Love and Landscape (Rockland Falls Book 3)

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Love and Landscape (Rockland Falls Book 3) Page 19

by Lacey Black

  It takes me only a few seconds to slip off the old worn cowboy boots I occasionally wear for work and approach the bed as quietly as possible. She’s tangled up in the comforter on her back with one leg sticking out, her hair a tangled mess against the gray pillowcase. A light snore slips from her open mouth, bringing a big grin to my face.

  Very carefully, I lift the comforter and slide into bed. The moment my hand comes in contact with smooth skin, I realize she’s not wearing any pajamas. My cock jumps for joy as I trail a finger down her hip and around to her pussy. I’m moving before I can talk myself out of it. I worm my way beneath the blankets, enveloping myself in warmth and her feminine scent. Her arousal from the night before still clings to the sheets, pretty much ensuring I’ll be stone-hard for the rest of the day.

  I position myself between her legs and run my hands along the silkiness of her thighs. She wiggles beneath my touch, but makes no other indication she’s awake. I smile as I lower my head the last few inches down to where’s she wet, my tongue sliding easily between the lips of her sweet, sweet pussy.

  We both groan, hers in surrender and mine more primal. I go to work, licking, lapping, and sucking at her slick skin. Her hands dive into my hair, gripping my scalp, as she rides my tongue. I can tell she’s close. Like a man possessed, I pierce my tongue inside her pussy repeatedly until she’s rocking against my face, seeking the relief I’m promising. As much as I’d love to take my time, savor this moment, and taste every inch of her, I’m too addicted to feeling her come against me.

  Pressing my finger against her clit is like the magic button. Kate detonates beautifully under me, my tongue buried deep inside her. I can feel her muscles contracting around me, and it’s all-consuming even more.

  “You’re fucking beautiful when you come,” I whisper, sitting back on my haunches. “I’d wake you up every day just like this if I could.” I completely ignore the longevity suggested in my comment, not wanting to get into that topic right now, even though I already know how I want this to play out. I want her by my side for the rest of my life. I’ve always wanted her there.

  Kate’s eyes flutter open, a satisfied grin on her plump lips. I can’t wait to kiss the hell out of them. Crawling up her body, I run my lips along her exposed skin, committing her sweet scent to memory. She squirms beneath my lips, but I keep going until they find hers. She tries to keep her mouth closed, mumbling something about morning breath, but I couldn’t care less. I need to taste her everywhere, and that includes her lips.

  Her hand on my crotch evokes another low groan from my lungs. Kate strokes me through my jeans, making my eyes cross. “You seem to be up bright and early this morning,” she sasses, teasing my cock and my sanity.

  I snort at her innuendo. “Funny girl. It’s actually well after eight, so I’m not sure it’s still considered bright and early.”

  “It is?” she asks, her eyes darting to the alarm clock on the table. “My word, I haven’t slept that late in years.”

  “You deserve it,” I tell her, running my nose along the side of her face. “Did you have fun last night?”

  “Yeah. Your family is great. Plus, you know, after…” She strokes me with firm fingers as if to punctuate her statement.

  “After,” I groan, my lips finding hers once more. “This isn’t what I came in here for.” It’s hard to peel my lips from hers.

  “What did you come in here for then?” Stroke, stroke.

  “I can’t think when you do that…”

  “This?” Again, she strokes, and I’m about to blow.

  “Yes, that,” I bite out with no venom in my words.

  “I have an idea,” she says, shimmying as she worms her way down my body beneath me.

  “I can’t wait to hear this idea.”

  “Yoo-hoo! Kathryn, are you awake?” The words slice through the room, dousing my body like a bucket of cold water just as the insistent knocking dances on the door.

  “Crud, is that Emma?” Kate gasps, releasing my aching cock. “I’m not even dressed.”

  “Kathryn? I can’t find Jensen. There’s a problem,” Emma hollers, her knocking becoming louder and more adamant.

  “Shit,” I mumble, jumping out of Kate’s bed. My legs tangle in the comforter, almost causing me to fall.

  “Are you okay?” Kate whispers, wrapping the sheet around her naked waist.

