Wynter Reign

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Wynter Reign Page 14

by Emmy R Bennett

  “Wait,” I interrupt, “you’re going to compel her? Why?” I pull at Cory’s arm in protest, as he steps toward Stella.

  He yanks away from me. “There isn’t any other choice, Rory,” he says. “We need to protect her mind. It’s the only way.”

  “Why not an enchanted piece of jewelry like your watch? Where’s your brother’s charmed item? Have her borrow it. Cory, this is nuts.”

  He sits down in front of Stella and grabs both her wrists, looking directly into her eyes, saying, “Rory, the watch is made for Cole. It will not work on Stella. Besides, the components work on a necromancer, not for someone like her. Stella, do you understand what I’m about to do?”

  Stella nods. “I trust you, Cory. If Isalora trusts you, then so do I,” she says.

  “Trust?” I scoff at the irony.

  Cory ignores me and asks Isalora, “What do you want me to say?”

  I can’t hear their thoughts, anymore. I look at Isalora and she glares at me. They are shutting me out. I can feel my heart race. The anger begins building. Cory knows I despise compelling.

  “What are you not telling us? I know you can hear me, Isalora. You can, too, Cory.”

  Cory’s eyes begin to glow bright blue, illuminating the whole room. “Stella, you will not remember what was asked of you by Rory and the others. Those past events will only become a déjà vu. You will not remember any of this until you have again seen Wynter Storm. When you see her, your full memory will come back, and you will know everything of the past.”

  My mind reels with frustration. Why Wynter?

  The glowing from Cory’s eyes stop. “Why are you all staring at me like I died?” Stella asks. “What happened? Please don’t tell me I missed out on something exciting. Isalora promised me I would have a chance to use my magic.”

  “And you will,” Isalora affirms, nodding, as though Stella hadn’t experienced any time lapse.

  Cory smiles. “Excitement? Is that what you think about all of us? Naw, not this grueling bunch,” he teases.

  Most of us laugh, except me. I’ve had just about enough of this.

  “You compelled me, didn’t you?” Stella asks. “I can see it on Rory’s face, and I sense her frustration.”

  I do my best to bite my tongue. I have to get out of here before I kill someone.

  Cory’s eyes narrow. “It seems you fainted for no apparent reason. Isalora helped you to wake up,” he lies.

  “Why is my hair wet?”

  “You broke out in a cold sweat. The wet cloth is what dampened your hair,” he fibs again. Arryn holds up the wet cloth as proof.

  My mind burns with irritation. The lies begin to harden my heart with rage. I hate lying, and the fact that I’m forced to go along with this deceit angers me to my core. I get it’s necessary, but I don’t have to like it. There are choices one makes. This could have been handled differently.

  “Stella,” Isalora begins, “would you be a doll and take these herbs down to the cellar and place them in the appropriate containers, please?”

  “Yes, Mistress Isalora.” She gets up from the couch and bows before us, leaving with the basket, and heads to the basement.

  Isalora turns around to face us, raising a brow, saying, “Now, where were we?” Her lips curve into a triumphant smile.

  I frown. If looks could kill, she’d be dead, if she wasn’t already.

  Isalora ignores my glare. “Shall we move on? On the coffee table before you is a map of the compound. We are here,” she says and points to an X on the map. “The manor is here and the gates here. This is where the problem lies, this field is open, and the sabretail prowlers will find you.”

  My anger festers more. It’s as though I’m not listening to a word she says.

  “Rory,” Arryn calls.

  “Hmm?” The thoughts in my head fizzle.

  “Pay attention. We need you to understand.”

  “Oh, I understand all right. Moyer will make puppets out of us all, and I’m to stand here and take it. If I had my way, I would get Redmae out and leave you all here to fight this battle on your own.” I glare at Cory. “I can’t believe you did that to Stella. After all that has happened to her, what you know Moyer has done, and you invade her mind like that.”

  “We are wasting time arguing about this,” Isalora interjects. “Rory, take it down a notch.”

  I look at her with rage. “Why don’t you help me to understand, then, so we don’t waste more precious time, huh? I’ve been compelled. It’s not fun. Does Stella even know what you all were asking of her?”

