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Colel Page 19

by Pamfiloff, Mimi Jean

  Hesitantly, Penelope lifted her phone to her ear and listened. “Okay. Bye.” She ended the call.

  “Well?” Cimil crossed her arms over her chest.

  “That was Roen, king of the mermen.” Penelope didn’t sound at all happy.

  “And?” Cimil asked.

  “It was hard to hear with all the screaming, but I think he said we are at war.”

  “What? No,” said Votan. “We cannot go to war with them. He cannot want that. He knows we’d crush them.”

  The doors to the courtroom blew open with a cold gust of wind. Roberto entered wearing a black leather duster, a black shirt, and swords strapped to his back. He was pushing a long, four-compartment stroller filled with very large children.

  I had no idea they made strollers in that size, Colel thought.

  “They do not want to go to war,” Roberto declared. “The mermen are under attack. By their own kind. As are we.”

  What. The. Fuck? Colel’s ears rang with a burst of adrenaline.

  “It’s like I said, kiddies,” Cimil smiled, “the Universe was just warming up before. It’s game time now. All single immortals are flipping as of…” Cimil looked at her wrist. No watch, but she looked at it anyway. “Now!”

  “Now, now? All of them?” Colel asked.

  “What are we going to do?” Kinich looked at Roberto.

  “You’re the gods,” Roberto replied. “You tell us.”

  Ninety-five percent of the single population were males. Vampires, Maaskab, Uchben soldiers. And…oh, Jesus! Mermen! No one knew why the genders were so skewed, but who the hell cared? It didn’t change anything.

  “We need women,” said Votan. “A lot of women. It’s the only way to stop this until the Universe has had her fill of fun.”

  “What are we supposed to do? Go and create a bunch of offspring? Or turn a bunch of people into vampires?” asked Penelope.

  Colel had a thought. During her travels visiting the bees in South America, she’d met a tribe who’d managed to remain hidden from the world. All female. “The Amazons.”

  “Like Wonder Woman?” Penelope asked.

  “No. The real Amazons.” She’d only met one woman—tall with soul-piercing dark eyes—but from what her bees had said, they were a warrior tribe, immortal like vampires, strong and fierce like the Uchben. They lived in the shadows and killed anyone who saw them—their way of staying a secret. “They supposedly eat men for breakfast, feast on the hearts of the weak, and worship the wild animals of the jungle, but maybe we can have a chat with them? I mean, if they’re immortal, they’re probably in trouble, too.”

  “That sounds extremely dangerous,” said Votan. “And how will we find them? I, for one, didn’t even know they existed, so they must be very good at hiding.”

  Cimil rolled her eyes. “It just means you’re antisocial. I get a Christmas card from them every year. Them and the leprechauns. Big Foot used to send one, but he and I had a falling-out ever since he got put in the slammer for being photographed. I warned him to stop riding my unicorn. So he had it coming.”

  “Cimil!” Votan pounded his fist on the table at the front of the room. “Pull your red head out of your pink ass, and give us solutions.”

  Roberto suddenly appeared in front of her, snarling protectively. “Watch your tongue, little Guy.”

  Roberto liked to use Votan’s human name when he wanted to make him feel less deific.

  Votan narrowed his eyes at Roberto. “If my sister doesn’t explain what she knows, I guarantee I won’t be watching my tongue. My eyes will be feasting on the sight of my men throwing you and her in prison.”

  “Calm your peanut butter brittle, boys.” Cimil grabbed Roberto’s arm to ensure he wouldn’t do something rash. “I don’t know anything more than what my source told me: ‘You’re all in deep shit!’ As for these Amazons, I know very little other than they’re difficult to find because they don’t want to be found, and they hate men—any species. They only use them for sex. Hard sex. Like, twenty-four seven milk cows.”

  “I’ll go.” Brutus raised his hand.

  The entire room turned its attention toward the back.

  Brutus shrugged. “What? It is clear that the Universe has chosen two mates for Colel, and I, for one, cannot stay here knowing I am not the victor.”

