Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance

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Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance Page 7

by Tallman, Darlene

  Well, this wasn’t how I anticipated spending more time with her, but I’ll take it. “Thank you, pretty girl.”

  “Oh good, our patient is awake,” a new voice says. “I’m your nurse, Carmen. Let me get your vitals.” She’s not at all gentle and by the time she’s done, my pain has skyrocketed.

  “He looks like he’s in pain,” Addy states.

  “He can push the button on the machine right there. It’s auto-set so there’s no way he’ll overdose.”

  “That would be great if he could see it,” Addy remarks. “Here, Hale, give me your hand.” When I do so, she places what feels like a one-button remote in my hand and guides my index finger to the button. “Just press here. If it’s time and you press the button, the medicine will automatically come through your IV. If it’s not, you’ll hear a buzzer sound like on a game show.” I chuckle at her description, but I know the noise she means.

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” I press the button and within seconds, can feel something cool moving through my IV.

  “Any time. Do you want anything to eat? Marvie said to call her and she’d bring whatever you wanted since, and I quote, ‘hospital food sucks’.”

  I laugh because it typically does. “Whatever she’s got on special, plus a piece of Coca-Cola cake.”

  “I’ll let her know.” I feel her step away and lean back to let the medicine do its job.

  * * *

  “Dad! Are you okay?” JD asks, coming over to the bed. I can’t see him, but I sure can hear the worry in his voice.

  “Doing fine, bud. You behaving for your aunt and uncle?”

  “Yes, sir. Miss Addy said when they release you that we’re gonna stay with her until you get the things off your eyes, is that true?”

  “Yep. You okay with that?”

  “I can’t wait! She said I can help her get all the baking done once I have my homework finished.”

  His enthusiasm has me laughing. “So, I guess I’ll be looking for a new truck, huh?”

  “Oh yeah, Boz took me to get all your tools and stuff out of it and get it towed to his house. It’s a mess, Dad.”

  “Maybe we’ll get two trucks, one for the business and one for when we wanna take Miss Addy out. Whatcha think?” He’s been beside himself since she and I started dating and every time before we go out, he mentions the truck and getting something ‘more suitable’ to dating.

  “I like that idea. Can I help?” he asks.

  “Absolutely,” I tell him.

  “Did Miss Addy tell you that I saw my mother?” His words momentarily stun me. Jackie hasn’t been around in years and never around him. The last time I saw her, she didn’t see me, but she looked like she had aged by several decades and I knew that whatever she was involved with, wouldn’t be good for my son.

  “Oh yeah?” I have to work hard to keep my voice normal sounding because I want to yell. “Addy? What happened?”

  She takes my good hand in hers and clears her throat. “We were waiting in the ER for you to be seen when she came running in, screaming at the top of her lungs about ‘her boy’ or something like that. He was sleeping on me and she came over and started giving me the third degree.”

  “Then Uncle Boz told her to shut the fuck up and leave, she had no dog in the hunt and wasn’t wanted.”

  “JD, language,” I admonish.

  “Just telling you what happened, Dad.”

  “Anyhow, she finally left, but not before she managed to wake up both JD and Johnny. Boz told him who she was and I’m going to say this in front of him, I was very proud at how he handled himself. He looked at her and told her that she had never been around and he didn’t need her, he had a good support system of family and friends and to leave.”

  I know my jaw has to be hanging open at her words. “JD, she gave birth to you.”

  “That’s all she did, Dad. And I know I’m just a kid, but I’m not stupid. She left me with you. I know that Aunt Caroline and Uncle Boz and his family all helped raise me, and now I’ve got Miss Addy, too.”

  “So, do you know when you’ll be released?” Caroline asks. Thank goodness I know voices because this not being able to see shit is for the birds!

  “I haven’t seen the doctor since I’ve been awake,” I admit. “Addy? Did they say anything to you?”

  “You’ll probably be in for two or three days, which gives me a chance to get my guest rooms ready for you and JD.”

