Under His Touch

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Under His Touch Page 12

by Cathryn Fox

  Jeannie opens her arms wide, her smile sincere and genuine. I always loved that about her. She was down-to-earth, and very motherly, which was something Megan needed after losing her folks.

  “Alec,” she cries out, ecstatic to see me, and I bring her in for a big hug. “I understand you’re to thank for all this,” she says, widening her arms and glancing out the floor-to-ceiling window, with the view of the Hudson River, Empire State Building and Midtown Manhattan.

  “Just made a call. This is all Megan,” I say, giving her the credit.

  “How are you, son?” Dave asks, and gives my hand a shake.

  “Doing well. How about you?”

  “Counting down the days to retirement,” he says, and we both laugh. “Come on, what are you drinking?” He puts his hand on my shoulder to lead me to the bar. I excuse myself from Jeannie, who is already greeting other arriving guests, and take in the cozy atmosphere as we head to the bar at the back. We both take a seat and I order a brandy.

  “What’s this about you getting married?” Dave says, and I laugh. He always was one to get right to the point, much like Granddad, which is why they’ve always hit it off.

  “I guess you’ve been talking to Granddad.”

  “Ran into James on the golf course the other day.”

  “Granddad was playing golf?” I say. Yeah, he’s far more agile and sly than he’s letting on.

  “Winning, too,” he says with a chuckle. “He told anyone who would listen that his grandson would soon be making a big announcement.”

  “I bet he did.”

  “Who’s the lucky girl?” he asks, and my gaze instantly goes to Megan. Dressed in a sexy black cocktail dress, with her hair pinned up, showcasing her neck, she’s the most stunning woman in the room. Jesus, I’ve never seen her more beautiful. Maybe that’s not entirely true. A well-sated Megs in my bed, all sleepy, and warm. Yeah, that’s one hell of a look on her. But those days must come to an end. My own brother couldn’t keep his dick in his pants—the spread in Starlight proved that—and he was engaged to a woman he loved. We just don’t have it in us and I can’t—won’t—hurt Megs like that.

  I turn back to Dave, who is watching me carefully, and try to get my shit together. “We’ll be making an announcement soon,” I say. “Right now, it’s hush-hush.”

  Dave laughs at that. “Well, it’s nice to see you and Megan together again. Here I used to think you’d one day put a ring on her finger.”

  I give a humorless laugh. “We’re just friends,” I say, the lie catching in my throat.

  “That’s what she says, too.” He takes a long drink from his glass, draining the amber liquid. “James also told me about the great things you’re doing at the university.”

  Fuck, are none of my secrets safe with that man? And honestly if he’s so disgusted with my lifestyle and what I do for a living, why is he talking about my charity work. I keep that private.

  “There you are,” Megan says, coming up to us. Her gaze goes back and forth between the two of us. “Wait, what was that about the university?”

  “Nothing,” I say quickly.

  “Oh, okay,” she says, my words taking her back a bit, judging by the way she’s blinking rapidly. “I was beginning to think you changed your mind about coming.”

  “Just had some last-minute things to take care of,” I tell her.

  She gives me an odd, almost edgy look, and I frown, hoping everything is okay between her and Sara.

  Dave stands. “Well, I must go mingle,” he says. He gives Megan a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks again for all this, sweetie. Your aunt is over-the-moon happy.”

  “My pleasure,” Megs says and hugs him.

  When he’s gone, she turns to me. “What’s going on?” I ask, my gaze raking over her face and taking in the tension in her body.

  She shakes her head. “Am I that easy to read?”


  I finish the brandy in my glass and gesture the bartender for another. “What are you having?” I ask.

  “White wine.”

  I get her a glass, and say, “Want to step outside, get a breath of fresh air.”

  “Yes,” she says quickly, her voice almost breathless.

  We maneuver through the guests, and we end up stopping at least a dozen times to make small talk. When we’re finally outside alone, Megan takes a deep breath, and looks at the view.