  “Fine,” I state, stumbling as I try to slip my feet into my boots.

  By the time I get to the door, my jeans are bunched up around my calves and I’m pretty sure my boots are on the wrong feet. I open the door and slip out of the room, not wanting to give my aunt and uncle a peepshow of Kate half naked on her bed.

  “Hey, Aunt Emma. Uncle Orval,” I say, pulling the door closed behind me. “What’s up?” I ask, glancing between their smiling, knowing faces.

  “Orvie, it must be Take Your Erection to Work Day,” Emma states bluntly, an ornery smirk on her wrinkled face.

  “Those were always my favorite days at work too, my love,” Orval replies to his wife, patting me on the back as if in accolade.

  “Umm, yeah, so, problem? What’s the issue?” I ask as I adjust my hips to try to mask my rapidly deflating erection, thanks to my elderly aunt drawing attention to it.

  “Oh, there isn’t an issue, not really. We just saw you sneaking into Kathryn’s room and were worried that you didn’t have enough protection.” Emma gives me a look as if her comment was the most normal thing in the world.


  “Yes, you know, condom, love glove, rubber sock, raincoat. Do you have enough, Jensen?” she asks, watching and waiting (very eagerly, I might add) for my reply.

  I can feel the mortification tinge my cheeks. So this is how Kate feels when she becomes embarrassed, huh? Fuck. I run my hand through my hair. “Uh, yeah, I think I’m covered.”

  “Oh, let’s hope you suit up. It’s a great way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Or is she on the pill?” my aunt asks.

  All I can do is stare at her in horror. “I don’t know,” I whisper, wishing the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

  “Well, these are the things you should always ask on the first date, Jensen. If the sex is in the plans, you should ask about contraception. Maybe even stop by the local pharmacy beforehand, you know, just in case.”

  “Unless you’re thinking with the little head, and you forget. That happened to me once,” Orval says, staring off into space.

  “That’s how we got our Trish,” Emma confirms.

  “Wow, okay, look at the time,” I say, glancing down at the wristwatch on my arm. “I really should be getting back to work.”

  “Well, we don’t want to keep you,” Emma replies, moving to the side so I can pass.

  Of course I’m not out of earshot before I hear my uncle say, “You know, Emmie, all this talk about sex has my main sail ready to stand and salute.”

  That’s something I’ll never forget overhearing for the rest of my life.

  * * *

  By the time the workday draws to an end, I’ve had no less than four text messages, and not from the woman I’d prefer. No, these came from Ashley. Asking if she can call Max later (she knows she can). Asking how his school day was (he wasn’t even out of school yet). Asking how work is going (she hated talking about my work when we were married). And my personal favorite, asking if we had any weekend plans.

  I know exactly what she’s doing and it pisses me the hell off.

  She’s fishing for information about any plans Max and I may have with Kate.

  Ignoring the messages, I finish the job at hand. The plants are in the ground and doing well, the new paving and retaining walls are built, and the flowers blooming. My job here is done. Well, except for one thing…

  With the job trailer loaded up, I send Wes home for the day. He’ll pick up Monday morning, jumping right in to our growing list of landscape maintenance clients. With Brody back at school and participating in sports, Wes will pick up that s
lack in helping maintain clients. Between him and Jonas, I’m hoping I’ll finally have a little more wiggle room to breathe. This business is still my life (and my livelihood), but there’s no reason I need to work it twenty-four seven. Especially with Max.

  And Kate.

  This property, though…this property is the one I’ll be maintaining, like my mom’s property. And I won’t be charging. I can’t charge my mom, and there’s no way I’ll be able to invoice Kate either. Sure, she’ll be billed for the initial job, materials, and labor, but from this point forward, I’m doing it because I want to. Because I love it. Because I love her.

  Yeah, I said it.

  I love her.

  I’ve always fucking loved her, and having her back in town, back in my arms only reiterates that fact. I should be terrified. I should probably keep my distance, but I just can’t. I don’t want to. It’s like the missing piece of my heart is finally back in place, back where it belongs.

