War of Atlas

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War of Atlas Page 4

by Lucny Dauphin

  “…Well, the Invasorz consists of 5 people: Me, Jinzo, Ginzo the Swordsman, the Knight Sniper Kizo, the beautiful Mizo, and the Drill Killer Drizo,” explains Jinzo, “…As I can gather, I, Ginzo, and Kizo are all currently in a battle with you humans. Drizo seems to be approaching a group of strong warriors…and well, Mizo is laid back, as she always is.”

  “…Why the fuck…are you doing…this…?” says a weakened Tatyana.

  “Our mission is to guard this land. It is the Invasorz sworn duty. Shall anyone disturb it, they will pay dearly for their crimes, and surely enough, there are many, puny humans, that will suffer here tonight for that,” explains Jinzo.

  Jinzo now appeared to have three long needles on his back. Moments after Jinzo finishes talking, Michael bursts at Jinzo and tries to throw a punch at Jinzo, but Jinzo simply punches Michael before Michael could swing, thus sending Michael crashing to the ground once again. Moments after Michael falls to the ground, Tatyana forces herself up, making Jinzo quickly walk back, watching Tatyana quickly get back to her feet and fly towards Jinzo.

  “I truly don’t give a shit who you are. You’re an intruder on my land, and YOU’RE the one, that’s going to pay!” shouts an angry Tatyana.

  Tatyana begins sending a flurry of punches towards Jinzo, but Jinzo easily evades most of her punches, and at the right moment, swiftly punches Tatyana to the stomach hard, making her gag and cough out a few spots of blood on the ground. Tatyana stops herself and tightens her stomach with her arm, backing away from Jinzo, clearly hurt from his punch. Tatyana soon stops however and looks forward at Jinzo as blood seeps through her gritted teeth. Tatyana yells in anger as she tries to lunge forward at Jinzo, but Jinzo swiftly flies forward and sends an impressive kick to Tatyana’s head, sending her flying to the right and crashing through many boxes of crates. Jinzo positions his hat before letting out a sigh and shaking his head.

  “So, sad…you humans are weak. And here I thought I would have a challenge at last against you all. Maybe I should get out of here and attack the lot of you,” says Jinzo.

  “No…no, you aren’t…” says Michael slowly walking towards Jinzo from afar.

  “…Hmph…” says Jinzo, looking on at Michael with disgust.

  “…We’re all you need to shred your mechanical ass to pieces…!” says Tatyana, quickly getting back up to her feet and walking towards Jinzo.

  “…I’ll give you two one thing…you do not know when to stand down. I like that…!” says Jinzo with a smirk.

  [Tower City]

  “…Hey Stacey, how many minutes are left here?” says Saul.

  “…About 40 more minutes,” replies Stacey through Saul’s speaker.

  “…Dammit,” replies Saul, shaking his head.

  “…Stacey…I feel uneasy for some reason…” says Daichi, slowly shifting his eyes left to right, looking for something, or watching out for something.

  “…Is that so?” questions Stacey.

  “Uhh, I feel the same way,” says Victoria.

  “Listen, I’m observing the area…and Saul, please, move the fuck away from the building NOW!” says Stacey.

  Saul was shocked by Stacey’s words, but he does as he’s told, and quickly flies away from the building. Moments after he flees, a large explosion rocks the building he was standing on. Saul turns and is shocked to be confronted by a large man about his size. He was a large muscular man with bronze skin, short spiky silver hair, red eyes, and a glowing red ball attached to his chest. What was fascinating about this man was that he had a long light-blue drill replaced for his right forearm, with electricity surging around it.

  “Well, what do we have here, another big guy to fight?” says Saul with a smirk.

  The large man wastes no time and charges after Saul. The large man is quick, swing his left hand rapidly to punch, and swinging his right drill arm to slash at Saul, but Saul is quick enough to evade most of the man’s attacks before quickly punching the man in the stomach hard. Doing so stops the man’s movements, and from there, Saul begins throwing a quick round of punches towards the man’s stomach and chest before sending one final, powerful punch to the man’s chest, pushing him back far, however, the man was able to control his body, and stop himself from getting flown away any further, which shocked Saul.

