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by Frank Carey



















  Engine of Creation Book 3

  By Frank Carey


  Copyright © 2017 by Frank Carey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  League Tale #35


  Gabe fired a blaster pulse at an attacking robot, stopping it while vaporizing its head. "Who the hell leaves live battle robots to guard an ancient tomb!" he exclaimed while firing at another automaton.

  "I'll fire off a letter of complaint when we're finished," Pris yelled back while using a Gatling-blaster weapon to mow down a dozen smaller quadrabots intent on overrunning their position while the Delphi orbited overhead. "Siv! Where the hell is that location data?"

  "Give me a second!"

  Gabe looked up and saw three condor-shaped bots attacking the Delphi, so he launched three hunter-seeker missiles from his armored back. In moments, the three condors were three clouds of debris. "Delphi, you're clear!" He called the ship before turning to help the EMEF and Earth-Sec teams fight off the seemingly-never-ending stream of battle bots emerging from their underground hives.

  Up in the Delphi, Siv was frantically running scans as she searched for their elusive prize--an ancient artifact which was part of a key which would allow them to activate a device known as an Engine of Creation. All she had to go on was an energy signature they measured from the artifacts they had already found. Her problem was the signature was weak. It could easily be lost in the sea signals coming from all the energy weapons being discharged on the ground below her.

  Her long, gray fingers flew over the control board as she made minute adjustments to the sensor controls. Suddenly, a light flashed indicating the signal had been found. She slapped a control and locked the signal into the direction-finding system. "Gabe! 234 degrees true, range 600 yards." She aimed an optical scanner at the coordinates supplied by the computer. "Boss! Look for a small, ornate stone building. It's sitting on a stairway leading underground. I'm dropping flares and smoke. See you there."

  "Copy that, Siv. We'll meet you there. Gabe out!" he replied over the comm. He turned to the forces around him and barked out the details.

  "You heard the man!" Colonel Sana Irithyl yelled to her combined forces. "I want suppressive fire to cover us. If it moves, Kill it!"

  With Gabe in the lead, the League force made its way to the building.

  When the force arrived, it found the Delphi hovering over the structure with its shields extended. Seeing the teams come into view, the Alue dropped the shields long enough for the force members to get underneath, whence she reestablished the protective fields. Gave walked over and tore the structure's door off its hinges. Setting it aside, he popped two drones and sent them down the dark stairwell beyond.

  Gabe had images from the drones relayed to Pris, Siv, and Sana as he watched the feed in real-time. "Looks like the typical long, dark hallway leading to a chamber of death," Pris noted as her cat-like ears and tail made nervous motions.

  Gabe switched scan frequencies. "My, my. Look at what we have waiting in the walls."

  "Great, those things look like a pair of nuclear powered Minotaurs," Sana noted.

  "Are those self-destruct charges where their hearts would be if they were organic?"

  Gabe zoomed the scan to get a closer look. "Not nuclear; antimatter. Everyone get the hell out of here. I'm going to have to do this one alone."

  "No plarking way," Pris growled. If you think I'm going to..."

  He bent down and looked her in her Katalan eyes with his armor's blue glowing eye slits. “You are going to do as ordered, Detective Sergeant Priscilla Kitra. Those things are booby-trapped, or did you miss the lack of power cables coming from the antimatter containers. One slip and this planet does a fair imitation of a sun going nova and there is no way anyone under my command is going out in a blaze of glory." He turned so everyone could hear him. "EVAC, NOW!"

  Sana snapped a sharp salute, then walked over and hugged him. "Gramps, you better damn well come home because there's no way I'm telling your daughter--my great grammy--that you were killed by a couple of old bots. "Siv, evac and dust-off!"

  "Copy that," she replied. "Gabe, what she said."

  Gabe saluted the hovering ship as it dropped down to pick up the teams. He turned to Pris. "Priscilla..."

  "Save it. I can't deal with this shit anymore."

  "You want to do this now? We're surrounded by hundreds of angry war bots with two antimatter bombs sitting beneath us?"

  "No, I'm through. I'm putting in for a transfer as soon as I get inside. Are you going to sign it, assuming you survive?"

  He stared at her for a moment before taking off his helmet so he could see her without all the optics being in the way. "If that is what you want, then yes, I will sign it."

  She glared at him before pushing past him to walk up into the ship.

  "Pris, you knew this is what life with me would be like. You also know that I'm probably going to die doing it, yet you asked me to date you."

  "What's your point."

  "No point. I'm just reminding you in case you're asked to give my eulogy."

  She stormed off into the ship, slamming the hatch behind her. "Siv, you're clear. Wish me luck."

  "Boss, you don't have to do this. We can come back and get this one later."

  "Siv, don't tell the others, but this is the last one. The key will be complete once I retrieve this final artifact."