  “As long as you’re sure we won’t be an imposition.”

  “Nope, not at all. Caroline will get him from school and take him to practice. Boz said he’d get him back to my house. We’ve got it all worked out, Hale. Your only job is to heal, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Dad! What about Spike?”

  “Who’s Spike, JD?” I ask.

  “The dog we found. Uncle Boz says he’s a puppy and has mostly bulldog in him. He took him and got his shots and all that stuff, and I’ve been taking care of him.”

  “Does he have a crate?” Addy asks. “Because he can come along too.”

  I can’t help it, I start laughing. “You just keep rolling with the punches, Addy, don’t you?”

  “What else is there to do? I mean, Caroline has her hands full with a toddler, John’s crazy new work schedule, and of course, Johnny. I’m the most likely candidate, don’t you think? Plus, it’s no hardship for me to hang out with you.”

  I’m about to answer when another voice chimes in, saying, “Alright everybody, visiting hours are over.” I feel JD come closer and throw his arms around me, so I hug him tight to let him know how much I love him.

  Caroline ruffles my hair, saying, “We’ll see you tomorrow, little brother. Behave for the nurses.”

  I scoff because there’s not much else I can do except behave. Soon, only Addy is left, and I reach out and grab her hand and pull her close until I can reach her. “Thank you, Addy, for everything.”

  “You’d do the same for me, Hale.”

  “I would, but it blows me away that you guys have pretty much taken all the worry away. Now, you gonna kiss me so you can go home and relax? I’m sure you’re tired.”

  “I am tired, but that’s okay. I’ll sleep good tonight knowing you’re awake now.” I feel her lips touch mine and after a few seconds, I take over our kiss. “Night, Hale,” she whispers once we pull back from one another. “I’ll see you in the morning. I’ve gotta deliver some cakes and then will head up. If you can think about what you want me to grab from your place, I’ll have Boz take me over there and get that squared away as well.”

  “Take your time, pretty girl, I’m not going anywhere.” I can’t see her smile, but I know it’s there and that her cheeks are likely pink as well.

  Once I’m again alone, I take stock of what I know and realize it all boils down to one thing - I’m in love with her.



  Two Days Later

  We’re finally on our way to Addy’s house. Would have been there already but when I was getting into her SUV, I had a panic attack, so they had to get some medication for me. I feel so useless right now and getting back into a vehicle after my accident being unable to see, hit me hard. Her small hand touches mine and I lace our fingers together. “Sorry for the delay, Addy,” I tell her.

  “Why are you apologizing? I wish the doctor had thought about it beforehand. I mean, he sent over the antibiotic and pain meds just fine,” she replies. “While we’re out, do you want me to grab something to eat?”

  “Yeah, that works. Let me grab my wallet.”

  “I got it, Hale.”

  “The man pays, Addy.”

  “The man can pay when he can see what he’s doing,” she retorts.

  “You’ve got jokes, I see.”

  “Absolutely. Now, what do you want to eat?”

  “Can we go to Marvie’s? I like her food the best.”

  “Sure,” she replies. A few minutes later, we’re at the diner and she’s helping me in. She
brought me a ball cap, so I’ve got that pulled low over my face, and I put sunglasses on because even with the patches over my eyes, the sunlight hurts.

  “What are you two doing out?” Marvie asks, hurrying over to us. She leads me by the other arm to one of the booths in the back.

  “He wanted your food, honey, so here we are,” Addy replies.

  “I could’ve brought y’all something.”

  “We just left the hospital and were already out.”

  “Addy…” Marvie starts.

  “I’ve got it under control, Marvie, promise.”

  I don’t know what they’re talking about, but if taking care of me puts her out, I’ll figure something else out. I go to say something, but Addy must see because she puts her hand over my mouth.

  “Nothing from the peanut gallery.”

  “Addy, if this is too much, I can always go into that rehab place the doctor mentioned.”

