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Rise Page 4

by Sarah Bale

  Just like dogs, I’d like to point out.

  Marble’s left eye actually twitches. “Apparently, he’s found a way around it.”

  I say, “Mrs. Haas isn’t surprised her husband was kidnapped.”

  “Did she say that?”

  “She did in her mind. She wasn’t sure why he was meeting with Wrenly, but said she overheard him on the phone, talking about a new bill involving Heroes.”

  Marble shakes his head. “There’s not any new bills about Heroes.”

  Trace says, “Maybe they were drafting one. Might explain why Doc got involved.”

  Marble sighs and looks at his computer. I’ve known that look for a long time - he’s shutting down. Going cold on us.

  I ask, “Where is the last known location of Doc? Has anyone been there to investigate?”

  Marble replies, “No one has been sent. We’re trying to keep this under wraps. The less who know about it, the better. So far, you two and Ink are the only ones who know.”

  “You realize there’s a serious flaw in that plan, right? What if he talked to someone? There might be a Hero out there who knows something that can help us!”

  “I can’t do anything until it’s approved, Alpha.”

  “Of course. The infamous forms and approvals.”

  He cuts his eyes at me. “Alpha-”

  “Forget it, boss.” Standing, I ask, “Do you need anything else from me or am I free to go?”

  “No. Go.”

  Here’s the thing about Marble – he comes by his nickname honestly. Sure, his body is rock hard, but that’s not how he got the name. When he wants to, he completely shuts down his emotions and no one can get through to him. So, he’s all hard and cold on the outside, like marble – like he is right now.

  With a wave of my hand, I leave the center. What a fucking waste of time.

  I’m about to take off when Trace grabs my arm.

  “Damn, Alpha. Maybe I should wear my coat, so you don’t keep forgetting me.”

  “Sorry. I just needed to get out of there.”

  “I can tell.” There’s a pause. “You two should just bang. Get rid of the sexual tension hanging between you.”

  I laugh. Loudly. “Been there, done that.”

  “Look, you’re the type of girl that a guy doesn’t just get over. Believe me, I know.”

  That makes me feel bad for a split second, but then I remember Trace is the one who broke up with me, just like Marble. Dang. I’m starting to see a pattern here.

  “Trace, he was the one who didn’t want the relationship.”

  “I think you’re wrong. I think he did, but the Uppers forced him to break up with you.”

  There’s a flicker of hope that blooms in my chest.

  “Why on earth would you think that?”

  “Let’s just say I might have overheard something recently.”

  “That’s a bullshit answer.”

  He laughs. “Go to dinner with me and I might tell you all about it.”

  “Are you going to wear your coat?”

  He lets out a loud sigh. “I guess.”

  I’m the one who laughs this time. “Then, let’s go somewhere fun for dinner.”

  Normally, we have to get approval from the Uppers to leave town, especially when it’s for leisure and not business. But I don’t care today. Today, I’m going to take a guy I used to date to Paris for dinner.

  “Okay, I’ve got my coat in my bag.”

  “Tell me again why I can’t see your bag?”

  He laughs. “Secrets of the trade.”

  “It’s in your butt isn’t it?” I hold up my hands. “Don’t answer that. I probably don’t want to know.”

  Reaching for him, I jump and take off.

  As we fly, I say, “It might get cooler as we get closer to Paris.”

  “Paris?” There’s shock in his voice. “Dang Alpha. I was thinking something closer to home, like McDonalds or something.”

  I laugh, flying faster. We zip through clouds, soaring over the Atlantic Ocean. Lightning flashes across the sky and I duck around the bolts. For some reason, this happens a lot. I’m not sure if it’s because there’s something inside of me that the lightning is drawn to, or if it’s because I’m the only thing in the sky.

  Trace says over the wind, “You’re probably pissing Zeus off by being up this high, so close to Olympus.”

  “If he has a problem with it, he can tell me to my face.”

  Thunder booms across the sky and a lightning bolt strikes right in front of me. Close enough that the heat from it makes my skin tingle.

  “Fuck you, old man,” I shout.

  “Alpha-” Trace warns.

  The wind picks up, but I simply laugh and go faster. The old Gods have a problem with us, since many of us share the same powers they do. We can fly, control the weather, change our appearances – everything that made the old fuckers so special a long time ago. But, from what I hear, they have bigger problems they should be worrying about. Like why all the old Goddesses are dying, being replaced with normal women.

  We finally reach Europe and I zone in on France. Before the Changing, France was always a place I wanted to travel to, but could never afford. Nope, I was too busy paying off my student loans and working long hours as a nurse. It took the Changing to finally be able to travel to places like this, even if just for work.

  I land near the Eiffel Tower, which is one of my favorite places to visit while I’m in town. It’s not busy, since it’s cold and rainy outside. That works in my favor, since I don’t technically have permission to be here. The last thing I want is for someone to snap a photo of me.

  Trace says, “I’m going to put my coat on. Please, don’t laugh at me.”

  “I won’t.”

  There’s nothing next to me and then there’s suddenly there’s a bright blue trench coat, formed to the shape of a very muscular Trace.