  “…Who the fuck is this guy…?” says a curious Saul.

  Moments later, two people rush past Saul to go after the man. It was Daichi and Victoria. The man points his drill arm forward and quickly fires off a large blue energy attack in the form of a drill coming their way.

  “Shit!” shouts Saul.

  Daichi and Victoria, both stop, shocked at the large attack coming their way, but in the final moments, Saul takes the front lead, appearing in front of both of them, and puts his arms up in defense, soon engulfed in a large electrical blast.

  “Saul!” shouts Victoria.

  “Damn…!” says a disgruntled Daichi.

  Saul falls from the sky, but Daichi swoops down and grabs hold of him by his left arm just in time. The Calamita Team then land all the way back down to the ground, and as soon as they do, Victoria, Daichi, and a weakened Saul all raise their heads up to the sky and are silent as they see yet another, larger energy drill gunning for them. There was no escape for this one, as seconds later, the energy drill crashes down onto them, causing a huge burst of light and electricity in the process. The blast was bright enough for even other soldiers who were fighting off against the hooded soldiers, stopped to observe the bright light from afar.

  “Whoa…what the fuck just happened over there?” says a male soldier.

  “…Man, that looks crazy. Like a lightning explosion…!” says another male soldier.

  [Wintu City/ Warehouse]

  “…Ah, it appears Drizo has done a good job against those higher-up soldiers,” Says Jinzo, looking up at the ceiling.

  “Higher-up soldiers…?” says Tatyana, holding on her to her left arm, standing next to Michael. The both of them appear severely damaged now, not in good shape.

  “…He must mean the Calamita Team…” replies Michael, holding on to his right arm.

  “…Michael, I’m sick of this shit. I feel like shit. You feel like shit. We have to advance,” says Tatyana.

  “…Heh, use “that”?” says Michael.

  Jinzo looked on curious, as both Michael and Tatyana appeared confident before him, slowly reaching for their morpher…

  [Xera City]

  Akira and the group all land at the top of a skyscraper, and they all appear exhausted, as well as their armors having slash marks all over it. They as well appear not to be in good shape, as Ginzo stands tall, looking at the trio from below, still in the air.

  “Hahahaha! Is that all you 3 have?! You can do better than that!” shouts Ginzo.

  “…Guys, I’ve had enough of this. We have no choice. We’re facing off against a powerful foe right now,” says Akira.

  “I approve. If this continues we’ll be sure to die…!” replies Zavius.

  “Well, let’s go for it…!” says Kame.

  Ginzo watches on in curiosity now, finding the trio reach for the morpher on their wrists…

  [Atlas City]

  Luke and his team all land on top of separate buildings, and they as well appear exhausted, with destroyed, fiery buildings all around them, with Kizo high above the sky, looking down at them all. Luke is gasping for air, gazing at Kizo with anger in his eyes.

  “…Luke…! I think it’s time for what your sister explained to us back in boot camp…don’t you think?” questions Caleb.

  “…Yeah…there’s no other choice. We have to go up the ante, and go all out now,” replies Luke, reaching for his morpher, “Enhanced Drive isn’t going to cut it…”


  “Alright! That’s all for the powers of “Enhanced Drive”! Go back to training or sleeping or whatever the fuck you guys do on your break,” Says Victoria, grabbing her bag from off of the floor. As everyone pr
oceeds to get up from off the sandy ground, Luke looks around with a worried look on his face, soon turning his attention to his sister.

  “…Victoria, I have a question to ask!” shouts Luke.

  “Hmm? What is it Luke?” says Victoria with a confused look.

  “…What if…Enhanced Drive isn’t enough?” asks Luke.

  “…Huh?” says a confused Victoria.

  “…Well, what if it isn’t enough? Is there like a stage 2, or a final stage or something?” replies Luke.

  “…Umm…there’s “Critical Drive” …but you guys shouldn’t know about it,” replies Victoria.

  “Why not? We don’t know what we’ll be facing off against up there,” says Luke.

  “Yeah, we’d all like to know more about this “Critical Drive” our new morphers contain,” says Caleb. Everyone else appeared interested, as all eyes were back on Victoria. Victoria lets outs a sigh and sends a glare towards Luke, to which Luke smiles at.