  “No, Rory, you listen,” Cory growls. “I have lived under Moyer’s thumb for Earth decades. You have no idea what it’s like trying to hide thoughts, hoping Moyer doesn’t find out, or deceiving my brother as to whom I really am, and wondering if he would turn on me after discovering the truth. Believe me, he would not hesitate to kill me. Or what about having to live with myself knowing I was forced to kill innocent people because if I didn’t, the alternative would be that all life would be destroyed if my cover were blown? Do you have any idea what is at stake here? Have you heard anything anyone has said? If we do not succeed, this world, as well as our own, will be destroyed, and you can forget ever seeing your sister again. If Sarmira wins, the Silver Dire wolves are no more, and you will die along with them. Do you forget what Aoes said? If the silver moon is destroyed, so is the bloodline of anyone that has followed.”

  I’m taken aback by Cory’s outburst. He’s never yelled at me like this before. It gives me a pitted feeling in my stomach, knowing my emotions may have taken this too far. I’ve never gotten under his skin as much as I have today. Sure, I’ve seen him angry, and I’ve seen him do some nasty things as a predator, but it was never directed toward me. It leaves me in fear, knowing I pushed the wrong button.

  “I did what I had to do, to keep Stella safe from Moyer. If she can’t remember anything, then it makes it that much more difficult for Moyer to find us. We have to get Stella to the Hall of Secrets before she falls asleep, or Moyer will find us, anyway,” he adds. “You’re on my turf now, Rory. I know what I’m doing.”

  Feeling chastened by his words, I nod and keep quiet.

  Dom clears his throat, as though Cory and I never had an argument, and asks, “How do you propose we handle the sabretail prowlers?”

  “I have an idea,” Isalora says, staring at me in ire.

  “This mission gets better and better, doesn’t it?” Arryn says. She takes in a deep breath. The tension is thick, and she attempts to break the ice. Scratching the top of her tiger’s head, she says, “Akira can see them—the sabretail prowlers, that is.” He purrs. “I’m able to see through the eyes of my familiar, which also will give us an advantage.”

  “Really?” I ask, amazed.

  “Of course, animals sense what we people cannot.” Akira pants a second then yawns. “I imagine you would be able to see them, too, once you figure out how to turn to a wolf, Rory.”

  I take in her notation of that being possible. I hadn’t thought about that before.

  “So, how do you propose we get past the dogs safely?” Thom asks, sounding impatient.

  “Go underneath the grounds…here.” Isalora points to a tunnel near the river. “It’s how Wynter escaped, and I doubt Moyer has caught on to its existence.”

  “And you think this is the best way to get inside?” Arryn asks.

  Isalora looks up from the map. “Unless anyone else has a better idea?” She pauses and turns to stare at the basement door. “However, there may be an alternative.” She paces the floor a few seconds, saying, “Yes, that may work.”

  I glance in her direction, wanting to protest anything involving Stella, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “What do you have in mind?” Cory asks, as he, too, can clearly see it will include Stella.

  Isalora glances at him, saying, “Stella has the ability to cloak others.”

  “Meaning?” Dom asks.

  “Meaning, if we ca
n get her to conceal your true form and have you all impersonate sabretail prowlers, we could get her to the back door of the library before it locks at five.”

  “We all go together?” I ask.

  “No,” Isalora answers. “I think Zak and Cory should take Stella to the Hall of Secrets and you, Arryn, and the twins find Redmae. It may help if you can reach her before Zak and Cory embark on the Manor with Stella.”

  We hear footsteps climb the stairs from the basement below, and Stella comes through the door.

  “Stella, dear,” Isalora begins. “I think we have found a way to get you home.”

  Chapter 19

  Cory Storm

  The Past:

  The cottage at Storm River Manor

  Stella approaches the living room, standing near Isalora, saying, “What do you mean? Have you figured a way to get me inside the Hall of Secrets?”

  “I think so. We will need to split up, of course,” Isalora confesses. “Arryn and Rory, you should seek out Redmae while the rest of you find the Storm family. After Stella is safe, of course.”

