Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 5

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Five

  Meeting my sorority sisters couldn’t be avoided this time. I introduced everyone available to Audrey. They looked at her with warmish smiles and judgmental eyes. Audrey returned the favor.

  Once she was in the shower, I returned downstairs to face the sorority inquisition.

  “Where did you meet her?” Linnsey started.

  “We study together…”

  “Who is she?” Anise inquired.

  “A close friend…sorta like my cousin.”

  “When can we expect our lost soul to depart our housing scene?” Demi asked, sarcastically.

  “Sooner than the policy allows…”

  “Speaking of policy, how could you invite a guest, without asking for clearance, first?” Becca questioned me.

  Hers was the most expected inquiry. Becca is our resident worrier and considers the house rules sacred, like the tablets brought down from the mountain.

  “It was kind of an emergency…” I hedged.

  “Why do you feel obligated?” Neen asked, reading between the lines and putting me on the spot.

  “It’s not like that…” I attempted to dodge – my g-mom taught me to initially use a dodge when suddenly dunked in hot water.

  My sisters started talking, simultaneously, but Neen interrupted them.

  “Quiet, girls. So tell us Krista, what’s it like?”

  “Wait, are you and Ryan still having problems?” I tried my hand at deflecting.

  G-mom’s number two option if number one meets in failure.

  “That’s beside the matter…what…” Neen stated before I interjected.

  “This situation with Lyle has me completely out-of-sorts…” I tried distraction and added an injured facial expression.

  That finally did the trick. My sisters were overjoyed to share the previous night’s happenings. They were equally pleased to announce Lyle waited “practically all night” to see me.

  After fielding the standard round of questions about where I was, how I got by everyone without being detected and what time I came home, I reminded them that we have a guest in the house. I had sincerely hoped they would let Audrey go to bed, but my sisters were curious to get to know her. So, I returned to my room and crossed my fingers.

  “Did you have a nice shower?” I inquired with a little too much enthusiasm.

  “Um, it was like all showers…” she replied.

  “Great…my sisters are waiting downstairs…for you…I mean us…they want to talk…and, they sort of got the impression that you’re my cousin. I told them we study together and we’re close like cousins. They just heard cousins and ran with it. I hope you don’t mind.

  “Our B&E history makes us close by definition. It’s like a code among thieves…not that we stole anything. But, I used the words “close” and “cousin” together in the same discussion without thinking much about them…” I rambled.

  “It’s alright…I don’t mind being known as your close cousin. Let’s just get this over with…” Audrey said.

  Two hours later, we finally were dismissed and permitted to go to bed.

  “You couldn’t have told them that I was your ultra-private cousin who moonlights as a spy/mime, huh?” she questioned me, comically.

  “I’ve never seen them take to anyone, the way they did with you. I’ve also never witnessed anyone quite so adept at saying nothing and making it sound like something. Your privacy is still very much, intact…you don’t have anything to worry about,” I told her.

  The comment about her ability to spew convincing B.S. was trekking into little white lie territory. She is more of a hard-shelled, people-pleaser. Fabricating is definitely not her strong suit.

  Fortunately, her target audience wasn’t listening, as much as they were sizing her up. They were mentally busy judging whether or not she is Alpha material. I can’t blame my sisters for casting judgments because most of them only bring home female guests they deem pledge-worthy.

  Audrey had made a good impression. She was wearing the name brand pajamas we procured last night. They still had creases like she had ironed them. She had also applied lip gloss and French braided her hair to sleep in. So, Audrey was awarded three sisterhood-potential points for bedtime fashion and nocturnal grooming.

  Her scorecard stalled when they started asking her personal questions about her family, major, graduate school selection and which charity she would most like to sponsor. But, she recovered in the end, with stories of her quasi-fiancée, Dante, who happens to be the drummer in a local (also quasi) popular band.

  I was watching her body language and listening carefully, throughout. Most, if not all of what she revealed to them about herself, was complete fiction. Her body language only matched her comments when she was talking about Dante.

  “Sorry…” she whispered, out of the blue after a few minutes of silence.

  “Sorry about what?” I asked at a loss.

