Embracing The Earl

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Embracing The Earl Page 21

by Aston, Alexa

  “Do you plan to spend all of your days at Evie’s?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said evasively.

  Once again, Luke wondered what she hid from him. He would get to the bottom of it after they were inside Templeton’s townhouse. They’d have no interruptions to plague them.

  He sensed the cab slowing. Once it came to a full stop, he hopped out and paid the driver and then handed Caroline down.

  She opened her reticule as they walked to the door and withdrew a key. “I’ll need to have this delivered to Mr. Higgins by Monday.”

  Luke took it from her and unlocked the door.

  They entered the foyer and he asked, “Are there any particular rooms you wish to visit?”

  “No. I just wanted to see the place a final time. I doubt I’ll be invited to grand homes anymore.”

  Luke kept silent, waiting for her to see her childhood home a last time before he challenged her opinion regarding how the ton viewed her. He knew she had formed it based upon the little gossip she’d overheard in the retiring room. He wanted her to know she had good friends, even powerful ones, who would see that society treated her well.

  They visited the library first, which she said had been her favorite room growing up.

  “Books were friends to me. I soaked up learning. At first, it was to show my father how much I could learn. The facts I spouted never impressed him, though. By the time I realized that, I was learning because I wanted to, squirreling away knowledge.”

  “I’ve told you my father was much the same. His children were nothing but a nuisance to him. He left us in the care of nursemaids, followed by tutors and governesses. Jeremy and I were shipped off to school and largely forgotten by him. Poor Rachel had to stay home. She avoided encounters with him.”

  “What about your mother?” Caroline asked.

  “All three of us never knew our mothers. Each died in childbirth. Father would marry again once he tired of his current mistress or needed a new dowry to fill the family coffers.”

  She bit her lower lip, causing a surge of desire to ripple through him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s all right. Besides the hired help, we had someone better than a parent. Cor. She made up for any lack of attention by our father. Cor taught us right from wrong and what should be valued. She saw we were well loved and grew up to be strong, independent individuals.”

  “I’ve only spoken to her a few times but she’s a remarkable woman.”

  “I think so, too.”

  They stopped at the drawing room and then her mother’s small parlor. A cushion still rested on a settee that Caroline said she’d embroidered when she was ten.

  “Will you take it?” he asked.

  “No. it’s from a past that I don’t wish to recall. The only good from that time in my life was being with my sister. Cynthia was a dear companion. When Father was largely absent and Mama ineffectual, Cynthia is who lives on in my memory.”

  They went upstairs after that. She didn’t bother returning to either of her parents’ bedchambers and only briefly looked into her sister’s. Instead, they crossed the hall and she entered her former room. Walking to the window, she pulled the curtain aside and gazed out on the square below.

  “Cynthia and I used to sit in this window seat and look across the way. We didn’t know who owned the townhouse opposite us. No one ever lived there so we made up stories about who the owner was and why he and his family were never in residence.”

  Luke knew the true tale of how Evan’s father, the Duke of Winstead, had washed his hands of his only son when Evan was but thirteen. Evan had chosen to remain in the country at Edgemere when not in school, learning from his steward all he could about the estate and getting to know his tenants. The townhouse had remained empty. To this day, Evan didn’t speak to his father, especially after the duke had tried to prevent Rachel from marrying Evan. He’d once told Luke he wished he could remain Marquess of Merrick forever instead of one day inheriting his father’s title because he didn’t want to be known as Winstead.

  Caroline dropped the curtain back into place and crossed the room to the bed. She sat on it and looked at him.

  “I would like to lie in my bed one last time. With you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Caroline had been thinking about how she would never belong to Luke and decided she could.

  For one night.

  Her plan to retire to the country would take her out of circulation from the London gossips and save the reputation of the St. Clairs. She could spend the bulk of her life by the sea, only venturing into town a few times a year to conduct business. She’d made a wise choice in hiring Stinch to manage both places. Once she found someone to keep the ledgers, she could request monthly business reports from him.

  Her future life would be a quiet one. Even lonely at times. That’s why she’d decided she wanted memories of Luke to fill the empty places in her heart. He’d awakened something within her that she had a need to explore. She was now aware of physical desire simmering within her. That’s why she’d allowed him to accompany her here tonight. She hadn’t cared to see the townhouse a final time. It was merely a ruse to lure him somewhere private. She knew he desired her. She would use that and ask him to love her this once so she could cherish the memories of what might have been between them had things been different.

  He came toward her, so tall and handsome that she began trembling. Taking her hands, he brought her to her feet. A slow smile spread across his face.

  “I knew you weren’t indifferent to me,” he said softly. “That you felt the same way I did.”

  He gazed at her intently, drinking her in. Caroline did the same. For one glorious night, this man would be hers.

  “Love me,” she said.

  “I plan to for the rest of our lives.”

  Guilt flashed through her. She knew what she did was wrong but, already, her body burned for him. For once, she would be selfish and take what she wanted, without regret.

