The Karawi Sheikhs Series: The Complete Series

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The Karawi Sheikhs Series: The Complete Series Page 18

by North, Leslie

  “Ah yes, he told me of the enthusiastic child who shared her love of reef sharks with him. I must admit, he was quite bemused at how open and unafraid she was. I suspect that he might have been a bit taken with you at the time, as well.”

  Amy couldn’t hold in the snort. “He had a companion with him, and I suspect that she probably required his undivided attention. As for me, wrangling children has become a bit of a sport, and I definitely get my exercise chasing after them.”

  “Taq Taqieh,” Taslima filled in with another laugh. “Oh, how the boys loved playing that game when they were little.” The woman’s face sobered as she looked at Amy earnestly. “Despite your ability to deflect, my family does owe you a debt of gratitude. What you were willing to do to protect that little girl had nothing to do with her station. You thought her an orphan of little or no status, but protecting her was still important to you.”

  Amy slowly exhaled as she pulled herself up from the floor. “No offense, Shekinah, but I believe that all children’s lives are important, no matter where they come from or who surrounds them. It would seem that there are those in your kingdom who have forgotten that.”

  Taslima’s gaze sharpened. “You’re not wrong. Bahir would like to go after Amalia’s family and punish them for what they did to her. What do you think about that?”

  “I think it does more good to lead by example. Change the policy. Focus on the quality of life of all the social classes and hope that the neighboring kingdoms will follow suit.”

  “Hmmm,” was Taslima’s response, her expression thoughtful. Then she smiled as she pushed herself to her feet. “I hope you don’t mind, but I need to retire for the evening. The excitement of meeting another grandchild has worn me out. Not that I don’t love Iris and now Aisha fiercely, but is it too much to ask that my sons give me grandchildren the old-fashioned way? Where I might have nine months to prepare for their arrival?” The twinkle in her eye set the younger woman at ease.

  “I get the feeling that Bahir doesn’t do much in the old-fashioned way,” Amy said and laughed. “Forgive me. I’m still learning the customs. Should I walk you to your room?”

  “That won’t be necessary, but I’d be happy to walk you to your room. I’m sure Bahir hasn’t taken the time to get you settled yet.”

  Chuckling, Amy shook her head. “That’s true. His guards carried away all the bags, and he told them to put everything in his room. I’m not sure if my bag has made it to my room, yet.”

  “I’m fairly certain everything is exactly where Bahir wants it,” Taslima said dryly. “So, how long are you planning on staying here?”

  As the conversation continued, Amy followed the older woman out of the common room and down the ornately decorated hallway. Beautiful pictures and tapestries adorned every wall, and podiums held statues and carvings. The palace rivaled most art galleries. “I’m not certain. I agreed to stay for a week or two to help Aisha settle in, although I’m not certain that’s necessary.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. She looks at you like her mother. Do you have any children of your own?”

  Amy tried to keep a smile on her face to belie the stab the simple query brought.

  Her pain must have been evident all the same, for Taslima reached over and took her hand. “I’m so sorry, my darling. But you have to believe that you were meant to love someone else if you will never have your own children to love.”

  Amy blinked back unwelcome tears. “Thank you. Children give me joy, but at the same time, they also remind me of my own shortcomings.” She forced a smile. “Aisha is bonded to me, but she’s young. She’ll bond to someone else soon. It didn’t take her long to feel comfortable around Bahir.”

  They stopped in front of a door, and Taslima shook her head. “It’s a shame.”

  “What’s that?” Amy asked.

  “That you can make yourself feel so unimportant.”

  Stunned, Amy stood speechless as Taslima smiled and added a quiet word and nod to bid her goodnight. She watched the woman walk away and turn the corner, and then she reached out blindly to open the door. She didn’t even bother turning on the lights. It had been a roller coaster of a day, and all she wanted to do was sleep.

  Stripping off her clothes and leaving them on the floor, she crawled into the bed and snuggled under the covers. The satin sheets were the most luxurious sensation she’d ever felt on her skin. Moaning slightly, she shimmied off her underwear so she could feel the sheets on every part of her body.