  "Shit. Does Pris know?" the Alue pilot asked as she headed the Delphi into space, leaving Gabe alone. "Where the hell did the battle bots go?"

  He put his helmet back on. "They know what's going to happen next, so they're running for their lives. And as for Pris, no, she does not know and I would like to keep it that way."

  "Fine. Can I say one more thing?" she asked.

  "Could I stop you even if I wanted to?"


  "Then proceed."

  "We're safe, so get your head in the game."

  "Right, Coach. The head is in the game. Going in. DCI Gabriel Adon over and out."

  He switched to night-vision and headed underground.


  Gabe came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and turned on his transmitters before running a series of precision scans of the volume around him. If he blew this place to kingdom come, at least there would be a record of what he found. Below him he could see a massive factory complex devoted to the production of battle bots. Next to it was an equally large anti-matter power plant which supplied energy to the factory. Above him was what looked like a computer complex, probably used to control the bots. Ahead of him, guarded by the booby traps, was the last artifact. It looked peaceful. He turned up his external speakers. "Computer. Identify yourself."

  "I am
Guardian, for I protect the last piece of the key to the Engine of Creation," a booming voice replied. "Now, identify yourself."

  "Detective Chief Inspector Gabriel Adon from the planet Earth. I hold all remaining keys except for the one you guard.”

  "You dare to attempt activation of the engine?"

  "Somebody has to. It seems a nearby universe got scrammed by a mad scientist and I've been tasked to put Humpty Dumpty back together. How about you give me the artifact and let me go on my way."


  "How about a trade? I've got some great, hand-made ice cream aboard my ship. You'll never have better."


  "Can you even say yes?"

  "Yes, but no, you cannot have the artifact without battling the two sentinels."

  "Oh, you mean the two guys with horns and anti-matter hearts you've got stored in the walls?"

  "Yes, they are the sentinels."

  "Do you understand the meaning of 'No-win scenario?'"

  "Of course."

  Gabe retracted his armor and sat down on the floor before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a pair of glow sticks. Snapping them, he gave each a good shake before dropping them on the floor to either side of where he sat. "Good, now I can see. So, Guardian, what have you been up to lately?"

  "You procrastinate."

  "Hey, we both know what happens when I walk into that room. The planet goes boom. Am I right?"


  "So, you can't blame me for procrastinating, can you?"

  "No, I guess not."

  Gabe thought for a moment. "Guardian, are you an AI?"

  "No, neither am I an Alue, an immortal, or any of the dozen noncorporeal beings that make this universe home. I am Guardian."

  "Got kids?"


  Gabe took a picture from his pocket and held it out for Guardian to see. "This is Emma, my daughter. I thought I'd lost her when I died two hundred years ago, but come to find out I passed on some immortal genes, so she and her female offspring are all immortal, or at least demigods. Talk about a kick to the head: Finding out your daughter is over two hundred years old, but only looks slightly older then you."

  "Why are you telling me this?"

  "What do you know about the multi-verse?"


  "What happens if one of the constituent universes is prematurely reset?"


  "Guardian, you still with me?"

  "The multi-verse would quickly reset."

  "And everyone would die?"


  "Can you detect my ship in orbit?"


  "Can you do that transport thing with the artifact, but send it to that ship?"


  "OK. Cool. Can I assume you can't let the artifact go unless you destroy the planet and whomever is trying to take it?"

  "Yes. I cannot explain it further."

  "That's OK. Sometimes rules can't be explained. How about we try this." Gabe held out his hand. Suddenly, it was filled with artifacts. "Transport these and the one you have up to the ship, then after it leaves, blow the planet up. I'll stay behind so that you can fulfill your mission."

  Silence. Then, "Why do you do this?"

  Gabe played with the artifacts. "To save my family, one of whom is aboard that ship. I have a friend up there, and someone I care for deeply. They need to live and do great things. Death holds no mystery to me. I've lived, died, and got to live again long enough to see my daughter. I have no regrets. Someone else can take up my mantle."

  A beam of light emerged from the wall and illuminated him. "Excuse me?" he asked.

  "You are the one," Guardian said as the last artifact dropped into Gabe's hand to join the others before they all assimilated into his palm. No glyphs formed on his arms, at least none he could see. "That's odd. Guardian, what just happened?"

  The Guardian remained silent.

  Gabe reformed his armor, then ran another set of scans. What he found was shocking, though typical for this type of situation. The computer, power plant, and factory were gone as were the two booby-trapped bots. It was as if they were never there. Shaking his head, he called the Delphi. "Siv, I need a pick-up."

  "Gabe, we're on our way. What just happened?"

  "I'll explain later. For now, just get me off this godforsaken rock."

  "Copy that. Where to next?"

  "Back to the Cube. You and I need to talk to Marta."

  "What about Pris."

  "Pris quit, remember?"


