The Guardian

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The Guardian Page 58

by Jack Whyte

  There is one other man I have to thank here, my long-time friend and fellow member of the Calgary Burns Club, Jim Osborne, noted peddler there of all things Scottish. Jim is from Aberdeen, and when he wants to, he can turn the accent of his birthplace on so thickly that the words ooze like syrup from a keg. When the time came, therefore, for me to represent the actual way the Aberdonians talk, there was no doubt at all in my mind about whom I needed to consult. Jim read the conversation that I had drafted in English, then translated it into phonetic Aberdonian. You’ll find it here precisely as he submitted it to me because I wouldn’t dare presume to change a letter of it. Thanks, Jim.


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  Whyte, Jack, 1940–, author

  The guardian : a tale of Andrew Murray / Jack Whyte.

  (The guardians series ; book 3)

  ISBN 978-0-670-06848-7 (bound)

  1. Scotland–History–Robert I, 1306–1329–Fiction.

  I. Title. II. Series: Whyte, Jack, 1940– . Guardians series ; bk. 3.

  PS8595.H947G83 2014 C813’.54 C2014-905777-6

  eBook ISBN 978-0-14-319308-1

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