Ride the Lightning : Sinister in Savannah Book 1

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Ride the Lightning : Sinister in Savannah Book 1 Page 26

by Aimee Nicole Walker

  Buy them time.

  Jonah looked away from Avery to check on Ricky, who’d kept his back to Malcolm as they’d discussed. Ricky swallowed hard, but his dark eyes shimmered with determination. He gave Jonah a subtle nod of encouragement.

  “Malcolm, what the hell is going on?” Jonah didn’t have to fake the surprise in his voice. While he’d factored many contingencies, Malcolm abducting Avery wasn’t one of them. He’d been wrong, and now Avery could pay the ultimate price for his mistake. Please not again.

  Jonah took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He wasn’t without surprises of his own and hoped the final point would go in his favor. Keeping everyone alive until the big reveal was his top priority.

  “Expecting Trexler?” Malcolm scoffed. “That pathetic ass kisser doesn’t have the balls to color outside the lines. He’s as much of a Boy Scout as you are, and I was shocked when the two of you didn’t click right away. It worked out great for me because I was able to play the two of you off one another. I manipulated Trexler into badgering and bullying you, knowing it would tear you down like your granddaddy used to do.”

  Jonah cringed and Malcolm laughed, sounding completely unhinged.

  “I came along and built you up to gain your trust. You soaked that shit up like a sponge.”

  Jonah gritted his teeth to keep from interrupting him. He couldn’t risk Malcolm getting pissed and taking it out on Avery.

  “You should see your face right now. Don’t worry. It wasn’t all a lie. I am quite fond of you.”

  “I can tell,” Jonah said dryly. So much for keeping your mouth shut. “I had a killer headache for nearly a week the last time you showed how much you cared.”

  Malcolm scoffed. “I wasn’t the one who hit you. The dumbass was only supposed to shake you up, not inflict brain trauma. You should’ve left well enough alone. Once you started digging into Earl’s murder, I had to act fast. I realized Trexler made one hell of a patsy since the dumb fuck doesn’t understand a thing about the division he supervises, and everyone knows how much he hates you. I thought you cyber geniuses would’ve caught on, but maybe you’re not as smart as you thought.”

  The deputy director stopped about twelve feet from Jonah. Far enough to maintain separation and prevent Jonah from performing a heroic act to free Avery, but close enough that he wasn’t likely to miss Jonah if he decided to pull the trigger. Jonah wasn’t worried about his own life; he wanted to protect Avery and Ricky. If he could get Malcolm to lower the gun or point it at him, Avery might stand a chance.

  Jonah held his hands up to demonstrate he wasn’t a threat and took a few steps toward Malcolm. Instead of aiming the gun at Jonah, Malcolm tightened his grip around Avery’s neck again.

  “Don’t move,” Malcolm said. “Your little boy toy can die quickly, or he can suffer slowly. Which will it be?”

  Jonah jerked to a stop as Avery’s eyes widened with panic again. “Okay. Okay. Just ease up.”

  Malcolm narrowed his eyes. “I’m calling the shots, Jonah.”

  “Yes, you are,” Jonah calmly said, taking a few steps backward.

  Avery sucked in a lungful of air when Malcolm eased up again.

  “You’re a fucking pussy,” Malcolm hissed. “Or maybe you’re a glutton for punishment. Is that it? Do you like it when people demean and humiliate you? Maybe you get off on it.” Jonah wasn’t sure how he was supposed to answer Malcolm, so he decided to stay quiet. “Are you armed?”

  “No, sir,” Jonah said, playing along. “You know about my aversions to guns.”

  “I do,” Malcolm said, nodding. “I also know it’s going to get your boyfriend killed just like it did your buddies in Afghanistan. How a coward like you survived the war is beyond me. Just proves the good ones die young while the wimps come home in one piece and protest. It should’ve been you in one of those flag-draped coffins.”

  Malcolm’s words were like daggers to Jonah’s soul. Hiding his pain would’ve made Malcolm suspicious, so he let the man see his wounds.

  “Slowly lift your shirt and turn around. I want to make sure you don’t have a gun tucked into the waistband of your jeans,” Malcolm instructed. “Make any sudden moves, and I will blow Avery’s brains out right in front of you.”