  “You must think I’m a big B.S. artist…”

  “Nah, we’re all strangers. So, I’m not stunned by your decision to keep most of your business private. But, I am still trying to figure out how a girl can have a quasi-fiancée. It might help me out of my current predicament if you would be willing to share the knowledge,” I stated, changing the subject slightly to make her feel more comfortable.

  “The more famous Dante gets, the more his memory fades. He forgets that he’s part of ‘our couple’ when his groupie ratio hits more than 50 to 1. Don’t think that’s gonna help you much with your predicament. Does your football star suffer from the same type of mental limitation?”

  “I wish…”

  “You wish he would forget you two are an item??” she asked, incredulously.

  “It’s complicated. We broke up. So, I just wish everyone could forget our history or let the subject drop.”

  “It must be hard on you…seeing him at all the games…wondering who he might get with next…knowing what might’ve been,” Audrey reflected, leaping to the same conclusion as everyone else had made.

  “I’ll admit it’s been difficult. He’s a member of our fraternal brotherhood equivalent, too. We attend the same games and social functions. Unless I revamp my entire life, we’re going to keep bumping into each other.”

  “That’s really tough. Oh, by the way, I’m not stalking you or him. I know you’re a cheerleader because you wear your uniform on game days and he’s the MVP on campus. I’ve been bunking in 101 ½ since the end of July. My original goal was to save up and have a place before school started. Then, I lost my job the same week the landlord asked me and the weed-heads to vacate.

  “Living with Dante isn’t an option, right now. The band decided to sacrifice their actual housing structure to live in their van back in April – ya’ know, more money free to spend on their equipment.

  “They’re serious about making it big and who knows, they might end up with a recording contract. He swears he’ll marry me the day it happens…” Audrey said.

  She spent the next thirty minutes telling me about Dante – his plans, his band’s upcoming (almost non-existent) schedule and how they plan to spend their first million as a married rocker couple. I listened to her dream, big and smiled in wonder. Her life sounds like an Ember-intrigue.

  One tear betrayed me and slid down my cheek. I miss my sister…

  Although it was 3:14 in the morning, I still automatically reached for my phone to send Ember a message. Then, I remembered where my phone was and made a mental note to text her, the instant I get it back. We need to schedule a time for lunch or even a marathon gossip session on the phone would satisfy me at this point.

  Audrey was still talking about Dante when her alarm sounded.

  “I’ve kept you up all night…wow, where did the time go?” she offered, sounding embarrassed.

  “You weren’t the only one gabbing. It’s been fun. My life was in a constant flux of intrigue the whole time I was growing up.
Slavery to the ‘Tic-Toc Monster’ was frowned upon severely. There are days I do nothing but, wish for one more year of high school. So much fun, so little responsibility…”

  “My high school years weren’t what I’d call easy, but I survived my family…” Audrey inadvertently revealed something personal.

  She instantly clammed up and I watched her wrap her arms around herself, protectively. I quickly offered her a personal item of interest.

  “Well, I have a large and unique family. You’ve heard me talk about my g-mom, but my other g-mom, Grandma Edie is quite a character, as well. Besides my two g-moms’ who provide their versions of respective parenting to me, I have two sets of parents, three sisters and three insanely, overly protective brothers…” I told her and stopped talking.

  She winced when I mentioned my brothers, so I subtly shifted the topic.

  “Oh, speaking of my g-moms’, I promised them I would eat actual meals more often. I don’t give my word, lightly. But, I hate eating alone…

  “You’ve probably seen me take off in the wee hours with my running buddy. Well, my g-moms’ somehow discovered that I was churning out a daily five-mile dash without any calories to fuel it. That puts me in danger of hosting two additional house guests. They wouldn’t mind sharing that full-sized bed with you while simultaneously parenting the two of us. So, how about helping me, and yourself out, by joining me for breakfast…”

  “I’ll only agree if you’ll let me, treat…” Audrey replied and waited to see if I would fail her test.

  “I’ll have you know that I’ve never bugged out on a free meal. Where do you wanna take me?”

  Although Audrey was used to walking to the diner, I had received the messages sent to me from the Creator. We took my car and must have arrived before her usual time.