  “It isn’t and you aren’t because JD doesn’t need to be separated from you that long. Now, do you know what you want?”

  As soon as we place our orders, she moves to sit next to me. I’ve missed her, even though she’s been at the hospital every day. When our food arrives, it hits me that it’s going to be next to impossible for me to feed myself. “Um, Addy, didn’t think this through, did we?”

  “It’s why I’m over here. You can do this, and I’ll help. Okay, your sandwich is cut in half and she’s got it at six o’clock on the plate. Your fries are directly behind your sandwich. I put your drink on your left side at eleven o’clock. Do you want ketchup?”

  “Yeah, thank you.” It then dawns on me that she made sure our backs were to the room and that Marvie put us in the last possible booth. Shoulda known my girl would take care of me.

  I hear her giggle and know she’s stealing my fries. Again. It’s become something else about her that I’ve fallen for. She won’t order her own, saying she can’t eat that many, but any time that I do, she eats a dozen or so of mine. “It’s a good thing I like you,” I tell her. “I don’t share my food with just anybody.”

  I manage to eat my lunch with no mishaps. Once we’re done and again on our way, I reach my hand out for hers. Lacing our fingers together I gently squeeze. “Never would have expected someone like you to come into my life, Addy, but I’m beyond grateful.”

  “Hale, I’m just me.”

  “You’re more than that, pretty girl. You mean more than I can express. How you are with your friends, with my son, with me - it means the world.”

  “I...I don’t know what to say, Hale.”

  “Nothing to say, just wanted you to know.”

  We finally make it to her house and pull into her garage. She helps me into her house and I’m thankful that we’ve spent as much time together as we have because I have the layout pretty much memorized. “So, I have to frost some cakes, do you wanna sit at the kitchen table or go lay down? I bought a monitor so if you’re in your room and need something, you can call for me.”

  “I probably should lay down for a little bit. I’m sure JD has saved up all his stories to tell me this afternoon.”

  “Okay, well, it’s the room with the Jack and Jill bathroom. That way, you and JD are close to one another.” She leads me into my temporary quarters and after a kiss that makes me wish I could see, leaves me to my own devices after reminding me about the monitor.


  “Miss Addy, do you think freckles are evil?” JD asks.

  “Evil? How could angel kisses be evil? And who told you they were?”

  “Khloe, a new girl in my class, said that anyone with freckles is evil.”

  “Well, she’s wrong, JD. My grammy used to tell me that they were angel kisses. See, I’ve got some too,” I tell him, pointing to the bridge of my nose.

  “I like that. Do you know when Dad’s gonna get up?”

  “Not sure, why don’t you go check on him. Dinner’s nearly done.”

  “Okay, be right back. Thanks for letting us stay here, I really like your house!”

  “You’re welcome. Now go check on him and I’ll finish up here, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He runs out of the room and down the hall, leaving me to my own thoughts. These next few weeks are going to be challenging, but I think I’m up to the task.

  A few minutes later, I hear the deep baritone that I’ve grown to love, along with the little boy chatter that lights up my heart. “If you guys will go ahead and sit down, I’ve got it all ready to serve,” I say. “JD, do you want milk, lemonade or tea with dinner?”

  “Milk, please. I need it to grow strong.”


  “Tea, please.”

  “JD, if you’ll tell your dad where everything is on the plate, using a clock, he can feed himself,” I state when I see JD trying to figure out how he’s going to eat and help his dad.

  “Oh, that makes sense!”

  Soon, we’re all eating while JD regales us with more stories about his little friends. “How did practice go?” Hale asks.

  “Pretty good. They cut it short because it started to rain. Did you know that Miss Addy and I are going to make my lunch after we’re done?”

  “I heard something about that, yes.” I grin, because keeping up with the challenges of his conversational changes has kept me on my toes this afternoon.

  Once dinner is done, JD helps me clean up and then says, “I gotta take my shower real quick before we make my lunch.” Then, he goes flying out of the room.

