War of Atlas

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War of Atlas Page 8

by Lucny Dauphin

  “Ah…Saul is kicking this android’s ass no doubt,” says Victoria.

  “Pitiful thing doesn’t have a chance…” replies Daichi before letting out a sigh.

  Saul slowly lands to the ground, and as soon as he does, Drizo quickly hops back to his feet, revealing his body dirtied with ash. Saul smirks at the sight, which makes Drizo angry. Drizo charges at Saul, however, Saul stands there quite confident. And as Drizo Is ready to thrust forward with his drill arm while letting out a furious roar, Saul takes one step forward and swiftly punches Drizo to the stomach with enough force to stop Drizo in his tracks completely. Drizo yells in agonizing pain, as moments later, Saul’s eyes flash bright orange, resulting in Drizo’s body engulfed in a red flame.

  “…Incinerate!” shouts Saul.

  As soon as Saul shouts this word, a massive, red fiery explosion engulfs both him and Drizo. An explosion so bright and powerful Victoria and Daichi could feel it from afar as the building they were standing on began to shake. It wasn’t long before the rumbling subsided, and the fiery explosion quickly faded away. Victoria nods her head as she and Daichi fly over to the fight.

  “I must say, that was quite short…” says Victoria.

  “Indeed, it was. The Solars are clearly no match for us…” replies Daichi.

  “Eh…those guys that caused this whole ordeal are probably no joke, right…?” says Victoria.

  “…The group in black…they must be higher-ranked soldiers of some sort…” replies Daichi.

  “Well, we can only assume until they come back,” says Victoria.

  “Yes…and when they do…it’ll be the last time they step here on our land…” replies an angry Daichi.

  “…That’s right gramps”-

  “…How many times do I have to tell you, do not call me that…?” says Daichi, slowly turning his head to Victoria, who quickly looked elsewhere with a nervous look as they flew onward into the massive crater where Saul stood in the center of.

  “Good job, big guy! Turned that guy into burnt toast I see,” says Victoria, landing and walking towards Saul, who was massaging his fiery hands.

  Daichi walked towards what appeared to be a frozen Drizo, with his body turned completely black. Daichi takes a close look at the darkened Drizo for a moment…before simply getting his face near Drizo’s, and blowing in his face. The moment Daichi does this, Drizo’s body disintegrates into black ash. Drizo’s body was no more.

  “…Overheat, eh?” says Daichi, “Just what the hell did our engineers create…?”

  “Incredible mode in this armor, isn’t it gramps?” says Daichi with a smile, walking towards Daichi.

  “…Take one more step, and I’ll chop your head off,” replies Daichi.

  “…Not even going to face me when you say that, huh? Yes, sir,” says Saul with a smirk.

  “Alright, Stacey! That useless robot is over and done with after what…almost an hour of those two brutes fighting. Is it time now?” says Victoria, putting her finger on her right ear speaker.

  “This is Stacey…and yes, the time has finally come,” replies Stacey through the Calamita Team’s speakers.

  Seconds later, the three witness three skyscraper buildings from afar in separate locations begin to glow a bright pink.

  “I advise you 3 to move out of Tower City immediately,” orders Stacey.

  “Roger that,” says Daichi.

  The Calamita Team quickly float off the ground and blast out of the area in seconds. As they were high enough, they stopped and looked down, soon surprised to find the massive glowing skyscrapers form into three massive purple balls of light.

  From afar, Soldiers could also see these bright purple balls of light.

  “Whoa, what is that?” says a shocked female soldier.

  “That’s where the Calamita Team is in Tower City. Think they finally accomplished the job?” says a surprised male soldier.

  “That, or it’s more trouble. The enemies have also stopped arriving. I think we should wait until further orders from Stacey,” says another female soldier.

  [Atlas City]

  “Whoa, those three balls of light…they’re huge!” says a surprised August.

  “Must be from Tower City. It looks like your sister finished the job, Luke,” says Kim with a smirk.

