BANN Explosive!

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by Jessie Rose Case

  Jessie Rose Case


  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Book 22


  This is a Happily Ever After, Galactic Cyborg Heat Series, Hot Romantic Fiction Novel. Book 22. A tantalizing story of passions and desires, that brings two very different people together in a way they never thought possible.

  NOTE TO READERS: This is a sci-fi romance filled with hot explicit sex and strong dominant men. It’s gritty, confrontational and steam will be coming out of your ears. If you’re looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!


  The female was driving him crazy. He'd made it clear he wasn't interested but she persisted.

  Didn't she know she was playing with fire?

  So much temptation in such a small package. But he was off limits. The long years of war and waiting had taken their toll. The hunger was never satisfied, the hollow emptiness that was forever looking for its redemption never stopped...

  He shouldn't be feeling anything. His emotions were turned off, but there they were. He needed off the Station and fast! She was tempting him and that, was dangerous........ to both of them.


  She didn't do messy. Kate Hudson, smart, intelligent and so not looking for permanent. She liked her life just how it was. Interesting and free. Cyborgs had been a blast from the past until she’d seen the Ad. Suddenly, something new and exciting ticked all her wish list and she was gone. And what a revelation it had been. The Space Station offered so much candy, in such a big candy store....

  Muscles in every direction..... it was enough to make a girl drool..... Now if she could only get that eight pack to look in her direction ..... Hot, simply didn't do him justice..... So much to admire.... So much to explore...

  All her girly bits were lighting up like Christmas and that was one present she looked forward to unwrapping.

  Only one problem, she just needed to convince that Alpha stud, his ass was hers!

  Copyright April 2019

  All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

  Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental.

  Other Books By the Author


  (An Historic Native American Indian Romantic saga)

  When the Wind Blows

  (An Historic Native American West Romance)


  (A Bataari New World Sci fi Alien Romantic saga Book 1)

  A Hot Blooded Mate

  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 2)


  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 3)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 1 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 2 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 3 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 4 House Arturo)

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Books 1 - 20.

  The Covenant

  Books 1 – 3

  Prince of the Demon Realm

  Book 1

  Intragalactic Gods Series

  Book 1

  A word from the Author.

  Hello, I'm Jessie and I thank you for buying this book! I know you did not have to.

  There are so many choices out there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone else will enjoy one of my stories. And for me, it's about telling a story that I'd like to read myself.

  I am not caught up in POV or literacy genius. It's simply not me or my style and I will never be that person, so I apologize to all those who are focused on the POV and the genius of literacy. I envy those that are.

  On the days where my pain and meds stop my thinking processes, writing these books have been my lifeline. It reminds me that I still have the ability to rise to the challenge and that I refuse to go quietly into the night.

  But, I'm just like you, someone who wants to bring some passion into my life and hopefully yours too. A good story that's hard to put down, that brings some escapism, sexy fun and pleasure into our reading. We all love a bit of that!

  And, I hope I achieve that for you in this book. I sincerely hope you enjoy it so much that you want to look out for the next in the series. (Coming soon) And if I'm lucky, you will have had such a good time, you'll recommend it to your friends and I thank you kindly.

  My very best wishes to you and yours. Jessie x

  About the Author;

  Jessie, (pseudonym) is married with sadly no children but 3 wonderful dogs that fill her life with much laughter, joy and love. She is a ‘second mother’ to her foster children, now grown with children of their own who call her grandma and her husband’s two children and her nephews who she accepts, she spoils rotten.

  Having been a 30-year career social worker. Now retired due to ill health. And many years of supporting services across all sectors and leading several teams, Jessie has now turned her attention to another love of her life, books.

  In a career that required the ability to write court paperwork, lengthy reports, create protocols and procedures, and having been published in a medical journal for a study on addiction, Jessie is now concentrating on producing stories she would love to read and buy herself. When not busy on her lap top you will find her cooking, reading her favourite authors or swimming in the sun.

  She hopes you can join her on the adventure….

  Get in touch with Jessie for her mailing list ….

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book 22 BANN.

  Chapter One

  They’d said the Space Station was an amazing sight and they hadn’t been wrong. Disembarkation from the cruiser had met every expectation she could dream up and then some. The images on the vid screens hadn’t done it justice. Not that the images were wrong, they weren’t, it was all just so …… big. This was a different kind of technology than she was used to. A land world child, space had offered dreams but living in it, had been something else. From the ship coming in she’d seen the layers of the cone shaped Space Station Delta. The round icecream glass bowl sitting at the top glistening in the search lights. The stars, one hell of a backdrop. She had no idea how it just….. stood there. It was beyond her but such a magnificent sight to behold.

