Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 30

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty

  My wobbly leg syndrome would follow me, even after I regained my strength to stand. Falling over was an ever present danger. So, I propped myself against the buffet line, made a plate and pretended to eat it.

  Then, I handed out rain checks to my string of would-be gypsy partners. The excuse I used was that my first dances are reserved for family. This answer would be sufficient, as long as they actually see it happen.

  But, what I was capable of doing couldn’t, in any way, be considered dancing. My family understood my predicament. So, I leaned on and swayed with my dads’, each of my brothers and my nephews (in descending age order) while I waited for the Creator to finish playing with his ‘Krista silly putty’. I didn’t see an end in sight, when Mikey led me to the dance floor and I fell against him.

  I’m in serious trouble…less than an hour to go until my plan is supposed to get underway.

  I’m sure my thoughts would have remained consumed if I had been dancing with anyone else. But suddenly, something unusual struck me and distracted my mind from my worries.

  My youngest nephew stands about waist high to me. But, he’s holding my body upright during our slow dance like a miniature Sampson! He hasn’t faltered or struggled with bearing my body weight…not even for an instant.

  “Quinn had better be on-guard when the two of you wrestle, again! You’re solid like a rocky mountain…” I exclaimed without censoring my astonishment.

  “You know that I flatted out Quinny in the backyard when he called me ‘Little M’ and dared me to do it?? He told daddy he was just jokin’ about calling me names but a dare is a dare! You can ask daddy, he made Quinny say it so he could hear it. He had to say sorry to me even with me sittin’ on him, pinnin’ him to the grass. Dares are like deals! Daddy said so…

  “Wait, you didn’t tell mommy I flatted Quinny after a dare, did you??” he questioned me, worried.

  “Your secret’s safe with me. My lips are sealed tighter than a bank vault. But, everyone needs to start calling you Mikey-Tower of Steel-Biggs – including mommy. Gotta give you something huge for winning that dare because you deserve it, Strong Man. Would you mind that name change??”

  “Nope…I sure wouldn’t!”

  “Great, I’ll get our Haven right on it…” I promised and he was beaming.

  From the next day forward, everyone would refer to my youngest nephew as Mikey T. S. Biggs. With the exception of her twin, Haven refused to let anyone else know what the T. S. stood for. She wanted it to be our little-big secret.

  The last of my squad members arrived shortly after 8:00, but I was questioning whether I could pull it off. My bouts of unsteadiness had become more intermittent. However, they were still plaguing me.

  Ember could feel my apprehension mounting. She came over and started fretting with me as softly as she could.

  “You need to hold off on doing this until later…or maybe, never. This could be a sign from above that you shouldn’t put your head, body or limbs in danger,” she declared.

  “I can’t! Everyone’s here already and you know why I’m doing it. Poppy’s been secretly investigating my squad while he’s talking to that man. They’re dressed just like gypsies, but he knows they’re not. Eventually, he’ll stop one of them, and they will squeal within seconds under his killer scrutiny. My surprise will be ruined!” I frantically told her.

  “Oh no…you’re right! I’m on it…” Ember stated.

  She ran over to Poppy Bradwell, interrupted his conversation/secret investigation. She led him to the dance floor. If anyone can keep him distracted it’s her. But, that still doesn’t alleviate my real issue. My anxiety was making me feel even weaker. I can see all of my parents. They are standing less than twenty feet from my table, mingling. But, none of them are looking at me. I don’t have enough strength to walk over to them to ask for some assistance.

  “Creator, I can’t even hold Penthouse Forum Lucille at this point…please help!” I prayed and the answer snuck up behind me.

  “She’s been waving at you, like a sugar addict on a weeklong bender since this song started playing. I told her I’d come over and get you,” Zander said in my ear.

  The Wop was playing. And, sure enough Haven was flapping around, motioning for me to get out on the floor with her…fast. She loves this song and wants me to dance with her.

  “I don’t think…” I started to say.

  “That’s the problem with being a grown-up…too easy to rush into the future without bothering to look at what’s right in front of you while you’re getting there. That’s fun you’re missing. You do know that?”

  “I’m kinda stuck…”

  “You said it. Let’s make a deal. I’ll help you, if you promise to start living like a kid again…ya’ know, from moment-to-moment…”

  “I’ll take that bargain. But, how…” I started to ask him how he plans to do it.