  Jonah did as he asked, dropping the hem of his shirt and raising his hands back in the air once he finished the rotation. “You’re just going to kill all three of us?”

  “Yes, I am. I’ll make it look like a murder-suicide. I’m not sure which one of you is the killer yet, but you make the most likely choice, Jonah. Everyone knows you are a ticking time bomb.”

  “What reason would I have to kill Avery and Mr. Albert?”

  Zachary Albert was the name of one of the prison guards working death row when Bo was at GSP. Jonah borrowed his name, knowing it wasn’t likely Malcolm kept tabs on all of them for three and a half decades.

  Narrowing his eyes, Malcolm pursed his lips together. “You make an excellent point, as usual.” Malcolm shrugged. “The possibilities are endless with the ocean and numerous lakes nearby.”

  Ricky stiffened and turned to face Malcolm. “Why not a subdivision of homes under construction? It certainly worked out well for you the last time.”

  Malcolm’s face flushed red with rage as he shifted his focus to Ricky. “How do you know that?”

  “I didn’t recognize photos of you. All you closeted butch boys looked alike. I recognize your whiny-ass voice though. You went by Chuck back then. They called you Chuck the lousy fuck behind your back. Did you know?” Ricky taunted. Jonah wasn’t sure whether to applaud his boldness or clap a hand over his mouth before Malcolm killed them all. “You were in the police academy and would lurk around in the shadows of the clubs and bars. You developed a crush on Lola, but she didn’t return your interest, is that it? Or was it something more? Perhaps you didn’t recognize Earl in drag, but he recognized you.”

  It looked like it took considerable effort for Malcolm to unclench his jaw. “Who the fuck are you? There’s no goddamned way a prison guard at the state penitentiary would know that. What the fuck is going on here?” His gun hand started shaking, and Jonah worried Ricky had pushed Malcolm too far. Jamming the gun against Avery’s temple, Malcolm shifted his hostile gaze to Jonah.

  “Did you think you could fool me? Trick me into confessing?” Malcolm asked in an enraged voice. Spittle formed at the corners of his mouth, a shocking contrast to the ordinarily urbane man. “The joke is on you, Jonah. Then again, everything you’ve believed for the past eight months has been a big lie. Hasn’t it, Avery?”

  Jonah risked a glance at Avery and saw a new kind of terror in his eyes. What could be worse than having a gun shoved against your head?

  “No,” Avery said in a shaky voice. “None of it was a lie.”

  “I know Jonah better than he realizes, and there’s no way the Boy Scout would’ve fallen for a common criminal like you,” Malcolm said.

  “Avery?” Jonah asked.

  “I should’ve t-t-told you before we, um…”

  “Fucked,” Malcolm supplied. “You should see your face right now, Jonah. Such a prude. I had big plans for you, Avery. I would’ve helped you reach your full potential instead of pulling off the petty shit you did for The Purists. You chose Jonah. What a waste.”

  “I-I can explain,” Avery said shakily.

  “I already know,” Jonah said, unwilling to cause Avery any more anxiety.

  “You do?” Avery and Malcolm asked at the same time.

  “Ellen said she wasn’t going to tell you about Mr. Bradford’s run-in with the SPD,” Malcolm said.

  “It wasn’t hard to figure out, Malcolm. After all, I did work on the investigation with the SPD. I knew The Purists utilized the skills of a talented hacker. Ellen approached me about an internship for a computer genius right after the investigation ended. The timing was too coincidental.”

  Avery swallowed hard. “And you still…”

  “Fucked him,” Malcolm said, rai
sing a brow.

  “Want him,” Jonah countered. If this was it for either or both of them, Jonah needed Avery to know. “I know the truth, and I still want you.”

  Avery made the sweet little gasping sound, and Jonah was grateful to hear it, even if it was the last time. If someone was going to die this night, Jonah decided it would be him. “You do?”

  Jonah nodded. “More than anything.”

  “Aww,” Malcolm cooed. “So sweet. It’s too bad you’re going to die.”

  “Let Avery go. Take me instead,” Jonah said.

  “No,” Avery yelled.

  “You should pick me,” Ricky offered.

  The three of them vying to take the first bullet would’ve been funny if the situation wasn’t so fucking terrifying.