  It was amazing that it had survived the pirate raids years ago. Having taken over the place, they’d started killing the residents, raping and murdering many of the women and children. Those that had survived had been due to the timely unexpected arrival of the Empire. The Admiral had chased his mate across the universe and found themselves coming back to the Space Station only to find it occupied by invaders. Bad ones.

  The Empire declared itself and took it back.

  The devastation had been vast. No one would have recognised it from what it had been before. With the permission of the survivors, the Empire took the Station in legal salvage and it became the base of their Empire, with them declaring it Empire space. They cleaned the place up, renovated what had been neglected, offered new jobs to those that wanted it and over time, it flourished once more. People wanted to c
ome and see it. See the Empire who’d got a name for fairness and justice in a very unjust world. And also to see the Cyborgs.

  They had a reputation. They were looking for mates and if you were lucky, you were one. Not that good looks and fine legs were going to do it. No, it wasn’t that simple. You had to be a DNA match. Unless the Cyborg system recognised you as a potential mate on a genetic level, you stood no chance. It didn’t matter how you looked. The most beautiful of women had been turned down. This was not a world built on looks but on compatibility. Somehow, the nano’s within the Cyborgs body recognised the female for what she was and that was it.

  Well, nearly it. The female had to accept him. Was given time to understand that it was a lifetime commitment. Cyborgs mated for life. It was said it was something to do with the animal DNA they carried. Kate didn’t know about that but they were amazing male specimens. There was no doubt about that. Each one on the cruiser had been tall, well built and seriously good looking.

  They were warriors. Fighters. Built to build an empire. Created in a lab for a corporation to make huge amounts of credits. Their own personal army. Thousands of super soldiers to do their bidding, stronger, faster, with better skills than the ordinary male. See and hear further than their enemies, with a metal structure and a computer as part of their brain. They lived on logic.

  She’d wondered on reading it in Cyborg 101, the compulsory guidebook on everything Cyborg for all those coming to the Empire, why these ‘designers’ had gone to so much trouble to make them look so damn good. Fighters didn’t need to look like models, but they did. Big scary ones.

  And as she read some more she’d got her answer. They weren’t only trained in hand to hand and weapons. It seemed that each and every one of them went through personal training. Very personal training. Seduction and sex were a tool that did not go unutilised. Controlled by these ‘designer’s’ and officers they were sent in to do some dirty jobs. Infiltration and information gathering were simply one of them.

  They could do things, human men couldn’t or that was the whispers. Kate doubted it. Stories had a way of spreading and being elaborate over time and passing from one person to another, but it had it foundation in something and that drew the women looking for men for a variety of reasons.

  Most just wanted to be safe and protected. In the outa worlds, this wasn’t always the case. Some had described it as frontier worlds, like back on Old Earth when the exploration of the world was under way. Quite often lawless, rough and little comfort.

  Kate didn’t know much about that. Her world had been one of the rare ones she guessed from what she’d read since leaving it. Technology ruled. High rise buildings and plenty of invention. But she’d felt the need for more. Hearing about the Empire in whispers she’d looked up everything she could find. It drew her, she didn’t know why and eventually hopped on a freighter to a nearer destination, then another until she found a connection to the Empire. It had taken years and hard work to make the credits but she was ok with that. Hard work never hurt anyone. She learnt skills of her own became sort after and well paid and finally, she was actually here.

  She knew the lay out by heart. On every level of the Station, there were specialities. Shopping, recreation and entertainment at the top under that magnificent glass bowl, with the main medical facility and security. The next level down a convergence of more shops, bars and restaurants with open walkways cut into the floor going up into the bowl so it was now on two levels. With an expansion into medical and security making them twice as big. This had been the new addition some years ago to make everything so much bigger to accommodate the bustling commerce, that now took up all that space. When you earnt it, people liked to spend it and the Empire brought in a lot of credits for its worlds and trade partners.

  Then came the accommodations and living quarters that took up 2/3rds of the top of the cone. The Admiral and his senior staff, the Commanders and Councilman all lived on the next level, then the next was Cyborg mated quarters on the layer below that. Both shared their own gym and café.

  Then came the hotel accommodations on the next three floors with its own Station staff. This was run by the Station, not the Empire and paid a premium to be there.

