War of Atlas

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War of Atlas Page 6

by Lucny Dauphin

  “…Good job you two…!” says Akira.

  Akira tightens both beam sword hands and places them on his back.

  “…This one’s for you, Miku…!” says a glowering Akira.

  Akira charges at the weakened Ginzo, and before Ginzo knew it, the merciless, swift Akira, slices his head smooth off his body. The shadow that engulfed Ginzo’s faded away, as his headless body falls from the sky, Ginzo’s head goes flying high, soon falling from the sky as well. It was finally over. The three Swordsmen have finally vanquished the villainous swordsman. Akira shoots his head back and lets out a sigh, as Zavius, along with Kame, fly over to him.

  “…It’s finally over…” says Akira.

  “Man, that guy was fucking tough…!” says Kame.

  “Tell me about it…” replies Zavius.

  Akira moves his head forward and finds Kame and Zavius in front of him. For a moment, he could do nothing but stare at them, soon letting a tear drop from his left eye, and revealing a smile.

  “…Guys, we did it…for Miku…” says Akira.

  “Yeah…she was a brave soul…” says Kame.

  “She helped us take him down. She’s still with us wherever we go…she’s our guardian angel now in this fight…” says Zavius.

  “…That’s right...” replies Akira with a grave look, “Now…we must push forward and end this…!”

  The three Swordsmen appeared tired after their long fight. However, they pushed on, flying off into the distance, destined to live and fight on in this grueling war…

  Chapter End

  Chapter 38

  Critical (FINAL)

  …Two loud bangs echo across the warehouse, followed by the sounds of destroyed crates soon after. Both Tatyana and Michael roll across the ground before stopping and lying there on the ground. Their armor is already damaged, and it clearly appeared they were not in good shape at all.

  “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. You upgrade, I upgrade. The difference? I’m simply stronger,” says Jinzo.

  Jinzo’s appearance has changed. He’s now transformed into a 7-foot-tall muscular Android with now five long needles sticking out of his back. His arms were the size of boulders, and his chest as huge, chiseled, and hard as steel, as well as his bright red core placed on his chest glowing brightly. He appeared confident that he had won this fight, revealing that menacing grin of his. Jinzo slowly approaches the two soldiers as the two begin to get up.

  “Please, come at me with all you got, because now I’m angry!” shouts a now angry Jinzo.

  “Fuck…off…!” says an angry Tatyana.

  Tatyana bursts at Jinzo full speed and swiftly lands a powerful punch to Jinzo’s chest, however, it does no effect. It was as if she punched a steel wall. Jinzo next smashes his fist into Tatyana’s face, sending her left and crashing into more crates. Michael now gets to his feet and charges at Jinzo full speed. Jinzo watches Michael closely, and before he knew it, Michael leaps and throws a powerful punch to Jinzo’s face, sending a powerful shockwave around them in the process…however, it was no effect, to Michael’s surprise. Jinzo smirks at Michael, before kicking Michael in the face, sending him flying back and crashing into the wall.

  “Pitiful! I will avenge you, Ginzo and Kizo…!” growls an angry Jinzo.

  Seconds later, Tatyana blasts at Jinzo and sends another powerful punch to Jinzo’s face, which tilts his head a tad, but not enough to budge him fully. Tatyana yells in anger as she begins pounding away at Jinzo’s chest and face as quick and hard as she could, but Tatyana could do nothing but look on in rage, finding Jinzo not budging one bit.

  “You…damn contraption…! Just break already!!” shouts Tatyana.

  Tatyana next sends a powerful kick to Jinzo’s neck, causing a powerful shockwave around them in the process.

  “…Hm, that tickled,” says Jinzo.

  Tatyana flies back, and before Jinzo could figure out as to why, Michael was up next, and swiftly sends Jinzo a spinning kick to his neck, powerful enough to this time, tilt his head once more.

  “...Now I see your strength is increasing,” says Jinzo, “...But not good enough to even move someone as powerful as me!”