  “Yeah…this mission is finally coming to a close, at long last,” replies Luke with a smile. Mizo observed the balls of light with a blank look on her face, which made Kim a bit suspenseful, keeping her eye on her as well…

  [Tower City]

  “Alrighty! It looks like it’s time to wrap things up here, don’t you think?” says Victoria with a smirk.

  “Yup. Good thing we didn’t have to do too much here,” says Saul.

  “…Shame. Both of you,” replies Daichi.

  “What did I do?” asks a confused Victoria.

  “…Saul, you fought against a rather strong opponent. You pass. But Victoria…at least agree with me…it would be fun if we also had some challenging opponents before us,” says Daichi.

  “…Yeah, I guess…but…” replies Victoria, shrugging while shaking her head.

  “…You’re something else,” replies Daichi with a smirk while shaking his head. Victoria smiled at the sight of the swordmaster smiling, before going ahead and looking down at the three balls of light slowly floating up into the sky.

  “…I wonder…how many soldiers did we lose during this?” says Victoria.

  “We currently have only 750,000 soldiers still standing,” replies Stacey through Victoria’s speaker.

  “…Huh, that’s not too bad,” replies Victoria.

  “Not too bad?” says a confused Saul.

  “…Well, not in that sense Saul. You know what I mean, idiot,” replies an angry Victoria, lightly punching Saul in the arm.

  “What’s our next big order, Stacey?” asks Daichi.

  “We must rack all the soldiers up, and get everyone out of here so we these three bombs and crash down and destroy this wretched, tainted land for good. After that’s done, another bright ball of light will shower upon the entire land like a disco ball, that being Shou’s reconstruction device, and will proceed to rebuild the land to which it once was,” explains Stacey.

  “…Must say, Stacey, you sure have some cool words to say in moments like this. All we need is some background music, and we’re set!” says Saul with a smile.

  “Thank you, Saul, I appreciate it,” replies Stacey.

  “It wasn’t all that,” says Victoria, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms with an agitated look on her face.

  After a moment of awkward silence, a beeping noise is heard from all 3 Calamita Team’s wrist morphers with the stars on them shining brightly. The 3 of them press their finger on them, and in seconds, a small hologram form of Luke forms above Victoria’s morpher, while one of Tatyana appears before Saul’s, and Akira appearing on Daichi’s.

  “Hey, little bro!” shouts Victoria with a smile.

  “Hey, sis! How’s it going over there? Everyone sees those three balls of light from where you are! Are those the bombs?” asks Luke.

  “They sure are,” replies Victoria with a nod.

  “Saul, you won’t believe what the fuck I fought inside a warehouse,” says Tatyana, shaking her head.

  “Damn TT, you sound like you’ve been busting ass with no break. What happened?” asks Saul.

  “We ended up fighting some fucking 1920’s looking android who got super strong and quick, with needles popping out of his back, and all types of crazy shit,” explains Tatyana.

  “Whoa…more super androids?” says a shocked Saul, “Hey, I fought one too!”

  “You did? Well shit, you seem fine? That guy was whooping my ass for a while, but I ended up having the final blow. Hell, I damn near did everything myself!” replies Tatyana with a smirk.

  “…You had teammates aiding you, right?” questions Saul while squinting his eyes at Tatyana. Tatyana quickly looked away and sucked her teeth,
not responding for a moment…before finally nodding, which made Saul smile.

  “So, you fought a guy that shot bullets with tornados behind it? And he looked like a knight?!” says a shocked Victoria.

  “Yeah. Those bullets he was shooting was fucking crazy! Destroying everything, but the team I had along with me was just enough to bring him down. I must say, we did a good fucking job,” replies Luke with a smile.

  “Nice…well too bad I wasn’t there to help you guys. I would’ve liked to fight a knight wearing sniper-gunner. Would’ve been a nice showdown,” says Victoria.

  “Oh, you would’ve been a BIG help if you were aiding us, but your little bro was the brains behind all of this, so no worries!” replies Luke with a smirk.

  “Heh, good job little bro. Proud of you,” says Victoria with a smile, winking at Luke.

  “A two-handed swordsman you say?” says a shocked Daichi.

  “Yes, father…and unfortunately…one of my comrades were slain by him…” says a saddened Akira.