  That’s why I’m taking a few of my hand tools to the pool house. The contractors put on the new roof and the plumbing was repaired, but the rest of it is mostly cosmetic, with a lot of cleaning. I knew Kate wanted to leave it as close to original as possible, just make sure it was secure. They did a great job on the updates, but there are a few things I wanted to do to the inside.

  I step inside the building. The windows have been open these last few days, replacing that old, musty smell with fresh seaside air. I notice right away Rhenn updated the lighting, installing can lights in the ceiling and giving it an open, bright feel. The old chairs in the corner are gone, most of them damaged from years of being left out in the weather. The old curtains hang from the changing area, but I have an idea for that. The bathroom and shower stall are all new too, but there’s a small touch I wanted to add to that room.

  I know it’ll take me a little time to complete the projects I have in mind, but I think the end result will be something to be proud of.

  I head back to my truck and retrieve the pieces I’ve been working on in my garage late at night. After Max would go to sleep, I’d slip outside and work on the few touches I wanted to add to the pool house. Kate has no idea I’ve been working on them, which has me both excited and nervous. She may not like the changes I’m making at all, though I really believe she’ll love them.

  Glancing at my watch, I see it’s just after four. I’ll have to head out and grab Max at five, but this gives me a solid hour to get started. Beginning with the changing rooms, I rip down the old shower curtains from the wall and scrub the wooden doorframe. It’s solid pine and still sealed well, so the dust and dirt from years of unuse clean off easily.

  I take the new swinging doors and position them in the opening. My dad taught me carpentry when I was younger, one of the few things I took away from my childhood that I’m grateful for. Back when Harper and I were helping him build or refinish things in the garage was when our family was still happy. Before he tore it all apart for a few quick and easy lays.

  The doors fit perfectly. I was always told to measure twice and cut once, so I was pretty sure I had the measurements right. The new doors fill about three quarters of the opening, leaving a foot of open space at the bottom, just in case. When you live along the ocean and the product you’re building is for a pool house, you learn to prepare for anything.

  When the new door is secured into place, I give it a few tests to make sure it swings easily. The new latch fits perfectly, ensuring whoever is changing inside the small room has privacy. I can’t help but smile at myself, loving the way the pinewood matches the existing doorway. Latham helped me with that at his hardware store.

  I glance at my watch, noting I still have thirty minutes. I run back out to my truck and grab the bench. My eyes dart to the house, but don’t see the woman I’m searching for. She went with Emma and Orval this afternoon to my mom’s house for a visit. Aunt Emma wouldn’t take no for an answer, at least according to my uncle. She insisted the best hangover cure was my mom’s home cooking, so off they went.

  The bench is heavy, I’ll admit. I spent a lot of extra time on the details on this thing. After Latham built my sister a bench for shoppers to rest for their shop, I decided to try my hand at one too. This one should fit perfectly between the tile shower and the sink. It’ll give whoever is rinsing off the chlorine pool water the chance to set down their clean clothes or have a seat when changing. It’s painted a beautiful sea blue color that matches some of the shower tile.

  With the bench now in place, I get to work cleaning up the rest of the tiny bathroom area. It still needs a good scrubbing, but I figured I can do that this weekend when I’m watering the plants. All of the trash and debris is removed, leaving a fresh palate of space for Kate to finish the building. All in all, I’m happy with the few changes I’ve made.

  By the time I make my way to my truck, I’m the last one here. I punch in the code on my way out, making sure the gate closes and is secured behind me, then head toward my old neighborhood to pick up Max. He’s ready to go when I get to Mrs. Jergenson’s place. Besides my family and Ashley’s mom, Eileen Jergenson is the only person who has watched Max. She’s like his third grandma, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  “Are we going to Kate’s house?” Max asks as soon as I get him buckled into his seat.

  “Not tonight, Buddy. It’s just you and me,” I tell him as I climb into the driver’s seat.

  “Awww, Daddy, I want to go see Kate!” Max bellows with disappointment.

  My mind is whirling, because honestly, I want to see Kate too. I have nothing planned for Max and me, and since I’m spending tomorrow evening with Kate, I never got around to asking what her plans for tonight are either. I make my way to my house, driving past Ashley’s as I go, and pull out my phone. As soon as I’m parked, I fire off a text to Kate.