  Hugging the pillow, she closed her eyes and tried to ignore the fist of pain that had closed around her heart. She was going to lose Aisha. She was going to lose Bahir.

  A woman she’d just met had been able to see her true fear.

  So much for changing the world. She could barely keep herself together. With that thought, she fell into a troubling sleep.

  * * *

  She was having the most delicious dream. Questing fingers trailed up and down her bare thighs in light, feathery strokes. Sighing in pleasure, she turned into the hard body next to her.

  His breath warmed her neck as his lips grazed over her skin, and she shivered. “Wake up, sweetheart,” his voice whispered in her ear. “I want to see you coming in my bed.”

  His erotic words pulled her out of her haze of sleep, and she realized that she wasn’t dreaming and she wasn’t alone.

  “Bahir,” she whispered, feeling his hands nudging open her thighs. “What are you doing in my room?”

  “I’m not in your room, Amy,” he chuckled softly. “You’re in mine. I can’t even tell you how I felt when I saw your panties on my floor.”

  “Oh, God.” With an embarrassed moan, she tried to sit up. “I didn’t know. Your mother insinuated that this was my room.”

  “My mother is a smart woman.” His hand snaked around her waist, and he pulled her flush against him. “And this is your room.”

  Closing her eyes, she grabbed at his hands before they could part her legs again. “Bahir, in the safe house, it was the three of us and some guards. We had more freedom there, yes, but here, you’re a sheikh. You’re a father. The whole kingdom is going to be watching you, and I don’t think me being in your bed is going to be a good thing.”

  “Why don’t you let me worry about that?” he whispered as he nibbled her ear. With a small sigh, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasure coursing through her. It was so hard to say no when it felt so good to be in his arms.

  “Bahir, you need to listen. Screwing the American you found in the orphanage might not go over well—” Before she could finish the sentence, she was on her back, and Bahir had trapped her arms over her head while he straddled her.

  Flames of anger burned in his eyes. “Stop doing that,” he hissed. “Stop undervaluing yourself. In the desert, you hated me for the amount of power I wield, but here, you’re shrinking from it like a trembling flower. I know you, Amy, but I don’t recognize this woman. You’re pulling away from me, and you’re using my status to do so.”

  “You know me? You met me officially a week ago!”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Leaning down, he captured her lips in a slow, sensual kiss. “I’ve learned everything that’s important about you. The need to do good and make your mark in this world. The love you have for others, and your courage when you want to protect them.”

  Trailing his kiss down her neck, he stopped at the hollow of her throat and dipped his tongue in. “The strength you had not to abandon those you love in the face of danger.”

  “Just a fluke,” she whimpered, feeling his lips move farther south. Her nipples were already erect as he lazily slid his tongue over her.

  “You’re lying. It’s who you are. That child who defied the adults to climb the tree and pull out her own splinters grew up to be a stunningly brave and loyal woman.” He moved over to lave his attentions on her other nipple, and she could feel her resistance waning.

  Finally, he shimmied down over her belly, which meant he had to release her hands. Im
mediately, she curled her fingers into his hair and moved restlessly beneath him. She was wet and pulsing for him, but his legs had her own trapped, and she could do nothing but try to be patient as he tortured her.

  “Hard, strong, stubborn as hell, and independent on the outside,” he murmured as he dipped his tongue into her belly button. “Soft, loving, and warm on the inside.”

  Bahir finally shifted, and from his new position, he pushed her knees apart. Sinking a finger inside her, he grunted. “And apparently, very wet. Still want to leave my bed, Amy?”

  “Shut the hell up and fuck me,” she demanded, bucking her hips.

  With a low, wicked laugh, he removed his finger and sat up. In a powerful, fluid motion, he pulled her knees up and flipped her over so that she was on her abdomen. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her up onto her knees, pressing her back against his chest. Her head rolled, giving him better access as his lips touched her neck and his hands parted her folds.

