I Married an Alien Handyman: A Spicy, Steamy Romp Across Alien Galaxies

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I Married an Alien Handyman: A Spicy, Steamy Romp Across Alien Galaxies Page 14

by Nora Nolan

Zoe didn’t want to talk but she knew she had to obey him. “Yes, sir. The heat and vibration from your fingers feels like, well, I don’t know, but it’s magical. I can still feel a sting from the strap, but your touch makes it so hyper-sensitive. I just know how wet I’m getting from it.”

  “Tell me how it feels to be naked, having to do what I say.”

  “I want to do what you say. If it makes you happy to have me naked, then it makes me happy, too. And… I hope you’ll consider at least taking off your shirt so I can see you, too. You’re the sexiest man I ever met. I promise I won’t be any less submissive if you take it off.”

  “Oh, sunshine, all perfect answers.” He reached behind and grabbed his t-shirt, pulling it up and off, displaying all those rippling muscles.

  He picked up his phone and pressed a button. Zoe jumped and her eyes widened in surprise and disbelief.

  Glen laughed. “I guess I should have told you - I can beam that plug inside you any time I want to. You’ll sleep with it in tonight. Don’t worry, it’ll be safe.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said with her eyes glossed over.

  “Hop up, then kneel there.” He pointed. “I want another drink.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Glen went to the kitchen and got them both fresh drinks, then walked back in the living room with a tray of light snacks.

  “Was I gone that long? Your nipples aren’t hard anymore. Get them hard. Keep them that way.” He sat down on the couch again, leaning back and watching her. She felt very self-conscious.

  “That’s it. I’m just going to watch you for a while.” He sipped his drink, enjoying her discomfort. “Good. Now be a little rougher with them. Pinch. Purple nurple time. Twist a little more.” Zoe did, but her body flinched to the side even at her own hands. “That’s what I want, gimme more of that.” It was almost a whisper, and Zoe noticed his huge bulge.

  He handed her the strap. “Here. I want to see them turn a nice deep pink.”

  Chapter 16: Onboard ship Day 4

  The days passed with some degree of routine. The couples sometimes ate breakfast together, sometimes ate lunch together, and always ate dinner together. The men were getting some messages from Bargella that were upsetting: a few more shapeshifters had been discovered and identified.

  The ladies were learning exactly what the men meant when they said their “appetites were more.” That phrase applied to both their gastric and carnal appetites. They ate a ton of food, and wanted sex like demons possessed. Morning, afternoon, evening, night, in the middle of the night, it seemed like their men reached for them at every turn. They marveled at how they no longer thought of sex every other minute when they were alone, the way they did when they weren’t getting any. And they marveled that men, even alien humanoid men, could have sex that often, and over and over. They noticed in themselves, and in each other, the absence of angst and a sense of well-being. Is this just a honeymoon phase? Will things change once they’re on Bargella and settled into alien life?

  As she sat down with another cup of Constant Comment, Ella brought up the subject on her mind with the other ladies. “You know, one of the things that originally scared me was that Mark said the women on Bargella have to obey their men. Are any of you having a problem with that?”

  Sally answered, “No, but to be honest, he hasn’t said anything I need to obey. Things have been wonderful with him.” She smiled. “Wonderful and sizzling hot.”

  “Same with me,” Ava offered. “I think I’d do anything for that man! I’m not seeing a down side. So, if he ever does tell me something I have to obey, I think I’ll trust him enough to do it. He loves me. Why, are you having a problem, El?”

  “No, not at all. But I was wondering because it seemed like something all of them mentioned to us, one way or another. Do you think it’ll be different on the planet? Something maybe they haven’t told us about yet?”

  “I’m obeying Paul,” Cheryl said, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Everything he tells me to do. I love it. And yes, he spanks me. Just the way I’ve always wanted.”

  Zoe grinned as she looked around. “Okay, you all know what a submissive slut I’ve always wanted to be. Cheryl’s just a baby at it compared to me. I’ve finally found my perfect dom. I mean, perfect. I’m loving this obey stuff. He knows just how far to take me. Just exactly what I need. Then he’s so gentle, and so, oh… I’m getting wet just thinking about him.”