  Jinzo quickly grabs Michael’s head and begins crushing his helmet to the point cracks appear around it, soon making the left eye helmet crack open, revealing Michael’s frightened eye before Jinzo. Jinzo reveals a frightening grin to Michael, before tossing Michael up into the air, and as Michael began to fall, at the right moment, as the two bodies met, Jinzo sends a menacing punch to Michael’s face, blasting him back and crashing into the wall once more. Both soldiers were once again down against Jinzo, making a little improvement against him. Jinzo walks forward but stops to find Tatyana beginning to get up once again.

  “…You…you’re nothing more than a female. A female…should only be made to care for the man, and her children…that is all…so why are you here fighting against me…?” says Jinzo.

  “…What type of fucking question is that…?” says Tatyana, standing before Jinzo, heavily breathing, “…Women can still kick ass too, fucking robot.”

  “…Tell me…why won’t you just stay down? It’s already clear I’ve won this. So just lay there, and die…!” says an agitated Jinzo, gritting his teeth.

  “…Heh…I can’t stay down…because I’ve already been taught by the almighty “God” himself,” replies Tatyana with a smirk.

  “…God, you say?” questions Jinzo.

  “I’m not going to lay down and die by no MORTAL man, and will NEVER, lay down and die by a fucking contraption like you. I can’t enter heaven if I’ve been killed like that,” replies Tatyana, “In other words, I am immortal!”

  “Hahaha! Immortal! I must say, you have a high pride in you, little girl, but you won’t last any longer. You’ll end up just like your friend back there!” shouts Jinzo with a smirk.

  “Oh, please robot, he’s fine. All your blows are nothing. We’ll just keep coming back stronger and stronger, and right now, it’s time I end this here and now because I’ve just had about enough of you…!” says an angry Tatyana.

  “Is that right? I can say the same for you two as well!” says an angry Jinzo.

  Suddenly, Jinzo looks on to find Tatyana’s armor appear hot red, with steam rising off of it.

  “…The true power of Critical Mode…is flowing right through me…!” says Tatyana with a smirk, “…It’s time I end this, now!”

  Tatyana wastes no time and bursts at Jinzo full speed. Jinzo prepares himself, looking on curious as to how powerful Tatyana’s blow will be now.

  “Eat this!” shouts Tatyana.


  Tatyana sends a powerful punch to Jinzo’s face, shocking Jin to no end, sending him crashing against a multitude of crates. Tatyana then begins to walk towards Jinzo, who lays there on the ground, looking up at the ceiling lights with complete shock on his face.

  “…She…hurt me…this form…?” says a shocked Jinzo, “…Impossible!!!”

  Jinzo unleashes a powerful red aura around his body, sending crates flying everywhere as he floated off the ground, and positioned himself forward before Tatyana before landing his feet on the ground. As soon as he did, Tatyana leaped forward and sent another powerful punch to Jinzo’s stomach, causing Jinzo to gag and spit out saliva in the process. From there, Tatyana began sending a round of slow, yet very mighty punches to Jinzo’s chest, and it was clear that Jinzo felt every single one of them. Tatyana blindly pounded away at his body, as her speed of punches began to grow faster and faster slowly. Jinzo was locked in Tatyana’s punches, with no sort of way to counterattack at all.

  What….is this…power….?! I can’t…move…?! thought Jinzo.

  “This…this is the power of Dynasty…!” thought Tatyana, soon revealing a smirk, before sending one last punch to Jinzo’s chest, sending a massive shockwave around them, and sending Jinzo flying back and crashing into the wall, creating a large crater. Jinzo falls off the wall and lands on his hand
s and knees, as he gags, coughs, and yells in agonizing pain. Tatyana stands there from afar tall and brave, with steam rising off of her hands.

  “…I’m ending this…now…!” says Tatyana.

  Tatyana balls up her right fist, as moments later, that right fist glows bright blue. Tatyana next blasts towards Jinzo as he struggles to get up. Jinzo pulls his head up and finds Tatyana charging at him with a bright blue light in her right hand.

  “No…I can’t die here…! Not now, dammit!” shouts Jinzo.

  Tatyana throws her right fist forward, however, Jinzo counters with his powerful fist, crashing his fist against Tatyana, creating yet another powerful shockwave around them. Jinzo quickly lowers his fist, and swiftly sends his other fist crashing against Tatyana’s face, sending her crashing and rolling to the ground, soon stopping and not responding, as Jinzo quickly gets back to his feet.

