Baby-Daddy Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 3)

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Baby-Daddy Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 3) Page 12

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  And speaking of her cell phone, she might want to charge it because—guess what?—she had a roaster issue going on in Seattle. Why hadn’t she focused on that first thing this morning?

  Naomi had been right about CJ. He’d totally distracted her. Connecting with him had been her top priority when she’d opened her eyes.

  Quickly finishing her shower, she blotted her damp hair with the towel before wrapping it around her and padding back to the table by the front window. She’d put her phone on it before going to the barn with CJ.

  It was still there. She’d gone right past it, oblivious, desperate to catch CJ before he left. She picked it up. No messages from Naomi on the screen. But a message was scrawled on the Buckskin Ranch memo pad lying under the phone. Text me when you wake up.

  Aww. Warmth flooded her chest with an emotion she’d rather not name. He hadn’t just left, after all. He’d wanted to hear from her first thing and probably had assumed she’d reach for her phone before she did anything else. Normally, especially with the roaster situation, she would have.

  Securing the towel in place, she typed quickly. I’m awake. Sorry I missed you.

  Instead of texting, he called. “Hey.” His soft greeting created an intimacy that arrowed straight to her core.

  “Hey, yourself. I thought you’d text me.” And why was her heart pounding so hard?

  “Wanted to hear your voice.”

  Her breath caught. “Where are you?”

  “Just got out of the shower.”

  “Funny, so did I.”

  “You showered before texting me?”

  “I didn’t see your note until a few seconds ago.”

  “You took a shower before checking your phone?”

  “Shocking, I know. Not like me at all.”

  “Guess you weren’t thinking about your roaster issue, then.” He sounded pleased with himself.


  “Any word from Naomi?”

  “Not yet. I’ll assume everything’s fine.”

  “Good plan.” He hesitated. “Did you think about me when you were in the shower?”

  “Yes, but not the way you’re imagining.”

  “How do you know what I’m imagining?”

  “I can hear it in your voice.”

  His sexy chuckle tickled every nerve ending in her body. “Bet you can. Hey, Jake and I are going out to the raptor center site during our lunch break so he can fill me in on the plans. He’s making sandwiches to take along. He’ll make one for you if you’d like to go.”

  “Love to. On horseback?”

  “In my truck. Just a quick trip.”

  “Is it okay if I bring my phone? I’ll silence it, but—”

  “By all means bring it. Wouldn’t want you to miss hearing from Naomi.”

  “I appreciate that. I’m excited to see the site, though, after hearing about the plans. Thanks for thinking of me.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about you…the way you looked when I left, snuggled under the covers fast asleep, your hair mussed from making love.” His voice grew husky. “Wasn’t easy to leave.”

  “I heard the door close and jumped out of bed, but I wasn’t fast enough to catch you.”

  “Just as well. If you had, I would’ve been late to work.”

  “But I wanted to tell you goodbye.”

  “And I would have kissed you and after that…it’d be all over.”

  “Then maybe we need to set an alarm. Make it early enough to give us a little time before you leave.”

  His breath hissed. “You’ve got it. Now I’m getting off this phone before one of the guys notices my condition. Jake and I will come by the cabin a little after twelve.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “’Bye, Iz.”

  “’Bye.” She disconnected and went in search of her charger. His phone call sure had juiced her batteries. Going out to the site of the future raptor center would be fun. But she might as well not kid herself. The main attraction was CJ.

  * * *

  Isabel was on her way out the door to get breakfast at the dining hall when Naomi called. Ducking back inside the cabin, she closed the door and answered the phone. “What’s happening?”

  “First off, last night went perfectly. The old roaster’s gone.” Noise from the shop filtered through the closed office door.

  “Good. Sounds busy out there.”

  “Crazy busy. It’s all-hands-on-deck time. Anyway, I just talked to Bob. The movers are running late. Should be there in another half-hour or so. He has no clue how long it’ll take to load the roaster and secure it before they start down here. He’s never done this and neither have they.”