  His fingers entwined with hers as he bent and pressed soft kisses on her brow. Her temples. Her cheek and jaw. After each kiss, Luke said her name. Quietly. Reverently. As if he couldn’t believe they were here, together, alone.

  He released her hands and his fingers skimmed up her arms until he cradled her face, his thumbs rubbing back and forth.

  “You are so very beautiful. Inside and out.”

  With that, his lips met hers in a searing kiss that grew longer and hotter, stirring the embers inside her until the flames engulfed her. She wrapped her arms about his waist and pressed her body against his. His hands traveled the length of her back, up and down, the friction heating her until she begged him to undress her. Caroline wanted her skin against his. She wanted to taste him. Touch him. Hold him.

  Luke took his time, peeling away the layers she wore, until everything was gone and she stood before him naked. She should have felt embarrassment or shame. Instead, she only felt desire.

  His eyes took her in. “You are a revelation. A beauty beyond compare.” He wrapped his arms about her and brought her to him, kissing her deeply. The sensation of his wool coat against her bare skin was oddly erotic.

  Breaking the kiss, she said, “I want to see you. All of you. Now,” she commanded boldly.

  He grinned. “I’ll work as fast as I can,” and began stripping away his own clothing.

  When he finished, she thought he was like one of the statues in a book she’d read on Ancient Greece. There was so much to admire. His broad shoulders and bare, muscled chest. The flat stomach and long legs, with calves she longed to stroke.

  “Will I do?”

  She grinned. “You most certainly will.”

  Caroline wrapped her arms about his neck and pulled him down to her, taking the lead as she kissed him. She moved from his mouth to his neck, licking the salty skin as she inhaled his sandalwood soap. His hands stroked her back and buttocks, causing a marvelous tinging to shoot through her.

  Without war
ning, he scooped her up and carried her to the bed, placing her on it gently before he stretched out beside her.

  “I will kiss every part of you,” he promised.

  And he did.

  Everywhere his hands went, his mouth and tongue followed. His licking and sucking her breasts drove her into a frenzy. She went from stroking his back to raking it with her nails. Then Luke kissed his way down her belly and went lower, toward her womanly core. His fingers encircled her ankles and pushed her legs up until her knees were bent and she was open to him.

  He kissed her core, which caused a low pounding to begin. She hid her shock as he continued kissing her there. Then his tongued darted inside and Caroline nearly leaped from the bed.

  “Oh! Oh, my! Luke!”

  He looked up. “I’m busy.”

  He went back to what he was doing. Her fingers threaded through his hair, pushing him against her as the drum beat increased in rhythm. She whimpered as his tongue danced inside her, causing something to build. She moaned. She panted. And then she tumbled gloriously as sensations overwhelmed her, an electricity that shot waves of pleasure through her, pleasure that she’d never known existed. It kept on and on until it finally subsided and her hands fell to her sides.

  Luke kissed his way back up to her mouth as his fingers went where his tongue had just left. He murmured something against her lips but she couldn’t understand it. All her focus was on her core and what his fingers were doing to her. Again, that same odd, wonderful, incredible feeling built up and then crashed as she cried his name, over and over. It finally subsided and now she lay limp, unable to move.

  “What have you done to me?” she asked, barely able to form words.

  Those emerald eyes twinkled with mischief. “Hopefully, satisfied you. And now I’ll make you mine.”

  He pushed up and she saw his manhood jutting from him, large and long.

  “It only hurts once,” he said and before she could ask what, he entered her quickly.

  Caroline gasped at the pain, clawing at his shoulders.

  “Wait, love. You’ll see.”

  She swiped at him twice more and then stilled. The pain was gone but she could feel how he filled her. Then he withdrew and pushed into her again. He repeated the motion. Suddenly, her hips rose to meet him, as if her body knew what to do. She wound her arms about him and he continued the long, slow thrusts.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes. But . . . can you go faster?”

  He chuckled. “I can do whatever you wish.”

  Luke increased his pace. His hand came between them and found the nub that caused her tremendous pleasure. Suddenly, she was crying his name as he called out hers. Then he collapsed against her. Caroline welcomed the weight that drove her deep into the mattress. She locked her arms about his neck and kissed him soundly.

  He rolled until they were both on their sides and they kissed until she thought her lips might bleed.

  When he finally broke the kiss, she . . . yawned.

  “I’m sorry,” she quickly apologized.

  “You are tired,” he said, smoothing her hair. “This was the biggest day of your life with the store opening.”

  That might have been the case but what they had just done together would qualify as the most wondrous experience of her life. She would never, ever forget this.

  “Let’s sleep a while,” he suggested, turning her until her back pressed against his chest and his arms held her safe.


  They dozed briefly and then began all over again. Luke made love to her twice more and then told her they should dress.

  “I know Rachel and Evan were attending a ball tonight with Leah and Alex. We need to get you home and to bed before they arrive. You can pretend you went home straight after leaving Evie’s. They’ll never know the difference.”

  He dressed first and then played lady’s maid to her. His knowledge of how ladies undergarments worked let her know she was only one of many women he’d coupled with. It didn’t matter, though. She had tonight. She would always have tonight. No one could ever take the memories away from her.

