A Tale of Two Cities

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by Alexandra Warren

  A Tale of Two Cities

  A Halloween Novella

  Alexandra Warren

  A Tale of Two Cities: A Halloween Novella

  Copyright 2018 Alexandra Warren

  Cover Art by Visual Luxe

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real locations, people, or events is coincidental and unintentional.











  Featured Titles

  Also by Alexandra Warren

  A Tale of Two Cities Collection:

  Cute & Sweet Millennial Meets Over a Holiday, All With One Thing In Common; Cities.

  Halloween Edition

  For Lincoln, Nebraska & Savannah, Georgia.

  also available

  Thanksgiving edition

  for orlando, florida & Aspen colorado


  “Lani, are you all packed up? We really, really need to get going so I don’t miss my flight.”

  The pressure of the clock had me staring at my carry-on suitcase with my hands on my hips, trying to figure out what I was missing because I knew it had to be something. It always was - usually, something small - that I found myself needing at the last minute and overpaying for at the hotel. And while I could thankfully afford whatever it was at the moment, the last thing I wanted to be spending my vacation money on was something I already had at home.

  Unfortunately, my quick review of the checklist I had in my head got interrupted when my already-taller-than-me teenaged daughter came in my bedroom, typing away on her phone with her overnight bag over her shoulder as she insisted, “It’s fine, Mommy. Dad said he’s about to pull up to get me now.”

  My face scrunched. “Dad said, what? I thought I was dropping you off at your friend’s house on my way to the airport so you two could go to the volleyball tournament together in the morning?”

  She knew how much I hated changing plans at the last minute. But of course, she still made it sound like no big deal when she plopped down on my bed and replied, “Nah, I’m gonna hang out with Dad tonight. Then he’ll take me to the tournament, and I’ll stay at her house Saturday night with the rest of the team while you’re out playing slot machines or whatever it is people do in Las Vegas.”

  “Well excuse the hell out of me,” I groaned, rolling my eyes as I tried to brush off how annoyed I was even though her father picking her up from here really did work in my favor since it saved me a trip.

  Lani immediately picked up on my little attitude, giggling as she looked up from her phone to say, “Mommy, chill. It’s just a little change of plans that’ll only give you more time to get ready for your big trip with Auntie Jen and her friends. Which, speaking of your trip, don’t forget to bring me back something good. Or at least be prepared to share some of your winnings.”

  While I shouldn’t have been surprised that my baby girl was trying to talk her way into my purse per usual, I was still quick to tease, “Mmhm. I’ll think about it, Little Miss. Change of Plans,” moving to my dresser to grab another few pairs of panties - because you can never have too many pairs of panties on vacation - just as the doorbell rang.

  “Is that your father?” I asked, though the way Lani took off towards the door pretty much answered my question.

  Still, she couldn’t help doing a little teasing of her own on her way out when she tossed over her shoulder, “Yeah, it’s your baby daddy.”

  “Girl… just get the door,” I called after her with a laugh, abandoning my overpacked suitcase to follow behind her. And by the time I made it down the staircase, she had already let her father inside, his smile proud when he asked her, “You all ready to go, baby girl?”

  She nodded. “Yep! Oh, wait. I forgot my backup, backup phone charger. Be right back. Talk to Mom.”

  Once he noticed me, he offered me a smile too, shaking his head as he said, “These kids and their damn electronics. Couldn’t rip that phone from her if you tried.”

  “I swear it’s superglued to her hand at this point,” I joked, making him chuckle as he pulled me into a quick hug.

  I was glad we had gotten to the point of his unexpected visits not turning into an argument and his friendly hugs being the norm considering Lani’s early years had been everything but. We were young - really young - when we had her; trying to navigate the world as we approached our twenties and find ourselves while also being first-time parents.

  It was a mess.

  We were a mess.

  But now that we were both comfortably into our thirties, living separate lives and thriving individually while always keeping Lani at the forefront, everything was all good.

  “How you been, Vanny? Feels like I haven’t seen you in a minute,” Russ said once he pulled away, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans; the jeans that were almost long enough for me to disappear behind since his ass was so tall. But it was his height that made me notice him all those years ago at the state track meet, when he high-jumped his way into the history books and I hurdled my way into records that still stood back at my high school.

  Yeah, we were that couple.

  It was a match made in high school cuteness heaven until we called ourselves being grown and having loads of unprotected sex. And well, let’s just say that decision cost the both of us a lot.

  Thankfully, it had also given us a lot too in our baby girl; the same baby girl who I worked ridiculously hard to give a comfortable life which meant I was beyond exhausted when I sighed to reply, “I know. I’ve just been so busy with work and keeping up with your daughter’s crazy schedule. This trip is right on time.”

  I could pretty much assume Lani had given him the details of my vacation since he knew enough to ask, “Jennifer finally found a man to deal with her crazy ass, huh?”

  “Yeah, deal with her crazy ass by spoiling her rotten. I mean, only someone who loves her as deeply as Derek does would agree to a joint Halloween-themed bachelor-bachelorette weekend in Las Vegas.”