  “Brutus…” Colel couldn’t feel worse.

  “Yes. You should leave. Immediately,” Rys growled. “And give me back my bees.”

  “Rys! That was rude. But also so sweet. You love my bees.”

  Rys narrowed his hypnotic eyes at the swarm. “It’s more of an understanding.”

  Who cared? It was sexy as hell seeing him boss her little tyrants around. He’s going to make a great father.

  Colel sheepishly raised her hand. “I know there is much to discuss, but am I free now?”

  Everyone was too busy debating how to keep humans safe from the rampage of violent immortal singles to give one iota about her.

  The good news was, apparently the Universe had decided to throw them all a lifeline by making sure each person had several options for mates. Not that there was any other choice for her. Rys was the one.

  Colel sighed longingly at Rys’s tall, sturdy frame. Now that she was free, they could finally get to know one another. I want to have lots of sex first. Lots and lots of it.

  She and Rys walked toward each other, meeting in the center of the chaos-filled room.

  He took her hands and stared into her eyes, drowning out every noise in the room. He made her feel so special, like no one else mattered or existed.

  “See.” He flashed a wicked little smile. “I told you to have faith.”

  So cocky. I love it.

  “Can we get out of here now?” he added. “Your world is a bit much for a simple guy like me. Plus, I’m really tired of being so horny. It’s like I’m sixteen again.”

  Her grin stretched from ear to ear. “It’s a side effect of being immortal, I think. Why don’t we find out how severe your case is, and I can try to cure it.”

  He pulled her close. “Who said I wanted to be cured?” He kissed her hard, and she felt her heart glowing.

  Or maybe it’s more of a buzz?

  Oh, wait. She pulled back. “Guys! Get off of us!” The bees had completely surrounded them.

  “I think they were trying to give us a little privacy.” Rys smiled.

  “Oh. Well, that’s actually kind of nice. Thanks, guys.” She turned her attention back to the man in front of her, feeling the deepest joy radiate from every particle of her beeing. Whatever challenges lay ahead, she knew she would be okay now. “Let’s hurry and grab a plane before they’re all taken. We have a lot of work ahead.”


  Inside the courtroom, Tula stood next to Cimil, screaming at the top of her lungs. Sooner or later, Cimil had to reply. “I’m not going anywhere, Cimil! You have to tell them! You have to save Zac.”

  But as loudly as Tula yelled, no one, not even Cimil, seemed to hear her.

  “Come on!” she blubbered through a waterfall of tears while the gods assembled for an emergency meeting, unanimously agreeing to return Cimil’s powers so that she could gather more intel about the challenges ahead. It was nice to see them pulling together again, but why wasn’t anyone noticing that Zac wasn’t there?

  “Dammit, Cimil! You can’t do this to him! He needs you!”

  Votan began speaking about the resources required to round up their mated soldiers and able-bodied immortals around the world.

  Cimil leaned back in her chair. “If I recall, Zac happily let those mermen throw me to the bottom of the ocean,” she whispered from the side of her mouth. “So I think he can stay right where he is. Taste of his own medicine.”

  “That’s not fair. You know why he was upset. He had every right.”

  “Since when is being fair any fun?” Cimil shrugged, keeping her eyes on the other gods.

  “Cimil, I thought you were my friend. I tho
ught you cared.”

  “I do. Which is why I’m making sure your man gets a little obedience training.”

  What the heck did that mean? She loved Zac just as he was. “Can I at least get my body back?”

  “Oh hell no. With all these randy single vampires and mermen running around? At least you’re safe for the time being.”

  Tula had never felt so angry, so betrayed, so…trapped! For the first time in her life, she actually felt hate in her heart. I will make her pay. If it’s the last thing I do.

  When Zac woke, he knew he was on a boat. The rocking motion gave it away. What he didn’t know was how he got there or what material had been used to bind his wrists and ankles to the bed frame.

  He tugged hard on the shiny black rope. It must be made with black jade. He couldn’t break it.