  Then came another layer of Cyborg accommodation. Station security and support work, ships accommodations for those out on patrol on R & R. Some were always present.

  Then the homesteaders on the next three floors. Those that chose to live and work on the Station. Hundreds of people all with jobs. Families in many cases. There were schools, medical facilities and small shops on these floors making small communities. No one had objected to moving to new accommodations as they’d come online. Living with bad memories wasn’t healthy and the Station had been neglected for years before the takeover. People that had survived that were only too happy to see improved.

  The one thing you couldn’t say, was that the Empire took from its people. It didn’t. It gave a lot back and in return, the people were loyal and hard working. Medical and schools were free. Trade apprentices were paid well. In fact, all the jobs paid very well. It was another reason people took a chance on coming. Nothing was guaranteed but you had a better chance of security and survival if you had an Empire at your back and everything about the Empire was….. big. They didn’t do small.

  Even the cruise liner had been huge. One of several in the Empire fleet going from world to world picking up people and resources. Trading world with world. Offering transport where once they’d been none. They were comfortable and people were encouraged to enjoy themselves. Eighteen decks, with every convenience on offer 24/7. Keep fit equipment on every level, recreation areas, entertainment areas, Old Earth movie rooms, snack shops, restaurants, vid library, bars and coffee shops. It had it all. They’d been so many improvements in engine design that what would have taken half a year or more a decade or so ago, now took weeks and the cruise liner was born. One big holiday out to the Space Station and visiting other worlds. And the choice was yours, travel and work, travel and stay, travel and return. With stops in several of the outa worlds that had trade agreements with the Empire, it was relatively safe. There were still pirates out there looking for chances to take easy prey but, the Empire didn’t mess about. They had a serious rep for good reason. Mess with them and you were likely dead and plenty of pirates were, their ships taken in salvage and sold or remodelled for the Empire. It was what made working for the Cyborgs an easy choice, along with the pay day.

  It ticked a lot of boxes working for the Cyborg Empire. For many, they were still known for the Old Earth Corporation wars. Ruthless, owned by Earth Corp, programmed machines to wage war and all that was true. Created to be the ultimate solider by Earth Corp. Their secret experimentation that paid dividends. The news was out there and couldn’t be denied. Earth Corp had done the dirty. Used people to make a soldier that should never have existed and once the world found out, people were not happy and Earth Corp were still paying for that. But that was then. Now, things were different.

  Cyborgs had evolved. The Admiral and Kim’s story was no secret. Their love was legend. Sparking a new dimension in the Cyborg Empire. A ripple effect that changed everything.

  The Cyborgs on the cruiser had kept security and they’d been a strict message on joining the ship to leave them alone and read the Cyborg manual. Not only had she done that but she’d read everything she could find online during the journey about them. She was curious and interested. There was something she couldn’t put her finger on. Not that she liked the fact that Earth Corp had done something so horrific, like many she wished they’d never played god, but it was done, and the universe had to deal with it and move on. They were after all, human beings. Or derived from them anyway. There was plenty of DNA that showed where they’d come from and no one could deny it.

  Taking that DNA without permission and doing what they did with it was the issue. Earth Corp wasn’t in the role of asking. They had prisons they ran that gave them access to everything they
needed, and prisoners had no rights. Win win for Earth Corp. Not so much for the prisoners. And there were others too. Soldiers who were encouraged to join a programme for ‘the good of Old Earth’, then found they’d signed their rights away by agreeing to take part. Then they’d used Earth Corp workers who had been seen as troublemakers. And no one got out unscathed.

  If they got out at all. Most had died in those labs.

  It was a nasty history. The decades of birth, experimentation and termination ultimately worked. But they were still not happy until cybernetics were added, then nano’s to fix them and computers that were programmable placed in their brains. Those that survived became the prototype of the fiercest of soldiers, with no emotion or pain who took orders and wouldn’t refuse.

  In the hands of the wrong men, world destruction. And Earth Corp sold many to the wrong people. They were commodities only. To be bought and sold, bartered out as they saw fit.

  “Kate Hudson.” She stopped staring at the scale of the docking bay and turned to the voice.

  “Ye…s.” Holy…. Was he for real? Heat drew up her neck. The male standing in front of her was stunning. But more than that, where the other Cyborgs had been of passing interest, this one drew her. The fact that he was very tall suited her nicely. Being a tall woman could be a disadvantage when dating. Most men didn’t like their woman towering over them. It made them look weak or so they thought. It was actually the other way around, it made them look confident and strong.


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