  “Morning Audrey…your reservation is still thirty minutes from now, but luckily, your table is already available. And, who’s this young lady?” the waitress inquired.

  “Hi Jules…this is my friend, Krista,” Audrey told her, still giggling from her reservation comment.

  After greetings and introductions, we ordered breakfast. I would typically select oatmeal and fruit, but this excursion is Audrey’s way of giving me a pity test. She wants to see if I feel sorry for her or view her as a friend and equal. So, I ordered such a large meal that not even my big, big brother Tray could finish eating.

  “These eggs are incredible…” I offered while shoving in another forkful.

  “Yeah, it’s the bacon grease…ssshhh, chef’s secret,” she joked.

  “I bet I’ve been by this place at least, a hundred times, but I swear, I don’t remember seeing it before…”

  “You’d be shocked at how many people say that when they come in. I used to keep count, but finally gave it up. This diner thrives on regulars. See that old guy, sitting at the counter? His name is X…at least, that’s what we call him.

  “Jules introduced us when I became a regular, frequent diner. X never learned to write, but he needed a signature. So, he decided if an X is good enough for government papers, then it’s good enough to be known by. His wife died last year. Before her passing, she came in with him every morning.

  “The guy cooking is Forrest. He’s been driving that grill since he was a tike…well, that’s the best I can get out of him…” Audrey continued telling me about each person in the diner.

  Like the Hookah lounge, they were a hodgepodge collection of people with different stories and lives. Jules sat down with us when she took her break. She drank coffee and we shared generic versions of our life stories. I noticed again that Audrey winced when I talked about my brothers. She also flinched when Jules brought up the subject of her dad. I made a mental note to steer clear of any topics that involve her family.

  “Breakfast was delicious and I really appreciate it. I’ve gotta go…the dreaded “M” word classes. Oh, you’re welcome to meet me in the gym, anytime between 4 and 6 this afternoon to catch a ride. Well, that is if you don’t mind swinging by the house before our study group, so I can catch a quick shower and change.

  “If you’ve got other plans, we can…”

  “No, I’ll be there. And, thanks for…everything,” she stated, hesitantly.

  “You’ve got a great chosen family, here. Between the warm, homey atmosphere and the delectable chef’s secret eggs, they’re the ones we should both be thanking…”

  My comments set Audrey at ease. And, the twenty dollar tip I secretly slipped to Jules prompted her to spontaneously hug me. My g-moms, my moms and all three of my sisters are huggers. I gratefully accepted Jules’ embrace and prayed that my phone would be fixed by 3 pm. It was the only time I had available to go get it, today and I want to call home. Hearing anyone’s voice in my family will be sufficient.

  Only half-ready with my lines and in dire need of practicing my solos, I cringed when Professor Marcus critiqued my performance. Although he wasn’t entirely negative, he did suggest that I fit in many extra rehearsals.

  I was forced to change in the mall restroom for cheerleading practice because of an unscheduled meeting with the football coaches. I have thirty minutes to get back to campus. That only gives me a five minute leeway, but I am determined to retrieve my cell phone. My mind was occupied with who I could get to cover for me at the Den tonight, because it is very likely that I will be pounding out a three mile commitment run after practice.

  Stuffing my street-clothes into my backpack, I knocked over a stroller in my rush to exit. The contents of an open diaper bag spilled to the filthy floor. Fortunately, the accompanying baby was safely located on the changing table. I apologized to the mom who looked irritated with my interference. I offered to pick up the displaced items, but she declined.

  “I’ll need to sanitize everything, now…” she reminded me in a huff.

  I highly doubted she would trust me to sanitize her things or hold her baby during the process. So, I said sorry again and turned to leave. Agitated with myself and still running late, I shoved the door open. I managed to terrify the elderly lady who was preparing to enter. She grabbed her chest in fear.

  The apology was automatic as I reached to keep her from falling. The peeved mom loudly commented that I should watch where I’m going. The older lady must have taken offense because she stated that she is perfectly fine. After calling me “dear” and “sweet pea” several times to make me feel better, the kind woman advised me to run all I can while I’m young and able-bodied.