  “…Who was it?” asks Daichi.

  “…Miku…” mutters Akira.

  “…I’m sorry to hear that son…but…you did avenge her death…right?” asks Daichi.

  “…If you mean me dealing the final blow? Yes. But if it weren't for my two men, I wouldn’t even be speaking with you right now. I must say, that guy was tough…but we got the job done,” replies Akira, “…Hell of a fight…”

  “Hmm…excellent job Akira. You’ve done well so far…” says Daichi, smiling at Akira, which surprised him, but he soon returns a smile back to his father.

  “Alright sis, I got to go now, talk to you soon when we get back underground since that’s where things are headed,” says Luke.

  “Pretty much. See ya later,” replies Victoria.

  “Alright Uncle, I’ll talk to you later…” says Tatyana.

  “Later sweetie-pie,” replies Daichi with a smirk.

  “…Don’t fucking call me that,” says an angry Tatyana.

  “Father, I’ll tell you more about it later,” says Akira, nodding.

  “Alright son, we’ll talk later after all this is done with…” replies Daichi with a smile.

  “…Yeah…” says Akira, smiling back.

  The holograms of Luke, Akira, and Tatyana vanish, as the Calamita Team lowered their arms, with the look of amazement on their faces.

  “…They all fought some tough robots out here. Talk about connecting the stars, huh?” says Victoria with a smile.

  “…Heh, that’s going to fly pretty well with the boss, that’s for sure,” says a smiling Saul, “My niece is going to be the next massive thing; It’s coming baby!”

  “…Yes, those three young ones have gone through hell here…I’m surprised they got this far…” says Daichi.

  “What Daichi? Thought your son was going to die?” questions Victoria with a smirk.

  “...Heh…having your only child in a war is a scary thought…and the fact he even fought against higher-ranked solar android…and defeated it…it totally makes me see my son in a different light…” says Daichi, as a tear slowly rolled down his left cheek.

  “Holy shit Daichi, you’re crying?” says a shocked Victoria.

  “...Heh, I know the feeling old man…too bad I’m too much of a bad motherfucker to shed tears!” says Saul, flexing his muscles with a smirk on his face.

  “Heh…you two…I love you guys…” says a smiling Daichi, as his eyes began to water.

  “Aww, come here Daichi!” says Victoria, flying over and wrapping her arms around Daichi. Saul flies over to complete the 3-team hug, however, moments later, the sound of clapping rings through the team’s ears. They all quickly disband and turn around, now surprised to find someone before them.

  “…Who the hell is this guy…?” says a now angry Victoria.

  Saul and Daichi appeared to angry to say any words, confronted by none other than Zuronimo himself…

  “Hahaha! Calamita Team! I must say…to take down Drizo, along with the other soldiers taking down the rest of the Invasorz, is quite an achieving medal for you all! I wouldn’t expect you all to take them down!” says Zuronimo, continuing to clap, slowly floating towards the group.

  “…I feel like I’ve seen him before…” says Saul.

  “…It doesn’t matter if we remember him or not…he’s dead…here and now…!” replies an angry Daichi.

  “I must say, we Solars have truly, underestimated you, humans,” says Zuronimo, stopping his hands, and lowering his arms, putting his hands into his pockets while gazing at the trio.

  “Just when we got the job done, you appear? Just what words will you continue to spew before I blast your head off?” says an angry Victoria.

  “Slow down beautiful one, can we relax for a moment here?” asks Zuronimo with a smirk.

  “If the Invasorz were defeated by us, what makes you think you alone, stand a chance?” says Saul, cracking his knuckles, appearing ready to strike.

  “Heh…I KNOW I have a chance against you 3. That’s a fact,” replies Zuronimo with a sinister smile.

  Zuronimo suddenly faces his back on the Calamita Team, and spreads his arms out, gazing at the dark scenery of the destroyed city.

