The Matchmaker's Fake Marriage (Sweet Fake Marriage Romance Book 4)

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The Matchmaker's Fake Marriage (Sweet Fake Marriage Romance Book 4) Page 12

by Bree Livingston

  Warm hands took his face, and then he was staring into Peyton’s eyes. “Are you okay?” she asked as she brushed his wet hair from his forehead.

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “You scared me to death, Gus. Your head kept going under.”

  The man next to him took a breath and said, “I think I would’ve died if it weren’t for you.”

  As his breath came in short pants, Gus nodded. “I’m out of shape. I feel like I’ve been beaten.” The adrenaline began to wear off, and a fog settled over him.

  Peyton wrapped her arms around him and kissed the side of his face. “I’m just glad you’re back on dry land.”

  He hugged her back, equally glad. “Me too,” he said and slumped forward. “I need to sit here a minute. Catch my breath.”

  Gus felt Peyton’s fingers working their way through his hair, and he sucked in a sharp breath as she touched the back of his head.

  “You hit your head?”

  “I think so. I don’t remember.” Everything at that moment was fuzzy and getting fuzzier by the second. His head was beginning to throb even harder.

  She pushed him back and took his face in her hands. “Gus, look at me.”

  With effort, he peeled his eyes open.

  “You need to stay awake, okay? Your head is bleeding.”

  That was a tall order, especially since he was so tired. “I’m trying.”

  “You―” Before she could finish her statement, sirens blared in the background.

  The next thing he knew, he was being picked up and placed on a gurney.

  “Wait,” he said. “I’m okay. I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

  The paramedic taking his vitals leveled her eyes at him. “You’ve got a bump on the back of your head, which means you need a CT scan. You also have a decent-sized gash on your shoulder that I think may require stitches, and there are cuts on your back and legs.”

  “And he can’t remember hitting his head.” Peyton took his hand in hers. “You should listen to her.”

  Gus grimaced and held his head as he sat up. “I’ll be okay. I’m tired; that’s all.”

  “Uh, no,” the paramedic said. “We don’t know how hard you hit your head. We need to make sure nothing’s wrong, and a doctor needs to see that shoulder.”

  “Hey, man, I got here as fast as I could,” Ty said as he stopped next to Peyton. “Peyton said you rescued someone. Is he a resort guest?”

  The paramedic shook her head. “No, he’s a tourist staying at one of the hotels a little further away from the beach.”

  “It’s not a big deal, really,” Gus said.

  “The man you saved says different,” the paramedic said. “He said if it wasn’t for you, he would’ve drowned. He’s got a couple of cuts, but he’s doing fine. You, on the other hand, took most of the beating.”

  There was a gasp, and Gus looked up to find Justine standing next to Ty. “Justine?”

  “She caught me as I walked over.” Ty’s lips spread into a thin smile, like he was getting tired of her as well. “She wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Peyton touched Ty’s arm. “Gus is trying to say he doesn’t need to go to the hospital, but he hit his head. It was bleeding right before you got here.”

  “Oh, hey, no. You have to go,” Ty said.

  Peyton combed her fingers through Gus’s hair. “He was brave.”

  Gus shook his head. “No, I wasn’t, and I’ll be fine. A little nap is all I need.” He stood, and the second his feet hit the ground, he wobbled and rocked back.

  Ty and the paramedic grabbed him at the same time to keep him from falling. “Whoa,” Ty said as he helped him sit down.

  Peyton put her hands on her hips. “You are going to the hospital. If nothing else, to give me and Ty peace of mind that it’s just a bump to the head. Discussion over.”

  “Okay,” he said and lay back. “I’m not sure I could fight you anyway.”

  Ty turned to Justine. “Sorry, but you’ll have to stay at the resort while I go with Peyton and Gus. I need to be there.”

  Justine nodded. “Oh, sure. I completely understand.”

  “Thanks,” Ty said and turned to Peyton. “I’ll be right there. If anything happens between now and then, call me.”

  “I will,” Peyton replied.

