Comfort Side Of Heaven

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Comfort Side Of Heaven Page 12

by Vera Quinn

  “I will put it at the top of my list. I knew you would help your mom, it’s who you are but we need to make sure if you do pay for whatever she has gotten herself into that the gentlemen know there will be no repeats or that woman will bleed you of every penny you have. The name change is not legal. It’s something your mom started doing for an unknown reason.” I would like to argue with what Roger said but I know it’s the truth. I look at Nick and Haddie and I know they heard the ugly come out of me and I feel ashamed, but it’s hard not to confront Mom and Greg with what they have done.

  “I’m sorry Haddie and Nick, you shouldn’t have had to witness me being so rude to my mom. I was not raised to have outbursts like that but sometimes it’s hard to bite my tongue.” I walk back over to Nick and Haddie who have stood up from their seats.

  “Seems to me as if you have held your opinion to yourself for too long. A little tongue lashing never killed anyone. I don’t like to see such discord in a family, but it seems like in this instance it’s for a good reason,” Haddie says with sympathy in her voice. Coming from anyone else this would tick me off because sympathy is too close to pity but coming from Haddie it’s empathy and that I can deal with. I want no one’s pity.

  “I would have said a heck of a lot more. Those people wouldn’t know the right thing to do if it bit them in their bohonkus. I think you did just fine today.” Nick is still upset about what was said by Ms. Wilkens. He just doesn’t understand that no one could ever taint the memories I have of my dad. He wasn’t perfect, but he was my hero and I always knew I was loved by him.

  “Thank you both but I think the whole situation was out of hand and too emotional. I wanted calm, but it is what it is and now it’s done. Now I hope Mrs. Tate is ready for this interview because it’s time,” I say as I look at my watch.

  “Remember the things we went over on what not to say and the things that you need to make sure she gets right. I advised a controlled setting so that I could help you if you got into trouble, but I know you will do just fine. We’ll all be there for your support and just speak from your heart and the cue cards you made in case you get stuck. I am sure Mrs. Tate is not cutthroat like the main media but still expect the unexpected. Now relax and enjoy yourself. I know that you didn’t want all the trappings of what goes with being famous like your dad and you would have rather put this off, but it’s best to do it now in Comfort so when the main stream paparazzi hits you after your birthday then at least at home it will be old news. You also need to be aware that once this story hits the press that the media trucks will show up. I don’t know how that is going to go with your schedules on the farm this year.” Roger is always thinking five steps ahead of the game.

  “It’ll be alright. I have decided just to plant a small garden for my own use this year with some herbs in the greenhouse and then the two hayfields. I am going to prepare the fields so next year it will be ready to go for planting on the normal schedule. I am sending off soil samples to test the pH, so I know what to grow where and see what organic matter is best to mix with each spot.” Nick has told what he planted in each field, but I must do it the scientific way— I need to understand the process. Nick laughs softly, and Roger looks at me like I am talking a different language.

  “I’ll take your word at that because planting is not my thing. Good luck with all of it. Shall we join Mrs. Tate so we can get to lunch because I need to get back to my office and make some calls to find out what Katrina has gotten herself into.” I know Roger is reluctant to do what I ask of him, but he’ll do it.

  “I’m ready to get this done, so let’s do it,” I tell them all.

  “I am going to check the kitchen and check in on Rita and then I will be out there,” Haddie tells us.

  “I’m going to the restroom and I’ll be out there too,” Nick tells me. Nick and Haddie both leave the room. Roger walks over closer to me.

  “Relax and don’t let the questions fluster you. This is your idea and you can stop it anytime you are ready. Do you need something to drink or need a minute to regroup?” Roger asks me.

  “No, I don’t need anything but to get out there and get this done.” I am at peace with this.