  My five minute leeway was exhausted. Mentally calculating the seconds, I juggled through my purse to find my debit card. I only shifted my gaze for a second, but my cosmic payment was due and owed by me. I plowed into the wall. The contents of my purse went flying. Ironically enough, my debit card was perched on top of the pile – taunting me. Not bothering to look around and see who might have witnessed my collision, I dove for the ground to collect my belongings.

  “Here, lemme help…” the guy, who I evidently crashed into, declared.

  “Oh my gosh, I thought you were a brick wall! Sorry, I didn’t mean…” was all I got out. Then, I realized who I was apologizing to.

  Tray nearly crushed me in a bear hug and then, doubled over in laughter. Jaysen, who was sitting in a chair with his back to us, stood up, figured out what occurred and laughed hysterically. But, the young guy at the kiosk was doing his best not to join them.

  “It’s all good, Cell Phone Fixer…these are my two big brothers, Brick and Brack…” I said, giving him permission to join in the moment of levity.

  “You two could’ve given me a head’s up…” I announced to Tray and Jaysen.

  “Brick and I could say the same about you…” Jaysen replied after giving me a hug.

  “Huh?” I asked.

  “We’ve been looking for you all day. You realize the GPS on your phone went ‘tactical black’ at 5:03 this morning. You coulda borrowed a cell, called someone and told us
your phone was broken…” Tray told me.

  “Ember contacted me at 5:04 am in an all-out state of panic. She has been involved in chairing non-stop meetings and was unable to call you due to her schedule. My beloved has been missing you, tremendously,” Jaysen offered.

  “I’m gonna repeat this…you shoulda come home during summer break. Ember isn’t the only member of your family that’s been upset over not seeing you in months…” Tray declared, interrupting Jaysen.

  “Excuse me, Captain Obvious, need I remind you that repeating the same information only serves to make her feel guilty over something she cannot change…” Jaysen told him.

  “The C.O. title belongs to you, right now. I’m shooting for guilt because I don’t want her to bail on us over the holidays. You really wanna try making it through them without our baby sister being there…” Tray responded.

  Jaysen suddenly realized he should be siding with Tray. They worked in concert to convince me. If they would let me get a word in edgewise, I would tell them they have nothing to worry about. I plan to come home during every break, from this day on.

  Everyone in my family missed me over the summer. But, I assume Ember was nearly inconsolable because I was too. We are closer than conjoined twins.

  The difference between our last summer experience is I fell apart mostly in private; whereas, she fell apart in front of them. Anytime she loses it her husband and her dad come unglued too.

  “You can both take a breath. I’m not gonna bail again – I swear. But realize this – all of you had only me to miss. I had a house full…” I said.

  I had planned to make another snarky comment or two, but I was fighting to keep my emotions in check.

  “As I was saying, before Tray interrupted me, Ember stated she had been anxious over you since precisely 3:14 am – our time. Given the business she happened to be engaged in, she could only send you a text message. You did not respond.

  “For reasons still unknown to me, Ember did not alert me to the fact that she was worried about you until nearly two hours later. The instant your cell phone was no longer operational she somehow knew, even though she is located in my “country of origin”. By the time she made me aware of her concerns, she was nearly hysterical because, according to her, our little sister must be in trouble.

  “After promising her that Tray and I would check on you, we discover you are nowhere to be found. Ember has been tearful and frightened all day. I must call her and you need to explain what occurred…” Jaysen revealed, formally.

  My sister must be tied up and can’t travel back here to panic with them in person.

  Jaysen handed me his cell. He and Tray would listen in, as I worked to calm Ember down, remotely.

  “Oh Krista, my Krista…I love you. Are you okay? What happened??” she nearly shrieked and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

  “I love you, too and I’m fine, my Ember…”

  “Did they find you??”

  “Yes, they found me…I’m on your husband’s cell…”

  “I was worried sick!”

  “I didn’t know you were worried…”

  “They’ve been looking for you, everywhere!”

  “I didn’t know that either…”

  “You do realize they use the GPS on your cell to keep tabs on you, right??”

