Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 45

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Forty Five

  Saturday morning daybreak and I still had no word from anyone in my family. The royal Hosting celebration is Monday night. They will have to come get me by then – surely.

  Monday is only two days from now. But, can I make it until then, with no money or food?

  Audrey is still talking out of her head and needs a doctor.

  My sisters are getting suspicious. I told them I have a nasty bug, but I have to keep my music blaring to cover Audrey’s voice. Someone who is supposedly so sick she can’t get out of bed would not be jamming at all hours.

  I told Jarron I would call him when I needed him, again. We both assumed I would have heard from g-mom by now. And, he knows that Audrey is staying here, against policy. So, he is waiting around for my call.

  The walls are closing in on me. I can’t stay holed up much longer without losing it completely. I also need to figure out some way to get a guest pass into Select Sunday at SizZle. That is happening tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. I need a plan to get into the venue and rescue those girls – someway – somehow.

  Making a plan without the right Intel…no money…and no assistance from my family has stubbornly stranded me at square one – and, I’m going nowhere, fast.

  Audrey can’t be left here, alone. But, I can’t ask my sorority sisters to watch her either.

  Although I have the right clothes to play the part at SizZle, I don’t have any money to flash and burn. I’m not going back inside any GZE club as a guest without a large, intimidating male chaperone – period.

  I can’t break into the SizZle fortress for two reasons. One, I’m not that skilled of a criminal. And two, I would need more time than I have to conduct adequate surveillance.

  And, as if those challenges weren’t enough, I had to consider Nigel Gray and what he knows. I assume he would have found out about what happened at the Gray Hook Thursday night. He might even know it was me that sprang Audrey.

  Well, that’s debatable…Lyle never mentioned my name, but I might look familiar to Nigel. I don’t remember seeing any cameras in the long tunnel room. But, Spike mentioned that he switched the channel, suggesting that cameras were filming. I must have liberated me and Audrey, even though I still don’t know how I did it.

  After sorting through everything, I circled back to where I started – square one. This repeating journey is getting me nowhere.

  In the end it won’t matter how I get inside or what Nigel the Polecat knows or doesn’t. No matter what I might be risking, I will get into SizZle Sunday night and figure out some way to crash the Fort Knox fortress. I will liberate every captive girl I can find. Then, I’ll take the next step after that’s accomplished – whatever that next step is remains to be seen. And frankly, I don’t care how many heads will have to roll to see that happen. Celebrities, executives, oil sheiks (with or without their bedding)…basically, it’s not safe to be a Selected patron at SizZle when I hit the scene.

  Oddly, I was incensed with what was happening at SizZle and the Gray Hook more than I have ever been at anything in my whole life. But, I wasn’t bent on revenge or raging furious. It was like I had a newfound ability to analyze the terrible predicament and select the most desirable path to achieve my objective. I also believe I could use an axe to permanently detach the head from a masked demon without getting even slightly grossed out from the carnage and gore. And, I might get to test that theory come tomorrow night – no biggie. I’ll just wear black.

  Settled and resolved, I realize I am still that new rendition of myself…

  I think I’ll call this updated version, Tenacity Stewart. In honor of my grandma given birthright…the piece of her matriarch’s soul that will forever live inside of me.


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