  “Then let’s go.” Roger bends down and picks up his briefcase and reaches for my hand and that gives me a warm feeling. Roger knows this is what my dad used to do if we were going somewhere. My dad always held my hand to let me know he was beside me in whatever I did. Roger opens the front door and holds the screen open for me and I take in all the people on the front lawn that have come out to watch this interview. I will never understand people wanting in someone else’s business. I see Trask and Botie close to the porch and I smile at them. Botie is the only person I wanted here so he can understand I am not hiding anything but just not making my decisions public. I know he is dealing with his own ghost from his past too. Roger walks me to the chair beside where Mrs. Tate is setting a microphone up, so we can be heard all over the big yard.

  “Hello, Mrs. Tate, thank you for setting this up today. I appreciate the lengths you have taken to make sure Lyric feels comfortable.” Roger is the one that handled the details with Mrs. Tate.

  “Roger, I told you to call me Stella. I was very happy to make this so Ms. Dade is comfortable.” Mrs. Tate is eyeing me up and down like she is trying to size me up.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Tate, for doing this on such short notice.” Mrs. Tate stands up from adjusting the microphone and gives me a big smile that is warm and welcoming.

  “None of this Mrs. Tate stuff for you either. I am just Stella and I should be thanking you. This will probably be the biggest interview I do this year,” the woman looks like she is thinking, “no, probably in my career and this may put the Comfort Banner on the map for a little while anyway.” The woman is just like Haddie, a bundle of energy and enthusiasm.

  “Okay, Stella, are we ready and please call me Lyric?” I ask with as much enthusiasm as I can. Roger walks away from us but stays where I can see him, Haddie and Nick walk out the front door and go to where Roger is standing. I see the sheriff and his wife, Dara. I also see Branton standing with an older version of him and a woman, I am guessing is his mom. The whole yard is filled with people I don’t know but I guess they are curious about what the new woman in town has to say and why she is getting so much attention.

  “Have a seat and we can start, Lyric.” Stella seems like a very nice woman. I sit in a rocker and Stella takes a seat in the one beside me. A man is taking pictures of us and Stella must see my unease. “That’s Brett, just ignore him. He will take a bunch of stills of us, but I won’t run anything in the paper until you approve it.”

  “Alright, I have just avoided photos for so long it is second nature.” Stella smiles at me.

  “I can understand that—ignore him.” Stella relaxes back in her chair and I do the same. “If you are ready, I am going to record the interview in case I forget something. That way I can go back and refresh my memory. Do you have any objections to this?” I don’t know what to say so I look at Roger and he nods his head.

  “That will be fine, I have no objections to it.” I like that Stella asked before she recorded anything. Not that I have anything to hide but because it’s the right thing to do. The few nerves I had are gone now. I know Stella is going to be fair.

  “I am here today speaking with Lyric Sage Dade. How are you today Lyric and how are you liking our small town of Comfort?”

  “I am doing very well today Stella and I love the town of Comfort and I am hoping that Comfort is liking me. I intend to make this my permanent home. I just purchased a farm from Nick Styles.” I know I am rambling a little, but I want to get everything out. I reach in my pocket and take out the cue cards I have in case I forget anything.

  “Well let me be the first one to tell you welcome. We need some new blood to liven up the place and from what I hear you may have some impressive history to share with us. Just to let everyone here know that this is going to be a bit unorthodox as an in
terview goes so just bear with us and move in closer if you can’t hear this. No recording devices or phones are to be used at this time, please. Can you tell everyone your name and a little bit about yourself?” Stella looks at me.

  “My name is Lyric Sage Dade and I came here looking for a new home. I have been all over the United States for over four years now. My dad was killed in a car wreck a few months before and his name was Travis Dade better known as Tra Dade from the band TALK Kraze. He was a founding member of the band and he was known everywhere.” I hear the intake of breaths and the whispers in the crowds. “Today is the day I begin to take my life back and thank you for helping me do that.”

  “Well, Comfort has its work cut out to live up to the life you have lived.” I laugh at that.

  “Stella, I have been seeing the United States through the windows of the back of a bus, so Comfort is my ‘Comfort side of Heaven’. It is my home now and thank you to everyone who has made me feel welcome so far.” I think to myself that I have seen many miles and many places through a bus window.