  Me: Max wants to buy you chicken fingers from the café. Plans for dinner?

  I slip my phone into my shirt pocket and get ready to head inside. I grab Max’s book bag and the kid himself, and before I have my key in the lock to open the house, my phone chimes with a response.

  Kate: How did he know I have a weakness for chicken fingers?

  Me: Pick you up at six?

  I glance at my watch. That gives me just enough time to shower and pick her up.

  Kate: That’s fine. I left your aunt and uncle at your mom’s house. They were staying for dinner. Mary Ann will take them back to my place after.

  Me: See you soon.

  Kate: I’ll be ready. :)

  “Hey, Max,” I call as I enter the living room where he’s already watching cartoons. “Wanna go have chicken fingers with Kate at the café?”

  “Yay!” Max hollers, throwing his arms up in the air. “I love chicken fingers! And Kate! I’m sitting by Kate in the boof this time!” he says.

  “Booth, and I’m sure that can be arranged. I’m going to run through the shower, okay?” I ask before heading down the small hallway to the single bathroom we share.

  I close the door and strip off my work clothes, recalling what Max said about Kate and loving her. It warms my heart that my son has fallen under the hypnotic spell that is Kathryn Elliott. The only thing that worries me is him getting in too deep. Max will be devastated if it doesn’t work out between Kate and me, and being the reason my son is in pain is the last thing I want to do.

  I guess I’ll just have to make sure it all works out then, huh?

  Max loving Kate?

  It was bound to happen.

  “That makes two of us, Buddy.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “I have news,” I tell him as I lean over the table for four at the small café in the heart of downtown Rockland Falls.

  “Tell me,” he says, leaning forward and mirroring my position.

  “I heard from my attorney a little bit ago. The papers were signed by the judge,” I tell him, referring to the divorce papers, feeling victorious and free.

  His smile spr
eading wide across his handsome face. “That’s great news, Kate. I’m so happy you’re rid of Charles Dunnington III.” The way he says his name, with a rich, entitled accent, has me giggling.

  “The fully executed papers are supposed to be delivered early next week, even though it’s been official for a while now. I can’t believe it. I’m finally free.”

  Jensen wraps his big, warm hands around mine and gives them a squeeze. “Thank God,” he says with a wink.

  “He’s not contesting anything anymore, but I’m pretty sure he’s making out like a bandit,” I tell, taking a sip of my iced tea.

  “What do you mean?” Jensen asks, glancing over to where his son sits in the booth next to me. Max is busy coloring a picture for my refrigerator on the back of the paper placemat.

  I shrug. “He’s getting a shit-ton of money in a one-time alimony payment,” I confirm in a whisper. “Plus, I sold him my portion of my father’s business.”

  “Wait, doesn’t he come from money? With a stuffy name like Dunnington III, you’d think he has enough Benjamins to keep him warm and cozy.”

  “Oh, he does,” I verify. “His family is old money in stock and bonds in New York. Their son went into real estate, though, and started at my dad’s firm years ago, right out of college. He worked his way up the ladder, and while I don’t want to take away from his achievements in closing many sales, he was Daddy’s biggest suck-ass. He did anything and everything he could to get a leg up in the business.”

  “Including marry his boss’s only daughter.”

  I shrug. I don’t really want to get into the reasons why I married Charles. It’s in my past, where I’d like it to stay. “I gave him whatever he wanted just to make him go away. I was ready to move on with my life, and frankly, the money means nothing to me. I have more than enough. Anyway, he owns fifty-one percent now and my mom owns the other forty-nine.”

  His eyes bore into me. “I bet that didn’t make her very happy.”

  Again, I shrug. “No, it didn’t. At the reading of the will, she became a tad bit distraught when she learned I was left majority percentage in his company and she was left only forty-nine. That meant she still was set for life, financially, but she didn’t have the control over me. I think that’s what upset her the most. Well, that and the fact I was left the Rockland Falls house. She was awarded all of his New York properties, minus the two-floor penthouse where the real estate company was housed. The moment I heard I received this place, I knew I was coming home.”


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