  They exited the townhouse and he locked the door, returning the key to her, and then he walked her across the empty square. Standing in front of the door, Luke gave her a long, sweet kiss. Caroline took in everything. The cool of the evening. The feel of his muscular chest beneath her fingertips. The taste of him. She committed it all to memory. She would live on this the rest of her life.

  “We have much to talk about,” he said.

  Wanting to put him off, she said, “I will be busy at Evie’s tomorrow.”

  “I won’t be there. Alex has asked me to go with him to look at some new horses he wishes to buy. They’re near his estate. We’ll go down to Fairfield early tomorrow morning and look at the stock, testing it. We’ll come back late Sunday. We can see each other Monday night at the Wilsons’ ball.” He kissed her. “I’m expecting you to save the supper dance for me.”

  She hadn’t replied to the invitation she’d received but nodded as if in agreement. If everything worked out as she planned, she would be gone by Monday night.

  And never see Luke again.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Caroline went to the stables behind the Merrick townhome, wanting to visit Davy and Tippet. She’d done so several times over the past few weeks and had seen how happy both the boy and dog were. The first person she saw was Brimley, the head groom, and she decided to ask him about Davy.

  “Has Davy been fitting in well?”

  The older man smiled broadly. “He has, my lady. I’ve never met a soul more eager to learn. He’s a natural with the horses, that boy is. They seem to perk up when Davy comes around. I’ll rue the day when you take him away. We’ll all miss young Davy.”

  That made her rethink bringing the boy with her when she left London. He already had a job here he loved. Caroline had no idea what she would have him do out in the country. It might be best to leave him where he was and not force another change upon him. She excused herself and found Davy grooming a horse inside a stall. Tippet sat in the corner.

  “Good morning, my lady. Isn’t it a fine day?”

  “Spring in London is very nice,” she agreed. “How are you liking your work for the marquess?”

  His eyes lit up. “I love horses. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I’m so grateful you took me away from the sea. I never liked it. My stomach stayed queasy on every voyage.”

  She knew then that she couldn’t bring this boy with her, much as she’d wanted to.

  “You know I’ve opened a bookstore. Have you thought about working there in the future?”

  He shook his head as he ran the brush along the horse. “I’d rather stay here, my lady, with the horses. I’m sorry if that disappoints you.”

  “It doesn’t. It’s important to find something you love and you’ve done so.” She paused. “I’m leaving London for a bit to live in the country. Would you mind if Tippet stays with you? I wouldn’t trust him to anyone’s care but yours. In fact, he should be yours. You’re the one who’s cared for him since we’ve been in England.”

  Joy filled Davy’s face. “Truly? He can be mine? You don’t mind?”

  “Not a bit. A dog needs a boy.” She smiled. “And a boy needs a dog.”

  “Thank you, my lady. Tippet and me’ll be friends for life, I’m sure of it.”

  “That’s good to know. I will try to stop by and see you the next time I’m in London.”

  Davy grinned. “I’d like that.” He paused from the brushing and said, “You’ve been right good to me, my lady. Teaching me to read and getting me a place here with the horses. May . . . I hug you?”

  “Of course.”

  The boy came to her and Caroline wrapped her arms about him. She would miss Davy and Tippet but they had a new life and purpose, thanks to Evan’s generosity.

  “Goodbye,” she said and went to find Brimley again.

  “Mr. Brimle
y, I’d thought Davy might one day work for me in my bookstore but he seems happy where he is. Are you sure the marquess has room for him?”

  “He does, my lady. Why, I can see Davy one day becoming head groom himself.”

  That assured Caroline that she was making the right decision.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I will leave him and Tippet to your care then. I suppose live horses are more interesting to a boy than musty, old books.”

  She left and returned to her room, where the maid had already come and gone. She saw no need to take any of the ball gowns that Madame Toufours had made up for her. Instead, Caroline packed several day dresses, along with undergarments and a few night rails. She went downstairs and asked if Kent would have the small trunk in her chamber delivered to Evie’s.

  “It’s some books that I want to have there in my office,” she told the butler.

  She’d never been deceitful in her life but her lies were stacking up.

  Next, Caroline took a cab to Mr. Higgins’ office. She knew the solicitor worked a half-day on Saturdays and wanted to catch him this morning. His surprise was obvious as she came through the door.

  “Lady Caroline, what are you doing here? Have you changed your mind about the sale of your father’s townhouse?”

  “No, but I do have need of you regarding another matter, Mr. Higgins.”

  “I am at your service. Please, have a seat.”

  She perched on the edge of a chair. “I’m looking to leave London indefinitely. Mr. Stinch will manage my stores in my absence. I’d like to be by the sea. Do you know of anyone who might have a cottage for sale?”

  “Not for sale, but my wife’s aunt has one for let. It’s in Dover.”

  “I’ll take it.”

  Shock filled him. “But I haven’t even told you about it,” he protested.

  “You would not have mentioned it to me if it were unsuitable. I trust that you would recommend it?”

  “I would. It’s in pristine condition and a short walk to the beach.”


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