  “At least tell me why you killed my friend,” Ricky said.

  “I fell in love with Lola the second I saw her, but she didn’t even know I existed. Getting to know everything about her became my obsession, so I followed her home one evening. I watched through the window as she removed her makeup and wig before taking off her gown and lingerie. I was shocked when I realized Lola was actually Earl Ison.” Malcolm’s lips morphed into an angry snarl. “Earl wasn’t alone either. His lover was my boss.”

  “I thought you were in the police academy at the time,” Ricky said.

  “I was, but I still worked part-time for Locke-Tight concrete. Jerry Locke was a proud son of a bitch, and I couldn’t stand him. I knew Jerry’s dad would’ve killed him if he found out his favorite son was queer. Earl knew it too, which was why it was easy for me to convince him to end things with Jerry. Earl broke the man’s heart to save his life. I should’ve known a love that deep and pure wouldn’t be swayed my way so easily. Earl went on a couple of dates with me, but he did so out of fear, not interest. I would watch Lola flirt on stage and kiss the pretty boys who bought her drinks at the bar afterward, but me? Earl would get stiff anytime I tried to touch him because he couldn’t hide his repulsion. Lola would make fun of me in front of the others. She was the one who came up with Chuck the lousy fuck. The whore offered up his tight ass to anyone who offered but recoiled from my touch?”

  Malcolm kept switching back and forth between Earl and Lola as well as the feminine and masculine pronouns. Jonah wasn’t sure if it was deliberate, or he was confused.

  “I gave her an ultimatum. Fuck me or I destroy Jerry Locke. Of course, she agreed to save her precious Jerry. Midway through the act in the back seat of my car, Lola started to cry. A red haze of rage washed over me. I just snapped and punched her in the temple, knocking her out. I just wanted her to love me like she loved Jerry. Why was that too much to ask? All she had to do was love me.”

  “Then you drove her out to the construction site and strangled her with her silk stocking,” Jonah said. “Why did you masturbate with Lola’s panties and shove them in her mouth? To teach her a lesson?”

  “That wasn’t about me. I wanted people to think a deranged lunatic killed her,” Malcolm said defensively.

  “A deranged lunatic did kill her,” Jonah said.

  Malcolm shook his head. “No. I spent the rest of my life making up for that one bad thing. I’m a good man.”

  “A good man doesn’t hold a gun to another’s head,” Jonah said, switching tactics from chastising to imploring with the man. If Malcolm thought he had a good side, then Jonah needed to appeal to it. “Let Avery and Ricky go. The two of us can talk this out. Just put the gun down.”

  Malcolm’s gaze hardened. “How fucking stupid do you think I am? Don’t use your psycho-babble bullshit on me, Jonah.”

  A giant rat darted out from beneath a wooden shelving unit stacked with bags of mulch. It headed straight for Malcolm like it was part of the task force. Startled, Malcolm loosened his grip around Avery’s neck and swung his other arm to aim the gun at the rat.

  “Down,” Jonah shouted to Avery.

  Avery dropped at the same time Jonah shoved Ricky to the ground and lunged toward Malcolm. He only made it a few steps before Malcolm swung the gun back around toward Jonah and pulled the trigger. The slug hit him in the chest, making him stumble a few steps. Jonah reflexively brought his hand up to cover the area where it struck him, even though he’d worn a bulletproof vest beneath his shirt.

  A second gun fired from somewhere in the warehouse, and a bullet struck Malcolm in the shoulder of his left arm instead of the one holding the gun. He yelled out in pain and staggered but somehow found the strength to aim his weapon at Avery, who was running to Jonah’s aid.

  “Down,” Jonah yelled at Avery again.

  Avery dove for cover as Jonah quickly dropped to a crouch and retrieved his gun from his ankle holster. Snapping his arm up, Jonah fired off a shot, nailing Malcolm just above the knee. Someone else in the task force shot him in the right shoulder, rendering his shooting arm useless.

  Malcolm crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain. Jonah stood up and ran toward him just as Ellen, Royce, and Sawyer advanced from their positions. Jonah reached him first, kicking the deputy director’s Beretta away from the man.

  Ellen radioed for an ambulance while Sawyer and Royce secured the prisoner and started providing first aid until the EMTs could arrive and take over.