  “Gorgeous,” she says, and I shift closer, pressing the side of my body to hers.

  “Yeah,” I agree, my gaze focused solely on her. She glances up at me, that odd worried look back in her eyes.

  “I was talking to Sara.”

  “I saw that when I came in.”

  “She’s smart, a lawyer as you know. A great conversationalist, too. She hasn’t had much luck with men, and is pretty much done with the dating scene.”

  I eye her. Where the hell is she going with this?

  She takes a drink of her wine, and I toss back my brandy.

  “She’s pretty, too. She doesn’t have blond hair and blue eyes, but she does have those girl-next-door looks you mentioned.”

  I nod as understanding dawns. “What are you saying, Megan?” I ask, just to make sure.

  “She’s game, Alec.”

  “Game?” Why is it she can’t quite bring herself to just say Sara wants to be my wife in name only?

  “She’s up for a sex-only marriage.”

  I rock back on my heels, toss the idea around in my brain. “I see. What are your thoughts?”

  “I think it’s an excellent idea. I mean, it’s Sara. You two go way back so a fast engagement and marriage will be more believable, right?”


  “Plus you’ve gone on numerous dates and can’t find anyone suitable. Time is also of the essence.”

  “Yeah” is all I say.

  “You were right, you know,” she says so low I have to strain to hear her.

  “About what?”

  “She likes the idea of your wealth and power. It surprised me. But I guess there really are girls out there enticed by such things.” She gives a humorless laugh. “You won’t have to worry about her falling for you and asking for your heart.”

  “I guess I won’t.”

  “Anyway, I changed the seating arrangement, and put you next to her. You guys can treat it like a date, get reacquainted and see if she’s right for you.”

  She sips her wine, and it takes every ounce of strength I have not to bend forward and lick the moisture from her lips. Instead, I harden myself, and take a measured step back.

  “We should get inside.” She checks her watch. “Dinner will be ready in a minute.”

  She makes a move to go, and I cup her elbow. She spins back to face me. “Megs,” I say.

  “Yes?” As she looks up at me, with those big inquisitive brown eyes, I want to tell her the truth. I want to tell her she’s the one for me, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I love her and don’t want to hurt her.


  “You’re...you’re welcome,” she says, stammering a bit, and I hate myself even more.

  “I’ll leave you two to catch up.”

  I swallow down the bile punching into my throat as she pulls her elbow away and disappears inside. I follow her in, and make my way to the tables set up for dinner. I find Sara and she waves me over. She pulls the chair out for me and I sit next to her.

  “Sara,” I say.

  “Alec.” She shifts a bit closer to me. “It’s so good to see you again.”

  “You, too.”

  “So,” she begins. “Have you talked to Megan?”

  I give a nod. “Is this something you want to do, Sara?”

  She gives a laugh, and tosses her hair over her shoulder in a flirty manner. “I am so done with relationships
, and I’ve been working my ass off at the firm, trying to make partner. Like your old-school board of directors, marriage and stability go a long way with my senior partners. It’s the only way a partnership is going to happen for me, and I like the perks that come with being on your arm.” I nod, not at all certain about this. Megan was right about everything. Sara is smart, and a great conversationalist, but looking at her reminds me of the woman I can’t have. “But we don’t have to rush into anything just yet,” she says, as if she can read my hesitation. “Let’s go on a few dates, see how compatible we are.” She gives me a come-hither smile and I instantly understand she’s talking about bedroom compatibility.

  Megan takes a seat at the other side of the table, a few chairs down, and some guy who looks about her age, pounces into the seat next to her. He instantly engages her in conversation, and I wonder how well they know each other. Did she put him next to her on purpose? Is she interested in him?

  Fuck me.

  I tamp down the raging jealousy taking up residency in my gut. I want her happy, and if that guy can do that for her, give her the family and happily-ever-after she wants, then I need to stop being a selfish prick and get on board.

