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Colel Page 16

by Pamfiloff, Mimi Jean

  I have to do right by him.

  The moment shattered as Rys made a perfect dive over the cliff into the pool. When his head emerged, slick with water, a beam of sunlight broke through the clouds above and caught the light in his dark eyes.

  She stared in awe at his gorgeous features.

  “What are we waiting for?” he asked.

  “I’m committing the color to memory,” she said softly.

  “What color?”

  “Your eyes. They will never be that lovely shade of brown again.” Espresso with flecks of forest green. One in a trillion. One in an infinity. There would never be another Rys. She would never again see that exact same set of eyes.

  He gave her a look, like her words shocked him. “What’s the point of being a man if he’s not willing to give up all that he is for the woman he loves? Even his eye color should be on the table.”

  His words, filled with conviction, should have hurt because they were for another woman, but instead, they only made her want him more. She wanted those words, that sheer determination to do anything for one’s mate, to be said to her.

  Someday. Do not give up hope, goddess.

  She gave him a quick nod. “Follow me down. It will be quick.”

  “Will I remember?”

  “Remember what?”

  “Your world,” he clarified.

  “No.” Because her world wasn’t a place, not in the human sense. It was a state of being that existed between the spaces of the universe, between the cracks of every molecule and particle of light. “But I promise you will never forget it.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  “You’ll understand later.” For the remainder of his existence, he would always feel a connection to her home. The light of the gods would seep inside his bones, his heart, and into his soul. It would join him to the fourteen gods and to everyone who’d made the journey before him.

  She smiled. In a funny way, it gave her some consolation, like she wasn’t completely losing him. They would always be linked in this small way, even if he didn’t feel it at the conscious level.

  “Let’s go,” she said. “And no peeking at my twat while I’m swimming.” She wasn’t shy, but her lady-place was reserved for that one special man who would love her forever.

  “I will do my best, but now that you’ve said something…”

  She snarled at him.

  He raised one hand in oath. “I will keep my eyes to myself.”

  With Rys following closely behind, she swam deep into the cenote’s bowels and said the secret ancient words to open the gate. The bright warm light flooded the dark underwater cavern and grabbed hold of both of them.

  No turning back.


  On the return trip, Colel made sure to choose a different cenote. This one was much larger and closer to the Uchben military base as well as to Bacalar, a jewel-colored lake fed by hundreds of cenotes. Unfortunately, the risk of being seen by humans—tourists, cave explorers, and divers—was much higher, too, but she wouldn’t be able to carry Rys up any cliffs. He was a large man.

  Towing him through the water by the arm, she maneuvered Rys to the sandy shore surrounding the pool. Above, a limestone ceiling blocked out most of the sun, save for one spot in the middle where the decay of time had punched a hole. One solitary beam of light projected down through dangling tree roots and vines onto the pool of shimmering turquoise water. Here, they were hopefully safe from prying eyes. At least for a while. Long enough to delay the Uchben soldiers who, at this very moment, were likely being dispatched by Votan himself.

  He already knows I’ve broken the law. I can feel his anger. It wafted in the atmosphere. May the gods have mercy on my immortal soul.

  Taking him by his two powerful arms, Colel worked Rys’s unconscious body onto the embankment and then plopped down next to him.

  He looked even more beautiful than before, his skin now a light olive tone that would camouflage his radiant immortal skin. His short beard and dark hair shined like thick silk threads. His muscles were more defined—a shock that was even possible. And his manhood… She sighed longingly at the sight of it flopped to one side like a giant sleeping snake.

  I bet it looks really spectacular when it stands at attention. The thing was so impressive it wouldn’t surprise her if it danced.

  She took one last look at the specimen of male perfection before her, committing every inch to memory. It would be all she had to keep her warm for the next century or ten millennia while she waited and hoped for perhaps one more chance at love. Would the Universe ever send Colel her real mate? At least I’ll have something to look forward to after prison.

  Colel leaned over, twisting her body to plant a soft kiss on Rys’s lips. She savored the rough texture of his whiskers on her fingertips as she stroked his angular jawline.

  “I hope, with my entire being, that she is worthy of you, Rys,” she whispered. “You deserve happiness.”

  It was a rare and truly loyal man, indeed, who would endure what he had, sheltering and feeding his vicious vampire parents. Supporting not only them, but his brother and ex-fiancée—the woman who’d broken his heart.

  But they had not broken him. He had refused to fall into a state of self-pity or feel beaten, like many humans might in his situation. There was much to be admired in that.

  Rys’s chest expanded with a deep breath, and his thick curtain of eyelashes began to flutter.

  Rise, my giant among men. Today is your day to reclaim your life and what is rightfully yours.

  “In a strange way, I’m actually going to enjoy watching you win,” she said. It was never fun when undeserving assholes got what they wanted. And to be sure, a sibling, or even a best friend, who didn’t obey the “bros before hos,” “sisters before misters,” “chicks before dicks,” “friends before tight ends” rules was an asshole.

  “What was that?” he grumbled, rubbing his eyes with the heels of this palms.

  “Nothing.” She let out a melancholy sigh. “Just welcoming you to your new life. Howdy.” She made a noncommittal wave in his general direction.

