Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 11

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Eleven

  Oddly enough, even with all my #4 Baxter trophies, I didn’t come close to winning the challenge. Wally’s belt, watch, socks and Nike’s didn’t have the school’s logo so they didn’t count.

  Z.Z. was dubbed the champion by a landslide. She really does know how to effectively take down a tight end. Her championship trophy and cash award won’t be coming until after the game. Lamar exchanged everything Wally had given to me, along with his spare apartment key (ironically dangling from the same ring I had my lookout’s gifting) and his Visa card with an LVU emblem on it.

  We collected every jersey from all the players. But, the jersey collection wasn’t quite as special as I originally thought it would be. The LVU players have three away game jerseys that they are supposed to rotate. I had never asked Lyle how many jerseys he owns. My only comfort was in knowing LVU’s winning mojo was off-balance and would be locked up until the game day show off.

  The local news picked up the flash mob story. I was anxiously biting my lip, waiting to see if anyone put the pieces together to bust us. Fortunately, the twist the media put on it was how a hungry mob-fest was a boon to the town’s economy.

  My team congratulated each other by all going out and ordering an ice-cream sundae that was the size of a small mountain.

  Loads of phone numbers had been exchanged during the event. The squad, once again, repeated the oath to hold off dialing digits until Thursday, post-game.

  I had been toying with the idea of flash mobbing BlitZed, during the first song in Dante’s set. But, I nixed that idea and just sent out a blanket text, inviting everyone I know to come out tonight and party. I fielded three dozen phone calls because I never hit the clubs and my friends thought my message might be a hoax.

  My g-mom and Jarron will be my chaperones tonight. Grandma Edie was disappointed because she can’t make it. Nightclubs and concerts are right up her alley.

  Poor Tray, he had to go to Sunridge and have R-daddy heal his mobster-induced migraine. At this point, he will never call me anything but “my Little KK” ever again. I resigned myself to the inevitable.

  I spent the afternoon compiling the video footage and getting it prepared for broadcasting. Audrey popped by and I shut the equipment off, swiftly.

  “Mind if I ride over with you?” she asked.

  “Sure thing…my friends, Jarron and Demi will be riding over too. Let me finish getting ready…”

  “My new room is great. Thanks for letting me crash here. Oh, Price has been blowing up my phone. Seems he got the same message I got, inviting him to see Dark Matter at BlitZed tonight. He’s trying to find coverage, so he can go.

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for everything you’ve done for me…and Dante. You’re like a good luck charm. Who would’ve thought getting forcibly evicted from my illegal housing situation would turn out to be better than winning the lottery?” Audrey inquired, emotionally.

  I told her I was happy to do it and then, I switched the subject. Between the flash mob last night, the abnormal clubbing experience I am going to, tonight and my slam-packed schedule during spirit week, I am mentally reeling. I was looking forward to this show being over, going home, taking a long, hot bath and sleeping for the next twenty-four hours.

  We left three hours early. But, traffic was still bumper-to-bumper ten miles from the DC strip. I thought we might be stuck behind an accident. As soon as I saw the first sidewalk, I discovered the back-up. And, it had nothing to do with any accident. A thousand familiar faces were waiting in a roped off line to get into BlitZed.

  Incredible…I am now responsible for two different mob scenes in less than two days. My brothers are not going to survive until next summer. I obviously, need to switch my major to Mass Communications.

  It took us an hour just to make it to our destination. I let Audrey out and kept circling the Strip. Thirty minutes later I was no closer to finding a place to park.

  Audrey was sending me one frantic, text after the next. She was waiting by the stage door entrance and refuses to go in until I am by her side. But, that might never occur because I can’t find a safe place to park my sister’s car. At this rate, I will be cruising this same block until I graduate from college.

  The texted version of Audrey’s panic attack continued, uninterrupted. And, I am no help to her, in stand still traffic. I had a smile plastered on my face to hide my astonishment and aggravation. Everyone I have ever met is waiting in that line, stretching into infinity. They shouted and waved at me when I rolled by at a brisk, one mile per hour. I didn’t realize just how many people I’m acquainted with. G-mom will be thrilled when she discovers my enormous social network, but this is totally nuts!

  My friends who were stuck in line had to yell to converse with me. They love my outfit, my hair, my jewelry and/or that hot-new or sweet-new or killa’-new ride. I said, “thank you” one hundred and fifty times before I finally stopped counting. I couldn’t even put the top up to end the cycle of madness.

