The Toybox

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The Toybox Page 34

by Charly Cox

  Holly’s form was stiff beside her, and Alyssa wrapped her arm around her daughter’s shoulder, encouraging her to lean into her. When she did, Alyssa alternated between rubbing circles on her back and running her hand over her hair. Every once in a while, Holly would sniffle and reach up to wipe her nose with a tissue and erase the tears with her fingers.

  Isaac and Mabel both split their attention between watching the news report and staring at Holly, ready to catch her if she broke.

  ‘You don’t have to watch this, sweetie,’ Alyssa whispered into her daughter’s ear.

  Holly’s chin fell toward her chest. ‘I do,’ she answered back, voice breaking.

  Also arrested in today’s round-up were Aaron Anderson, president of Wellington Power Company in Lovington. In Arizona, authorities worked with our local police department to round up United States health official Harold Devigne of Show Low, as well as Doctor Darren Coen of Tucson.

  As you can see for yourself, these are some high-profile names, and Captain Guthrie Hammond of APD has promised a press conference tomorrow at seven a.m. Of course, Channel 7 will be there to bring you the latest on this shocking and disturbing crime.

  Brock pointed the remote at the television and shut it off. Holly stayed nestled by Alyssa’s side while Mabel secured Isaac to hers. Alyssa rested her head into the crook of Brock’s neck, and he kissed the top of her head. Tomorrow would be another busy day, and she knew she should go to bed and grab what sleep she could, but for now, Alyssa wanted to bask in the warmth of the knowledge that her family was physically safe and together in her home.

  A Letter From Charly

  More than a century ago, Loren Eiseley wrote “The Star Thrower” – a story many of us are more familiar with in one of its many variations. In one of these variations, the narrator tells us of a man walking along the beach, tossing one starfish after another back into the ocean. When someone approaches him and ponders why the man is doing such a thing since there are so many starfish to save, he couldn’t possibly make a difference, the man tosses a starfish into the ocean, saying, “It made a difference to that one.”

  Research for The Toybox had me delving into eye-opening and oftentimes brutal stories. Sadly, the global, world-wide reach of human and sex trafficking grows exponentially every day. And despite what people believe, victims come in all ages, ethnicities, and from all cultures and financial circles. To fight and stop this epidemic, to protect these individuals, we have to educate ourselves and be brave enough to SPEAK UP. Unfortunately, too many people want to look the other way, afraid to get involved – or be wrong. But if we suspect someone is a victim of trafficking, and we’re too afraid to reach out on their behalf, imagine how frightened that person is of the life they’re being forced to live. Often, these victims are under strict control of others, and they may be scared to reach out on their own because of personal threats against them or their families. They don’t know who they can trust, which is why it’s imperative we reach out for them.

  For signs on what to look for and who to contact in case of suspected sex trafficking, please click on the following links. And remember, your choice to speak up could save more than one life.

  Thank you to all the readers out there. If you’d like to reach out and say hello or follow me on social media, you can find me at the links below.

  Until next time…

  Charly Cox

  Charly Cox Author Website






  Writing can sometimes be a daunting journey, but I have a bevy of people who encourage me along the way (or sometimes nudge, push… shove) and keep me putting pen to paper (or fingers to keypad). So, I’d like to take the time to thank some of those very important people – without whom, I’d be lost.

  First and foremost, I want to thank Keshini Naidoo (and not just because you have one of the coolest names ever), one half of the amazing Hera Books team. Thank you not only for your endless hard work, but for trusting in me, my writing, and my characters from the very beginning… and then finding a way to pull all the various threads to help make everything a thousand times better. My world of characters would definitely not be the same without you, and I will forever be in awe of your ability to see through the most mundane words and scenes and extract exactly what is needed to make them shine. I treasure you, your advice, suggestions, and wisdom. Thank you for always taking the time to allay my fears and concerns and answering all my questions. The support you have lent me is worth its weight in gold.

  Thanks also goes to Lindsey Mooney, the other half of Hera Books, for your extensive efforts in getting my work out there in front of readers, for cheering with me through all of it. Thank you for explaining things and helping me stay calm as my words go out into the world. I can’t even imagine what goes on behind the scenes as you work your magic, but I’m hugging you for all of it!