  “Actually, I don’t recall being told that they were using my cell to track my movements…”

  “Well, they do and they are and they’re gonna keep doing it, too because it makes me feel better. But, it only works, when it works and you don’t leave it somewhere without you being there or you just letting the battery go dead without the charger…

  “That college is way too big, if you can hide from them and me, distantly. I don’t like it!”

  “I wasn’t hiding from them or you, distantly…”

  “What happened at exactly 3:14 in the morning??”

  “Someone said something and it made me think of you. I was going to send you a text. But, my phone wasn’t with me…”

  “I’m a few worlds away, but you know that doesn’t matter. You were heartbroken and I felt your pain and I was heartbroken, too. I sent you a text every minute for two solid hours and you didn’t respond with anything…”

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve remembered my soul sister would feel my pain. I promise that I was going to text you the minute I got my phone back…”

  “How’d it get destroyed, anyway?” she asked through sniffles and tears.

  “I’ll explain everything tonight when I call you…” I responded and bit down on my lower lip.

  If I start sobbing, Tray and Jaysen will probably shanghai me and deliver me to the Ava’shay realm to be with her.

  “Do I need to order my dad to put a rainbow bubble shield around you, my Krista?? I’ll do it…”

  “No, you don’t have to order him to put me in a bubble…I’m safe.”

  “Take the loaner, if this ever happens again…”

  “The next time, I will…”

  “There must be 5000 women at this Auxiliary Conference. I’ve been working hard to control my tears. But, I think they’ve noticed that…”

  “Hold up! You’re standing in front of a crowd of 5000 people and you’re talking to me on the phone??”

  “I ducked down and I’m hiding behind the podium, for your information. But, I’ve been chairing this monstrosity and trying to keep my voice from shaking. It always does that when I’m upset…”

  “Well, you can stop crying, now because I’m fine. I’ll explain tonight…”

  “I’ll drop whatever I’m doing. No texting…”

  “I promise I’ll call. I miss you and I wanna hear your voice, too. We’ll talk intrigues and facts, then. So, continue with the monstrosity and tell all 5000 ladies that I’m sorry for upsetting their fearless leader…”

  “I really, really love you, my Krista…”

  “And, I really, really love you, my Ember…”

  “Tell my dad and Jaysen that I miss them and I love them and I appreciate them tracking you down. Then, give them each a hug and a kiss from me.”

  “I’ll perform your standard parting ritual and tell them, but only if you share my apologies and stop worrying about me…” I offered and she agreed.

  We said “goodbye” and I handed Jaysen back his cell phone. I kept my word to her before I did anything else.

  “Lemme pay this guy and then, we’ll…” I said to Tray and Jaysen.

  “It’s already been handled. Here, notice the new case your phone’s been housed inside. Willow refused to let me buy the indestructible military grade one because apparently, it’s “too ugly to be useful”. I’m still not sure what that means. Function should outweigh fashion…” Tray commented.

  “Umm…even a pink camouflage phone case would get me kicked out of the house I’m currently living in. Remind me to thank Willow the next time I see her,” I responded comically, admiring the beautiful jeweled case surrounding my iPhone.

  “What happened to your phone? Jim tells us the screen was shattered when you brought it in and nearly beyond the point of repair,” Jaysen inquired, worriedly.

  “It had an encounter with a concrete floor during an adventure…oh wait…I’ve got less than 10 minutes to get to practice!” I exclaimed and prepared to take off running.

  “Whoa, kiddo! Show us where your car’s parked and give me the keys. We’ll drive it back to campus…” Tray said.

  “We will take care of getting you there, punctually,” Jaysen stated, offering to trans-verse me.

  Trans-versing is spiritual traveling and that only takes a second.

  “We’ll walk together and you can give us the rundown of what’s happening…” Tray said and headed to the parking deck.

  I swiftly explained that I dropped my phone while exploring the maintenance shed. And, they looked at me suspiciously.

  “Here’s my car…” I told them,
but they were still perplexed by my exploration choice. So, I explained in terms they could understand. “My life has become too predictable. I was desperate for an unscheduled pit stop in the dark. That’s the best I could do…”

  We landed in the gymnasium at 3:57, hidden behind a veil. The squad was stretching and watching the clock. They are anticipating being released early because that’s a condition if I arrive late. But, I let them leave early yesterday. Our competition is coming up. We can’t afford to skip anymore practice time…not if we want to win. I need to table my talk with Jaysen and Tray until after practice.

