Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 49

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Forty Nine

  My family reunion trek started at Rising Light in Terria Tarrish. I haven’t been able to visit with Fallon and Reid as much as everyone else. So, they were my first stop. But, the surprise was on me when I appeared and couldn’t find them.

  “Tarrish Command, Rated Initiate Travel Specialist Filgro speaking, how may I direct you, Miss Stewart?” the formal Ava’shay officer inquired.

  “I’m looking for the Master and Mistress…”

  “They are currently located in earth’s realm…their bedroom suite at the House of Michael…a privacy barrier is sealed at this time…”

  “Cool…okay then, please send me to High Lady Ivester’s location…”

  “She is with High Commander Ivester…”

  “That’s fine. I want to see my parents…”

  “As you wish…”

  Momma-G and Daddy-Jax were locked in their bedroom too. I didn’t want to interrupt them, so I tiptoed to my bedroom before I quietly called for another ride.

  I had Command trans-verse me to Sunridge. Momma-C and R-daddy were also together and involved in rather noisy relations behind closed doors. I walked to my bedroom and called Filgro, again. At least, I don’t have to worry about whispering this time…

  “Are my married siblings behind privacy sealed, bedroom doors with their spouses?” I interjected before Filgro could finish his announcement.

  “Please hold while I check their locales…” he said.

  I know Grandma Edie lowered the marital boom on them, but all of them making love at this time of the day?? That’s unheard of…

  “Yes…” Filgro told me.

  “Yes, as in Ember, Jaysen, Tray and Willow are all in their respective bedrooms??”


  “Alright, now where do I go with that?” I mumbled, thoroughly puzzled.

  “Do you wish to join any of them?” Filgro offered formally without realizing what he was suggesting.

  It was everything I could do to hit the mute button before the laughter exploded.

  “Young Miss Stewart…Miss Stewart…are you in peril?? Have we been disconnected??” he frantically inquired.

  “…here…” I squeaked and snickered, trying to get control of myself.

  “Your request was not understood. Do you wish to join the Reigning High Lord Master and Lady Ivester or the Reigning High Master and Mistress Pateman?” he asked again in innocence.

  I might have to mute myself, indefinitely. I was winded and doing the pee-pee dance. All I managed to say was “wait…” then, I doubled over. If I were to “join” any of them, the only person left alive in the end would be Willow.

  Tray, Jaysen and Ember would keel over because the word modest doesn’t adequately describe how reserved they are when it comes to sexual matters. I rushed into my bathroom to prevent an embarrassing accident.

  Washing my hands after I finished, set off another wave of hysterics. Scrubbing with warm water and soap is typically Ember’s favorite past-time, but evidently it gets moved down the priority scale when she’s getting busy with Jaysen…

  I have no idea how long I rolled around on my bathroom floor, giggling because my phone was sitting on the vanity. My vision was blurry from the tears, anyway.

  Finally giving up talking to Filgro, I crawled to my bedroom on all fours. Then, I sent him a text and requested to be taken to Zander. I landed outside of the media room located in the House of Michael.

  The media room also has a privacy seal surrounding it. I will send good old Filgro a text to drop it when I get back. I know I can safely “join” Zander.

  Needing to fix my smeared makeup, I went to my bedroom to take a look at the damage. My dark purple shirt is stained with mascara and my ivory colored pants are filthy from where I rolled on the floor at Sunridge??

  Whoa, something’s off…

  Momma-C’s floors always stay so clean that a meal can be eaten off of any of them. That includes every room in her house, with her bathrooms’ being the cleanest. I have witnessed Ember pick up a grape she accidentally dropped on the floor at Sunridge and eat it. My germ-a-phobic sister knows precisely how sanitary Momma-C keeps her rooms.

  I frantically grabbed clothes and felt the panic rising.

  Why would Zander seal himself inside the media room??

  “Is there a female in the media room with Zander?” I text messaged the question to Filgro and yanked a shirt over my head.

  “Affirmative…” he replied and I started hyperventilating.

  “He’s just gaming…taking some well-deserved time off ‘cuz he’s been parenting the kids. He has a female friend in that media room. But, he’s not with her in a bedroom…that’s gotta be good. He didn’t want me or anyone to bother him.

  “It’s probably just K. S. Kimber…yeah, that’s it…she’s much kinder and softer than Zander…she won’t be doing anything with him other than gaming…

  “She’s terrified of R-daddy and Momma-C. She’s probably nervous about all of us adults in this family – yeah, that’s it! Boo-bear just put up the privacy barrier so none of us would barge in on them and scare her…” I convinced myself in the mirror while I re-applied a fresh coat of makeup.

  That helps explain why he hasn’t responded to my text messages. The media room has an active interface that disrupts cell signals. That way phones will not interrupt the electronic activity.

  The privacy barrier prevents Command from going in and disrupting my family members. The best Filgro could do without my request would be to leave a message that I need Zander to call me when he exits. He would have received my many, many text messages when he left the media room. He wouldn’t be in that room getting ‘gypsy busy’ with a girl from the party – would he??

  The thought hit me at the same time I remembered my bizarre reaction to Dylan Rhinehart at my royal grandparent’s home.

  “How many messages are waiting for Zander to pick up?” I inquired from Filgro.

  His response was 63.

  “Did he go to school at all this week?” I typed quickly.


  Zander must be in trouble!

  My eye liner went sailing as I took off like a bullet fired from a gun. My heart was threatening to explode out of my chest as I raced down the hallway.

  “Entry authorization, now…” I yelled into the intercom outside the media room.

  The barrier dropped and I burst inside, panting and thoroughly panicking.


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