  “I guess my first question to you on that is didn’t you use the name Sage Collins when you first came here and stayed at Haddie’s bed-and-breakfast? Why did you use an assumed name instead of your legal name? I know you said you have been traveling on a bus while visiting various locations—can you tell us why a bus and why at such a youthful age? Surely no parent would approve of the dangers you must have met on the road.” Stella goes straight to the point.

  “I guess I could take the easy road and say I was using the name, so I could travel without being found out and to tell the truth that is the truth but not the entire truth. Sage is my middle name and I used it to keep part of myself. Collins is a family name and I knew my mom would never think of me using it. My mom and I had a big misunderstanding and I wanted to be emancipated but if I was found before it was granted then I would be made to go home. I had my attorney draw up the papers and file them while I went on a cross-country adventure to find the place I belonged. My attorney did not know where I was at any time, but I agreed to stay in touch and not to let my education go. There were different problems that popped up during the process to gain my emancipation but a little over a year later I was declared emancipated and responsible for myself. A year after that I turned eighteen. I have been on my own and when I rode the bus to Comfort and stepped off the bus, I knew I had found my home. Comfort is the kind of town my dad wanted to retire to and buy a farm. He wanted the two of us to have the small-town life we craved. Dad knew that he didn’t want to be on stage the rest of his life, so he wanted us to get out of the limelight and for us to experience a real life— a hometown life. I intend to fulfill that dream and that is the real truth of why I am here.” I take a breath and look at Botie, but I can’t read his face, but I see my mom not standing far from him and her face is livid.

  “Can you tell us the reason you left the safety of your home to go around the country on a bus and what difference of opinion with your mom would cause such a thing? You were a baby and what mother would not hunt you down and take you back home?” Stella is not going to let this go. I have no intention of bashing my mom but if I want to give honesty, I must say something so Stella will quit digging. I see the question in Roger’s face if I want him to step in. I shake my head no. Stella sees the move and she looks directly at me. “Is that a question that you can’t answer?” I look at my mom and I see the challenging look on her face.

  “When my dad passed there was a dispute over his will and the dissension from it made it intolerable in our home and I am an independent person. I wanted my privacy and space to deal with my feelings over my dad’s passing. My dad and I were very close and dealing with his death was hard for me and I was not up for the confrontations happening at the time. My dad was my hero and losing him was losing a piece of myself. I needed to deal with it by myself. I hope that answers your question clearly enough because it’s still hard for me to talk about.” I take a moment and I think my answer should be satisfactory.

  “I am very sorry for your loss and of course we can move on.” I can tell there will be more questions about the matter, but I signed up for this—it’s expected. It’s not like I’m not used to it. Dad protected me from the press as much as he could, but they always found a way to get to me. I think Mom may have had a hand in it, but I know to answer everything honestly and that way there is no way I can be misunderstood. I smile and ready myself for the next question.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I have made an ass of myself again. I misjudged Sage, or I should say Lyric, and made assumptions I shouldn’t have. I would like to hear the entire story, but I can see it still troubles Lyric or Sage. I see the two women and a man standing off from everyone listening. The shorter blonde has some resemblance to Sage, but her eyes shows this woman has no soul. They are cold and hard. The other woman looks more like a business woman dressed in her too expensive for the likes of Comfort clothes. Her mom is dressed the same way but there is something about the way the man looks at Sage that makes my gut twist. Both women are shooting daggers from their eyes at Sage, but the man has a look of thirst and Sage is the drink that he wants to consume. I think I know the root of one of Sage’s problems and I don’t like it at all. Nick walks up beside Trask and me.

  “Sage is a good girl and that mom of hers is full of venom. Sage was running from her and that boyfriend of her mom’s and by the look on your face I can see you are getting the full picture now. She is going to need our help and the way you have been acting I think you are fighting your feelings for that girl. Sage just wants a home and to set down some roots. I’m not asking you to put a ring on her finger but just be nice to her and help me keep her safe. I was never very good at the man and woman thing—thank goodness Christine took pity on me—but I know you and Sage are both fighting feelings within you. Relax and let it happen natural-like but be her friend while it’s happening.” Nick is serious. I didn’t think anyone could read me so well. I am attracted to Sage, but my mouth gets me in trouble every time and I can’t get over the thought that Sage could hurt me just like Talia did. I don’t know if I could go through that again. I don’t know if I would survive it.