  Ember already clandestinely channeled and nothing happened.

  Zander took my hands, interlaced his fingers in mine and crisscrossed them over my heart. They warmed. And, the warmth kept building into a sizzling heat. It was like I had inhaled a flashover fire. Then, a blizzard collided into it from out of nowhere. I was so cold I was shivering. Next, the inner storm simply quieted as my strength was restored. I felt it double…then, triple…and it kept right on growing.

  “I’m stronger than Mikey Biggs!” I exclaimed, startling everyone close by in the process.

  “Let’s keep it between us, shall we?? Temporary effect…don’t go picking fights or making dares. You’ll be back to your same old, same old before we get to the dance floor.

  “And, we need to move it, before her lower lip destroys something vital…like Uncle Jaysen,” he offered, comically.

  Satisfied that we had joined her for the duration, Haven turned her pouty expression to her Papa-Tray and Mommy-Willow. They motioned for the others because once Haven is determined to have us all with her, we’re out of options.

  My entire family would start living like kids with the rest of us. So, Jarron would be forced to come over and tap my shoulder to get my attention. He and I had about three minutes to get changed into our uniforms.

  I waited for Ember to distract her daughter and bolted backstage. My uniform was laid out for me on the bathroom sink. My girls had to take turns changing in the two stall bathroom. Mr. Gray’s peeping camera would have to rest for the evening.

  Gathering my courage, I waited for the song to end before I would go out and make my announcement.

  I gave Lucille a firm squeeze before I walked out on stage. All eyes were on me until the spotlight illuminated and I was looking right into it. Then, I was blind to everything.

  “Good evening! I’m so glad each of you could be here and celebrate with my beautiful Aunt Scarlett and her handsome prince, Dylan…” I said and the crowd cheered for the couple.

  “We’re gypsies. So, there are no strangers in the crowd…only family members who we’ve either met, already or will soon meet. We have two special ladies to thank for bringing our family together as one – gypsies united. My amazing mommas’ pulled this awesome celebration together. We need to show them our appreciation…”

  My mommas’ stood in the spotlights and the crowd once again, roared with cheers and toasts. I waited for a lull before resuming.

  “But, none of this would be possible without my strong, loving grandparents who guided them into becoming the great women they are…”

  The spotlights moved to focus on both sets of my grandparents. I had planned to announce my mommas’ names’, but the crowd would not cooperate. They barely heard my strong grandparents’ announcement. I had to cover my ears as the shouts grew louder than a jet engine in a hanger. BlitZed didn’t quiet down again, until 9:15.

  “For those of you who haven’t met me yet…I’m Krista, the proud granddaughter of his Ay’sha Excellence and Lady Elings
ton and equally proud to be the granddaughter of travelers Bradwell and Pricilla Reigns. Although we have all been, only recently acquainted, I have always held them in a special place in my heart for giving me such fine mothers’.

  “Priceless gifts are difficult to repay. So, I hope all four of my grandparents will accept my tokens of appreciation. I have a gift for each of you. And, I want to honor my royal grandparents, first because they graciously allowed my traveler grandparents the first two turns to see me…” I announced and motioned for my cheerleaders to join me on the stage.

  “My gypsy family, please help me welcome my two year national championship winning cheerleading squad…” I offered and waited for the roaring crowd to finish shouting. “The gift we are going to perform is for both sets of my grandparents, but is in special honor of my royal grandfather and grandmother. This routine will not be performed publicly until we compete at nationals in a few weeks. It has not been seen by anyone outside of our team members until tonight.

  “Out of respect, I would ask please, that no one film it, in any way, besides the intended gift recipients – namely, my grandfather, grandmother, Poppy and Meemaw. Get ready to witness this year’s upcoming, gypsy-inspired, national collegiate championship cheerleading routine…for the first time, ever!”

  The music started when I stepped into position. The crowd’s cheers rivaled any football game we’ve ever worked. The aerial stunts made them gasp in awe. Every competition I have choreographed has a gypsy traveler bent and royal Ay’sha flair mixed into it.