  I had never understood why Jennifer was so infatuated with what my churchgoing grandmother thought of as the devil’s holiday. But it was her wedding which meant it was her world, and I was happy to support whatever would give me an excuse to drink more liquor than usual.

  Russell was sold on the idea as well, chuckling when he replied, “Lowkey sounds fun, though. I’m sure y’all will have a great time.”

  “If nothing else, I’ll eat good at all the buffets while I’m there,” I told him, already looking forward to matching my liquor intake with some of the best cuisine the city had to offer.

  “Yeah, you look like you could use a good meal. With your skinny ass,” he teased, earning himself a push to his arm that was damn near as skinny as mine which meant he had no room to talk.

  Still, I was quick to groan, “Shut up, Russell. You loved this skinny behind back when it was even skinnier than this.”

  “And I always will, Vanny. You know that,” he gushed, brushing a hand against my chin that made me smirk and roll my eyes as I muttered, “Mmhmm” just as Lani finally made her way back downstairs.

  “Got all your chargers, and gadgets, and whatever else you carry on a daily that you claim you can’t live without?” I asked teasingly, Russell’s chuckle backing me up as Lani rolled her eyes.

  “Like mother, like daughter,” I thought as she replied, �
��It’s just a phone and a charger, Mom.”

  “And you have everything you need for your volleyball tournament?” I asked, tempted to have her pull everything out of her bag so I could double-check for her.

  She must’ve sensed it was coming since she wasted no time whining, “Yesss, Mommy. Now stop worrying about me and focus on your trip. Dad and I got this.” To emphasize her point, she wrapped her arm around her dad’s and gave me a smile that was damn near identical to his.

  It made me sick.

  I mean, how dare she come out looking like his butterscotch twin with thick, curly hair after cooking on three-hundred and fifty degrees in my body for thirty-eight weeks?

  With a quick kiss to her forehead that I guess made my pregnancy worth it, Russell agreed, “Damn right. Can’t wait to watch my baby girl dominate all those little weaklings at the net this weekend.”

  Snorting at his confidence, I asked, “Did you really just call your daughter’s peers, weaklings?”

  He shrugged. “Competition is competition, and my Lani is the best. Ain’t that right, baby?”

  Lani looked up to her father and gave him a blushing smile, their relationship always making my heart swell since it was almost identical to the one I had with my own father before he passed. Just like my father, Russell was always front and center at whatever Lani was participating in; from volleyball, to musicals, and even the occasional robotics competition.

  Yeah, my baby girl did it all. And she loved having her father there to cheer her on no matter how embarrassing he could get.

  Before I could get caught up watching them interact, I snapped out of it to tell her, “Well, be safe. And have fun. I’ll be back Sunday evening. But if you need anything before that, don’t be afraid to call me, Lani.”

  With a frown, she insisted, “Mom, I’m almost fourteen and my dad is right here. Relax.”

  While I wanted to check her on what sounded like her getting smart with me, I could only pout my lips when I whined, “When the hell did we get an almost fourteen-year-old, Russ?”

  Shaking his head in disbelief, he replied, “Man, I swear I was thinking the same thing. Time flies, for real.”

  I nodded to agree, glancing at my watch before I told them, “Okay, okay. I gotta get going. But I’ll see you guys when I get back. Love you, Lani.”

  My arms were already around her neck for a tight hug by the time she groaned, “Love you too, Mom.” And when I pulled away, I hardly recognized the young lady now in front of me who looked every bit of thirteen going on thirty-two like I was.

  Damn, that means we’re both getting older.

  “Aye, where’s my love?” Russell asked, interrupting my thoughts and making Lani laugh.

  I was pretty sure she had given up on the whole “seeing her parents as a couple” concept since she had already been a witness to the both of us seriously dating other people. But she still got a kick out of us going back and forth with each other, making it easy for me to smile even when I scolded, “Boy… get out of my house talkin’ that mess.”

  He chuckled, giving me an innocent kiss to the forehead similar to the one he had given Lani when he said, “Nah, for real. Have fun, Savannah. I know you’ve been bustin’ your ass down at the shop lately. You deserve the break.”

  “Thank you, Russyyyy,” I sang with a grin, the use of his childhood nickname making him chuckle even harder as Lani took off towards his truck in the driveway.

  “Ahh, you got jokes,” he replied before ducking out of my front door to follow in his daughter’s footsteps, the two of them covering so much ground faster than normal people would thanks to their extra-long strides.

  “At least I can take a little bit of the credit for Lani’s,” I thought as I called after him, “Don’t forget to send me some footage from her games!”

  “I got you, Mommy,” he shouted back before he got in the truck, Lani giving me another wave from the front seat as they pulled off. And after watching them disappear down the street, I got my ass into gear and rushed back upstairs to triple-check my suitcase cause now it was the only thing standing in the way of my much-needed vacation.


  “Nigga, we made it!”

