ONE LESS SCANDALOUS EARL: Bluestockings Defying Rogues Book Six

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ONE LESS SCANDALOUS EARL: Bluestockings Defying Rogues Book Six Page 8

by Dawn Brower

  He groaned. “Please do not tell me that you didn’t find the kiss we shared pleasurable again. Haven’t you bruised me enough today?”

  Kaitlin was starting to see what Samantha had. Lord Shelby kept his emotions buried, but when he cared he did so deeply and completely. She still wasn’t certain he loved her. His actions didn’t inspire her to believe that much, but it was time to test Samantha’s theory. If he loved her, and she had started to think it might be possible, then she’d have to find a way to encourage him to admit it.

  “What made you storm out to the cricket field?” She took a step closer. “There was no danger. Lord Asthey was taking care of me and teaching me a new skill. I was grateful for the time and kindness he showed me.”

  “I’m sure he was a complete gentleman.” There was bitterness in his tone.

  “Is that wrong?” She lifted a brow. “There was a time you offered to help me find a husband. What if I decided Lord Asthey is the gentleman for me?”

  He scowled. “And have you?”

  There wasn’t much space between them. She closed what little distance remained. Her legs were flush against the settee. All she had to do was lean down and press her lips softly against his cheek. After that, she believed he wouldn’t be able to remain passive. There were other answers she needed first though. “I did have one gentleman in mind when you agreed to help me.” What she didn’t say was that it had always been him She loved him and only him. No one else would ever fill her heart the way he did. Even when he acted like a complete arse, she adored him.

  He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. “You should always have what you want. I…” He swallowed hard. “I don’t know if I can persuade Asthey, but if that is your desire, I’ll try.”

  “How noble of you,” she said and smiled. Somehow, this man who had a temper to rival the largest beast had found a way to rein it in. For her he had squashed it. Samantha had been right.

  “There’s nothing noble about me.” He glanced away. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone now.”

  “That’s unfortunate because I am not going anywhere.” She leaned down until there was almost no distance between them. All she had to do was lower her lips slightly and they’d brush against his cheek. “What if I were to tell you that you’re the gentleman I most desire. What would you do then?” She pressed her lips against his cheek.

  He groaned but she didn’t think it was from pain. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her fully against him. She laid atop him and could feel every inch of his delectable body. Kaitlin recalled how wonderful he’d felt in the pond. He’d been naked then, and now he was fully clothed, but she could still make out the details. They were burned in her memory, after all.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked. His voice was husky. “Because if I kiss you again, I’m never letting you go.”

  She didn’t answer him with words. Kaitlin lowered her head and pressed her lips against his. He took over from there and ravaged her mouth with his. The kiss seemed to go on forever, and she felt truly plundered. He lifted his lips from hers and began to trail kisses down her cheek then to her neck.

  Her body heated from his touch. There wasn’t anywhere he hadn’t explored with his hands and mouth. At least, what he could manage fully clothed and without moving from their current position.

  “What are you doing to my sister?”

  Kaitlin groaned and attempted to move. He held her firmly in place. “Your sister has agreed to marry me, and we’re celebrating,” he told her brother.

  Her heart beat rapidly inside her chest with the beats thundering in her ears, and for a moment, the entire world disappeared around her. Nothing existed but her and the man she loved. Then everything came crashing down around her, and she was reminded they were not alone. Her brother was in the room, and she had to remain as calm as possible. She never dreamed she’d have the pleasure of being the Earl of Shelby’s wife. It hadn’t seemed possible, and it was difficult to accept it might be real.

  To hear him state plainly he intended to marry her… That was as surreal as it could get. Of course, she couldn’t allow him to act so high handed. She deserved to be asked, and she fully intended to remind him of that at the first opportunity. She glanced at her brother and smiled at him. She didn’t know what else to do.

  “Is that so?” Collin asked in a challenging tone. She adored her little brother and wanted to hug him tight. She’d refrain from doing so though. Kaitlin didn’t want to embarrass him. “Then shouldn’t you be speaking to me and asking for permission?”

