It was my fault. You two should have never met."

  "Well, I'm glad we worked it all out. We're going to head out. I want to finalize evidence for tomorrow's sting, but keep in touch. Let us know how you're feeling or if you need anything. Don't push yourself too hard." D stood.

  Jeremy followed. "And tell your brother thank you. I wasn't ready to see D go to prison."

  Jessica smiled. "I will."

  "We'll see ourselves out. Don't get up." D touched her shoulder before leading Jeremy out of the house. Once they were seated in the car, he blew out a long breath. "Well, what do you think?"

  Jeremy stared at the house. "I think we can trust them. They've been through a lot. We don't let our guard down, but I'm not as worried about this as I was before. I think we managed to escape a major issue with this one, but it also is a good lesson for us. We can't get comfortable."

  "You're right. We have to stay aware at all times." D started the car and pulled away. "I'm exhausted."

  "We'll cut out early tonight and get some good sleep, but first, we have a bit more training to catch up on. Maybe if we're lucky, one of the guys made lunch." Jeremy patted his stomach.

  "If not, I'll send Rani out for takeout. I'm starving." D turned onto the freeway. No matter how relieved he should be, he was still on edge, constantly looking behind them for someone following. It would take time for the worry to ease.

  No matter what happened from here, he needed to do better at protecting his team, and not just his team, but as he looked at Jeremy and thought about all he'd helped him get through, he realized he needed to protect the man he was starting to love.


  Jeremy stood back, watching as D bent over a large box that sat against the wall in the garage. His gaze traveled over his ass, up and down his legs, then back to his ass. He quietly walked over and gripped D's hips as he pressed his body up against him. His cock hardened at the contact. "You should know better than bending over in front of me." He rotated his hips as D pushed back against him.

  "If you hadn't forgotten to close that garage door, I would gladly let you take me, but I'm trying to play nice with the neighbors." D moved his ass up and down, sliding it over Jeremy's thickening length.

  "I'm just giving you a taste of what you'll get when you get home tonight." Jeremy wrapped his arms around D's body and pulled him up so his chest was to his back. He ran his lips over his neck. "I'll be glad when the others are fully trained so you aren't going on all the stings with them."

  Patrick had been going out for almost two weeks now with D, and it would be another three weeks before Jessica got her cast off and could start her training back up. It made for a lot of long nights for D, and Jeremy couldn't wait until D didn't have to go out all the time.

  "I know, but honestly, once they are trained, we'll increase the number of stings we are doing, so I'll still be out a lot." He arched his neck and turned his head, capturing Jeremy's mouth with his own.

  Jeremy kissed him hard, somehow managing to turn D at the same time so they were facing each other. He smiled into the kiss as D's cock brushed against his own. He slid his hands down, gripping his hips, holding him close. "What were you looking for?"

  "I was just reorganizing. I thought I might buy some tools and keep them here, then maybe buy some old car to fix up in our free time." D cupped his ass, pulling him closer.

  Jeremy groaned in pleasure as they slowly danced, moving their hips together. "I don't know anything about cars. You'll have to teach me."

  D grinned. "You just lean over under the hood and let me do all the work from there."

  Jeremy laughed. "Funny how automotive repair never sounded interesting until now."

  "I can make anything interesting for you." D nipped his lip. "Everything okay inside? How's Marshall doing?"

  "He's amazing. I've never met anyone so focused. He gets hold of one picture and in an hour, he has a file filled with evidence. I've never seen someone so determined. It's nice. It gives me a chance to focus more on security and making sure the sites are ready for you guys to go in." Jeremy slid his hand up into D's hair, tangling his fingers in it. He liked how long it was getting. "Jessica is doing good too. She's able to chat and draw people in well. She's slowly creating a profile as a lesbian looking for young girls. I was worried it might be too much for her, but she's been okay."

  D smiled. "We've created an amazing team. I was so nervous when I heard what we were supposed to do, but we did it. We're up and running and making a difference. I couldn't have done this without you."

  "You could have, but I'm glad we got to do it together. I never dreamed I'd be part of something like this, but honestly, even though I'm pretty much a wanted man, and I had to change my identity, I have never been happier with my life. Colorado, the team, but mostly you have changed my life. There's nowhere I'd rather be." Jeremy took a step back, needing to put space between them before he ripped D's clothes off. "I have regrets in my past, but in the end, it all brought me here, and here is more amazing so far than any part of my past has been." He stared at D, feeling emotions stir that he tried to keep down. He didn't want to take things
too fast, but man, D had him in knots half of the time. He'd thought he got along with his ex, but the truth was, they had nothing in common. With D, it was the perfect mix of shared interests and differences.