  “That’s not very reassuring.”

  “I almost didn’t tell you, but I promised complete transparency, so—”

  “Thanks. Please keep me in the loop.”

  “Like I said, I promised, so I will, no matter if the news is good or bad.”

  “It’ll go smooth as silk.”

  “Yes, it will. Was CJ a good distraction?”

  “Uh, you could say that.”

  “I think it’s so cool that you dig the father of your child.”

  “I guess it is, at that.”

  “Are you going riding again today?”

  “Nope, but I get to check out the site of a raptor rescue center that’ll be built on the ranch this summer.”

  “Awesome! Remember the eagle’s nest cam we used to watch as kids?”

  “Yep. I loved that. Hey, I don’t want to keep you. You said it’s crazy and—”

  “It is, but I also like hearing what’s going on with you. Are you having a good time?”

  She blinked. “I…guess I am. Why?”

  “You seem more relaxed.”

  “Yeah, I really want to apologize for yesterday. When you called about the roaster, I was—”

  “I don’t mean more relaxed than you were yesterday. I mean relaxed in general.”

  “You can tell that over the phone?”

  “Your voice is different, more like it used to be.”


  “Before you opened the shop. I get why it changed. The shop is a huge responsibility. But now you sound more like yourself again.”

  She laughed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Just take my word for it. Maybe it’s the atmosphere of the ranch, or getting to spend time with Lucy. But my money’s on CJ. I think he’s good for you, sis.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Seems like old times, Jake.” CJ tore up lettuce, sliced tomatoes and cored avocados while Jake assembled the sandwiches. “You and me fixing food in the bunkhouse.”

  “It’ll be old times all over again for chuck wagon stew tomorrow night, unless you and Isabel are ditching us.”

  “I figured we’d be there, but I forgot to mention it to her. I’m sure she’ll want to come, though, especially now that we’ve set up a table out by the fire pit.”

  “That area’s worked out great. If we end up deciding to initiate Garrett into the Brotherhood, I want to do it out there.” He wrapped another sandwich and tucked it into the cooler. “Don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Babes’ shower for Isabel is a definite for tonight.”

  “Hadn’t heard that.” Henri had told him it was in the works when she’d come down to the barn this morning. Having the ladies give Izzy a party was a nice idea, although he’d pouted a bit about losing precious time with her.

  “Isabel didn’t text you?”

  “Haven’t heard a peep from her since early this morning. She’s probably busy getting updates about her roaster.” He sliced the last tomato. “That shower came together fast.”

  “It’s now or never for the Babes.”

  “I get that.” He rinsed off the cutting board and the knife. “I’m worried about their plan to brag on me, though. I told Henri it could backfire.”

  “You don’t think some five-star reviews from the Babes could help
your cause?”

  “Not if they overdo it.”

  “Let’s see how lunch goes. If she seems totally smitten during our picnic, then maybe you don’t need those reviews.”

  He sighed. “I need time, not promotion. I wish I had another week.”

  “Could you ask her to stay longer, offer to pay for changing her ticket?”

  “That wouldn’t go well.” He grabbed an unopened bag of chips from the cupboard. “She’s worried about her shop. If her sister hadn’t stepped up, Izzy would already be on a plane.”

  “Okay, forget that idea.” Jake tucked three bottles of apple cider in the cooler. “Assuming she goes along with your move to Seattle, what’s your timeframe?”

  “End of summer, early fall. I’m not leaving Henri in the lurch during our busy time. If she finds a replacement and he works out well enough that I could take off, then I might go earlier.”

  “Seems like you’ve thought this through.” He added paper plates and napkins to the cooler and closed the lid.

  “I have. Gotta make it work. Somehow.”

  Sadness flickered in Jake’s eyes. “Still haven’t quite grasped it, bro. When Seth moved, he was less than four hours away and in the same state. For some reason that made it less dire. But you….”