  The last word hadn’t left Peyton’s mouth before Gus slipped away. His dreams were dark, watery, and jagged. When he woke up later, he’d already arrived at the emergency room, and over the next six hours, he put up with a head scan, twelve stitches, and an x-ray.

  Once they were finished and the attending physician was sure he’d just suffered a mild bump on the head, Gus returned to the bungalow, not just knowing he’d been beaten against rocks but feeling like it too. His arm and leg muscles ached just to move.

  “I’m only twenty-eight. I don’t think I’m supposed to feel this old,” he said as he eased himself onto the couch.

  Ty chuckled as he sat on the coffee table across from him. “You’re lucky you get to feel old. I think it’s awesome you rushed to help the guy, but you could’ve died.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t do nothing,” Gus replied and yawned. “I think if I can shut my eyes a little while, I’ll be fine.”

  Ty tapped him on the knee. “You take it easy. You need anything before I go?”

  “I’ll take care of him,” Peyton said as she perched on the seat next to him. “He’ll rest, or else.”

  Ty chuckled. “I think with this attitude, she’s going to be a great personal assistant.”

  Gus rolled his head to look at Peyton. “I know.”

  “Well, I can see you’re in good hands.” Ty stood. “I’ll check in on you later.”

  Trivia! “Oh, man, we’ve got the trivia activity tonight.” Gus started to move, but Peyton stopped him.

  “Nope,” she said. “Ty can handle it. Right?”

  Ty nodded. “I’ve got it covered. You’re taking it easy.”


  “Call me if you need anything, Peyton,” Ty said.

  “I will, thanks.”

  “See you later, Ty,” Gus mumbled as his friend walked out of the bungalow.

  “Gus, I’m worried. I think you should’ve stayed at the hospital so they could’ve kept an eye on you overnight.”

  He shook his head and instantly regretted it. Touching his temple, he said, “Sleep. I need some rest, and I’ll be as good as new.”

  Her gaze raked over his face, and she chewed her bottom lip. He thought she’d argue, but instead, she leaned in and stroked his hair. “I was so scared. You went under that last wave, and I don’t know how high I counted, but it was enough to make me think I’d lost you.”

  “But I’m fine.” He pulled her to him, and she stretched her arm across his chest. “Everything is fine. The only thing that bothers me is that I spent most of the day in an emergency room, and there was nothing wrong with me except a bump to the head and a cut on my shoulder.”

  “A cut that needed stitches.”

  “To prevent scarring. I don’t care about that. I wanted to spend the day doing things with you.” Gus dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  She sat up. “You should go lie down.”

  “I don’t want to move right now.” Not moving sounded great. Actually, it sounded better than great. Every movement he made sent aches rippling through him, but he needed to change clothes. His eyes fluttered closed, and he blinked to wake himself up.

  “Come on. If you don’t want to go to your bedroom, the least you can do is lie down here. I’ll wake you in a couple of hours to check on you.”

  He wanted to argue, but he could barely hold his head up. Peyton’s cool fingers rested on the back of his neck as he stretched out on the couch. “I shouldn’t be this tired,” he yawned, “but I am.”

  “I know you are. It took a lot of energy for you to fight those waves and pull that guy out. Plus, you were beat against the rocks. You could have really be
en hurt.” Her voice trembled.

  He opened his eyes and found tears pooling in hers. “Peyton, I’m fine.”

  “But you almost weren’t. I can’t lose you, Gus. You mean the world to me.” She leaned in and touched her lips to his cheek. “My heart was in my throat the entire time.”

  Maybe there was hope that she could see him differently, but as fuzzy as his mind was, it wasn’t the time to delve into those thoughts or have that type of discussion. No, that was a conversation he wanted to remember. When he told Peyton he loved her and wanted to be with her, he wanted to remember it with clarity so crystal clear that he’d never forget it, because for the first time, he had hope that maybe she felt the same way.

  Chapter 17

  Peyton jerked awake as her phone clattered against the coffee table. She’d fallen asleep with her head on Gus’s chest after setting an alarm. After silencing her phone, she rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms above her head. The only source of light in the room was the moon.