  The arm of the coat moves, touching the chest. “They took the khaki one away.”

  His tone is bleak and makes me sad.

  “Trace, you look great.”

  “I look like a fucking blue blob.” He sighs. “They’re really going for a theme these days with our outfits.”

  I look down at my own getup. “You’re not wrong.”

  “Remember when we could wear whatever we wanted, unless it was for official business?”

  “Yeah. Seems like a long time ago.”

  “I knew when they raided our homes and took all our clothes that those days were gone and over with.”

  “Is that why you walk around naked?” I’m grinning.

  “What can I say – I love the feel of the wind on my balls.”

  We both laugh. While he’s technically naked, he says there’s also a barrier that keeps him from getting too hot or cold. No one can explain it - it’s just how he is.

  “So, what are we eating?”

  “Do you want authentic Parisian food or something more mainstream?”

  He snorts. “You dragged me across the ocean. We better get something that can only be found here.”

  “I know just the place.”

  I take him to a family-owned restaurant that I found when I was on a mission with Doc. The owners don’t have anything against Heroes, and people won’t bug us while we eat, asking for photos.

  We enter and the one of the owners comes from behind the counter. “Alpha! What a surprise. I didn’t know you were in town.”

  I kiss each of her cheeks. “Leila, it’s so good to see you.”

  “And you’ve brought a friend.”

  She holds out her hand and Trace shakes it. If she’s freaked out, she hides it well.

  “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am. My name is Trace.”

  She says, “The pleasure is mine. Please, follow me. I have the perfect table for you.”

  There’re not many people in the restaurant, but she takes us to the private dining space. When she lights the candles on the table, I grin.

be back in a moment. Would you like red or white wine?”

  “You pick.”

  She smiles and leaves us.

  Trace says, “She’s nice.”

  “She is.” I laugh. “I think she thinks we’re on a date, though.”

  “Maybe we are.”

  “Oh? Then you should pull my chair out for me.”

  The chair next to me slides out. His breath hits the back of my neck as I sit, and I shiver.

  “See? This is totally a date.”

  “Really? Because I don’t recall you asking.”

  He sighs. “Damn. You’re right.”

  “Maybe next time, pal.”

  “Pal? Are you putting me in the friend zone?”

  I thought we were joking, but now I’m wondering if he’s serious.

  “Aren’t we already friends, Trace?”

  “Yeah. I guess.”

  Leila comes back with two glasses of red wine. “I’ll bring you an appetizer.”

  “Thank you.” I take a sip of wine and say to Trace, “You mentioned hearing something recently about why Marble broke up with me.”

  “Way to change the subject.” He pauses. “I’m not sure I should even tell you this.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ll lose any chance I have at getting you to date me again.”

  “Trace, all you have to do is ask. I’d love to go on a date with you sometime. You just have to remember – nothing’s changed since last time. We’re both still going to be too busy to see each other.”

  Which is one of the reasons he broke up with me.

  “I get lonely,” he admits. “And we have fun together.”

  “We do, but I’m not sure that’s a good enough reason to date.”

  He sighs. “I was at headquarters a few months ago and overheard one of the Uppers talking to Marble. Marble was really angry about something, so I got closer to hear better.”

  I snort. “Of course.”

  “It’s a perk of the job. You’d do it if you could.” He goes on, “So I hear this Upper telling Marble he can’t contact you because he’s made so much progress getting over you.”

  I feel warm. “That doesn’t mean anything.”

  His wine glass lifts as he takes a sip. “Marble told the Upper he didn’t understand why the two of you couldn’t be together. The Upper asked him if he needed a session at the facility and Marble walked off.”

  A session? That’s a pretty harsh threat.

  “When he was gone, the Upper called someone and said he didn’t think their hold on Marble was as solid as first thought.”

  “What in the heck does that mean?”

  His shoulders lift. “Your guess is as good as mine. But, my point remains – I don’t think he broke up with you because he didn’t want a relationship. I think they made him do it.”

  Leila, with her impeccable timing, arrives with our appetizers. When I look up to thank her, I’m overcome with a sense that something is very wrong.

  “What is it?”

  “Two Villains just walked in.” She swallows. “I don’t want any trouble here. Please.”

  The last word is a plea that punches me right in the gut.

  “Of course not. Is there a side door we can leave through?”

  “Yes. Down the hall, to the left.”

  I stand. “Thank you, Leila.”

  “There’s no need to thank me. I’m being a coward.”

  Trace says, “No, you’re doing just as you should. We don’t want you to be reprimanded for this.”

  And she will be, if we’re discovered here without the proper paperwork.

  “Please come back and see me the next time you’re in town.”

  I smile. “Always.”

  Trace stands. “Better put the coat away.” His coat is gone a moment later. “Let’s go.”

  When I step into the hallway, I can feel their presence right away and I shiver. The vibe they put off has always made me uneasy. It’s like a deep bass that throbs inside of your body. If you listen to it long enough, you fear you’ll be consumed by it. Maybe that’s what they want – maybe they want us to give in. And it’s so very tempting…

  Trace grabs my arm. “Did you hear a word I just said?”