  “It won’t be easy. But you’d do the same in my shoes.”

  “Yeah. Glad I don’t have to, though. I’ve told Millie so many times that I’m grateful she wants to stay here. I feel like I should vet everybody’s girlfriend from now on. I can’t lose anybody else.” He picked up the cooler and started out of the kitchen.

  “Did you ever think of sabotaging this relationship instead of promoting it?”

  He glanced over his shoulder. “For about two seconds. Then I heard Charley’s voice in my head.” He headed for the front door.

  “I hear that voice all the time, too.” CJ grabbed his keys and the bag of chips and followed him out the door. “That’s why I’m determined to make this happen.”

  “Understood.” Jake put the cooler in the back seat but rode shotgun on the way over. Then he transferred to the back when CJ climbed out to fetch Izzy.

  She opened the door before he made it to the porch. Her red T-shirt had Apple Grove stenciled across the front. Combined with her hat and boots, she could almost pass for a local. Just needed more wear on those boots.

  He smiled. “Looking like a cowgirl, Iz.”

  “Thanks.” She crossed the porch and came down the steps.

  “What’s going on with the shop?”

  “Old roaster’s gone, new roaster’s on its way. Did you know about the baby shower?”

  “Just heard about it this morning, after I talked to you.”

  She paused when she was only a couple of feet away, as if she wanted to talk privately before heading to the truck. “It’s so thoughtful of them. But like I told Lucy, it feels strange since I’ve only known about the baby for a week.”

  “They want to give you stuff in person.” He nudged back his hat. “I get that.”

  “Me, too.” She lowered her voice. “Guess we won’t have dinner together, though.”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Do you still want to—”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She grinned. “You don’t know what I was going to ask.”

  “Yes, I do.” Anticipation played hell with his breathing. “Mind if I bring a duffle over with a change of clothes and my shaving kit?”

  “Not at all.” She fingered a button on his shirt. “I’ll leave the door unlocked. Come over and make yourself at home.”

  The invitation sparkling in her eyes made his heart pound. “Best offer I’ve had today.”

  “I don’t know how long the party will last. Since I’m the guest of honor, I can’t exactly leave early.”

  “I understand.” While she was otherwise occupied he could add some romantic touches to the cabin. This could work out. “I don’t mind waiting.” He gestured toward the truck. “Ready?”

  “Sure am.” She winked at him and headed for the truck. “Where’s Jake?”

  “In the back. He vacated the front seat expressly for you.”

  “Nice. I’m becoming fond of cowboy manners.”

  “I’m glad. Gives me an edge.”

  “Like you need one.”

  “Oh, I do, Izzy. I definitely do.” He handed her in and she turned to thank Jake for giving her the front. By the time CJ rounded the hood of the truck and climbed behind the wheel, she and Jake were involved in an animated discussion about the raptor center.

  “We have stakes in the ground,” Jake said. “The contractor came out yesterday.”

  “He did?” CJ turned back to him. “You didn’t tell me.”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “Didn’t think to. What else haven’t you mentioned?”

  Izzy answered for him. “Jake’s started building the enclosures for the birds. Today we’re going to help him map out a possible pathway and potential locations for each one.”

  “Sounds great.” CJ started the engine and pulled out. “But that’s a major assignment, bro. Do we have time to eat these sandwiches?”

  “Plenty of time. I’ve already marked a preliminary route. I just need more input. I want you to pretend you’re a visitor to the center. Tell me whether my chosen path is the most logical.”

  “That’ll be fun.” CJ took the ranch road back to the two-lane, made a left and went about three hundred yards to a newly created dirt road. By the time visitors used it, the road would be paved and have signage to offer directions. “Did you consult with Zane?”

  “I’ve been videoconferencing with him.”

  “Yeah?” Impressive. His buddy seemed to be moving smoothly into this role. “Did he have advice on the pathway?”