  Soon enough our meals are served, and we all make small talk and dig in. Once dessert arrives, Dave stands, taps his spoon on his stemware to gain everyone’s attention and smiles at those around the table.

  “I would like to thank everyone for being here tonight to celebrate this special occasion,” he begins. “Or maybe you’re all here to give pity to Jeannie for putting up with me for the last twenty-five years.” Laughter erupts and when it dies down, he says, “She wasn’t an easy one to catch, I tell you. But she was worth the chase.” He bends down and gives his wife a kiss. “Jeannie,” he says, “you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’re kind, thoughtful, generous, have given me a beautiful family.” I glance at Megan who has tears in her eyes. “Every day my love for you grows stronger, and every day my belly grows bigger, thanks to all the amazing meals you put on my plate.” We laugh as his gaze moves around the table, and I swear he’s talking to me and me alone when he holds my gaze and says, “If you’re lucky enough to find someone who gives your life purpose, someone you can’t wait to fall into bed with every night, and more importantly wake up to every morning, then hang on to her with everything in you, and if she doesn’t see it your way, and she’s worth the fight, then for God’s sake fight.” As we chuckle, he lifts his glass and we all follow suit. “Here’s to the best twenty-five years of my life, and here’s to many more.”

  After his speech, guests are socializing while dessert is being cleared, when Sara’s phone rings. She reaches into her bag and checks the display.

  “Shoot, I have to get this.” She rolls her eyes. “Work.”

  “No problem,” I say.

  She excuses herself from the table and finds a quiet place to take her call. My gaze slides to Megan’s and I find her talking to the guy beside her, but his gaze keeps drifting to her breasts. Son of a bitch. I push from my chair, and I’m about to grab him by the scruff and tell him to get some goddamn manners, when Sara touches my arm.

  “I have to go.” She goes up on her toes and puts her mouth to my ear. “This is so not how I wanted tonight to end.”

  “Yeah,” I say as Megan excuses herself. She gives her aunt and uncle a hug, and heads toward the balcony. I relax slightly when douchebag doesn’t follow. I turn back to Sara and try to focus on what she’s saying to me.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, and we’ll make plans,” she says. “I’m really looking forward to getting reacquainted.” She gives me a slow, simmering smile, one that tells me exactly how she wants our next date to go.

  “I’ll see you soon, Sara,” I say, and bend to kiss her cheek. She’s an attractive woman, but I feel no spark. I guess that’s a good thing since I want a marriage in name only. We get a few raised eyebrows from those around the table and I suppose if we do go through with it, the display will go a long way.

  After she disappears, others rise from the table, and I head to the balcony in search of Megan, but she’s not there. If she’s gone, there’s no sense in me staying any longer. I say my goodbyes, head to the elevator and shoot Phillip a text. I step out into the chilly night and find Megan standing on the curb, hailing a cab and shivering in her tight dress.

  “Hey,” I say, and she turns to face me, a fake smile on her face.

  “Oh, hey,” she says as I step up to her, my body so close tension arcs between us.

  “Did you like that guy?”

  She frowns. “You mean the guy talking to my breasts?”

  “Yeah, him.”

  A sound crawls out of her throat. “He’s the son of my aunt’s friend.”

  I nod and glance past her shoulder. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m exhausted. I thought I’d call it a night, get to bed early. Wait, where’s Sara?”

  I dip my head, touch a strand of her hair and consider tugging on it until her mouth is open, mine for the taking. “She had some business to attend to.”

  “What do you think? Is she suitable?” Megan asks.

  “Too early to tell.”


  Just then Phillip pulls up to the curb. “Come on,” I say to her.

  “No, it’s okay. I can get my own lift.”

  “Get in the car, Megan.”


  “In the car.”


  “I’m still a single guy, Megan, and you’re a single woman. Let me put my cock in you. One last time.”

  She blinks several times, and her body vibrates when I put my hand on her waist. “I... I...”