  His eyes moved around the small cabin, trying to comprehend the situation. Champagne sat on ice next to a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries atop a little bedside table. Burgundy curtains were drawn to shut out the daylight, giving the room a dreary whorehouse vibe, and on the big-screen TV mounted to the wall near the foot of the bed, a gods-awful porn movie played. It was of some woman dressed as a unicorn getting nailed by two different guys.

  Zac shuddered. Oh no. Oh no. This isn’t happening! “Minky! Minky, release me this minute. I am not a sex toy. I will not be used like this.”

  Two glowing red eyes appeared before him. Flames licked the edges of the creature’s open mouth.

  “Minky…” he snarled. “Release me this instant.”

  Her red tongue darted out and licked her fiery lips.

  “No. We are not kissing either,” he protested.

  “Yes.” Minky nodded.


  “Minky always gets her way.” Her flaming lips grew closer, and he felt his eyelashes singeing. He screamed, dreading what would happen the moment he opened his mouth.

  I am toast.

  For the first time in a very long time, Brutus was alone. He’d left his dog, Niccolo, in the care of Kinich, and his men had stayed behind at the Uchben base to help with military preparations while they were still of use. Soon, they would not be themselves and would need to be locked away with the rest of the single immortals.

  It was a strange, strange feeling walking through the jungle, unable to hear the voices of his elite team inside his head, but this was a mission he had to do alone.

  I will find these women. I will convince them to come back with me. If not for the sake of his men, then for the sake of the world. The more couples they had fighting on their side, the better.

  All right. Fine. I also wouldn’t mind being taken advantage of. Anything to take his mind off Colel.

  His entire existence, he’d never wanted much. He had his place among the Uchben. He would one day be chief. He had the bond with his men. And I have a dog. A really cute dog.

  A mate seemed like too much to ask for, so when he woke a few months ago, his mind saturated with thoughts of Colel, he’d thought he’d been given a gift. A mate. Something he hadn’t known was missing from his life until that point. When he saw Colel again, and she didn’t seem to reciprocate, he hadn’t known what to make of it.

  Now I know. Her heart and soul were destined for another.

  But where does that leave me?

  He stepped through a thick wall of vines, following the map Colel had given him. It would lead to the spot where she’d met one of these Amazon women. He hoped. With the sun setting fast, he would have to make camp soon to ward off the predators and biting insects.


  Brutus stopped midstep. Did I just hear a kitten?

  He waited.


  He looked up, and sure enough, there was a tiny cat with big green eyes and little black stripes. What was a kitten doing all the way up there? The thing appeared to be stuck.

  Just what I need. To rescue a kitten when the world’s fate hangs in the balance. But he could not leave the helpless animal up there. What sort of immortal warrior does that?

  He shed his heavy pack and removed his boots. He’d learned long ago that climbing trees in army boots did not provide much traction. Plus, his feet were tough like the rest of him.

  He climbed the tree, carefully approaching the little creature. “That’s right. Come to Brutus.” The thing backed away, farther down the branch.

  Godsdammit. He was going to have to reach for it and catch the branch below.

  The kitten meowed, and he lunged for the thing with one hand. But as his body leaned to grab the next branch down, the one beneath his heavy body snapped.

  “Motherfuck—” He landed with an oomph! on the soft jungle floor.

  He looked at the little guy on his chest, thankful it was fine. “Now what am I going to do with you?” He couldn’t leave it out here on its own. This was no jaguar or beast of the jungle. It looked like an ordinary housecat.

  How had it gotten all the way here? He didn’t know.

  He took the wiggling, clawing cat and began unzipping his pack. He would carry it there until he made camp.

  “Put Zeus down.” Brutus felt the tip of a spear or a sharp sword pressed to the middle of his back.

  He did as she asked and slowly turned to find a woman almost as tall as him. She had dark eyes, long black hair and war paint on her face—stripes and other geometric symbols. Her body, though covered in skins, looked amazing. So sexy. Big breasts. Lots of muscle. Long tan legs.

  “Who are you?” she demanded.

  Brutus tried to hide his smile. “I come in peace. And I hear you are in need of a cow.”