  Demi was having the time of her life, surrounded by so much attention. My sorority sisters yelled for her to come over and join them in line. But, she was busy lording over the backseat like a beauty queen in a parade. She declined and I think I saw the others turn a pale shade of green.

  I was mentally kicking myself for sending out those text invites so early. I should’ve waited until I was parked and then, messaged the people on my phone list to join me. But, I’ve got what I’ve got and there’s no undoing it.

  G-mom has never waited in a line for anything. So, I don’t know why I was stunned by her pre-mature entrance into a popular, albeit still closed nightclub. She called me in a panic because she expected me an hour ago. After explaining my predicament, she worked her magic. One of the hulking security guards came outside with my g-mom leading the way. He nodded to her before he keyed in the code and yelled, “You, bring it on in.”

  The bustling crowd gasped, collectively and fell silent. Their reaction was sort of confusing. They know that I’m “technically” with the band. So, they should expect I might get to park in the BlitZed VIP area. Shrugging my shoulders, I gratefully took him up on his offer and turned into the lot. He motioned for me to drive in, faster. Then, he secured the gate and walked back over towards my g-mom. I parked Willow’s car under a light near the surveillance camera.

  Jarron and Demi were eating up the attention. We are being treated like VIP’s and they are happily flaunting their priority status. I rushed into my g-mom’s arms. My irritation melted away as she stroked my hair and soothed me.

  “Chill out, Bunny Baby. This is fun and games, not some dreaded chore we’re undertaking,” she reminded me before turning her focus back to the security guard. “This fine young, strapping tower here is going to be our personal escort this evening.

  “Ice Man, is it?? That’s what it says on your slick little nametag, Sweetie. But, I’m sure it’s much better than that. I’m thinking something like Sampson, but you can correct me when we get back inside. It’s better to have our facts straight, right?” she asked him.

  He looked at her with a puzzled stare. My g-mom won’t stop until he gives up his real name. That’s what she’s gunning for. But, she is willing to wait to hear it until they are in a private setting. She stopped and inquired about the area. Ice Man answered her question and curiously, the crowd gasped again.

  I would later discover, from my seasoned partying brothers’ and sisters’, that Ice Man’s nickname is a well-earned moniker. He is GZE’s head security guard, bouncer and silent legend. Ice Man has never asked anyone to leave. He has some mysterious, wordless method and it’s more effective. Troublemakers run for the door, too terrified to ask questions or make a comment. So, no one had ever heard his voice before tonight.

  Neen claimed Ice Man was a serial killer that escaped justice on a legal technicality. When the cops told him he had a right to
remain silent, he took it seriously and made it a permanent, lifelong commitment.

  Three of our frat brothers heard her make that declaration to me and attempted to correct her error. They announced Ice Man was, in fact, convicted of being a serial killer. But, they couldn’t seem to agree on how he could get a job at BlitZed as the head of security with a notorious prison record. So, they started spinning fantasies to help Neen and me believe.

  One brother said Ice got out on parole and Old Man Gray only hires ex-cons because it’s cheap labor. Brother number two claimed the police couldn’t throw the book at him because they only found the upper torsos of his butchered bodies. Evidently, law enforcement needs whole carcasses before they can sentence serial killers to life without parole. The third brother said Ice Man’s conviction is on appeal and he’s free until they figure things out. He added that he might or might not be wearing an ankle monitor.

  So, the legend of Ice Man the serial killing security guard at BlitZed transformed into an entertaining Ember-intrigue. I sent my sister a text, hitting only the highlights. She sent me smiley faces and said she was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe.

  G-mom was having an in-depth conversation with Ice Man when the doors opened. The club was filled to capacity by the time Dante’s band took the stage. By the end of the first set, the crowd’s commotion was deafening. I also took a quick look outside during their break. People were still waiting on the sidewalk to get inside BlitZed. Dark Matter is definitely getting that permanent gig.

  Audrey stuck to me like glue, unless her boyfriend was available for the attachment position. She was attempting to appear casual. But, when the waitress brushed by her and she grabbed me, I knew she was a wreck.

  My g-mom noticed my human accessory and planned to help alleviate her discomfort. She did what she does and by the last song, Audrey was actually having fun, drinking soda.

  Just like Demi and Jarron were doing earlier, the members of Dark Matter were eating up the spotlight. They were still on stage, signing autographs as though they were already famous musicians. Audrey was beaming as she watched her fiancée’s dream becoming a reality. My sorority sisters tracked me down behind stage and joined in the hype.

  Dante stopped signing autographs long enough to come over to give me a swift and sweaty hug.