  “Now, we’re talking,” Rory bursts.

  I watch Stella fold her arms. Something tells me she’s suspicious. I hope my compulsion worked on her.

  “Well, don’t keep me in suspense, spill it.” Stella sounds impatient. I can feel her heartbeat quicken. Perhaps I’m sensing her nerves.

  “Remember the cloaking practices I have been helping you to master?” Isalora presses.

  “Yes, what about it?”

  “Do you think you can turn Zak and Cory into sabretail prowlers?”

  Stella flits her eyes to everyone in the room. “You mean, disguise them, so the pack won’t notice?”

  “Something like that, yes.”

  “What about the wolves,” Stella worries.

  “Rory and the others will take on Red and her pack,” Isalora asserts.

  Stella appears unsure. She doesn’t have faith that we will pull this off. “Red will kill them, Isalora. You know that.”

  “Not if I can help it,” Rory says and holds up the necklace she wears with the clear liquid in the vial that Aoes gave her.

  “And what is that supposed to do?" Stella asks. "How do you expect to get close enough? Besides, you’re connected by a bond. Dires sense when other Dires are near.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping,” Rory says. “If I can get close enough, maybe I can slip this into her food—” Rory stops and turns to me. “Unless, we can somehow shoot a dart at her.”

  “I don’t like it. Rory, no,” Cory interrupts. “We need to stick with the plan.”

  “Moyer will be expecting an invasion of some sort,” Stella says, looking at us around the room. “None of you experienced the rampage Moyer went on after Wynter fled. I mean, there was no other way out of that cell, yet she escaped. Moyer’s convinced there is hidden magic somewhere on this compound. I overheard her talking to Casey when they both thought I was asleep, while she had me caged. The night Wynter freed herself, Moyer was livid that she got away and lashed out at everyone. Even some of the orphans were injured, including me. That same night, she brought me to the torture chamber. Do you think she has forgotten? Moyer will be expecting an attack.”

  “Stella, I can protect you,” I say. “Moyer won’t know.”

  “Did you forget about the cameras?” she asks.

  I didn’t think she knew about that. “No, that’s why Isalora suggested cloaking us as invisible sabretail prowlers… Stella, I can get you safely past the Iron Door to the Hall of Secrets.”

  “My Lady,” Arryn intervenes, “I respectfully disagree with the plan you have set forth. We are stronger together than apart. May I share an idea?”

  Isalora nods. “But of course, Arryn, your huntress wisdom is always welcome.”

  “If we were to go after Red and fail, it would warn the compound that there are intruders. I recommend a sneak attack. The more Storms we free, the stronger our team will be. Cory can release those that are cuffed, with the key Aoes gave him, and they will acquire their power, helping us fight. Once we have liberated everyone, Rory can port us all out.”

  Dom moves forward. “She does have a valid point, My Lady.”

  “Yes, it appears so. Are you suggesting that all of you focus on getting Stella to the Hall of Secrets first?” We watch as Isalora paces the floor. She focuses on Stella sitting quietly.

  “Might make for a better plan, anyway. We would have a better advantage of rescuing the others, once inside the manor,” I say. “The crucial part of this task is to get everyone out before the full moon. The closer it approaches, the stronger Moyer becomes.”

  “Yes, I do realize this,” Isalora adds. “Thankfully, this is only a full moon in a couple days and not the Super Blue Blood Moon that will rise at the end of this month.” She pauses and circles us all, gliding across the floor and stops. “I haven’t been completely honest with any of you. There is one crucial detail I’ve left out.”

  “Isalora, don’t say it. It’s too much of a risk right now.”

  “They need to know. They must understand the importance to Stella’s safety.”

  She avoids my warning. “We found out why Stella was not showing the symptoms of a vampire.”

  “When did this happen?” Arryn asks.

  “The week of Wynter’s birthday, Moyer tried to lure her into unconsciousness to get information. When her plan failed, she resorted to the next level, using Stella as bait. To scare Wynter, Cole sunk his teeth into Stella’s neck. I’m beginning to think Moyer has some suspicions of who Stella really is.”