  “Some, but he didn’t have enough time to work any of that out when he was here on Monday. We were focused on the preliminary plans for the building and where to put it. The pathway and enclosures will be my job. Henri’s overseeing the visitor center construction.”

  Izzy swiveled to face Jake. “Which will come first, the visitor center or the enclosures for the birds?”

  “I’ll get the enclosures finished before the center. Ideally we won’t have anybody bringing us birds right away, though. Construction noise could be an issue. Zane had birds long before he and Mandy decided to build a visitor center, so he draped the enclosures with burlap. He said that helped.”

  “Do you have a vet lined up?” CJ guided his truck carefully over the new road. Yesterday’s rain had added some ruts.

  “Evan gave me a name.” He glanced at Izzy. “Evan’s our equine vet. He knows someone who might be interested. We’ve been playing phone tag so I haven’t talked to her, yet.”

  “Lining up the right people for a new project is like putting together a puzzle,” Izzy said. “At least it was for me with the coffee shop.”

  “I can see that. Although I’ve never done anything remotely like this before. I had to put a day planner app on my phone.”

  “It can be intimidating, but each step brings you closer to your vision for it. Just imagine how it’ll grow in the next year, five years, ten, twenty….”

  “Excellent point. I never used to think that way. Just lived day-to-day. Being with Millie’s changed that.”

  “Being with Millie has changed a lot of things for you, bro.” The road ended and CJ pulled into the clearing designated for the raptor center.

  “Yeah, it has. But visualizing a future, specifically with her, was the game-changer.”

  “Wait until you have a baby coming, Jake.” CJ pulled to a stop and turned off the engine. “Talk about a way to focus on the future.”

  “I look forward to having bambinos. Hey, guess what, you guys? Your kid will be approximately the same age as this raptor sanctuary.”

  “That’ll make it easy to remember when the center was founded. Just don’t expect Izzy and me to name this baby Hawk or Owl.” He opened
his door and started to climb down.

  “Speak for yourself.” Izzy opened her door, too. “Hawk would be a cool name for a boy.”

  “Yeah, but…” CJ caught himself before he mentioned Izzy’s hunch about having a girl. “I suppose Hawk would be okay. Owl, not so much.” He got out and hurried around to Izzy’s side.

  She was already down and had pulled back the seat to give Jake room to climb out.

  Turning, Jake hauled out the cooler. “Are we sitting on the tailgate?”

  “Guess so.” CJ ushered Izzy around to the back of the truck and lowered the tailgate with a clang. “I forgot to bring chummy stumps.”

  “No worries.” Hoisting the cooler into the truck bed, Jake swung up next to it and unlatched the lid. “It would be good to have a few out here for future use, though.”

  Izzy’s eyebrows lifted. “What are chummy stumps?”

  “Makeshift stools.” Jake unfolded a red and white checked tablecloth. “When we need to take down a big pine, we saw the trunk into pieces we can use as outdoor stools. Henri asked us to do it and that’s what she calls them.”

  “That’s very cute. Very ranch-like, too.” She gripped the side of the truck and started to put her foot on the bumper.

  “Want a boost?”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she gave him a smile, lowered her foot and turned toward him. “Sure.”

  Maybe she wanted him to touch her as much as he wanted to. That would be nice. Grasping her around the waist, he lifted her up and settled her on the tailgate.


  He held her gaze. “Anytime.” Anywhere. I’m yours for the taking.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Anytime. Sounded like a promise. Whenever Isabel needed CJ, he’d be there for her. What woman wouldn’t cherish such devotion?

  Perched on the tailgate of a pickup between two gorgeous cowboys on a sunny day in June didn’t suck, either. She hadn’t solved any of her problems. On the contrary, she’d created a bigger one.

  But at this very moment she was in a happy place, munching sandwiches Jake and CJ had made and discussing the raptors who would eventually benefit from the sanctuary.


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