  So, the routine had some familiar phase for everyone to feel a part of. The crowd got to see that I am both a true royal and genuine traveler daughter. And, they also realize that my gypsy heritage is responsible for our winning streak because even our stunts have gypsy-style written all over them.

  Normally, my focus is divided between keeping myself safe and worrying about my teammates getting hurt. I couldn’t see my dads’ and my brothers’ because of the glaring lights. But, I knew they wouldn’t let anything bad happen.

  I was reasonably sure that the routine went off without a hitch. In the end, it wouldn’t matter if we messed everything up and wound up in a pile of giggling bodies. My royal grandparents were thrilled. They were moved to tears from the special routine that was performed in their honor.

  They rushed on stage at the end and I saw them coming. I was still holding strong, one handed and upside down when I asked Jarron to lower me. My royal grandparents elegantly embraced me and thanked me for my present. The cameras in the audience, once again resumed their flashing. My Cheer Babies were shading their eyes and smiling.

  I might have been the last one in uniform, but I had to be the first one off stage to get ready for the next half of my present.

  G-mom and Grandma Edie motioned for me to come into Mr. Gray’s office.

  “Tray blinded this camera while we help you get ready…” g-mom informed me.

  “I actually think he fried it…we’ll have to replace it,” grandma added.

  “Hurry Baby, you know how antsy a crowd becomes, waiting in anticipation…” g-mom told me as I yanked off my uniform and pulled on my sparkly short-shorts.

  “Do we need Shandra?” I asked them.

  “She’s been bombarded, handing out fashion advice to the gaggle of gypsy mommies. We can’t get within twenty feet of her. She’s tonight’s rock star. So, let’s hope not…” grandma said.

  Willow, Fallon and Ember joined us. Between the five of them, a massive amount of duct tape and sixteen safety pins I walked out of his office dressed to do this.

  My heart was threatening to quit on me. And, my legs were back to being rubber. This time though, it was all from nerves and not from any spiritual stretches.

  Bruno was waiting for me off-stage to give me some last minute instructions.

  “Here’s Lucille! Remember hold her real close to your mouth – like this. It’s okay if you get lipstick on her, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it, later. Break a leg, Crystal-Lee…” Bruno told me before he placed his fantasy in my hands.


  Bruno left to go help the sound man run his mixer properly. The other four microphones were lying on a rolling cart, ready and waiting. I thought it was silly to have that many backups until I realized how badly my hand was shaking.

  Lucille has turned into a vibrator and Bruno just missed it…

  That is the nutty thought that passed through my mind. I had to drop my mic and rush to the restroom.

  When I returned to the stage, I was gripping Lucille so hard my knuckles were white. My new outfit garnered a host of catcalls and appreciative whistles from the single gypsy fellows.

  “Thanks gentlemen…I’ll be collecting those issued rain checks after my gifts have been given…” the crowd erupted and this time I didn’t attempt to silence them.

  I also gave shout-outs to Scarlett and Dylan for sharing the spotlight with me on their special evening. I considered thanking each member of my squad and family individually, too. But, I know everyone wants to get back to partying. I can’t avoid the inevitable any longer.

  I had sung four songs at my musical. And, that’s how many I have to get through…then, everyone will be even.

  “This night is all about unity. My grandparents have raised fine sons and daughters. It is through their example that the generations know how to be solid husbands and supportive wives. So, for the next few minutes, walk with me down memory lane…to the place where their love started.

  “This first song is dedicated to my Poppy Bradwell and Meemaw Pricilla. Thank you for the undying love you’ve shown to each other through the years. Your children are…everything they are…because of your extraordinary example…” I told them.

  I didn’t have much time to rehearse any of my solos. Fortunately, I knew all four selections to various degrees. Working totally from memory I sang the song Meemaw Pricilla sang to Poppy Bradwell at their wedding.

  My voice was trembling, but I belted out the words and prayed to get through this without making too many mistakes.

  My traveler grandparents handed off their camera to Scarlett and stormed the stage. My Meemaw Pricilla danced with her husband and whispered the words to him. The crowd’s focus shifted to them and relief swept through me.

  I sang a little softer and my voice stopped throwing a vocal tantrum.

  Meemaw was crying while they were dancing. They loved their gift, just as much as the one I honored my royal grandparents with. They left the stage after taking their bows to the adoring onlookers.