  “…You damn human…! I must say, your technology has impressed me…! But I won’t be taken down so easily” shouts Jinzo, quickly stomping towards Tatyana, who’s quick to get to her feet, but quickly fall to one knee, clearly weakened.

  “Damn…that attack I did on him did a lot on me…! I’m fucking tired…!” thought Tatyana, looking at Jinzo coming towards her closer and closer with the look of anger and desperation on her face.

  “And now, I’ll squash you like a bug, puny human…!” says Jinzo with a smirk, now above Tatyana’s weakened body with his foot above her head. Tatyana could do nothing but look down, not moving an inch…however, she soon reveals a smirk, as Jinzo is seconds away from crushing her head whole.

  “…You’re late…!” says Tatyana.

  Jinzo suddenly stops and looks forward, shocked to find Michael charging at him at incredible speed, with the same bright blue fist cocked back that Tatyana had.

  “Sorry I’m late, princess!” shouts Michael with a smirk.

  “I-Impossible!” shouts a shocked Jinzo.

  In seconds, Michael sends his right fist forward, and crashes that fist into Jinzo’s face, hard enough to create a shockwave, and stun Jinzo’s body whole. Jinzo is unresponsive, as he stood there like a statue. As Michael released his fist from Jinzo’s face, cracks appeared all over his structured body. Michael and Tatyana flew back a few feet to gaze upon Jinzo, whose body looked like a cracked statue that could crumble with just an ant climbing onto it. His facial reaction was the frozen state of fear.

  “…Tatyana, I leave the rest to you…!” says Michael, resting his hand on Tatyana’s back.

  “…Yeah, no need to tell me twice,” replies Tatyana, charging another bright ball of light in her right hand.

  Tatyana instantly bursts at the cracked Jinzo, and swiftly sends her fist crashing through Jinzo’ chest core. Jinzo’s body crumbles into pieces upon impact, leaving Tatyana holding nothing but the metallic beating red heart of Jinzo. Michael looks on in shock as he watches Tatyana hold on to the large beating heart in her hand.

  “…Hmph…even machines have beating hearts…?” says Tatyana, observing Jinzo’s heart, “…What a waste!”

  Tatyana crushes Jinzo’s heart, splattering red liquid everywhere like a busted balloon. Michael walks over to Tatyana, to find her armor covered in Jinzo’s blood.

  “…Yuck. Shouldn’t have done that,” says Michael.

  “…Yeah…should’ve stomped on it instead,” replies Tatyana.

  Suddenly, Tatyana takes a step forward. However, her eyes get hazy and suddenly falls backward. Michael quickly notices and grabs her just in time.

  “…Shit…I’m tired…” whispers an exhausted Tatyana.

  “Yeah, we all are…but we have to keep going…” replies Michael, putting Tatyana’s arm over his shoulder, as he began to carry Tatyana towards the large steel door.

  “…Hey…Michael…I have a feeling you like me or something…” says Tatyana.

  “…Uhh, why would you think that?” asks Michael.

  “…Well, you’ve been by my side since we partnered up…so I think you like me…” replies Tatyana.

  “…Nah…I just know your family history well. Your father was well respected amongst most people…including mine,” replies Michael.

  “…Continue…” says Tatyana.

  “Well, my family knows your family in the MMA world. I am a resident of Wintu City, and it appears my father knew your father and uncle very well…” replies Michael.

  “…Huh…and we’ve never met?” says a confused Tatyana.

  “…Nah…I wonder that myself…” replies Michael with a smirk.

  “…Hmm…well, Saul and my dad were doing shady business back in the day too…maybe that’s why,” says Tatyana, looking down with a saddened look.

  “…Well, we’re finally at the steel door,” says Michael, stopping before the door that locked them in.

  “…Hopefully, it doesn’t shock us again,” says Tatyana.

  Michael sends a forceful kick to the steel door, powerful enough to push the large door flying back…

  [Wintu City]

  Michael and Tatyana make it out of the warehouse and are confronted by the rest of their teammates.

  “Holy shit, you guys are OK!” says a shocked, yet tearful Tora.

  “Man, you guys look like you’ve fought the final boss in there…!” says a shocked Tori.