  “Audrey tells me I have you to thank for this mob scene, Christie. So thanks for doin’ us this solid…” Dante offered me his gratitude.

  He rushed back out on stage before I had a chance to correct him. I decided not to worry about it. It would be hilarious if they get famous and credit their humble beginnings to this elusive “Christie”.

  My g-mom was making her usual rounds while simultaneously keeping me in her visual range. I smiled at her because she would normally be out mingling through the over-populated club. The over-populated club…

  “G-mom! G-mom…” I shouted, so she could hear me.

  “You alright??” she asked as she rushed over to where I was standing.

  “Sorry…didn’t mean to scare you. I just remembered something. I think the owner of this club has three or four more, in this vicinity…” I shouted and her eyes lit up.

  This might just be the solution to my moms’ problem of where to have the Warming Feast.

  “Where’s Race??” she inquired, scanning the crowd backstage.

  “Did you say, where’s Rave??” I responded.

  “No, Race…where’s Race…you know, the tower…Sampson…Ice Man…where is he??”

  She had already discovered his whereabouts by the time I interpreted her meaning. I was evidently going along for the journey, because g-mom shoved me in front of her and walked over to him.

  Ice Man didn’t look nearly as large when we were standing outside. I swallowed, hard when we approached him. He stands nearly seven feet tall and is the size of a commercial refrigerator. I was so enamored by his sheer enormity that I couldn’t seem to focus on any of his other features. We are two, tiny sprites in direct comparison…

  “Bend down here, so you can hear me, my little Sweet Pea,” my g-mom ordered and the mass obeyed.

  Holy cow, my g-mom’s trained a frozen giant!

  “Race dear, might your fearless leader be hiding somewhere close?? We only need a quick minute…” she inquired, loudly.

  “This way, Miss Liz…” he politely replied.

  “Mind the quiet g-style, pretty girl baby…” she instructed me to act like a proper gypsy daughter and let her do the talking.

  I was still awestruck by the gentle giant. My warm fuzzy feelings and visions of him stroking a puppy were about to come crashing down around me. One minute he was courteously escorting us through the crowd, the next Ice Man must have seen something he didn’t like. His strike was silent, unexpected and fully focused.

  He lifted two drunken guys by the back of the collar. They were swinging and arguing, although they could no longer touch each other. It took them a second to realize something had changed in their world. They stared at each other in foggy puzzlement. It finally dawned on them to look up. Their dispute was instantly forgotten and their fight was over. Their night of partying had also drawn to a swift conclusion. Two other security guards appeared and removed the two stunned combatants.

  Ice Man’s facial features had stormed over. Even the spectators looked away in fear. He turned back in our direction and for one fleeting second, I thought I saw a glimpse of something ominous…foreboding. Chills raced up my spine and the hair on the back of my neck alerted me that I was standing next to danger. Then, his features softened. Still, the transformation reminded me of a psychopath.

  “Pardon the diversion…” Race said and resumed leading the way.

  My g-mom had me positioned in front of her until her giant’s ‘diversion’. Although nothing outwardly changed, she moved me behind her and held my hand. She typically has a keen sense for impending trouble – especially, when I’m with her. But, his unanticipated strike had evidently taken her by surprise, too.

  Nigel Gray was dressed like a millionaire. Otherwise, he was rather unkempt. He stood about five feet, six inches tall. His dark brown hair was slicked back with too much styling gel. He had greenish-brown eyes and his eyebrows were in serious need of parting company. It looked like he had styling gel in his thick mustache because it actually had tangles. The hair was half-curled into what I think might be his attempt to create a handlebar.

  My sorority sisters would label Mr. Gray a “walking wooly disaster area project”. But, obviously flashy displays of extreme wealth cover a multitude of grooming mistakes. I hope the fellow has a winning personality.

  “Miss Liz…this is who you asked for,” Ice Man stated, without providing a formal introduction.

  “Miss Liz, what a pleasure. The name is Nigel Gray, managing partner of GZ Entertainment and owner of BlitZed. My security head tells me you only want a minute. But, I’ve got plenty more to spare for a beautiful lady and her sister.

  “Please, won’t you ladies join my private party and have a drink with us. The bar is open…” he offered.

  His strange looking, but adoring, entourage motioned for us to come on over.

  “The name is Elizabeth Stewart. But, all handsome charmers’ can call me Liz. How about I take you up on your tempting offer with that rain check you’ll be giving me? We’ve got people waiting and you’re entertaining company.