  “How can you just trust Sage? People can be deceiving and maybe Sage had a tough time but that doesn’t mean she isn’t lying about something.” I have been battling myself with this question over and over. I talk myself into thinking Sage is telling the truth and I can trust her and then the thoughts of being deceived and mistrust rears its ugly head and I am confused again.

  “Man, you have got to quit second guessing everyone. It is making you a hard person to be best friends with. Anyone can see that woman wears her heart on her sleeve and she just wants a home and to be an everyday person. Look in her eyes as she speaks and listen to the conviction she talks with.” Trask puts his two cents in.

  “I’ll share with you why I know Sage is sincere. You know the stipulations I needed to sell my property. Sage agreed to them in writing and went even further—she is building me a cabin out by my family cemetery for when I decide to retire on her dime. That parcel of land is mine with a right of way until I die even though she paid money for it. Sage has a giving and nurturing heart.” Nick believes every word he says, and I do too. Actions always speak louder than words and I need to get over my past with Talia. It’s about time I call my brother and we have a long talk. I need to put my past to rest and find my future and I know where I would like to start if Sage will agree.

  “I am hearing both of you and you are both right.” I hate to say the words, but they are true.

  “It’s not so bad eating crow boy, especially if the right lady friend is cooking it up for you.” Nick is eating this up. It’s like he has been pushing me towards Sage the whole time she has been here.

  “Hallelujah, maybe now my friend will come back, and the grouch will leave. You have been in a bad mood for years and it’s time it goes away. Maybe you will
even remember how to give a real smile and not the fake ones you use.” Trask is enjoying this at my expense.

  “Gentlemen, how are you doing today?” Donald Stillman says as he and his wife Skeeter along with Branton come up beside us. I should have been paying closer attention. I don’t care much for Trask’s family.

  “Mom, Dad, I didn’t know you were coming into town for this.” Trask knew they would be here, but he’s playing it off for some reason. Trask ignores Branton.

  “Good afternoon Don. It’s good to see you again, Skeeter. I didn’t think this was something that would interest you. No way to make money here.” Nick gets his jab in on Donald.

  “That’s not true though. I think there may be a way for Lyric Dade and I to become partners since her farm is next to our ranch. That may be very profitable. I have several ideas to run by her. Trask, you’ve met Lyric—I would like an introduction, so I can invite her to lunch with Skeeter, Branton and myself.” I hear the growl making its way out of me. “I’m sorry, Botie, did you say something?” I don’t want the Stillmans trying to take advantage of Sage and I don’t want Branton anywhere near her.

  “I’ll set up that introduction but hasn’t Branton told you that Sage didn’t take a liking to the way he treats women. They met in the diner a day or so ago when Branton had his lady friend with him. Sage thought he was quite rude the way he treated the young lady. Now Trask and Botie here are friends with Sage. I think you are backing the wrong son.” Nick speaks up and he is gloating letting Donald know that Sage doesn’t like Branton.

  “That was all a misunderstanding that Trask started. I am sure that Lyric knows how the world works in the upper class. A tryst is a tryst and that is all Cassia was to me. Lyric and I have the same breeding and we are on the same wavelength—she will overlook such trivial things. I mean her dad was Tra Dade and he was a womanizer. Lyric knows what is up.” I almost laugh at the bull he is shoveling out of his mouth. “People that are in our social status know that an arranged marriage is much more lucrative than something as trivial as emotion. In case you didn’t know, I did some investigating and the Collins name is her grandmother’s name and that woman came from blue bloods—old money. I don’t know why Stella isn’t asking her more questions on that matter but when it’s opened for questions; I will be asking.” I look at Nick and he is surprised as I am, but his loyalty does not waver.


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