  Slowly, he sat up, facing away from her. He ran his strong hands over his shoulders, down his arms, and then rubbed his belly in a purely male kind of way. “Where are we?”

  “It’s another portal. We’ll have to swim out through an underwater tunnel since I didn’t bring my rappelling gear, but we’ll manage.” He was a lot stronger now, so he would make the swim in no time.

  “I feel really good,” he said in a low, serious voice. “Did you do it? Am I a demilord now?” he asked, not bothering to turn and face her.

  “Yep,” she said with a hint of sadness, knowing these were their last few moments together. “You’re the biggest baddest wolf in the forest besides a god.”

  “And I’ll always be stronger than a vampire.” Not a question, but a self-revelation. “Faster than a demigod.”

  “Yes.” And I’m going to prison for it. Gods, I hope they take pity on me and throw me in the Sedona jail. That place was much nicer than all the others. They had popcorn and movie night. They had lots and lots of other species of immortals to hang out with during social time. Sex faeries—always getting into trouble—werepenguins, Big Foot—he’d gotten himself filmed again, a big no-no—and even an incubus. Really, the place was more like an immortal frat house.

  Rys turned his naked body. “And compared to you? How strong am I?”

  She shrugged her naked shoulders. “I dunno. I guess you’re probably the same physically, but I have powers and can’t die. Not ever. If your body is destroyed, you won’t come…come…back.” She looked into his eyes and suddenly felt lost. The color was unlike anything she’d seen before. Green, blue, aquamarine, turquoise, cobalt. Every possible shade of the sky and ocean reflected back at her in a shimmering display of lights.

  “Wow…” She leaned in closer. “That’s amazing.”


  “Your eyes. The
y’re so different.”


  “I can’t describe it exactly.” She reached out and placed her hand on his cheek, his warm not-so-soft cheek. “It’s like they can’t decide what color they want to be.”

  He cupped his hand over hers. “I don’t know what my eyes say, but I know what this says.” He moved her hand over his heart.

  She froze for a long, long moment, trying to comprehend. “What are you doing?”

  He frowned at her. “You honestly think that I would choose an unfaithful, disloyal, backstabbing woman over you?”

  Colel slowly dropped her hand and pulled back her head. What was happening right now? “I…I don’t understand.”

  “It’s very simple. I needed to know that you really meant what you said, that you would do anything for me.”

  Colel slowly nodded in disbelief, trying to come to grips. “This was all a test?”

  “I’m sorry to put you through that, but after everything I’ve been through, I wasn’t sure that this whole mate thing was real, or that your feelings were genuine.”

  Jesus. Is this really happening?

  “Colel, I hope you understand why I had to do it. I’m the sort of man who holds to his promises even when the circumstances change. Even when I should hate my brother and ex because living with them is a constant reminder of their betrayal, it’s my duty to care for my family. My love and loyalty are unconditional.” He stared deeply into her eyes. “But I can’t lie. From the first moment I saw you standing on the sidewalk, I ached for you—those sexy full lips, the hopefulness and power in your eyes, the sweet scent of your skin. You instantly made me feel weak, because deep down inside, I knew you would have the power to crush me.”

  “Is that why you were such an asshole?”

  “Yes. I wanted to push you away, but I couldn’t stop feeling like…there was something special about you. It’s why I went to see you that morning, to try to decide if I wanted to run you out of town or take you to bed.”

  He was talking about the morning he showed up at her bedroom door. She’d been naked and ready to go all in. Of course, her bees were not having it. “But then why not just tell me? I would have understood.”

  “I promised myself I would never give my heart again. Plus, I really didn’t believe my feelings for you could possibly be real. I don’t even know you. Yet somehow I wanted us to be together. It made no sense. It still doesn’t. But none of that changes the truth.”

  Colel’s mouth stretched into a smile that radiated from within. His words were everything she’d ever hoped for. “Which is?”

  He shrugged. “I’m just a man. Who’s in love with a goddess. Hoping she’ll forgive him for his shortcomings and love him no matter what.” He took her hand. “Because he will do the same for her.”

  A strange warm liquid trickled from the corners of her eyes. With her free hand, she wiped and stared at the clear droplet in shock. “I’m crying. Why am I crying?”

  He took that hand, too, and clasped them both in his. “Because whatever this thing is between us, we know how strong it is. Frankly, it’s terrifying, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

  Strong was right. She had been willing to give him up, to assist him in winning another woman’s heart, simply out of loyalty and love. Still, “I don’t know whether to hurt you right now or kiss you.”

  “Do whatever you want; it’s not going to change how I feel.” He dropped her hands and cupped her cheeks. “After I woke up a vampire with my senses heightened, I realized I am completely in awe of you—your dedication to those crazy bees, your beauty, your strange sense of humor. I am looking forward to spending eternity by your side, learning everything about you.” He slammed his lips against hers, and it was better than before. This time she felt him opening up to her, exposing his heart, his soul, and his strength. Usually, it was the god who gave powers to their mates—human, angel, incubus, whatever—but this time, it was Rys giving to her. She felt his conviction and unwavering loyalty seeping into her light. If before this, she was the Mistress of Bees, now she was the Goddess of Rys—the God of Loyalty and Commitment.