  "Leave it for now. Like you said, I need to get my head into the game. Gabe out." He reached down and retrieved his glow sticks before heading to the surface.


  Gabe's office aboard the Delphi was a perfect reproduction of the squad room he shared in New York, right down to the coffee rings on his desktop. Around him was a piece of the world he was familiar with. He sat in his old wooden desk chair and remembered his life from long ago, the time before his death.

  His musings were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," he said.

  The door opened and Pris walked in and stood at attention in front of Gabe's desk. "DS Kitra reporting as ordered, sir."

  "Have a seat."

  She sat. "Do we have to be this formal?"

  "Yes. Today, your insubordination could have gotten all of us killed. This behavior cannot be allowed to continue."

  "Insubordination? What the hell are you talking about?"

  "There are times when you and I are dating and there are times when I'm your boss. When I order you to get the hell off a planet, I'm doing so as your boss. Your response should be 'Yes, sir!' not 'Hell no.'"

  "I'm sorry. You're right, I was completely out of line. I apologize."

  Gabe watched her, intently.

  "Are you scanning me?!"

  "No, I don't need to. I can see with my own two eyes that you're emotionally off. You're watching the room like there's an unseen threat and your hands are trembling. What the hell's going on with you?"

  "None of your damn business...! Wait, no, I mean I'm fine. Fit as a fiddle..."

  "Boss, this is Siv. Sorry to interrupt, but we've arrived at the Cube. General McMurphy orders you to meet her in Lounge 18 the moment we're down and locked."

  "Roger that." He stopped and looked at Pris. "Gabe out. Pris, I want you to report to Medical for a full physical."

  "No plarking way."

  "Then let me rephrase that. DS Kitra, you are ordered to report to Cube Medical for a full physical the moment we are locked down. You do know what ordered means, don't you?"

  "I will not..."

  "Colonel Irithyl, please step inside my office."

  Instantly, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," he said.

  Sana walked in to stand next Pris before saluting. "Sir?"

  "DS Kitra is to report to Medical the moment we can leave the ship. She is to have a physical. Use whatever resources you feel are necessary to get her there. Understood?"

  "Sir! Priscilla, follow me, please."

  With a final glare at Gabe, Pris headed out of the room with Sana following close behind.

  "Boss, Siv. We're down and locked."

  "Is that a subtle reminder that I'm supposed to be heading out for my meeting with my granddaughter?"

  "Have you ever known me to be subtle?"

  "Point taken. I'm out of here."

  "Roger dodger. Siv out."


  Gabe walked into the lounge and found his granddaughter--actually great-something-granddaughter--standing by one of the two-story tall observation windows holding a beer in each hand. She handed him one as he walked up and kissed her cheek. "I assume that you’re not bearing good news."

  She took a drink. "Nope. We got your report, and it’s caused all hell to break loose."

  "You've lost me. All I did was find the last artifact. Now, I can go, activate the engine, and put things to rights.

  "And if you don't?"

  "The multi-verse comes to an ignoble end. So, what's the problem?"

  "The problem is you hold the key to restarting a universe. What if you aimed that thing at this universe."

  Gabe said nothing. Instead, he finished his beer before heading to the exit.

  "Gabe! Stop! The bureaucrats are worried, and we need them to get you to this planet, which by the way, is now under a blockade by the Martok."

  "What's their problem?"

  "They want to study the engine before you're allowed to use it."

  "Study it. How are they going to study it when I've got the key?"

  "They want you to hand over the key."

  He laughed as he rolled up his sleeves. "What key? They disappeared when I absorbed the last artifact. I tried to bring them back and I can't. I scanned my body and they're nowhere to be found. Hell, for all I know, I'm the key."

  Marta looked at his arms. "Dammit. I'd hope you'd just hand the artifacts over and let the worry-worts work this crap out of their systems. We might have to send you to Destiny to help the boffins test this engine."


  "Yeah, the planet's new designation."

  "Lovely." He took another drink of beer.

  "Couple more things. First, your thoughts about Sana?"

  "Best damn commanding officer I've ever worked with. The Earth-Sec team wants to join the Elf Marine Expeditionary Force so they can keep her as a commanding officer, and I'm not just saying that because she's your daughter. She is damn good."

  "Good. Your performance review of Colonel Irithyl has been noted and will be logged when I get back to the office."

  "Is she up for a promotion?"

  "Yeah. New rank: Field General. She'll be my number two while remaining in the field."

  Gabe thought for a moment. "If a cop in Earth-Sec wanted to join the EMEF as a commissioned officer, what kind of rank could they come in at?"

  "Are you looking for a new job?"

  "Not me. Pris. She may be leaving Earth-Sec."

  "What the hell did you do?"

  "Why is it always me?"

  "You're a human male. It's your job. So, what did you do?"

  He told her what wasn't in his official report.


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