  Kaitlin grinned. Technically, Uncle Charles was who Shelby had to talk to, but she wouldn’t correct Collin. Her brother wanted to protect her, it seemed, and she’d allow it. “Well?” She lifted a brow. “Considering you never once asked me or told me how you feel, the least you can do is explain it to my brother.”

  “I warned you,” he said. “I told you I wasn’t letting you go. You had your chance to run, and you decided to stay.”

  So that had been his proposal? She chuckled. Kaitlin didn’t know why she’d expected anything less from him. “Lord Shelby would be happy to sit down and speak with you.” She attempted to roll away again, but he wasn’t letting her go.

  “Gregory,” he said. “I think we’re past formalities.”

  He wanted her to use his given name. If she’d doubted the genuineness to his proposal, that inspired her more than him saying he loved her would. Not that she wouldn’t love to hear those words from him, but she understood him better now. He was an extremely private person. “I love you too,” she said softly.

  He groaned. “Don’t say that now. I love you. I do, but I have to go have a conversation with your brother and then track down Coventry. I don’t want to wait too long to marry you. You will marry me, right?”

  She kissed him softly. “I will. Now let me go so you can do all of that. Once we’re married, we will have the rest of our life to be together, but first we have to make it happen.”

  He held her close and whispered in her ear. “I’m afraid. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, but to never have you seems a far worse way to live.”

  Her heart hurt for him. Losing his mother had affected him far more than she’d thought. Samantha had tried to explain it to her, but she didn’t fully grasp it until this moment. “We’ll love each other every day no matter how long that might be.” She brushed her hand over the uninjured part of his face. “And it will be perfect because we will be together.”

  He let her go and she rolled off of him then stood up. She nodded toward her brother. “Don’t make it too difficult for him. He’s had a rough day.”

  Collin grinned. “I’ll keep that under advisement. I heard you already beat some sense into him with a cricket bat and a ball. I didn’t realize you had to go to such extremes to secure a husband.”

  “You, dear brother, are a termagant.” She grinned and left him alone with her fiancé. Soon she’d be Lady Shelby and have the right to kiss him whenever she wanted, and she fully intended to do so as often as possible. Kaitlin would also tell him she loved him several times a day. Maybe, if she said it enough, he’d believe it and let loose that fear he held inside of him. Her Gregory wasn’t flawless, but he was the perfect gentleman for her. She couldn’t wait to see where their lives together took them. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that it would be quite the adventure… After all, high society now had an earl that was a little less scandalous amongst its ranks. She couldn’t expect him to reform completely. There were certain aspects of him that she wouldn’t want to change for anything. The Earl of Shelby had fallen in love with her, and she intended to enjoy every second of being his wife.


  It was a bright and sunny day. A good day for outdoor activities, and the games Marian had planned were going well. Kaitlin stood on the far side of the lawn and watched as the men played a rousing game of cricket. They were quite…competitive. She’d never have believed they wo
uld all turn into savages over a game. If her fiancé were not playing, she might have stayed inside. Her foray into the game had made her realize she didn’t like it much. She hated that she’d hurt him.

  She was still getting accustomed to considering the Earl of Shelby as hers. Kaitlin loved him so much she nearly burst with the joy.

  “Look at that smile on her face,” Marian said and nudged Samantha. “I do believe she’s in love.”

  “I hope so,” Samantha replied with an amused tone. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t understand why she agreed to marry my brother. He’s an arse on a good day. Only someone in love would deign to take him on for the rest of their life.”

  Their teasing should bother her, but she refused to be upset. The old Kaitlin, the one that had shuttered at anything that brought her anxiety, would already be cringing. “Laugh all you want. I’m happy, and nothing is going to ruin that for me.”

  “Good for you,” Marian said encouragingly. “There is no greater feeling than love. I’m glad I found Jonas, but if I hadn’t, I suppose I wouldn’t know what I was missing.”