  Jonah stood over them, staring into Charlie Malcolm’s cold gaze. How could he have ever looked into this man’s eyes and seen warmth and compassion?

  “I-I didn’t think you h-had it in you,” Charlie said through chattering teeth.

  Sawyer had used a belt as a tourniquet on Malcolm’s leg and was helping Royce staunch the blood flow from the shoulder wounds. The quickly expanding pool of blood beneath Malcolm’s upper body indicated both bullets had exited through his back. The blood loss and cold concrete were robbing Malcolm of his body heat.

  “Just because I don’t like guns doesn’t mean I can’t shoot one,” Jonah said. An echo of footfalls slapping against the hard floor caught Jonah’s attention. He turned and looked at the approaching man. “Did you catch his confession on tape?”

  Malcolm’s eyes widened when Jonah stepped aside so the deputy director could see who he was talking to.

  “Sure did. I especially like the part where Malcolm called me a pathetic ass kisser,” Butch Trexler said, staring down at the prone man. “Guess my skills will come in handy now that your position has come open. Who’s the dumb fuck now?”

  “The t-t-two of you s-set me up?” Malcolm asked. “Together?”

  “We did,” Jonah said.

  “How?” Malcolm asked.

  “I’m going to be the one asking questions, Charlie,” Ellen said firmly. “Where the hell is that ambulance? I don’t want him to bleed out and die right here.”

  Malcolm’s expression softened when he looked at her. “Thank you, my friend.”

  “I want you to die in a prison cell where you belong,” Ellen clarified.

  Rocky and Felix rushed into the warehouse to check on the situation. Jonah met them, and they embraced in a group hug. “You guys can’t be here when the cops arrive. Ellen would lose her job if the mayor found out she involved civilians in the takedown.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Felix said, scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “Did it hurt?” Rocky asked, poking his finger through the hole the bullet made in his shirt.

  “After I finish hours of interviews and paperwork, you can try the vest on, and I’ll shoot you. You can see for yourself,” Jonah said.

  Felix threw his head back and laughed.

  “Okay, but not the same vest,” Rocky replied. “It’s compromised now.”

  Jonah pulled them into another hug. “Get the fuck out of here. I’ll call you later.”

  “You better,” Felix shouted over his shoulder as he tugged Rocky toward the rear of the warehouse.

  Jonah walked over to where Ricky and Avery stood huddled together. Avery launched himself into Jonah’s arms when he came near.

  “Don’t you ever do that again,” Avery said, hitting J
onah’s chest with his bound hands.

  “Which part? Get shot or wear a bulletproof vest?”

  Avery tipped his head back and looked into Jonah’s eyes. “Either one. And the next time a gunman is holding me hostage…” His eyes widened when he realized what he said.

  “Let’s make this a one-time experience, okay?” Jonah asked, brushing his fingertips over Avery’s cheeks.

  Avery nodded. “Jonah?”


  “How can you want someone like me?”

  Jonah heard the sirens of approaching police cars and an ambulance. “Can we maybe discuss this after I wrap things up here tonight?”

  Avery nodded. “And you can tell me when you and Trexler became conspiring chums.”

  “I will.” Jonah briefly kissed his lips before releasing him to speak to Ricky, who was rubbing his elbow.

  “Did I hurt you?” Jonah asked.

  “It’s no big deal. I just smacked my elbow against the concrete when I fell.”

  Jonah gently gripped Ricky’s bicep and studied the joint. It looked red and slightly swollen. “I want you to have the EMTs check you out when they get here.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Ricky said.

  Four police officers and two paramedics rushed into the building.

  “Oh, honey, that one EMT looks like a stunt double for The Rock,” Ricky said, sounding more like Marla by the second. He wasn’t wrong. The dude’s shirt looked tight enough to split down the middle at any given second. “Maybe I should have him check me out.”

  “Don’t you mean check out your injury?” Jonah asked.

  “Same difference, doll. My elbow is part of me.”

  “Shouldn’t Ricky leave,” Avery asked. “You wanted Rocky and Felix to leave to protect your aunt’s job.”

  “Hush, child. Can’t you see I’m injured? Besides,” Ricky said, pulling out a small silver badge. “The commissioner swore me in today as a Savannah police officer.”


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