  “Sorry. Say it again.”

  “I said these Villains are strong. Their pull is stronger than any I’ve ever felt.”

  I let out a sigh. “I thought it was just me.”

  “It’s like I can hear them calling out to me. We need to get out of here. Now.”

  He drags me behind him, which is probably a good thing, since my dang feet don’t want to work on their own. We step outside, and I know we’ve made a terrible mistake.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  A man steps from the shadows, though he’s still shrouded in darkness, which, I’d like to point out, shouldn’t be possible. There’s something about him that seems familiar, but I can’t place my finger on it.

  His voice snakes into my mind. Forgotten me so easily? I’m wounded.

  “Who are you?”

  Why should I tell you that?

  I say, “We’re not looking for a fight.”

  But we are.


  Do you really have to ask?

  My head feels like it’s spinning. “Stop talking in riddles.”

  He laughs and it sends goosebumps across my skin. I know that laugh. I’m shocked when I feel a surge of longing. It’s like he flipped a switch deep inside of me that leaves me aching everywhere for more.

  We’ll let you go. For now. We just wanted to remind you of something.


  You won’t be able to hide from us much longer. Be sure your people know that.

  Darkness licks at me and I bite back a moan of need. There’s a loud hiss as the air fills with thick smoke that makes me cough and gag. When it clears, the Villains are gone.

  Trace exclaims, “What in the fuck did they do?”

  “One of them was having a conversation with me. In my mind.”

  “Alpha, I was frozen in place and couldn’t hear a damn thing. The only reason I knew you were even talking was because I could see your mouth moving.” He lets out a shaky breath. “Whoever they are, they’re powerful.”

  Yeah. They are. The main one was able to dive right into my mind without even trying, and I’m pretty darn good at keeping people out. And I don’t even want to think about the whole lusty thing. Heroes and Villains don’t mix like that. Ever. So why in the fuck was I so attracted to him? Is it because I know him?

  Trace says, “I think we should get out of here.”

  “I agree. Let’s go.”

  Because I can’t shake the feeling that we’re still being watched. And that we’ve made a terrible mistake by coming to Paris.


  We touch down at my house in Richmond and I know we’re in trouble. Marble stands in front of my door, arms crossed.

  Gah. Why does he look even hotter when he’s pissed?

  “Where in the fuck have the two of you been?” He holds up his hand. “No, don’t answer that. Do you know why? Because I’ve received numerous fucking complaints that Alpha was seen in Paris.”

  The air swirls around him, blowing dirt from my flowerbeds. Little bits hit me in the face and I put up a shield to protect me and Trace.

  Trace calls out, “Damn, Marble. We get the point. Stop blasting us with dirt that’s mixed with fertilizer. It’s gross!”

  Marble glares, but the wind dies down. “Both of you get in the house. Now.”

  I want to point out that he doesn’t have a key, but the door swings open, so maybe he doesn’t need one. Also, I make a mental note to change my freaking locks after he’s gone.

  Trace mutters, “Guess I’ll put my coat on for this ass whooping.”

  His coat appears a moment later. I’m surprised how close he is to me, as if he’s scared.

  Marble must think this, because he
says, “Don’t hide behind Alpha, Trace. You went along with her plan, so you’re just as guilty as she is.”

  “How do you know it wasn’t his idea?”

  Marble glares. “Because you went to Leila’s restaurant.”

  Oh. Shit. He’s been there a few times… with me. Guess I didn’t think the whole Paris thing through very well.

  He goes on, “What in the fuck were the two of you thinking? We have a fucking Hero that just went Rogue and you think it’s a good idea to go across the ocean without approval?”

  When he says it like that, it sounds bad and kind of dumb on our end.

  “Marble, it wasn’t like that. We just needed to get away for a bit.”

  “There are forms for that.”

  “You know how long it takes for those to get approved,” I huff. “And what’s the big deal? We just went for dinner. We weren’t planning on taking an extended vacation.”

  “The big deal, Alpha, is we’re still not sure where Doc is. What if he would have gotten ahold of you?”

  I flinch and he notices.

  He spits out, “What?”

  “We had a run in with some Villains in Paris. They showed up at the restaurant, and when we went out a back door, they were waiting.”

  Trace shakes head. “Marble, I’ve never experienced anything like that since the Changing.”

  I shoot him a dirty look for using the official term. And also for being a tattletale.

  Marble turns to me, waiting.

  I sigh. “He’s not wrong – it was intense.”

  “Do you know who it was?”

  “No, but he seemed familiar.”

  “What did he say?”

  This is the part I really don’t want to say out loud. I haven’t had time to process it and I know it’s going to piss Marble off.

  “Alpha, if you don’t start talking, there’s a machine at the facility that can pull your thoughts.”

  My mouth gapes. “Jesus, Marble. You don’t have to be a dick about it.”

  “Yes. I do. This is my job.”

  I glare. “He said we won’t be able to hide from them much longer. He wanted you and the Uppers to know this.”

  I’m not even going to mention the lusty bit. Not while Marble looks like he’s going to rip my head off.

  Marble shakes his head. “What does that even mean?”


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