  She snapped her head back and stared with wide eyes into his. “Ohmygods. You just unlocked my other power.”

  He raised one dark brow.

  “Most of my brethren have several abilities. For seventy thousand years, I’ve only had the one, just the one. Bee talk.”

  He smiled affectionately. “And what power does my goddess have now?”

  “I have you.” She threw herself at him, arms closed around his neck, her lips locked to his.

  He fell onto his back, and she straddled his strong frame, kissing him with everything she had. Tongues dancing, bodies grinding, hands clawing to get closer. She could hardly breathe or think. All she knew was that he was hard, she was wet; they needed to put those two together as quickly as nonhumanly possible.

  She withdrew her mouth and rose on her knees, staring down at his exquisite face—the full lips, the angular jaw, the dark brows arched over shimmering blue-green eyes. “I am still so, so mad at you right now.”

  He smiled devilishly. “I’m okay with that. Your anger feels pretty fucking good right now.”

  With that, she grabbed him firmly by the base of his cock, positioned his crown at her entrance, and then…

  Oh gods. Oh! Oh gods. She’d expected him to slide into her like a hot knife through butter. This was more like trying to shove a Twinkie up one’s nose—something she’d seen Belch do at parties. Not easy.

  Still on his back, he gripped her by the waist and lifted her up. “Slowly, or you’ll break us both.”

  “Okay. Okay.”

  He gazed into her eyes. “Take your time. Ease into it.”

  How was it possible that she was the ancient being, but he was the instructor?

  Clearly, he is the master of his universe. Kind of like He-Man. But without the weird Dutch-boy haircut and creepy fur underwear.

  Slowly, he guided her down, allowing her soft walls to accommodate his wide shaft. When it was done, she looked down to the point where they joined. All that hard cock was inside her, pulsing, hot, and making her ache for what she’d fantasized about for more years than she could count.

  With their eyes locked, she placed her hands on his chest, enjoying the smooth firmness and tight little nipples, and began lifting herself, riding him. How had she endured without this? How had she kept her sanity without this man for so long?

  She slid back down the length of him, relishing the texture of his silky hard dick.

  Gripping her firmly by the hips, he rocked himself into her and guided her into a rhythm that danced on the precipice of pleasure, torture, and insanity. She wanted the exquisite pressure of his cock to push her over, but her mind wanted her to stay. Right here. Right here with him forever.

  “I can’t. I have to come,” she panted.

  His strong hands glided up the sides of her torso and then cupped her grapefruit-sized breasts. “Not yet. Just a little longer,” he commanded, strumming his rough thumbs over her pearled nipples.

  Oh. Oh…none of this is at all like tickling myself.

  “You’re only speeding things along,” she panted.

  “Just let me have a few more minutes.” He suddenly flipped her over, ensuring with his large hands that she knew where to place her legs: wrapped around his midriff.

  With the force of his new immortal body, he slammed down into her, stealing her breath.

  She gasped with pleasure and threw her head back. “Oh gods!”

  He withdrew almost completely and thrust his hips forward again. She moaned with rapture. Who knew that having one’s body pounded into the sand would feel so good?

  I’ll be picking sand out of my ass for the next decade. But she didn’t care. As long as it doesn’t get into my magic lady spot.

  It wasn’t. There was only one thing coming and going, and now it was time. She couldn’t hold back any longer.

“I’m going to…” Her fingertips dug into his shoulders, and she felt her mind depart from this world. It soared into the space between the light, between the sound of their heavy breathing and every living thing, Rys and euphoria her only companions.

  Every muscle contracted around an invisible ball of ecstasy radiating deep inside her womb, while somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt him coming inside her. It was hot and thick and coated the entrance of her womb like an army demanding victory.

  After several long dizzying moments, the intense pleasure melted away, leaving behind a foggy, perfectly blissful buzz inside her head.

  Sigh…my first orgasm. Completely worth the wait.

  Still hard and inside her, Rys wedged his mouth into the nape of her neck and panted against her skin. He didn’t speak, but he didn’t have to. She felt what he felt, down to the marrow in his bones.

  She felt… Oh, oh…his swimmers. What had her brother Chaam, the God of Male Virility, said? Oh yes, a man’s virility is the only judge of his worthiness. She didn’t know if that was the only measure, but Rys was pretty darn potent. “I think they found something.”

  “What?” he said in a quiet gravelly voice, not bothering to lift his head.

  Never mind. Whatever was happening inside her could wait. Right now, she wanted to savor this: him and her. Nothing else.

  “I know you said I could eat real food afterwards, but I really want to bite you. You smell so good.”

  “Really?” Hmmm…maybe the vampire in him wasn’t so dormant after all. Also, being bitten sounded kind of good to her, too. “Go ahead. But be forewarned, it’s going to be hot.” I think? She actually wasn’t sure. He was no longer mortal or a vampire. He was a demilord. So did she need the black jade?

  Wait. Clearly not. We just had sex, and he’s fine. Perhaps Rys was stronger than she knew. Of course he is.


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