  They all laughed, and Sally jumped in. “You are both such sluts, and I mean that in the best and most loving way. Maybe one day when I get bold, I’ll come to you for slut advice. ‘Cause I have to admit, the way you’re describing it, it sounds hot.” She drew out the “t” into a sizzling sound effect.

  “Oh, you little innocent one,” Zoe responded with awe in her voice, “it’s beyond anything I ever dreamed.”

  Ella backed up a little bit. “The rules we have to obey might not always be something sexual, you know.”

  They all agreed they’d have no problem minding their men, in just about any sense. They’d proved their trustworthiness.

  * * *

  At dinner, the men shared some of the things they’d learned the last couple of days.

  Sam explained. “Ladies, we need to fill you in on the latest news from home. Our sources have received and confirmed intel that indicates Gandarz has allied itself with another small planet, Baltim, and they do plan to attack Bargella sometime in the next few weeks, perhaps months. Baltim is a little piss ant planet that’s always been peaceful until recent years when bad elements began to infiltrate their governments and now the whole planet is in turmoil. Their goal is to take us over, or failing that, to at least plunder our assets.

  Dan took over the explanation. “We considered all of us staying for a while in Sam’s tribal area, but decided it’s not necessary. We’ll all be going back to our own tribes, so,” he smiled at the ladies, “you won’t be delayed getting to your new homes. Law enforcement and the military are on high alert and are amping up readiness drills.”

  “Will we be safe?” Ava began to worry.

  “Yes, we’ll keep you far away from any activity. You don’t need to worry. Neither Gandarz nor Baltim have terribly sophisticated weaponry, although Baltim does have a well-trained military.”

  “Still, you wouldn’t think they’d attack if they didn’t think they had a chance of success,” Ava reasoned. “I mean, what if they can get advanced weapons from a third planet?”

  The men looked at each other. Sam responded, “We’re keeping our intelligence community working on that possibility.”

  “Let me change the subject.” Glen wanted to get the women off the topic of war, since it seemed to upset them. “We’ve had several shapeshifters found, and they’ve been found in all eleven tribes.” He smiled at each one in turn. “So our scientists are eager for us to get you home so they can get to work on those vaccines. And of course, well, they want to meet you, too.”

  “So, what do you do when you find one? Is it possible to arrest a shapeshifter? Wouldn’t they just shift into a shape that can escape?” It was Ella who always asked the practical questions.

  “We’ve built containment cells with solid doors and no windows. The problem is bringing them in.” He laughed. “Handcuffs are pretty damned useless. Law enforcement agencies carry something similar to tranquilizer darts that temporarily hinders shapeshifting for up to a month. That’s the only way we can capture them.”

  “What do you do with them if they don’t agree to stay ‘human’?”

  None of the men spoke up quickly, not wanting to sound inhumane. “Well,” Sam intoned hesitantly, “It depends largely on them. Most are willing to humanize. After all, they didn’t choose their genetic situation.”

  Ella, again the logical problem-solver, spoke up. “Why couldn’t you enlist the good shapeshifters in a top-secret elite Navy Seals-type team to infiltrate the enemy? Looks like they could be effective where other methods might not. I mean, you’d defin
itely need a screening process, but it looks like the benefits would be worth it.”

  “Fuck me.” That was Mark. He looked at the other men. “That’s brilliant. Why not?”

  “Let’s call a High Council meeting first thing in the morning. I’ll get messages to the chieftains so they can be thinking about it.” Sam was already on his phone.

  “You guys never thought of this before?” Ella was skeptical.

  Mark smiled at her. “Look out there, my queen, don’t get cocky. We’ve never been at war at the time of a shapeshifter outbreak before. You have to go and be cheeky, and here I was, so proud I was prepared to be extra good to you tonight.”

  She laughed. “I think you still should.”

  He spoke to the room at large, but he looked at Ella. “I think we’re done here tonight, right?” He walked to her chair, picked her up, and carried her down the hall to their suite.

  Chapter 17: Onboard ship Day 8

  It was their day of arrival, and a cloud of nervous excitement followed the women. Everyone wanted to eat breakfast together since it was their last day on board with each other. They were set to dock in the early evening, and protocol was not to beam until the ship was docked securely.