  Even though she’s stumbling over her words, she doesn’t pull away, she steps closer to me. Taking that as a yes, I guide her to the car and open the door. She aims her sweet ass my way as she climbs in and shimmies to the other side to make room for me.

  “Hi, Phillip,” she says, her voice as shaky as her body.

  “Megan, always a pleasure.”

  “My place, please,” I say and put my hand on Megan’s leg, holding her in place. Tonight I want—no need—to be with her. Need to own and claim every inch of her body before I set her free again.

  We sit in heavy silence as Phillip drives us home, and what feels like a lifetime later, he finally pulls up in front of my building. I open the door and Megan follows me out, the tension so thick between us, it’s almost suffocating. I loosen my tie, and capture her hand to lead her up the front steps to the main door where Derek is standing guard.

  “Good evening, Alec, Megan.” He gives us a big toothy smile, and presses the button to the elevator. I clench down on my teeth when it takes too long to get here. We finally get on, and Derek inserts his key and takes us to the top floor. He doesn’t make small talk like usual. I can only guess he feels the tension in the air.

  We reach our destination, and we both hurry off, thanking Derek as I insert my key and drag her in with me. Finally alone, I push her against the door, and trap her body with mine.

  “I’ve wanted my mouth here all night,” I say, then press my lips to her, desperate to taste her. Her soft lips open, and she moans for me as I feed my starvation. Her hands slide around my body, and grip my ass. I chuckle slightly and push against her, rubbing my hard cock on her stomach. Our tongues tangle and her moans grow needy.

  “You want my cock.”

  She nods, and I push my leg between hers to widen them and rub her hot pussy on my thigh. I slide my hand around her neck, undo the small button and unzip her dress. Not wanting to break contact, but wanting her naked, I step back. “Take it off,” I say.

  She wiggles her hips, a vicious little tease, and the dress slides down her body. I drink her in, devour her with my eyes as she stands before me in a matching bra and panties. “Turn
around,” I say. “Hand on the door.”

  She turns from me, and I close the distance, putting my hand on her ass to squeeze. I touch the tiny lace thong, and slide my hands around the front to dip into the lace. Her sex is sopping wet and a growl I have no control over comes out of me.

  “I love that you’re always ready for my cock,” I say, and she breathes rapidly as she wiggles against my finger.

  “Please, Alec,” she begs. She pushes backward, and rubs that sweet ass of hers against me.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Megan. I’m going to fuck you everywhere tonight,” I say, and her body vibrates in anticipation. I slide my other hand around her body and up her breasts. “Tell me you want that.”

  “I want that,” she says, as I tug her bra down and brush my thumb over her hard nipple.

  “First I want you on my face. I want to eat you, while you rub that sweet pussy all over my mouth.” She cries out my name, and I go to my knees to tug her panties down her legs. “The shoes stay on,” I say. She lifts one leg and then the other and I tuck her panties into my pocket. I stand back up, and unhook her bra. “Face me.”

  I step back and she turns slowly. The heat in her eyes, glazed with lust, as her beautiful creamy flesh beckons my touch nearly has me coming in my pants. Her shaky hands reach for my suit jacket and she pushes it from my shoulders. It falls off and her fingers work the buttons on my shirt. I hiss when her fingers touch my flesh, burn through me. I unbutton my pants and kick them off. Her hand goes to my cock, and she rubs me through my boxers. “Fuck, yeah,” I say, digging my fingers into the soft warm flesh of her ass. I pick her up, and her legs go around me as I carry her to the bedroom.

  I set her on the bed. “Up on your knees.” Her beautiful tits bounce as she positions herself, and I tug off my boxers and take my throbbing cock into my hand. Her gaze drops, and she wets her mouth. So sexy. “Touch yourself,” I say.

  She quivers and her small hand slides between her open thighs. When she runs her fingers over her hot pussy, her head rolls back, her little gasps and moans making me insane. I climb onto the bed with her, and flatten myself out. “Come here,” I say. “Come ride my mouth.”


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