  "I miss being where I was, but being here has been a hell of a lot easier because of you. In a perfect world, I could have a mix of both, but I'm glad this brought us together. If you'd told me a year ago that I'd be in a relationship and falling in love with someone, I would have laughed. That wasn't who I was. Wasn't what I thought I wanted. You've shown me that I can be happy with one person. I can let someone get close without hurting them or having them hurt me." D shoved his hands into his pockets. "Fuck, look at me getting all serious."

  Jeremy laughed. "It happens from time to time. I won't tell anyone."

  "I've changed since I've been here. I never wanted responsibility. I was happy doing my job, hitting the clubs, going through the motions. I was scared to death to come here. I thought Bryon was nuts putting me in charge of a new team. He must have seen something I didn't, or maybe he knew you would tame me, but coming here has been the best thing for me. You've been the best thing for me. I hate my new identity, and miss my old, but I love my new life." D smiled. "I love you."

  Jeremy's chest tightened. Hearing that was the last thing he expected. They'd grown closer over the last few weeks. Ever since D had really opened up to him. The shift in their relationship was obvious to him, but he hadn't been sure D had felt it too. He stepped closer, closing the distance between them and brought his hands up to cup D's face. "I love you too."

  D smiled, looking almost shy.

  Jeremy wasn't about to let the moment get uncomfortable. He dipped his head, kissing D softly, teasing his mouth with his own, distracting him from overthinking what they'd just admitted to each other.

  It was the sound of a car pulling up outside the garage that had them pulling apart. Jeremy softly caressed D's cheeks as he dropped his hands and stepped back. "You expecting anyone?"

  "No, but it could be Jessica, though I think she should still be at work." D headed toward the open garage door to look out. "Holy shit." D smiled. "What are you doing here?"

  Jeremy followed him out, seeing a muscular tattooed man walking toward them, but he was quickly overtaken by a young woman who ran straight at D.

  "Faith." D opened his arms as she hit his body hard, wrapping her arms around him.

  "Dys," she said as she buried her head against his chest.

  Hearing Faith's name gave away exactly who the people were and why they had the address to the team house. It had to be D's best friend Xander from his old team. A smaller man climbed out of the car and walked closer. He ignored D, Faith, and Xander, and walked over to him. "I'm Matt. That's my husband, Xander, and our daughter, Faith." He nodded to D as Xander hugged him.

  "Jeremy." He offered his hand.

  "Hope it's okay we showed up without calling. Xander didn't want Dys to know." Matt smiled when Faith walked over to them as Xander and D fell into conversation.

  "Actually, the surprise visit came at a really good time. I know he's missed you guys a lot. He talks about you all the time." Jeremy watched as D and Xander laughed about something. "Especially you, Ms. Doctor." He smiled at Faith. "He's very proud of you."

  "I miss him so much." Faith sighed. "I'm glad he's safe though. It's really pretty here. I like all the trees."

  Jeremy smiled. "You'll have to come back in January when we have all the snow."

  "I've only seen snow once. Mom and Dad took us on a trip somewhere. I'd love to come visit in the winter, maybe go sledding and stuff."

  "I could teach you to ski," Jeremy offered.

  "You know how?" Faith asked.

  "I learned when I was about your age. I haven't been in a few years, but I used to enjoy it. Do you think we can get D to go with us?"

  "D?" Faith asked.

  "Short for Dallas. It's Dyson's new middle name," Matt told her.

  She laughed. "Oh yeah, he mentioned that. Good, I didn't like William for him."

  "Neither did I." Jeremy smiled. "While they visit, do you two want to come in and see the place?"

  Matt nodded. "I'm excited to see how you have your computers set up."

  "And I want to meet Rani." Faith turned and started for the door.

  Matt sighed. "I swear that girl thinks of nothing else."

  "Be glad. There are a million other negative things a teenager could be worried about. From what I've heard from everyone, Faith is a pretty amazing kid."

  "She is. I just wish she didn't always take life so seriously all the time. I'd like her to be a teenager for a while. She's always got her nose in some book. For once, I'd love to see her fangirling a band or worrying about clothes and make-up. Don't get me wrong, she does do some of that, but not to the extent other girls do."

  Jeremy figured that was because of her past, but he wasn't going to say anything with her waiting for them by the front door. "Go on in." He nodded to her, letting Matt follow her in before going inside himself.

  "How many team members do you have now?" Matt asked as they walked into the living room.