  I dedicated the next song to my grandfather and grandmother. They had three songs performed at their wedding so we had that many to choose from. But, g-mom felt the song they played for their first dance would be better received by the travelers while still being meaningful to them.

  It was an authentic gypsy wedding number that my Momma-G has played for me several times. But, nerves and words are enemies!

  The song was quickly approaching the first line and nothing would come to me. My face flushed and I prepared to make the sign to cut. Then, Zander saved me…

  My little Boo-bear would come from stage left to sing with me. He mouthed the words, “…it’s a duet…you can jump in anytime, now” at his first opportunity. I never knew he could sing!

  But, his wasn’t the only reveal in store. The next song, “I’ll Be There…” was the one I dedicated to my family. Zander stayed on stage to sing and we were also joined by Quinn.

  Every single girl in BlitZed had pushed their way forward when Zander took the stage. But, they started getting obnoxious and shoving each other out of the way when Quinn joined us. They were clamoring to take pictures and swooning like the Creator had split himself in two and was performing.

  Zander is dashing and soulful. But, he is also quiet and reserved like R-daddy. He wasn’t comfortable with the overt gypsy female attention he was getting. But, Qu
inn was basking in the spotlight and eating up the hype.

  “I’d like to thank all the gorgeous single girls for being here to celebrate with us this evening. And, all you moms should give yourselves a pat on the back because your gypsy girls are so fine. Any available beauty that wants to do me the honor of being my partner, come see me when I get back out there…I’ve got ya’ covered,” Quinn smoothly offered.

  That’s when the females started pushing and shoving in earnest. Mothers’ attempted to get in between them, so their arguments wouldn’t turn into a full-scale battle royal. If Quinn intends to dance with all of those gypsy beauties he better get busy and not plan on sleeping for the next month and a half…

  Zander and Quinn gave one final bow before they exited the stage. I watched Zander hit the back door, fleeing while Quinn crashed through his version of the Pearly Gates on earth. He rushed into the middle of their collective fan base to start making good on his promise. Then, I watched his parents frantically, working their way over to him for possible containment.

  Poor Tray and Willow…they’re fighting an uphill battle with their handsome oldest boy.

  My final number would be dedicated to Scarlett and Dylan. G-mom helped me pick out the perfect modern love song for their gift. Unfortunately, it was written for a female voice. So, no help from my nephews would be forthcoming.

  But, I had found my version of paradise…a way to perform outside of the spotlight. I wasn’t about to leave my dimly lit Mecca without a fight. I had put myself through enough stress to kill a workhorse, lately. So, I thought like a kid and improvised.

  I called the young couple to the stage. Dylan tentatively came up on one side and Scarlett shyly came up on the other. They have already had their one permitted dance at the Warming. So, they stood far apart and awkwardly waited. But, that little piece of gypsy social etiquette is not going to stop me. I’ll bend-and-break whatever rules I need to get through this in one piece. I’m giving myself this gift and everyone in here can either like it or lump it!

  “My gypsy family, please help me welcome to the stage the couple of the hour…” I announced them and the crowd cheered their names.

  “This last special song is dedicated to them…their future…their love…and their long, blissful and happy life together. Dylan and Scarlett…you make your parents and your families…proud. Here’s to you…” I stated and gave the sound guy the sign to cue the final song.

  The young couple was evidently planning on standing like statues throughout. It would have continued to be the most strained dedication in history, but Haven took a microphone and started singing.

  That changed everything…instantly.

  My adorable niece led Scarlett over to Dylan by the hand. Then, she basically shoved them together for a dance. Protests are futile because “no” is not in Haven’s vocabulary…

  Social protocols went sailing out the proverbial window as the crowd fawned over both Haven’s singing and the unexpected dance from Dylan and Scarlett. Both sets of my grandparents, along with the Rhineharts’ were puffed up like peacocks, lounging in the glory by proxy.

  I slipped backstage and wiped some lipstick on to Lucille as a thank you for Bruno.

  Silently thanking the Maker, I enjoyed my answered prayer in the darkness.

  I truly wonder how g-mom and I ever made it before we found the rest of our family…

  I’m glad we won’t have to live without them…ever again.


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