  “Sounded like it too,” says Sammy.

  “…Well, it looks like you 3 are fine after we just had the fight of our lives in there,” Says Michael, approaching the 3, “Tatyana, you think you can stand now?”

  “…I’m tired…just hold me for a little longer…” replies Tatyana, resting her head on Michael’s chest, which surprised him, blushing at her response.

  “…Yes, ma’am…” replies Michael with a smirk.

  “Soo…what the fuck have you three scared cats been up to while we were in there?” asks Tatyana.

  “…Well, we had our break, and then we fought a shit ton more of those hooded solar bots again,” says Tori.

  “Yeah, it was a tough one without you two,” says Tora.

  “Although tough, we still did it. All 3 of us. We all made it out alive so far, and that’s what matters in the end,” says Sammy with a proud smile.

  “…Yeah, so after that, it died down for a while, and we came back here to find the gate fucking locked, and it electrocuted us!” explains Tori.

  “Yeah, we heard a lot of shit going down on the other side, and we just stayed here and prayed you two made it out alive,” says Tora.

  “Thank goodness for that, eh?” says Sammy with a nod.

  “…So, what do we do now, Captain?” says Michael, turning his head to Tatyana.

  “…….I don’t know, I guess I’ll sleep,” shrugs Tatyana.

  “This is Stacey Jin reporting. I am alerting all soldiers that the threat has now begun to diminish slowly, but activity is still very high across Atlas City. I order all soldiers not in combat to head there immediately and assist,” says Stacey through the soldier’s speakers.

  “…Oh man, Luke probably has it bad over there…” says Tatyana.

  “This is Luke Tavian, reporting to all soldiers across the land of Atlas! My team has found the source of the outbreak of these robots!” shouts Luke through the speakers.

  “Whoa, it’s Victoria’s brother!” says a shocked Sammy.

  “Whoa…there’s a source for where they’re coming from…?” says a surprised Tatyana.

  “Please everyone, continue fighting, but if your area is probably dead, just rest up for now. My team is going to execute the source as fast as possible quickly,” says Luke.

  …Good luck out there Luke…Akira… thought Tatyana, looking up at the night sky…

  [Atlas City]

  Luke and his group float in the sky, all having their attention towards a woman in a long brown scarf. She had brown hair, and red eyes, with a glowing red ball attached to her forehead. Behind her, was another large group of the hooded solar bots.

  “…She’s the one su
mmoning all of them…!” says an angry August.

  …Quite a beautiful woman…for an Android… thought Luke, gazing at the emotionless woman’s eyes.

  “…Shall we begin to execute, Luke?” asks Kim.

  “…No…” replies Luke, staring at the Android with a lost look. Kim looked at Luke surprised and confused by his response.

  “…What do you ‘no’, Luke?” questions Kim.

  “You! What’s your name?” shouts Luke to the mysterious young woman.

  “…I, and the grim reaper,” replies the young woman, pointing at Luke’s group, followed by the hooded solar bots charging after them…

  Chapter End

  Chapter 39


  The hooded solar bots charge after the team full speed. However, the team was confident, and all whipped out their beam rifles and stood their ground, firing at them and shooting them all down easily.

  “Luke, this is Stacey. I’m going to be sending more soldiers to your aid immediately,” reports Stacey through Luke’s speaker.

  “I refuse such an order,” replies Luke.

  “Are you crazy? That Android will raid you with those solar bots; you’re going to need support”-

  “I’m not going to say it again! I refuse support! If I see another soldier, not on my squad arrive here I will not support them at all!” shouts Luke, interrupting Stacey.

  “…Are you sure about this?” questions Stacey.

  “…We already took down an important enemy. Trust me, please,” replies Luke.

  “…Fine, but if even one of your teammates dies, I’m sending in support. They aren’t far from where you are,” says Stacey.

  “Whatever,” replies Luke, “Let the soldiers rest for a bit at least,”

  Luke’s team continues constantly shooting down most of the hooded solar bots with ease. However, it looked as if it was endless. The mysterious young woman had a large glowing purple energy ball behind her, where most of the hooded solar bots were being summoned…

  [Dynasty of Spheres H.Q./ Monitor Room]


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