  "Six, but one is out with a broken arm, and two are still training," Jeremy told him. "D's got a sting tonight with Patrick."

  "I've met him. I ran his background check and helped collect evidence for his lawyer to use to get him out of jail. Great guy. He'll be a good team member once he gets everything down. I'm glad you two managed to organize all this so quickly. I figured it would take a year or more, but you've managed to do it in just a few months."

  "We had help. Beau bringing Rani here was a huge bonus, and we got lucky with the others. I'm not sure how D knows who he can trust, but he's been amazing." Jeremy turned to Faith. "You guys want a tour?"

  Rani walked out before they could answer.

  "Rani, just the man she wants to see." Jeremy gestured to Faith. "Rani, I'd like you to meet Matt and Faith, they are from the other STK team. Xander is outside with D, but you'll meet him. They're here to visit for…" Jeremy looked at Matt.

  "A few days. We'll play it by ear. Xander has some things to discuss with D before we head back." Matt offered his hand to Rani. "Nice to meet you. Beau speaks highly of you."

  "Nice to meet you as well." Rani took his hand, then turned to Faith. "And, Beau talks very highly of this young woman." He offered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Faith."

  She grinned as she took his hand. "You too. Can I see the med room?"

  Rani glanced at Matt who nodded. "Behave, Faith. It's his space, not yours."

  She rolled her eyes. "I'm just looking." She smiled at Rani. "So do you have it all set up yet?"

  As those two walked off, Jeremy grinned at Matt. "You've got a great daughter."

  "Thanks, she's a keeper. For all she's been through, she's tough as nails. So, where are your computers set up?" Matt asked.

  "Down here." He led him down the hall and into the room.

  "Hey." Marshall glanced over his shoulder, then stopped and turned when he saw Matt. "New guy?"

  Matt stepped forward and offered his hand. "Nope, old. I'm from the other team in California. Matt."

  Marshall shook it. "I'm Marshall. I just started a few weeks ago, so I haven't heard a lot about the other team, but welcome. You a computer guy too?"

  Matt nodded, taking a seat beside Marshall. "I am. Looks like you've got a good set up here."

  "That's all Jeremy's doing. He had it all set up when I came in," Marshall told him.

  "It was Carter. He came and helped me get it up and running. I couldn't have done it without him. I'm still calling him daily with one issue or another." Jeremy sat down beside them.

  "You getting ready for the sting tonight?" Matt nodded to the monitors where Marshall was working on pulling up all the cameras in the area. He had four traffic cameras showing the area they were going to tonight.

  "Yeah, but I'm not sure how to do this part. I get them pulled up, but Jeremy has to step in fro
m here. I'm still learning how to get into some systems." Marshall clicked a few buttons and pulled up another screen. "This is the home. There are two cameras on neighboring houses, but that's all I've been able to find so far."

  "I'm assuming we'll be hanging out here until D gets back tonight. I'm happy to jump in and help if you want," Matt offered.

  "I'm not going to turn down an offer like that." Jeremy was happy to have all the eyes and hands working that he could. "It's a pretty simple sting. Fifty-year-old man who has been arrested three times for voyeurism. We went in and found he has pictures of himself with young girls as far back as nineteen-ninety. He hits up the local recreation center, then hides in the girls' locker room and drags kids into a stall, forcing them to touch him. We were going to pass on this one, but two weeks ago, he raped his first kid. Left her lying on the floor and fled. The police have him on camera, but couldn't identify him from the angle. We caught him uploading the video to the web. He's had his chances."

  "Yeah, I agree. I always hate those we have to pass up. You know in your heart they are going to escalate to bigger crimes, but at the time, they haven't done enough to call for an STK hit. We're lucky enough to have a team who works with the police to share evidence, so usually, we can get the police to follow-up on those cases. Still, you know the courts won't do anything." Matt sighed. "I'm glad I'm not the one to make the final call."

  "Me too." Marshall smiled at Jeremy.

  "Yeah, I wish I didn't have to. Twice a week, D and I sit down and go over cases and decide which ones we are picking up. So far, we've only had one with kids on site." Jeremy hated doing that. He wanted to act on every case they had.

  "Yeah, those are always a priority." Matt glanced at the door as Xander and D walked in.

  "I should have known I'd find you here." Xander walked over, leaning down to give Matt a kiss.

  "Of course." Matt laughed. "Xander, meet Marshall and Jeremy." He gestured to each guy.

  "Pleasure." Xander nodded to Marshall, then turned to Jeremy. "I've been looking forward to meeting you." He glanced at D, then back to Jeremy. "Curious how you tamed him."


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