  Evidently my brothers can read between the lines. They hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

  “We’re sending you just outside the door to make an entrance. Then, we’ll go back to the mall and get your car,” Tray told me.

  “Upon our return, we will wait in the bleachers behind a veil. Once your practice ends, then we will talk…” Jaysen stated.


  The squad groaned, collectively when I walked in smiling, with a minute to spare. I had already scared my brothers enough for one day. So, I made a management decision to avoid practicing the full routines with the dangerous aerial stunts.

  “We’re gonna mix things up, today. We’ll cover the integrative crowd routines, mirrored tumbling and only the ground work for nationals…” I announced.

  Everyone was stunned by my selection. They started questioning me, simultaneously.

  “Hold up! We’re headed into spirit week. Did my Cheer Babies somehow forget that our big game against our rivals, LVU happens next Thursday during spirit week??” I inquired.

  “Who could forget their cute tight end, Lamar??” Tess questioned.

  “I’m feelin’ that, Cheer Baby Sis. Lamar earned that position with that fine, fine tight end of his…” Zahara agreed.

  “Ewwww…Z.Z.,” Piper offered.

  “Alright, enough…Coach Nullis is still smarting over our losing streak against LVU. They have to be taken down, at all costs and we’ve gotta do our part. Those were the head coach’s words…” I told them.

  “So, does he expect us to perform a cheering tackle??” Clarice asked and snickered.

  “Zahara will tackle Lamar for Nullis…right, Z.Z.??” Jarron commented to Zahara.

  “You be thinkin’ that’s a joke you’re makin’. But, I know how to take down a tight end…” she replied, licking her lips.

  “Again, ewwww…” Piper declared.

  “Listen up…Coach N. has also invited some hot shot high school quarterback to check out our program. His name is Freddie, something or other. He’s spending Wednesday night on campus and then, he’s getting the VIP team treatment at the game. All our coaches believe winning against LVU is a matter of life or death. You all know how they get.

  “I felt brain cells expiring from their football analogies. So, under severe duress, I promised them we’d keep the crowd hyped up, no matter what the scoreboard’s displaying. I was thinking we’d pull out all the stops and use our X-2-S plan on Friday. Who’s up for the competition?” I questioned, slyly.

  “You mean it??” Tess squealed.

  “We’re really gonna do it…not just talk about it??” Zahara asked, eagerly.

  “I told you we’d eventually compete and now’s the time…” I revealed before I was interrupted.

  The squad started talking, simultaneously. They are all excited about pulling off this impromptu event.

  “I guess I should’ve waited to bring up our ‘X-2-S competition’ until after practice! We need to get busy…” I ordered.

  “But…” Tess tried to say.

  “But…nothing. Gals, you know the dress code, the rules and how we’ll keep score. Guys, you know to blend in, take videos but don’t get caught being “with us”. Competition ‘X-2-S.’ will be held sometime Friday evening. I’ll text the details, so everyone keep your phones handy…” I told them.

  After reminding them about our pact to keep our competition a secret, I made everyone warm-up.

  I had an ulterior motive for initiating the competition. Coach Wibley called me into the head coach’s office under the pretense of discussing the squads’ routines for the game against our rivals. It’s not unusual for Coach Nullis to make special cheering requests. Coach Wibley informed me about Freddie on our short walk to the gym. Unsuspecting, I had no idea I was headed into an ambush…

  Coach Nullis must have figured his snide remarks and nasty looks in passing weren’t getting the message across. Their confusing meeting started out with, how I need to be more of a (wink/wink – nod/nod) “team player”. Twirling a strand of hair, I offered them the most perplexing stare I could conjure.

  When I didn’t appear to understand, they ventured where no football coaches have ever gone. They proceeded to give me advice on how to improve my “girlfriend game”. They remained out of harassment territory by beating around the bush and using politically correct language. Their innuendoes, delivered through thinly veiled football analogies, were providing basic (although indirect) instructions on ways for me to become a football champion-worthy girlfriend.