  “…Alright. Well, I honestly don’t think this war to take our land back will be that crucial, but…yeah, your upgraded morphers have what’s called the “Critical Drive”. It will simply make you significantly stronger. Hell, “Dangerously” stronger. But, it’ll come at a cost,” explains Victoria.

  “What’s the cost?” asks a curious Luke.

  “After activating Critical Drive, you will remain in that form for quite some time. You cannot deform your armor in any way possible while in Critical Drive until the energy drains out of the Dynasty Morpher, and when that happens, the morpher will end up shattering, and your body is going to be in so much pain you’ll be barely able to move, and may even fall unconscious. I’m only going to say this once. Shall you ever face a foe that is impossible to beat, even with Enhanced Drive…then by all means, use it. It is the last option and a dangerous one. The cost is risky, so be wise to activate it. No going back after it’s activated,” replies Victoria with a grave look towards the silent soldiers…

  -Flashback End-

  It appeared it was now time for the Calamita Team’s family to reach a state to strengthen them further against the Invasorz. Everyone on Luke’s team, Akira’s, and Tatyana’s, all twist the knob on their morpher’s once more, with the LED screen on their morpher showing the word “CRITICAL” on it. Seconds after they all do so, a stylish armor helmet forms on all of their heads, having the design of a dragon with bright blue eyes. Steam began shooting out of the holes on their armors, and electricity began surging all over their bodies. The Invasorz Ginzo and Jinzo looked on with surprise on what they were observing, however, Kizo’s reaction was unseen. Nonetheless, these strongly bonded teams have reached Critical Drive, a state that will exceed their strength on all levels, but once their morpher’s run out of power, it is over. Will they be able to stop their foes on their next drive…?

  Chapter End

  Chapter 36

  Critical (1)

  “…Team, let’s move…!” says Luke, slowly floating up towards Kizo.

  “…Die…!” says a frusterated Kizo under his breath.

  Luke bolts at Kizo full speed, however, Kizo begins his assault by firing five rounds of his powerful bullets towards his foes below. The bullets form their tornados. However, Luke easily sways his body like a bird evading the bullets with ease, which shocked Kizo to his core. As Luke makes his way towards Kizo, Kizo suddenly turns around and finds the rest of Luke’s team aiming their rifles dead at him.

  “What…?! How?!” shouts Kizo.

  Seconds later, the team fires off a massive energy beam wave towards Kizo. However, Kizo easily descends to avoid the wave in time. The bullets Kizo tries to send towards Luke ends up causing, even more, destruction of the city as a result. As Kizo turns around to look at the destruction below him, he is blind-sided as Kim quickly swoops down and swiftly kicks Kizo to the side of his head, sending him crashing into the ground in seconds.

  “Guys, start blazing him, NOW!” shouts Luke, aiming his rifle down at where Kizo crashed.

  The team does as Luke requested, as they all come together and quickly fire off another massive energy beam wave down towards Kizo’s location. The energy beam wave crashes to the ground, causing massive destruction to the city in the process. Only seconds after the beam wave crashed to the ground; the team simultaneously lets go of their trigger, and they witness a massive crater down below, with many buildings slowly crumbling down, while others were either already torn, or caught in ablaze.

  “Fuck, that was a big attack!” says a shocked Caleb.

  “That’s the power of teamwork for ya’!” replies August with a smirk.

  “Good job guys…” says Luke, smiling towards his teammates.

  “It’s thanks to you Luke. You’re doing an awesome job as captain so far…” replies Kim with a smile.

  “Heh…no biggie I guess…” says Luke with a shy smile.

  “Although we can’t see each other’s faces because of our helmets…but I sense massive blushing from Luke,” says Linda.

  “I’m not blushing! Quit that!” shouts an angry Luke, “I have a girlfriend!”-

  “Hey, the fucker is not down yet!” shouts August, pointing down.

  In the center of the deep crater, Kizo was seen, still standing, but his glorious knight armor was severely damaged. The team now saw the true identity of Kizo, who appeared human. From head to waist was nothing but the slim muscular body of Kizo, having bright red eyes, long white hair, a scar across his left eye and right cheek, as well a small red glowing sphere on his chest. From the waist below, is what remained of his knight armor. Kizo looked up at his foes with pure anger, gripping tightly onto his rifle.