  “I never thought…” Kaitlin swallowed hard. “It doesn’t matter what I thought. Clearly, I was wrong. Love is a gift, and I am glad you have it with Jonas.” She placed her hand on Marian’s arm, then turned to Samantha. “And I hope one day you find someone to love as well. Someone that is brave enough to stand by your side and fight for you. We both know whoever this mythical man is will need to have the tenacity to stand up to your brother. He’s quite overprotective of you.”

  She wasn’t sure what had driven Gregory to push every man interested in Samantha out of her life, but she did know he loved his sister. It was his deluded way of protecting her. When she had the chance, she’d have a little talk with him and how he treated Samantha. She deserved to find love, and Kaitlin intended to assist her in finding it.

  “My brother believes he knows what is best for me,” Samantha began. “But he’s wrong. He doesn’t know what I really want and never has. He’s never bothered to take the time to actually ask me if any of the men he challenged interested me.”

  “Don’t worry,” Kaitlin said in an attempt to reassure her. “I’ll do my best to distract him and prevent him from any future mistakes.” She grinned. “He’ll be too busy making me happy to make you miserable.”

  “I wish you luck with that.” Samantha’s lips twitched. “You’re going to need all the fortitude you have to deal with him every day. I commend you for wanting to take on the challenge.”

  In Kaitlin’s mind, Gregory was worth it. She turned her attention back toward the game. It appeared to be wrapping up. Gregory was standing near a wicket with a bat in hand. Lord Harrington held the leather-bound ball and prepared to pitch it. He wound his hand up and the ball flew. Gregory hit it, and it went past all the fielders and his team erupted in cheers. She assumed that meant they won, but she hadn’t paid much attention. Even if she had, she knew very little about the game and couldn’t tell one way or the other. Her lessons hadn’t gone as far as all the rules of the game. Lord Asthey had only concentrated on teaching her how to hit the ball.

  Gregory tossed his bat to the ground and then turned to glance her way. He jogged over to her side and pulled her into his arms, swinging her around. “We won,” he said.

  “I guessed as much,” she said. “What does this mean?”

  He kissed her and then set her down. “It means Darcy and I won the bet.”

  “I realize that,” she said. “But I don’t know what winning the bet gains you.”

  “The right to brag?”

  “That sounded more like a question than an answer.”

  “She’s not wrong,” Samantha said. “I have to agree with Kaitlin on this one, brother mine. What exactly are the four of you up to?” She gestured toward Lord Harrington, Lord Darcy, and Lord Asthey, then glanced back at the Earl of Shelby.

  “I’m afraid that will have to remain between us,” her brother said. “Let’s just say Harrington and Asthey won’t be happy they lost.”

  Kaitlin hated not knowing. She wanted to press the issue but decided against it. Chances were she would have better luck obtaining the information from him in private.

  She placed her hand on his arm. “Come walk with me.”

  “Gladly,” he agreed.

  They walked away from the crowd and headed toward the gardens. He pulled her close once they were out of view from everyone and lowered his head until his lips were pressed against hers. The kiss deepened and she moaned in pleasure. Kaitlin doubted she’d ever get used to the feelings he invoked within her.

  He ended the kiss and lifted his head to fully meet her gaze. “I love you.”

  “I know,” she said.

  He lifted a brow. “Do you now?”

  She giggled a little at his mocking tone. “I do,” she answered. “Otherwise, I never would have agreed to marry you. Now kiss me again before someone decides to interrupt us.”

  “Happily,” he said and proceeded to kiss her. She couldn’t wait until they were married. Kissing Gregory was one of life’s greatest pleasures, and she fully intended to enjoy it as much as possible for the rest of her life.