  For Melissa Naatz – Where do I even start? You have been such an incredible friend, cheerleader, support, guidepost, shoulder to cry on, advocate… Thank you for those phone calls when you sense I’m stepping too close to the ledge and then knowing exactly what to say to talk me down. You make me laugh, you make me think, and you let me cry. You stay on the phone with me for hours at a time and wade through plot points with me until things fall into place. And after that, you still patiently read the same words over and over and over… and give me your honest, insightful feedback every time. But mostly, thank you for all those nudges that put me back on track and in the right frame of mind and for reminding me what readers want to see. I can’t believe we haven’t been a part of each other’s lives forever, but that doesn’t matter because you’re stuck with me now. And I can’t wait to celebrate with you (at low altitude, of course) when badass Devin meets the world of readers. My cheers will be heard all the way into space.

  For my sister Kim – From the time we were little girls living with Grandma and Grandpa to the time we moved out and started our own lives, we banded together and weathered the kind of storms that made us stronger and made us who we are; we always listened to each other’s secrets, rants, fears, hopes, and dreams, and helped to wipe each other’s tears… even during whatever sisterly fights we might’ve had going on. And even though years and nearly two thousand miles separate us from those times, there are three things that will forever bond us: unity, love, and above all, friendship. Thank you for believing in my dreams with me. And telling others to believe, too! And for always telling me (and others) how proud of me you are. As the recent gift you gave me says: I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you.

  For Kerrie and Victoria. Being an aunt is such an amazing gift, but being an aunt to people you love, respect, admire, and call your friend is something that goes beyond special. You are such incredible women! And Kerrie, when I picture amazing, selfless, kickass mothers, you’re the person I see. Victoria, from the moment you crawled into my lap so I could read to you to today where I get to watch you bravely sing and perform in front of strangers, you have awed me. Thank you both for standing not just by me, but with me and for reminding me of who I am and who and what matters. For someone who writes words for a living, I fall short of being able to express exactly how much I love you and how important you are in my life. But I hope you know it anyway. Thank you… for you… for everything!

  For Susan – When I first moved to Albuquerque, you gave me a family to belong to. And ever since then, you have been there to watch me grow and to chase my dreams. You’ve been there to cheer me on and congratulate me through all my many milestones. We just maybe shouldn’t attend football games together anymore – at least not when the Giants and Broncos are playing each other.
  Thanks, once again, to my cousin, Bud Wolfenbarger – first, for sending me the most thoughtful, amazing, unexpected gift when All His Pretty Girls debuted. Your quest to find Booberry cereal and candy cigarettes was one of the coolest things ever… I still can’t get over the entire package. Thank you also for continuing to answer my multitude of law enforcement questions, and then walking me through what criminal investigations look like so I can at least try to get them right. (I think this is where I remind readers that any and all errors in my story come from me – not from your explanations.) You are still and will forever be my favorite law enforcement person.

  For my son Timothee who laughs at me and makes me laugh at myself… Every time I falter, you’re there to make sure I don’t fall. You let me talk storylines and plot holes and then give me ideas to make those things better. I am so happy I get to be your mom. Plus, you give the best hugs ever.

  For my husband Kevin: You are so fiercely protective and proud of me, and I absolutely cannot imagine traveling this journey without you. Thank you for never giving up on my dream and for never letting me. You believe in me when I forget to believe in myself. You are the most amazing man, husband, and friend. I love you.

  For all those who have always stood with me, either in person or online: Tam, Tracy, Ang, Annette, Ro, Kevin and Theresa, Drew and Deb, Mary McAfee, Trudy Randour, Stephanie Schlitz, Jodi Lew-Smith, and Hallie Tassin. No matter how often I say it, I could never thank you enough.

  And finally: to all the readers out there who gave All His Pretty Girls and me a chance. Your emails, your messages, your reviews, your kindness have blown my mind time and time again! YOU have made it possible for me to keep going. So, a billion thanks to all of you.

  I hope you enjoyed reading The Toybox, as well. If you did, please drop me a line and let me know. I’d also love it if you’d leave a review and tell your friends about it!

  First published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by Hera

  Hera Books

  28b Cricketfield Road

  London, E5 8NS

  United Kingdom

  Copyright © Charly Cox, 2020

  The moral right of Charly Cox to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN 9781912973286

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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