  Gus took a deep breath and rolled his head toward her, bringing her attention back to him. Her chest tightened as her gaze roamed over his injuries. The bruises along his arm were more visible now, highlighting just what could have happened. She could have lost him. In an instant, he could’ve been gone, and she never would’ve had another moment with him.

  She pushed her fingers through the salt-coated strands of his hair. “Gus, you need to wake up.”

  He made a little noise but didn’t move.

  “Gus, wake up. Come on. Wake up.”

  He slowly opened his eyes. “I just want to sleep,” he murmured, his voice thick and low.

  “I know, but you made a deal with the doctor that if you came home instead of staying overnight for observation, you’d have to wake up every couple of hours.” She slipped her arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a sitting position. “A drink wouldn’t hurt either.”

  With a groan, he worked to sit up. “I’m not thirsty either.”

  “I know, but you need some electrolytes. They’ll help you feel better.”

  He rubbed his face with his hands. “It feels like I haven’t been asleep at all.”

  “Are you dizzy? Does your head hurt?”

  “No, I’m not dizzy, but I do have a headache.” He took her hand in his. “This isn’t what I had planned.”

  Peyton smiled. “What did you have planned?”

  “I don’t know. Not this.” He licked his lips. “Actually, I am thirsty, and I need to use the restroom. I almost wish I’d taken a shower earlier.”

  “The only way you’re taking a shower right now is if I’m in there with you.” Her eyes widened, and her cheeks heated. “I mean…”

  Gus chuckled. “I know what you meant. I’ll hold off on the shower until later, but the bathroom can’t wait.”

  Peyton scrambled to stand as he pushed off the couch, and she wrapped her arm around his waist. “You feel okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  She dropped her arm and watched him as he slowly walked across the room, making sure he was steady before going to the kitchen and fixing him something to drink. A few minutes later, he returned to the couch and eased himself down.

  “How about some of the medicine the doctor prescribed to go along with that drink?” she said, holding out two tablets with one hand and a glass in the other.

  He took the medicine, popped them in his mouth, and drained the glass she offered. “Okay, maybe I needed that drink.” He smacked his lips. “I didn’t realize how dry my mouth was.”

  “You want some more?”

  “Please?” He offered her the glass.

  Peyton took it, went to the kitchen, and poured him another glass. She returned, and he drained that one too. “Maybe I should bring the pitcher.”

  He stopped her just as she started to walk away. “No, I’m good now.”

  “You sure?”

  Gus nodded and set the glass on the coffee table. “Yeah.” Grimacing, he rolled his shoulders and neck. “I feel like I’ve been beaten within an inch of my life. I’m stiff all over. It wasn’t easy, but I didn’t think I’d feel like this.”

  “Swimming will take it out of you on a good day, but you went into chilled water, battling crazy waves, and got banged against rocks. You’re going to feel it for a while.” She sat beside him. “I need to look at your shoulder too.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing Ty brought me one of his Hawaiian button-ups.” His lips quirked up, and a chuckle rumbled low in his chest. He unbuttoned it and shrugged off the left sleeve. “I don’t know why they were so obsessed with me having stitches. I didn’t care about a scar. It’s not like it’s that big.”

  “Twelve stitches.”

  “Exactly. That’s tiny.” He shot her a side-glance. “The only reason I agreed was because you looked so upset.”

  She peeled back the bandage and sucked her teeth. “That looks painful.”

  “It’s fine.” He yawned as Peyton replaced the bandage, and he pulled on his shirt.

  As he leaned back, she rested her hand on his forearm. “You’re brushing this off, but I can’t tell you how frightened I was. You should have told me you had lifeguard lessons. That would have helped.”

  “How did you find that out?”

  “Ty told me while we were waiting for you to come back from the CT scan. I wish I’d known.”

  He shrugged and winced. “Honestly? I forgot. It’s been a while, and the only reason I took it was for something to do.”

  “I thought I knew everything there is to know about you. I feel like I’m missing important details. What other things haven’t you told me?”