  “This is my daughter, Krista. She tells me you own another club or two about this size,” g-mom stated, curiously.

  “I actually own five of the most popular public social clubs in this area. They…” Mr. Gray said and planned to continue bragging, but g-mom interrupted.

  “Impressive! Would you have some free time to meet with me and a few other members of my family…say, sometime tomorrow?”

  “How about dinner at my place around 8?”

  “Sadly, it’s all business at this meeting. But, we’ll be
discussing cashing in on that rain check and dinner, privately…” g-mom offered with a wink.

  “As you wish…” he responded and kissed my g-mom’s hand.

  “Ice, my schedule…” Mr. Gray barked and the rabid, gentle giant reappeared from the shadows.

  “10:00 a.m. or…” the giant revealed and g-mom answered before he could provide another option.

  “Perfect – ten it is, right here at BlitZed. Now handsome, you go back to entertaining those fans and we’ll see you tomorrow,” g-mom said while she swiftly nudged me through the door.

  “That’s the first time I’ve ever known you to decline a party invite!” I exclaimed, once I knew we were out of earshot.

  “We’re gypsy gals, remember? Celeste’s dad will be at this meeting. I can’t very well have Mack Daddy Gray-Mo making a bumbling attempt to hit on me in front of Bradwell Reigns. I’ve really got my work cut out – maintaining a proper female gypsy front and socially rehabilitating Gray to Savvy Dom Daddy Reigns, at the same time. Edie can’t even be here to help me.

  “That mustache…that uni-brow…it’s like the man’s breeding pet caterpillars on his face. Maybe, I’ll show early…” she revealed without finishing her thought.

  I was snickering from her observation.

  The crafty wheels were turning in her mind as she worked to develop a “de-fuzzing” strategy before the meeting tomorrow.

  “Bunny Baby who’s the silent partner?”

  “Sorry, no idea…I assume some man or woman with a ‘Z’ name,” I replied.

  “Okay…you head back over to Jarron and I’ll catch up with you in a little bit,” she stated.

  She was off to find out who the “Z” is, in GZ Entertainment and see if the silent half is more gypsy-presentable. Jarron and my sisters were still soaking up the excitement, backstage.

  “Audrey said to say, ‘Thanks a million! Sorry she didn’t get to say, goodbye, but she couldn’t find you. And, she’ll swing by tomorrow.’ I think her drummer, Dante and the rest of Dark Matter were going out to celebrate or something. She didn’t clue me in on where they were headed and I didn’t ask…” Jarron told me.

  The band had left the building, but the party was still in full tilt. People were slowly beginning to filter on to the stage. They were dancing, showing off and starting to get boisterous. Normally, I would dismiss their antics. But, Dark Matter’s instruments and equipment were still out and vulnerable. Audrey had told me that they had been living in their van, just so they could purchase better sound equipment.

  Before I could run up the five steps to the stage and order the showoffs’ to vacate the area, they scattered on their own. I was perplexed by their decision, until I saw Ice Man standing in front of the stage with his arms’ crossed, glaring. True to his reputation, he controlled a crowd without saying anything.

  He stood like a statue and watched as his staff removed the band’s equipment. They disassembled the drums in record time. Dark Matter’s valuable equipment had been safely locked away.

  The stage was barren within minutes. I had assumed the patrons would be allowed to use it for dancing because nothing of value was out, anymore. But, I was in for an interesting surprise.

  Two loud sirens started blaring and the staff members on the stage jumped down. The warning sounds continued as the wall behind the stage parted. It was sliding open. A deep compartment was hidden behind it.

  Once the sides of the wall were out of the way, the stage lifted into an upright position. It slowly rolled back into the space, revealing an extended dance floor. The stage locked into position and the partial wall closed in front of it. An extra panel slid down from behind the closed wall and dropped to the floor. The sirens were silenced and the illusion was complete.

  I never would have known there was a full concert stage hiding behind that wall. It looks identical to the other three sides of the club.

  Still, the transformation was not quite finished…

  The metal bar holding the spotlights rotated 90 degrees. The other side held disco and laser lights. They illuminated.

  The floor space inside BlitZed had virtually doubled!

  My g-mom had slipped up beside me, at some point. She reached for my hand and we watched in amazement as the club doors, reopened. More customers paid the cover and flooded in to drink and dance.

  “Okay…I don’t think you have as much work as you thought you did…” I mentioned, awestruck.

  “I hear that! A building Transformer…easily trumps…a weasley-facial-caterpillar-farmer…any day.”


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