  Colel and Rys hadn’t had any sexy-time since the cenote, and now she was quite sure her body would implode.

  Ever since the trial, she’d been feeling their bond grow stronger, her body’s need for him increasing with it. But to her utter frustration, they hadn’t managed to score one minute of true alone time, not even on the plane ride home. Every aircraft they had was being used to dispatch fully human Uchben soldiers and mated immortals around the world in preparation for what came next. War.

  How does one even fight a war such as this? Normally, in battle it was okay to kill the enemy. In this situation, the combatant immortals were only temporarily nutso. Plus, they were made up of friends, colleagues, and family.

  Colel and Rys would be called on soon to help, too, but she also needed to complete her survey of the world’s hives. It was going to be a busy few months when what she needed was time to bond further with Rys.

  Hmmm…maybe it is time for me to let my babiees fly solo from the nest. She had always been so protective of them, but perhaps that had more to do with her need to feel useful. The truth was, they could do the survey alone and report back.

  Riding in his truck, they pulled up to Rys’s home with a snarling Rys behind the wheel. Brows furrowed, flat lips, and pulsing jaw, Rys looked like he was about to rip off someone’s head.

  Can’t say I blame him.

  They’d returned to Crested Butte earlier this evening, only to find that his brother had not managed the flower shop, taken care of the maintenance or payroll at the ski resort, or checked on their grandmother even once. Supposedly, his brother was here at the house right now, but Rys was not going to let any of it slide.

  Colel looked at Rys as he shut off the truck’s engine. “Don’t worry. I’m sure everyone’s fine.” She hated seeing him so agitated.

  “I’m not.” He turned his body and faced her. “Do you have any idea how I feel right now? My cock is about to shoot off like a rocket.”

  He was sensing her sexual need through their mate bond? “So…you’re not worried or angry with your brother?”

  “I’m annoyed, but I’m used to him falling short. I’m grumpy because I don’t ask for much, and right now, all I want is just a few uninterrupted hours with you.” He took her hand and pulled it to his mouth.

  In that case…“Then let
’s go check on your grandma and parents!”

  He left the truck, and Colel followed him to the door, noting his rigid spine.

  Poor guy, he looks very uncomfortable. Honestly, if she had a penis, she’d be walking like that, too. That was how badly she needed him.

  Rys entered and announced himself.

  “Hey, Rys. How’s it going?” At the kitchen table sat a spitting image of Rys with dark hair, manly arched brows and sensual lips. Only, this version still had the dark eyes. Beside him sat a little brunette with pink lips and a pound or two of mascara.

  Hmmm. I guess she’s cute. But Colel could tell right off the bat that the woman was not to be trusted. From the moment she laid her filthy, greedy little eyes on Rys, she started drooling.

  Oh, no, no, you little hooker. He’s mine. “Hi. I’m Colel. Goddess. Ancient and powerful. Never to be crossed. So nice to meet you.” She extended her hand to Ryan first, then to the horrible little human.

  “Who’s she?” Darla asked Rys, refusing to shake Colel’s hand.

  “She is my destiny. Why don’t we all go down to the basement so Mom and Dad can hear what we’ve got to say. Where’s Grandma?”

  “Down there with them,” Ryan explained. “She said she felt like snacking on the neighbors, so we locked her up, too.”

  Rys growled. “Nice of you to let me know, brother.” He left the kitchen, and Colel followed closely behind. He didn’t know it, but at this very moment she was spinning with immeasurable joy. He’d called her his destiny. It was the most romantic thing she could imagine. Gods, I’m going to love him so hard once we are alone.

  An hour later, Colel followed Rys back outside to his truck. It was clear to her, after witnessing that little family episode, Rys would become a strong leader in her new world. With a few short words, he’d set his brother straight, made sure his grandmother and parents knew everything would be all right, and best of all, his drooling ex sat there green with envy, kicking herself the entire time.

  “You mean you’re even more powerful than a vampire now?” Colel mimicked Darla’s shrill voice as Rys opened the truck door for her.


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