  “So, who is she?” Rory asks. I can tell from her smirk she already knows, like Isalora and me.

  Isalora smiles and gives a brief glance to Stella, and the girl nods in approval. “She’s a Light Witch.”

  Thom, Dom, and Arryn all gasp at Isalora’s words, but I saw Rory’s thoughts earlier. She already had her reservations, and like me, is not surprised by this. I’m wondering why Isalora is revealing this to the others now. It’s a huge risk to share this secret, especially if any of them were to get captured. All Moyer has to do is compel someone and read their mind to know Stella is the last Light Witch standing.

  “How is that possible?” Thom asks.

  “The train accident that took the lives of Stella’s parents was intentional,” Isalora begins. “They fully expected Stella to be among the rubble. Moyer assumed that Stella perished along with them, and it was reported as such. Turns out, there was a stowaway on that train, and Moyer assumed it was Stella. It’s remarkable this young girl survived at all.”

  “How did you end up at the manor?” Rory asks.

  Stella looks at me, smiling. “Blair found me. I don’t think she knew who I was. I didn’t really know myself. Not knowing played a big role in hiding my identity. I’m sure that was my parent’s intentions. While at the mansion, I tried my hardest to keep my thoughts concealed by acting innocent, like I was any other human. Deep down, I knew that wasn’t true, when things began to happen.”

  “Such as?” Rory asks.

  “Little things at first, like thinking of something, and it magically appears without any explanation. It wasn’t until a few days ago when Wynter’s dad, Jeoffrey, rescued me, did I find out my true identity.”

  “Moyer couldn’t have known you’re a Light Witch. I get it now.” The rest of the group stares at me, waiting patiently to spill the beans. I look at Stella. “I think the reason Moyer never found out who you really are is because someone placed a memory stamp upon you.”

  “Good theory, Cory.” Isalora studies Stella. “I wonder if your parents had it placed on you when you were young, much like when I did it to Wynter.”

  “You?” Rory cuts in.

  Isalora smiles. “When Wynter was born, I was able to do it because her dragongryph was with her. He had enough magic to protect her and could store her thoughts.”

  “Babies can’t remember their births…” Rory argues.

>   “On the contrary, Deagons can—rather, any dragon bloodline. Sarmira didn’t know who she was but Moyer did. I didn’t find out until a few days ago, when Wynter fell into her dream state, that Moyer has been doing her best to hide Wynter’s identity from Sarmira. It’s why Sarmira had Moyer capture me in the first place. She discovered I was pregnant with Wynter.”

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” I say.

  Isalora nods. “I can understand why you may think that, yes, but Moyer knew for a long time that Sarmira was after her. So, she did what any mother would do to protect her children and family. You see, Moyer herself is a Light Witch.”

  I hear gasps flit around the room. Isalora smiles. “So, because she has the power to protect thoughts, she did exactly that. It was inevitable before Sarmira would gain control of Moyer’s body.”

  I shake my head in surprise, astounded by this news. “How clever. Why tell us this now?”

  “You weren’t ready to hear it before. Now that it has come down to this, we must fight to get them all back.”

  Stella touches Isalora’s sleeve. “Shall we show them what I can do?”

  Our attention is drawn to Stella, and she closes her eyes. Before I have time to react, I’m standing on all fours, in the form of a wolf. I look around and see the others are, too. After a few seconds, I’m back to my normal self. “H-how did you do that?” I stutter.

  “All I do is think of something in my mind, and it appears as I want it to,” Stella says.

  “That could be dangerous.”

  “A secret weapon,” Isalora says.

  “It has its limits, though, draining me of energy,” Stella adds. “It will take me a few minutes to recoup what I just displayed to you.”

  “Dark Witches can do the same,” Isalora says.

  Like Lira. My thoughts go back to that day when she double-crossed us in the Grengore Mines.

  Stella goes on to say, “One reason the Light Witches prefer to use spells instead of the energies of our minds is it leaves us vulnerable to attack should we be ambushed. Unless of course, there is help from Terra.”


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