  “I want you, Amy,” he groaned. “All the time. I can’t get enough of you.”

  She knew exactly how he felt. As she eased herself onto his erection, taking him in, her whole body shuddered in response to the exquisite sensations. The position was incredible; his hands moved freely over her body, caressing her breasts, playing with her clit. Reaching out to grip the headboard, she began to rock.

  Soon, there was nothing but the sound of their bodies moving together in the dark, mixing with the sounds of their pleasure. Every deep stroke brought her closer and closer to the edge.

  “Amy,” he moaned breathily in her ear. “Orgasm with me. I need to feel it. I need to feel you around my cock.”

  It wasn’t hard to do. As he stroked her clit one more time, she almost fell forward, her orgasm sweeping through her like a tidal wave of pleasure. His name was on her lips as he held her against him, and soon, he was spurting deep inside her with his own low groan of pleasure.

  “I love you,” she whispered in the darkness. “I love you.” She chanted it mindlessly over and over, shivering.

  Slowly, Bahir pulled out of her and lowered her to the mattress. Immediately, he pulled the covers over her and turned her over. The only thing that stopped her confession was his lips against hers.

  She fell asleep in his arms.


  Bahir woke Amy early and made love to her for hours the next morning. When they were both sated, at least for a time, he took a quick shower and left her slumbering in his bed. Her words rang in his ears.

  She loved him.

  Now he had everything he could ever want. A beautiful daughter and a beautiful woman who loved them both. Now, she’d stay, and there was nothing left to worry about.

  “Could you turn your cheerfulness down a notch?” Riyad complained at the breakfast table. “Nobody cares that you got laid last night. Especially since I didn’t.”

  Bahir chuckled as he sat down. No use denying facts. “As I hear it, you don’t spend too many nights alone. If anyone has a love child out there in the world, it’s you.”

  “Hardly. I know how to be careful,” his younger brother grunted, and picking up his glass of juice, he scrutinized it as if it held the answers to eternity’s secrets. “So when do I get to meet the lucky lady?”

  “Aisha or Amy?”

  Riyad grimaced. “I’m sorry I missed the family reunion, brother,” he said quietly. “Despite what Iman thinks, I was out chasing rumors, not women.”

  “Aisha isn’t going anywhere.”

  “And Amy?” his brother asked with a grin.

  Bahir settled back as a servant brought him a cup of coffee. “Nor Amy. What rumors were you chasing?”

  “That the leader of the rebellion wasn’t in the raid.” Riyad rubbed his eyes. “The authorities have provided a preliminary report. It seems the rebels weren’t nearly as hardcore or loyal as we thought. They’re more than happy to talk.”

  His eyes narrowing, Bahir tensed. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like what his brother had to say next. “And what are they talking about?”

  “They were spreading political propaganda to hide their true intentions. Money.”

  “They were going to demand ransom for my daughter?” Bahir hissed.

  “Actually, I think their original plan was to kidnap Iris, but when the maid shared news of your daughter, they thought she’d be easier to abduct from the orphanage.” Riyad shook his head. “With the money, they were planning to buy weapons.”

  “To sell? They were going to use my daughter to fund their own arms deals?” Bahir gritted his teeth. “Where are we in finding the leader?”

  “We don’t have a name yet, but we’ll get one, brother. I promise.”

  Bahir didn’t doubt his younger brother for a minute. For all of his faults, Riyad was protective over his family.

  It was time for a change of subject. “You know, I always wondered what kind of father I’d be,” Bahir mused as he ran his finger over the porcelain handle of the coffee cup. The contents were still steaming hot. “Father wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t hands-on. I guess I’d always assumed we’d do the same, but seeing Iman with Iris, the way he dotes on her and disciplines her, made me realize we could do better.”

  “Sometimes I don’t even recognize Iman when he’s with Iris,” Riyad grunted.

  “That’s because I love my daughter,” Iman said mildly as he walked in. “Though I barely manage to tolerate you.”