  “He’s got so much energy, if only we could bottle it, huh?” I ask Hale. “Do you want a beer or anything? Wait, you can’t have that if you’re still taking the pain meds.”

  “Naw, a water would be fine, pretty girl.” When I get close to him, he pulls me down onto his lap. Before I know it, he’s kissing me. “I needed that,” he admits, his forehead against mine.

  “Me, too. I was so scared when we got that call, Hale. I think my heart stopped.”

  “I’m glad that you and JD weren’t with me, sweetheart. That would’ve killed me.”

  “So, once JD goes to bed, do you wanna watch a movie? I know you can’t see it, but you can listen. Or, there’s a game on.”

  “We can listen to the game and you can read if you want.”

  I nod even though he can’t see me. “That works.”

  * * *

  “Addy, sweetheart, you need to wake up,” he says, lightly stroking my arm. I wake up slowly and then realize that the game is long over.

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Hale.”

  “I’m not, I like you being in my arms, but I know we’ll both sleep better in bed.”

  “Very true. C’mon, let me help you up, then I’ll take care of the puppy.”

  “I’m still in shock that we have a puppy,” he says as I walk him to his room. “Think you can help me get a shower tomorrow?” My heart stops at his request.

  “Uh, yeah, sure. I think I’ve got the shower chair that Grammy used which should make it easier.”

  He pulls me close before he kisses me, saying, “Sleep well, sweetheart.”

  “You too, Hale. And don’t forget that I’ve got the monitor on if you need me for anything. I put a bottled water on your nightstand as well.”



  “Hale, I’ll be back shortly. Gonna run JD to school then drop off the cakes. Do you need anything before I go?”

  “Nope, I’m good,” he replies, sitting in the recliner I put him in after breakfast.

  “Okay, well, we’ll do your shower when I get back.”

  “Thanks. JD, have a good day today. Learn something new.”

  “You too, Dad. Behave for Miss Addy,” he says, giggling.

  Once I drop JD off at school, I head over to the diner to drop off the cakes. Marvie helps me carry them in, then gets me a glass of Diet Coke and motions for me to sit. “So, how’s it going so far?” she asks, drinking her coffee.

  “Not too bad. I’m helping him with a shower
when I get back home,” I admit.

  “Oooo, you get to check him out!” she exclaims.

  As my face reddens, she starts to laugh. “I can’t believe you said that,” I hiss, looking around.

  “Well, I’m shocked you haven’t done that already.”

  “We’re taking things slow, Marvie.” Like she doesn’t know this, I’ve told her before, for heaven’s sake!

  “Yeah, but you don’t wanna buy the bull until you check him out now, do you?”

  “I think you screwed that analogy up.”

  “Who cares? The point is, this could be a good thing for you guys. All this alone time, him needing your help. Yep, I can see it being a very good thing.”

  I roll my eyes at her teasing. “You’re incorrigible, you know that, right? I’ve got my hands full, baking, cooking for him and JD, making sure that JD is ready for Caroline to run him to school, and taking care of a puppy.”

  “You be sure to take care of yourself too,” she warns. “I’ll be pissed if you don’t.”

  “I’ll be fine.” I hope. After Hale went to bed, I spent two hours going over his bookkeeping program to familiarize myself with it, then I got up every two hours to check on him. I think I got a total of four hours of sleep.

  “You let me know if you need help. I’m here for y’all.”

  “I know and appreciate it, my friend. I gotta run and deliver stuff to The Oink Joint now.”

  “Let me get you a to-go cup. I think you’re gonna need it.”

  * * *

  Once back at home, I find that Hale has dozed off in the recliner, Libby laying on his lap purring away. Instead of waking him up, I head into the kitchen to get some cakes going. I can’t believe how busy I’ve gotten with two restaurants, plus the weekly Sunday school order. The nice thing is that I banked all the monies from Branson except what I used on finishing the deck. What I’m making from my baking covers all of my monthly bills and then some.


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