  If I had the time, I would have asked them a slew of suggestive and amusing questions, just to watch them squirm. It would have made my moms’ and sisters’ giggle on the recount. But unfortunately, my phone was waiting and took priority. However, I did make a mental entry to corner them both, at the most inopportune time I could discover, and pester them for clarification on this meeting. Maybe, I will approach them at half-time during the LVU game…

  Although I respectfully listened, I kept glancing at my watch and maintaining my vacant expression.

  Coach Wibley took over and subtly suggested that “Stick might end it all…” if he loses me. Coach N. agreed through affirmative gesture. That dramatic statement was a stretch of monumental proportions. Fighting to keep my empty expression, I struggled to contain the resulting laughter. There is no way either one of those coaches, actually believe that declaration. I am nothing special to Lyle, the ultimate rich playboy. I am, at best, a temporary and faint blip on his college radar.

  No matter what my facial expression was conveying, I wasn’t buying…they caught on, quickly.

  In what I can only assume was severe annoyance, Coach N. accused me of “playing mind games with his star player”. Breaking my silent streak, I spontaneously replied with, “…what mind?” Lyle would have found that comment hilarious. The humor was lost on the coaches, but my unexpected comment did momentarily distract them from their pulpit. I used it to my advantage.

  I told them, “Oh, I think I get it!” before I launched into a rambled speech of my own. I refused to let them get a word in edgewise.

  Walking towards the door, I promised we would keep the crowd pumped up and into the game no matter what was on the scoreboard.

  They were both on their feet, preparing their next combined play to stall me until my stubborn streak ended. In desperation, I swore my squad would pull off a legendary stunt that would never be forgotten and made my escape.

  Regrettably, it doesn’t take long in my world for poetic justice to take its course. The joke I made about Lyle’s empty cranium was about to come and bite me in the backside. Audrey appeared right after practice started and I had forgotten all about her.

  “Is it okay for me to sit in here?” she inquired, noticing the empty gym.

  “Sure, but we’ll be cheering until 6 sharp. Are you okay waiting?” I asked while I continued stretching to stay warmed-up.

  “No problem…”

  I tumbled, barked orders and danced in sync, all the while I was worried about how I was going to handle Audrey and talk to my brothers. Jaysen and Tray can’t unveil in front of her for one thing. And, I have already inconvenienced them, tremendously.

  My brothers’ are crowned princes, who rule over the two massive Ava’shay Houses in earth’s realm. Although I don’t
know the particulars of what they do, they are always and forever, busy. My brothers had to cancel every item on their royal-affairs agendas, at the last minute, to come looking for me.

  Ember, Tray and Jaysen were terrified for my safety. The least my brothers’ deserve is my time after practice. Before I could figure out what to do about either of those two messes, I happened to remember that I am also scheduled to work until closing at the Java Den. I can’t split myself into three pieces. Frustrated and near tears, I was getting ready to have an emotional meltdown. Then, something occurred to me. Maybe, Tray or Jaysen can channel something to help me.

  I excused myself and told the squad to continue practicing. I ran into the locker room and sent a quick text to Tray. He and Jaysen met me. My hurried explanation was muddled and frantic, but they somehow understood my predicaments.

  “I forgot to get someone to cover my shift at work. Audrey doesn’t have a car. She staying with me, for the moment…I’ll explain that to you. Well, I will if I can figure out something to do with her and find someone to cover. This is insane! Audrey desperately needs a job and I’m struggling just to keep my commitment to work a two week notice.

  “And, my team is going to send a search party if I don’t get back soon. I know I’ve already bugged you both enough, but is there anything you can do to help,” I begged.

  “We followed Audrey in, overheard the discussion and surmised you might have need of our assistance…” Jaysen stated.

  “Just drive her to the Java Den and make her go inside. The rest will take care of itself. We’ll be waiting beside your car when you leave.

  “Now, go! We can’t afford to get you busted goofing around in the office when you’ve been relentlessly, crackin’ the whip. It’s grounds for passive mutiny, Madame Dictator…” Tray said, comically before they disappeared behind their veil again.


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