Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 58

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Fifty Eight

  No matter how much my parents are paying Jarron for his services, it isn’t enough. He deserves a big-fat raise. I’m sure this is the weirdest request he has ever heard. And, my asking him to bring his girlfriend along is like having pizza sauce icing on a mud/rock cake. The word strange doesn’t quite cover the half of it.

  My spotter and his gorgeous girlfriend were so gracious. They hugged g-mom and introduced themselves to Doc. Then, Karin rolled up her sleeve with a smile. The shots Doc gives don’t sting because he doesn’t use a needle.

  Karin is pre-med. She was checking out the equipment as clandestinely as she could. I’m sure she is dying of curiosity about how he injects something without actually puncturing the skin. She thanked him without even inquiring about the contents of the now-empty vial.

  I noticed my spotter’s girlfriend is wearing a beautiful diamond ring. But, Jarron hasn’t said anything about marrying her and I’m not about to jump into hot water again.

  We were out of time. The DC Strip will be bumper-to-bumper. So, our only option is to trans-verse.

  I warned Jarron and Karin that Doc and the girls will be arriving in the bedroom. They nodded and said okay. It felt odd revealing so much to them. But, g-mom reminded me that we can always have Tray remove the memory of tonight if it gets to be too bizarre for them to mentally handle.

  Deciding it would be better to let them get their feet wet, we trans-versed in front of them. I popped back long enough to make sure they weren’t freaked out or headed for the exit in fear. Karin stood up and gave me a hug.

  “You’ve got bigger steaks on the grill. Go, we’ll be fine…” she said softly and I went back to the parking lot near SizZle.

  “T-minus forty minutes and counting, before I meet my band of gypsies at BlitZed and you meet your Whipping Boy,” g-mom told me, setting the timer on her watch.

  “I can’t wait for you to share how you got three mules to agree. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for both of us. So, spill those details…” I stated before Doc interrupted me.

  “We’ve got a problem…I think. I’ll be back…” Doc stated and vanished.

  I blinked three times and he was back with us.

  “See what the guard is using at the entrance?” he asked.

  “That handheld gizmo that looks like a glitter wand?” g-mom replied with a question of her own.

  “That little gizmo is called a Fluroprial Resprinial. In English, it must be called a Flurenesscal Scanner. It doesn’t scan for stamps on hands. It sweeps a head-to-toe scan looking for spiritual giftings. The sign above that ugly joker’s head…the one that looks like squiggles popping out of a tee-pee…reads, “Humans Only”. There is no other warning posted, but it’s unnecessary. The mind-splitting headache I received for my one second trespass was plenty.

  “No one with spiritual giftings can step inside without getting electrocuted. I don’t know what it is. But, I doubt we can bypass it. No one who’s gifted can even walk by it without an immediate need for emergency medical assistance. I had to heal myself in route…which, by the way is not as simple as it sounds. If I had waited, my corpse would have materialized.

  “So my dearest, is this, the proper place and time to wave the white flag?” he asked g-mom, apprehensively.

  “That’s in the ‘cancel/can’t’ family, my Sweets…” she responded, her mind searching for a solution.

  “G-mom…” is all I got out before she snapped her fingers.

  She vanished without a word, leaving us hanging.

  “How often does this happen?” he inquired.

  “I’ve lost count…” I told him.

  “It’s hard to tell from this distance. But, those chaps running security appear to be nomads from the Barling Straights. They are vicious and I can’t imagine that they are ungifted. Travel from their realm requires a special skill. They can’t leave home without channeling abilities – even with help. They would be torn to shreds.

  “Hmmm…I could be mistaken. But, with that distinct bony structure I’m fairly sure. Maybe their employment gives them immunity? Or, they set the system to give Barlings an exception?” Doc asked, thinking aloud.

  “The girls wear bracelets. So security might be wearing a similar item that protects them from getting wasted. I can’t really see the Polecat giving them an exception. He’d be leaving himself susceptible to getting viciously assaulted by an irate Barling employee…very unlike a sniveling polecat…” I remarked, comically.

  “Liz vowed she would not take off without…” is all he had time to say before g-mom walked back to us holding Wally Baxter’s hand.

  “Well hello again my Wopping QB!” I declared and gave him a hug. “G-mom, can I have a word?”

  “Sure, we’ll ‘word it’ after you make the introductions.”

  I complied and then, we stepped out of earshot.

  “I’m supposed to be going in with my Whipping Boy. They don’t get along. And, if Stick says one derogatory word to him then, the jig is up because tigers trump bunnies. Plus, Wally’s dressed way downtown for a billionaire trust fund brat. Are we gonna pass him off as eccentric, hiding to avoid the paparazzi or as a penny-pinching miser?” I asked, rapidly.