  Gus held her gaze, and a shiver ran down her spine. What was he thinking, and why was the intensity of his stare making her heart race? “I’m sure there are some things I’ve failed to mention. I’ll try to remember when I’m not feeling hung over.” He struggled to keep his eyes open.

  “All right. You’re going to pass out sitting upright, and then your neck will hurt.” She helped him stretch out again, and he yawned louder than before.

  “Oh man, what did they give me?”

  She smiled. “Something pretty strong, apparently.”

  He closed his eyes. “No kidding.”

  As she brushed the back of her hand along his jaw, a soft sigh escaped, and seconds later he was breathing evenly. She bent down and kissed his forehead. He was beautiful, and she was falling head over heels for him.

  The next morning when she opened her eyes, her phone was buzzing against her thigh. Pulling it out of her pocket, she checked the caller ID and saw that it was her mom. Her eyes widened. Mom! What if Lori had already talked to her?

  Peyton pressed a soft kiss to Gus’s temple, stood, and hurried out to the patio, carefully shutting the door before answering the call.

  “Hey, Mom,” she said as she slumped into a chair. “What’s up?”

  “You left me a voicemail that said to call, so I did.”

  “Oh right, I did, didn’t I?” Yeah, she’d wanted to tell her mom what happened with Frank, but it had become so inconsequential in light of what had happened since getting to the resort that she’d forgotten.

  “We’re at port. One more stop, and we’ll be in Jamaica.”

  “Oh, well, that’s nice.”

  “Your call sounded urgent. What happened?”

  Whew. At least Lori hadn’t spoken to their mom yet. “Frank only dated me to get a promotion and then dumped me.” And what shocked her was that she didn’t care.

  “What a sleaze! But I could have told you that. I never liked the guy.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “Sweetheart, you wouldn’t have listened anyway. You are going to do what you want to do, and you don’t care what people think. You did the same thing to Gus. He tried to tell you about that Perry boy, and you told me how that went.”

  She sat up. “How many times have I brought someone home and you didn’t like them?”

  “I don’t know. That Jimmy guy was okay, but there was zero spark. I don’t even know why you brought him home.”

  Jimmy. Peyton chuckled. Yeah, it didn’t take long to figure out there was nothing there. The only way she was getting sparks out of that relationship was to stand in a tub full of water and drop a hairdryer in it. “I don’t either, and I need—”

  “Are you okay?” Ugh. She needed to tell her mom about her not-marriage before Lori called her.

  “I’m fine. Gus surprised me for Christmas and invited me to his resort. That’s where I am right now. It’s so beautiful here. But I need—”

  “He’s a sweet boy. I’ve always loved him. See, now, he’s who you need to date.”


  Her mom’s phone beeped. “Hold on, honey.” A second later, her mom came back. “It’s Lori. I’ll combine the call so we can all talk.”

  Oh crud. There went coming clean with her mom. There was no way Peyton was doing that with Lori listening in.

  “Lori? You there?”

  “Hey, Mom,” Lori said. “Did Peyton tell you the news?”

  “She was just telling me about Frank. It’s a good thing she found out before traipsing to Paris with the guy.”

  Lori laughed. “But that’s not the real news. She married Gus!”

  Oh, this was so bad. “Well, actually—”

  “You married Gus? Isn’t that awfully fast?”

  “Well, I—”

  Lori snorted. “Oh, come on, Mom. How long have we wondered when they’d get together? They’re perfect for each other.”

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open. “You thought we were perfect together too, Mom?”

  “You were together all the time. The way he looks at you…I always thought you’d get together eventually. Just didn’t expect you to be engaged one week and married to someone else the next.”

  “Well, in her defense, they were only engaged four months, and we both know she wasn’t in love with him,” Lori said. “Okay, so Peyton got to share her news. I get to share mine.”

  “What, honey?”

  “Ted asked me to marry him!”

  Peyton pulled the phone from her ear and worked her jaw. Wow. That was louder than the last time. She put the phone back just in time to hear their mom give her congratulations.


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