  “…I can’t believe it…! You humans are stronger than I have predicted…!” says an angry Kizo, “However…it’ll take more than that to take me down!!!”

  Kizo’s rifle begins to glow bright red, and in a flash, Kizo’s sniper rifle that shot out powerful bullets of destruction transformed into a large black cannon rifle. Kizo wastes no time and points the rifle up towards his targets and fires off dark purple energy beam waves at them.

  “Move!” shouts Luke.

  As ordered, everyone moves out of the way to avoid the beam waves just in time.

  “Kim, I need you to find a nice spot to snipe this guy once and for all. We’ve destroyed at least half of his armor at this point!” shouts Luke.

  “Heard that Captain!” shouts Kim with a smirk, beginning to fly off down into the buildings, leaving her teammates.

  “Listen! Caleb, August, Linda! Stay with me at all times! We’ll be a distraction to him until Kim can catch him at the right moment. I depend on her to strike him for good!” shouts Luke.

  “Roger!” shouts Linda.

  “Gotcha!” shouts August.

  “Let’s do this!” shouts Caleb.

  “I’m going to destroy you all!!” shouts Kizo, bolting up to the sky gunning for Luke and the gang.

  As Kizo got closer, Kizo attaches his rifle to his back and charges at Caleb first. Kizo begins sending a flurry of punches at Caleb. However, Caleb easily avoids most of his punches with ease. Luke and Linda get behind Kizo from afar and fire off a few rounds of plasma bullets. However, Kizo quickly glides out of the way, causing friendly fire, as Luke and Linda accidentally shoot Caleb down. Caleb shouts in agonizing pain as he falls from the sky.

  “Damn, he’s fast…!” shouts Luke.

  “Caleb!” shouts a shocked Linda.

  “I got this bastard!” shouts August, charging towards Kizo fast.

  In seconds, Kizo turns towards August who’s seconds away from punching Kizo square in the face. However, Kizo moves his head to the right, making August miss, but it continues from there, as the two send a flurry of punches and kicks at each other with immense speed. Luke and Linda float there in the back and witness the two go at it.

  “….I’m going in!” shouts Linda, charging towards the fight.

  “L-Linda!” shouts Luke, looking concerned from behi
nd the helmet.

  “Too slow!” shouts Kizo, swiftly kicking August to the side of his head hard, making August shoot down to the ground hard. Moments after doing so, Linda whips out a beam sword and tries to strike Kizo from behind quickly, but Kizo smirks, and swiftly turns his body, kicking Linda to the face at the right time, sending her crashing through a building and crashing to the ground in seconds. Luke was in utter shock, now finding the rest of his teammates down below, unconscious.

  “…You’ve got to be shitting me…!” says an angry Luke.

  Kizo slowly lowers the leg he used to kick both August and Linda down, slowly turning his body towards Luke.

  “…And then there was one…however, it appears I’m missing another,” says Kizo.

  “…Fuck off…” replies an angry Luke.

  Luke begins firing a nice round of plasma bullets towards Kizo. However, Kizo quickly whips out his cannon rifle and fires off larger black plasma bullets towards Luke. The two are now going back and forth, flying all over the sky firing bullets at each other, while trying to avoid each other’s shots at the same time.

  At the right moment, Luke fires off a large blue energy wave towards Kizo. However, Kizo quickly counters with a black energy wave of his own, and as the two beam waves collide, Kizo and Luke are locked in a conflicting battle of who’s energy wave is stronger. Both have a sheer struggle on their faces, as their energy waves pushed on each other back and forth. Kizo suddenly reveals a smirk, and his energy wave grows bigger, slowly and steadily pushing Luke’s energy wave back.

  …Dammit, where the fuck is Kim! This is a wonderful time to snipe him dead now! Thought an agitated Luke.

  “Now you perish, pitiful human!” shouts Kizo.

  Before Kizo could push out more energy out of his rifle to end Kyo, Kizo quickly has the look of suspense and looks to his right from below.

  “…No!” says a shocked Kizo.


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