  Excerpt: Confessions of a Hellion

  Bluestockings Defying Rogues Book Seven

  Dawn Brower


  Weston Manor, 1823

  They entered the ballroom. It was already filled to capacity. Even if they remained wallflowers, they’d be unable to avoid all the guests. Everyone must have accepted the invite. The Duke and Duchess of Weston didn’t entertain often, and they were all probably curious. Lady Samantha couldn’t blame them. She had been rather intrigued herself. She loved balls and dancing. Being invited to one of the exclusive country events at the end of the season thrilled her. She scanned the room for the duchess and found her on the far edge of the dance floor.

  Marian only cared about one thing. Securing the Duchess of Weston’s assistance in learning to be a doctor. She glanced around the room until she located her, then turned to Samantha and Kaitlin. “If you’ll excuse me,” she said to them. “I’m going to talk to the duchess.”

  “Don’t forget to ask her this time,” Samantha said. “I see Lord Darcy; I’m heading in his direction.” She didn’t really want the Earl of Darcy’s attention, but it sounded good to say she wanted to dance with him. “I’d hate for him to not be able to locate me. Come with me, Katie, so I’m not standing alone.”

  “So you can leave me stranded as you run off with him?” Kaitlin grumbled under her breath. “You’ll owe me for this.”

  “Don’t worry, dear,” Samantha replied as she dragged Kaitlin with her. “I’ll find you a dance partner too. Isn’t that Lord Asthey talking to Lord Darcy?” Her heart thundered in her chest. While she hadn’t really wanted to see Lord Darcy, she did want to see Lord Asthey. He was so handsome. Both Lord Darcy and Lord Asthey were blond, had gorgeous blue eyes, and amazing physiques. Judging them by looks alone wasn’t enough though. Only one of them made her heart race and filled her with excitement. The problem of course was he didn’t notice her as anything more than his friend’s little sister.

  Kaitlin sighed and let Samantha lead her to the two earls. “I don’t need to dance.” She shook her head vigorously. “I can find a book to read and sit in the corner.”

  Samantha stopped and stared at her friend. “You will do no such thing.” How could Kaitlin not want to dance? “Do you not like Lord Asthey?” That seemed even worse somehow. Samantha adored him. She wanted him for herself, but gave up on that notion a while ago. If she couldn’t get pleasure from dancing with him perhaps her friend could. Not that she wanted Lord Asthey to fall in love with Kaitlin, but he seemed to like her. Samantha wasn’t so selfish as to not wish her friend happiness. Even if it felt as if she were being stabbed in the heart every time Lord Asthey smiled fondly at Kaitlin… She shook that pain away and pasted a smile on her face.

  “Lord Asthey is likeable enough,�
�� Kaitlin said in a good-natured tone. “But I don’t like dancing.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  “Nonsense,” Samantha said and waved her hand. “You just haven’t found the right partner yet.”

  She narrowed her gaze. Was that her brother lounging in the corner? Samantha blew out a breath. She’d have to be careful. If Gregory, Lord Shelby, her overprotective brother thought she was getting too attached to the Earl of Darcy he might act rashly. In her brother’s mind no one was good enough for her. Especially one of the wicked earls, as they dubbed themselves. Unfortunately, Lord Asthey was also in that particular group. Shelby adored his friends. He just didn’t want any of his friends to pay any attention to his little sister.

  Kaitlin placed her hand on Samantha’s arm. “I really do not wish to dance.”

  What was she supposed to do? Kaitlin would be more comfortable hiding in a corner. She had to help her friend break out of her shell in some way. If she insisted on gluing herself to a wall she’d never find love. Kaitlin deserved to find someone that would adore her. Samantha wanted to help guide her there. If she couldn’t have the one man she loved, then at least Kaitlin would. “One dance,” Samantha said. “After that we can leave the ballroom if you wish.”

  Kaitlin’s shoulders drooped. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll dance one but after that I don’t want you to pressure me into anything else I don’t wish to do. I’ll have your word on it.” She glared at Samantha.

  “I promise,” Samantha said earnestly and crossed her finger over her heart. “You may rely upon it.”

  She looped her arm through Kaitlin’s and led her the rest of the way to Lord Darcy and Lord Asthey. They were deep in conversation when they arrived next to them.


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