  Bahir snorted and turned to glance at his older brother. The man was dressed casually in loose-fitting linen pants and a T-shirt. If the Crowned Sheikh had any meetings today, he obviously wasn’t planning on attending them. “Staying in today?”

  Iman rubbed the back of his neck and sat down heavily on Bahir’s other side. “I’ve postponed all council activities today until we finish assessing the threat offered by the remaining rebel members. I want to have eyes on Iris and Natalie at all times.”

  “I know exactly how you feel,” Bahir sighed.

  “Are you planning to marry her?” Iman’s tone was light, but his eyes were keen on Bahir.

  “I am.” It made him almost dizzy to admit the fact. He was going to marry Amy. She was going to sleep next to him for the rest of their lives. He sipped at his coffee to cover his feelings.

  “Good,” his older brother grunted. “I did not get laid last night because Natalie was more concerned about whether you were going to do right by Amy, and if you should not, Natalie made it clear that it would be my fault.”

  “Glad I wasn’t the only one,” Riyad muttered. Both his brothers smiled then and leaned in to clap Bahir on the back in unison.


  “Can’t wait to meet the lucky lady.”

  “Well, I haven’t told her yet, so don’t get too far ahead of yourselves,” he retorted.

  “Afraid she’ll turn you down?” Iman laughed.

  “No. I want to make sure I’m the first person telling her that we’re getting married and not the last,” Bahir complained. “You two will ruin everything.”

  Iman grinned. “It’s obvious that she loves you. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  On that note, Riyad stood. “Brothers. As much as I would love to stay and talk about your love lives, I’m going down to the police station to interrogate the rebels we have and see what I can do about saving my darling nieces. I’ll be back for dinner.”

  “Since when do you interrogate people?” Iman questioned.

  “There’s quite a bit you don’t know about me, big brother.” Riyad winked as he cracked his knuckles. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “That’s not at all disturbing,” Iman grumbled. “Sometimes I think he’s adopted.”

  “Except that he looks exactly like us.” Quickly downing the rest of his coffee, Bahir stood. “I’d like to chat with Iris’s tutors. Iris is more advanced in her education than Aisha is, and I want to make sure there’s a solid plan to help her catch
up. Then we need to have a serious talk about the orphanages. We can’t be the kingdom that lets orphaned children live in squalor on our borders, Iman. Not if we want to bring this land into the future.”

  His older brother nodded. “I agree, and it will be taken care of. I promise.”

  Pleased that things were getting accomplished, Bahir stopped by the study rooms where Iris’s tutors were setting up and discussed Aisha with them. It pained him to see their dismay at Aisha’s lag in learning, but he was optimistic that she would catch up soon.

  Tahira, the maid Natalie had befriended upon arrival, was already helping Aisha prepare for the day. After learning of the earlier maid’s treachery, Iman would only allow Tahira to attend to Iris until the rest of the staff were checked out again.

  It didn’t surprise him at all to see Aisha already bonding with her. The woman was amazing.

  “Sheikh Bahir!” Tahira smiled as she stood. “I was about to escort Aisha to the kitchen for breakfast.”

  “I can do that. Thank you, Tahira.” Bahir stretched out his arm in invitation, and Aisha didn’t even hesitate to take his hand.

  “Good morning, Daddy,” she said cheerfully.

  His heart skipped a beat. It was the first time she’d called him that, and he loved hearing it. “Good morning, Daughter,” he responded with a smile. “Do you and Kedar approve of your room?”

  “I love it,” she whispered with a smile. Her eyes widened in recollection. “The bed is huge! Can Iris and I have a sleepover with Beetle?”

  “I’m sure we can arrange something.” She and Iris were going to be a handful; he could already tell. He walked her out of her room and down the hallway toward the kitchen. Amy was seated at the table, wearing a dazed look. Perhaps she was still thinking about last night.

  Iris and Natalie were also at the table with Iman. Aisha and Iris both squealed with delight upon seeing each other.


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