  “T-minus twenty three, Tiger Bunny…

  “I’ll have a prayer with your Whipping Boy. It’ll take two minutes and privacy…no worries.

  “Your QB will look the part…plenty of raw material with that one…it’ll only take seven-ish minutes.

  “Here’s the salt, Sweets…I have to trans-verse with him to meet the deadline. Just trying to decide…yours or mine??” g-mom inquired, biting her lower lip in concern.

  “Mine…” I chose for her.

  I didn’t give her time to protest. Rushing over, I took Wally by the hand and forced him to hide behind a car with me.

  “This is some date you’ve planned for us…” Wally whispered, laughing softly.

  “Actually, this wasn’t on the agenda and, don’t get angry but your date isn’t here yet. She’ll be at BlitZed. Oh, and she doesn’t know you’re dating her. So, you’re on equal footing. That’s a subject for later. What did my g-mom tell you? Sorry, just can’t waste time, repeating.

  “I’ll answer on two, fast conditions. I wanna know your “Baxter source” because I wanna thank them, personally. And two, you promise to explain all of this, including the literal interpretation of what she told me, before I head back to campus…”


  “You need a strapping, handsome and intimidating 007 monkey-suited escort because your whipping boy is a ‘dead-breathing wimp’ who better not touch a baby bunny. His depraved donor helped twist the wimp into scum, but we all make choices. This whipping boy wimp made his and chose wrong.

  “You and I are pretend-partying at Perv’s Paradise with the depraved donor and twisted, wimpy whipping boy because membership is exclusive to male bottom-feeders. All degenerate bottom-feeders flock together. But, there is no number that will keep them safe from her word of prayer.

  “That’s about it. Oh, she used the term ‘dead-breathing’ to describe everyone we’ll encounter. No wait, the precious baby girls are not dead-breathing. They’re lost in their minds and need liberation.

  “I’m guessing but here’s my take. She wants to dress me in a tux so I can act like a black-ops spy for our game of pretend at Perv’s Paradise. I’m 007 and your code name is Bunny Baby. We’re searching for breathing, crazy little girls. The bottom-feeders are deviant zombies. I’m supposed to keep them from feasting on your flesh or that of the crazy precious girls we encounter. How close was I on interpretation?” he asked, comically.

  “Wow, closer than you think. I have to nutshell this and then, I need you to trust us. I am g-mom’s Bunny Baby. Please, call me that repeatedly and feel free to add hot or sexy. You can kiss me too.

  “We’re acting though…I don’t want to hurt Becca�
��s feelings. Wait, nix that…time’s ticking.

  “Stick the Tool is our whipping boy in this drama. Please call him that! And, before I go on, promise me you won’t go hero-loco. You can pound on him later if desired, after we do what we have to do. I’ll even put a bow on his head and deliver him…”

  “But, I am hero-loco…”

  “Ha-ha, promise…”

  “I’ll curb my macho…but, the bow has to be pink and I want him dressed in nothing but a diaper…”

  “He and some of his non-campus, unknown buddies cornered, and then tried to gang rape me. Dial it down…they ended up hospitalized without as much as a peep show. My brothers taught me how to fight. I didn’t call the cops because my gypsy family can’t handle them if they’re being protected by badge-toting gunslingers and cinderblock walls with bars on one side.

  “Lyle’s dad is a senator. He’s also a lecherous degenerate who took his son to a place where they assault drugged up girls for entertainment. That was a gift to his kid for finally beating your team. Those innocent girls are inside SizZle tonight a.k.a. Perv’s Paradise. They’re being auctioned. Lyle’s dad is the only one who can get us inside.

  “I’m getting them out with your help. How, I don’t know but, we’ll figure it out as we go. I need a bodyguard. You are the only man allowed to touch me in there. I’ll be on his arm or the senator’s arm when we walk in. But after, if Lyle even brushes my skin, I’ll welcome Wally Macho to the party.

  “I need to let g-mom fill you in on what part you’re playing in our drama. She’ll have seven-ish minutes. Do your best to interpret. When you get back, follow my lead. Now, here’s the weird trust part…”

  “That wasn’t the weird part???”

  “No…here goes. I need you to close your eyes, hold g-mom’s hand and don’t ask her any questions. I know I’m asking for blind trust and to use you, but…”

  “Stop…use me, I still owe you…um, for my career. One kiss for my trust and one to save those questions ‘til the curtain closes…”

  “Deal! Thank you for this and everything…” I told him before I made the payment.


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