  “…The Invasorz…are no more. The ‘gatekeepers’ of our new land…gone. And who’s to blame? You humans…! All of you are going to have to make a sacrifice for what you’ve done. It’s all your fault…and you all…are going to pay for it...dearly…!” says Zuronimo, suddenly springing his right arm up in the air, and snapping his finger…

  [Atlas City]

  As Luke and his team, along with Mizo, are flying across the sky, Mizo’s eyes suddenly pop wide open, and she stops, grabbing onto her head tightly and screaming for dear life. Everyone stops and turns around, shocked at what they were seeing from Mizo right now.

  “M-Mizo? Are you ok?!” says a concerned Luke.

  Luke proceeds to float over to Mizo. However, Mizo suddenly pushes her open right hand forward at Luke, causing Luke, along with his team, to be forcefully pushed back by an unseen power, crashing into buildings. Mizo lets out a hellacious scream as if her head was going to explode, now flying high into the air…

  …She soon stops, high above the land, as a massive, black energy ball forms right above her head. Seconds later, black lightning bolts begin shooting out of this black energy ball, everywhere.

  Most of the soldiers witnessing this massive black energy ball were not in store for what was next: One soldier ends up getting struck by the black lightning, and as soon as he was struck, his body vanishes into thin air. This did not stop. More and more soldiers were getting caught in the raining thunderbolts spreading throughout the city. Mizo continued to yell in pain, gripping tightly onto her head, as thousands, upon thousands of soldiers, were seen being trapped into this massive black energy ball, crying for dear help…

  [Dynasty of Spheres H.Q./ Monitor Room]

  The room was filled with gasps and commotion from the operators. Stacey stood in complete shock, dropping her pen and clipboard, frozen at what she was seeing before her.

  “…The soldiers…they’re being sucked in…! By her…?!” says a shocked Stacey…

  [Tower City]

  The Calamita Team see the massive black energy ball from afar and were indeed shocked to their core to hear the faint screams of the soldiers. Victoria was furious, turning back around and facing Zuronimo.

  “What the fuck have you just done?!” shouts Victoria, balling up her fists.

  Zuronimo slowly turns around faces the Calamita Team once more, with a smirk on his face.

  “Well…my calculations were wrong. One Invasorz…still stands, apparently befriending one of the humans. Grave mistake…!” says Zuronimo, shaking his head.

  “Befriended?!” says a confused and shocked Daichi.

  “…Heh, too bad it backfired on them. Bad for you all,” says Zuronimo with a menacing smile, before laughing…

  [Atlas City]

>   Luke’s group quickly lands to the ground and look up at the black energy ball that is currently sucking in thousands of soldiers inside. Luke’s body shook as heard Mizo scream for dear life, including the soldiers trapped inside.

  “…What…Mizo…what is going…on?” says a shocked Luke.

  “Dammit Luke, I knew we shouldn’t have trusted that Android bitch!” shouts an angry Kim.


  “But nothing Luke! Look at what she’s doing!” shouts Kim.

  “No…! No…!” says Luke, quickly blasting up to the sky towards Mizo.

  “What the fuck is Luke doing, man?!” says a shocked Caleb.

  “He’s crazy man! Luke, you’re going to get trapped in there too!” shouts August.

  “Luke…please…!” says a tearful and frightened Linda.

  “…What is with this guy?” says an angry Kim, shaking her head.

  Luke quickly makes it Mizo and observes Mizo frantically moving her body around and squeezing her head with her hands while screaming. Luke reached his hand out to her, slowly floating over to her with the most frightened face, ever.

  “…Mizo…please…stop this…!” says a worried Luke.

  Mizo continues to scream and yell as if she was in agonizing pain, however, as soon as Luke’s hand was inches to Mizo’s face, Mizo’s body suddenly froze, and she stopped screaming. Luke froze and witnesses Mizo’s head shoot down, with her legs and arms dangling, floating in midair. Moments later, someone grabs Luke by the neck and pulls him away from Mizo.

  As they got a good distance away, this person lets’s go of Luke, and as Luke turns to see who it was, it was none other than Kim herself, furious.

  “Kim…!” says a shocked Luke.

  “…Luke…” says Kim, now looking away from him while shaking her head, as if something was bothering her, “…Everyone else…they got caught…!”


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