  Staring out the window of the penthouse suite my cousin, Derek, had copped for his bachelor party, I couldn’t have agreed with his sentiment more; the panoramic view of the Las Vegas Strip tempting me to snap a few pics for the ‘Gram when I told him, “Yeah, you did your thing with this one, D. This view is fire.”

  “Shoutout to Wifey for that. We had a regular suite, but somehow she finessed this one. You know how women do.”

  While I had only met Jennifer a handful of times, I knew she had probably raised hell about something simple that ended with us getting a major upgrade for her trouble. But I certainly wasn’t complaining, deciding to do a quick video of the view instead as I asked, “Her and her crew are staying here too, right?”

  Derek shook his head, pouring himself a drink as he answered, “Nah, they’re down the street at the MGM Grand. Jen said something about wanting to do a joint thing, but still keep some parts separate so we can have our individual fun with our friends or whatever.”

  Twisting my lips into a grin, I teased, “Now you know good and well your ass will be sleeping at the MGM tonight. Quit playin’.”

  Derek laughed, taking a quick sip of his drink before he replied, “Nah. But I do plan on dropping in on their little girls’ night to hit it and dip while I still can.”

  Since I probably would’ve been on the same shit, I could only laugh right with him as his friend, Rod, joined us and added, “Well if you’re droppin’ in, we all droppin’ in, cause all of Jen’s friends are bad as hell. I mean, you got Jasmine, Ariel, Savannah…”

  I cut him off. “Wait. Who’s Savannah?”

  While I recognized the other two names from Derek and Jennifer’s surprise engagement party, the third one was unfamiliar. And of course, Rod had to make a big deal about it, his face scrunched in disbelief when he asked, “You don’t know Savannah? Man, she might be the baddest of the whole crew. No shade to your fiancée.”

  Derek smacked his teeth. “Nigga, shut up. I know my Wifey is fine as hell.”

  Rod rolled his eyes. “Anyway. Savannah is like… Kelly Rowland without the vocals. At least, I don’t think she can sing. But I know for a fact she’s the only one out of all of ‘em who’s sing-le.”

  “Yeah, singularly focused on securing the bag. She ain’t checkin’ for you, Rod,” Derek commented with a chuckle that only seemed to amp Rod up even more.

  His ass was naturally loud for no reason, but he seemed to be even louder than usual when he defended, “Man, she knows good and well she wants me to play stepdaddy.”

  “Stepdaddy? She’s got a kid?” I asked, surprised that Rod would even be interested in adding another woman with kids to his roster considering he already had a crazy baby mama of his own back home.

  But it was clear he had done his research since he knew to answer, “Yeah, she has a little girl who’s probably taller than her now thanks to her baby daddy’s crazy genes. That nigga is a skyscraper, for real. If he had a high-top fade, he’d be touching the clouds, bro. I’m tellin’ you.”

  Derek and I both started laughing as Derek said, “Rod, you a fool.”

  “Am I lyin’, though?”

  Derek shook his head. “Nah, that nigga is tall as fuck. Their daughter, Lani, is too now. Savannah posted a picture of the three of them on Instagram a couple days ago when Lani got some award for killin’ it in volleyball, and those two together damn near made Savannah look like a dwarf.”

  Even though I didn’t know any of these people, the way they spoke about them had me intrigued enough to say, “Pull it up. I wanna see.”

  Rod and I waited patiently as Derek pulled his phone out, typing and scrolling until he found what he was looking for. And once he handed it to me, I totally understood why Rod was so pressed on both accounts since ol’ boy’s head was alm
ost cropped out of the picture by accident and Savannah was… damn.

  Savannah was gorgeous.

  Smooth chocolate skin, bright eyes, and a tight little muscular body that almost made it seem impossible for her to have ever given birth.

  Definitely Kelly Rowland-like...

  I found myself trying to memorize her screen name so I could look at her profile by myself later on as Rod leaned over my shoulder and asked, “Do you think it’d be weird if I Photoshopped his face out and put mine in its place so she could see the vision?”

  I turned his way with a scowl. “Nigga. Yes, it’d be weird. The fuck?”

  Instead of being offended, he only shrugged. “Sometimes you really gotta see it to believe it, Linc. You don’t know nothin’ about that.”

  While I definitely knew all about envisioning whatever you wanted in life, I wasn’t about to throw my support behind Rod’s crazy ass. And luckily I didn’t have to, the knock on the door grabbing all of our attention since it was so unique.

  Well, maybe not all that unique considering there wasn’t an ear in the room that didn’t recognize the classic, Grindin’ beat from the Clipse that we used to do on the lunchroom tables back in the day. But the fact that it wasn’t a traditional knock told me everything I needed to know about who was on the other side of the door.

  It definitely wasn’t housekeeping.

  For whatever reason, Rod thought it was a good idea for him to answer it. And to no surprise, Jennifer’s excited smile fell flat once she saw it was him and then heard him announce, “Don’t worry, ladies. Rod has plenty of rod to go around.”

  “Eww. Move, dusty,” Jennifer replied, muffing his face as she blew past him with two of her friends behind her and went straight to Derek.


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