  The idea of an elite shapeshifting squad had been resoundingly accepted, except for one dissenting chieftain. Roark, head of the Rison tribe, Tribe Eleven, had been the dissenting vote. It wasn’t entirely unexpected, since Roark had a history of resistance. The rest of the Council attributed it to his quest for power and glory. He’d always been a pain.

  There had already been movement made toward building the shapeshifting squad. The shifters who had been captured had all been sent to be contained in the Stellza tribe, Tribe One. Stellza was Sam’s tribe, and it was considered the government center. The primary military base was in Stellza, and it was there that the shifters were held. Other bases were dotted all through the eleven tribes.

  The main effort toward enlisting the shifters for duty was to wait until Sam arrived home. As of yet, nothing had been mentioned to them. However, there were dossiers of information that had been collected on each one. There were twenty seven being held, and fourteen of them were ex-military. The men on board ship had discussed only enlisting the former military shifters, but that decision still needed to be approved by the Council.

  The ladies were mostly packed, although the men reminded them they’d be getting practically new everything, anyway. There would be no problems if they went home with only the clothes on their backs.

  “Are there any last minute things you want to tell us while we’re all together? Anything to expect that might scare us or surprise us?” Ella, as always, was being practical.

  “We’ll be going straight from the ship to our homes, so the only strangers you’ll encounter will be house staff and family members. First thing tomorrow, you’ll each have appointments to have your DNA collected. We’ve been talking, and we think it’s a good idea to get advisors for you added to our household staffs. They could act as your appointment secretaries, personal assistants, guides, drivers, or anything else you need. But their main function will be to ease your entry into our culture. As the mate of a chieftain, you’ll be visible anytime you’re away from home. That could be problematic if you decide to have a career that requires you to be among the public.”

  “Let me cut you off there, babe,” Sally interrupted. “We’ve been talking, and none of us want to have outside jobs, anyway. Ella still wants to write, but only her own stuff. Same thing with Zoe, only things she can do from home. I’m looking forward to not working at all anymore at a job. Ava and I want to take time off and maybe explore volunteerism, if that’s a thing here, and Cheryl doesn’t want to work, either.”

  If the women noticed the furtively smug looks that took place among their men, they didn’t let on.

  It was Dan who responded. “I think those are perfect choices, especially to start with. And yes, volunteerism is a thing. There are a great many worthy causes. In our tribe, I have some of my own pet projects, and Ava, I’d love to have you work beside me in those efforts. But I strongly recommend that you all take time to ease in. Work with your assistant to get comfortable in your new environs. We’ll be spending as much time as we can with you, too, to help you acclimate. And,” he winked at Ava, “because we want to, too.”

  Sam continued. “As soon as we all get home and settled in, we’ll get you your new phones and computers, show you how to beam, and use some other features. It’ll be fun – you can beam to each other’s houses and see how it all works. I think you’ll like the capabilities.”

  Glen leaned over and whispered in Zoe’s ear, “Just so you know, I can disable your beaming. So if you have a punishment coming to you,” he stopped to kiss her cheek, “there’s no escape.”

  She kissed his cheek before whispering, “I wouldn’t want it any other way, sir.”

  * * *

  Excitement grew as the day wore on. As they had on occasion previously, the men invited their mates into the Bridge Control room to let them look out at the incredible views. As they drew nearer to Bargella, their speed decreased and they were able to make out more details. As they were in the middle of a discussion of planets with multiple moons, the big curved communication screen, like a movie screen, crackled to life.

  Everyone’s attention was drawn behind them to the screen. They all turned.

  The Tribe Eight chieftain, Meck, smiled at them. “Ah, it looks like you’re as excited to be coming home as we are to welcome you back.”

  The women were a bit taken aback to find seven hunks looking back at them from the screen. It looked like a meeting of the hottest giant fitness models. For some reason, they had expected at least some of the chieftains to be older looking, but that wasn’t the case. It appeared that every member of the council was comparable in looks and age to their own husbands. Did all the men look like that on their new planet? For that matter, exactly how old were their husbands?

  Sam answered, “Yes, we are! I think our wives are excited, but maybe a little trepidatious, too.”

  “About that,” another chieftain named Jode added, looking directly at each woman in turn, “our wives want to host a ball to welcome you in a few days, once you’ve had a chance to settle in. I certainly hope that meets with your approval, because my wife and Meck’s are already planning it.” He chuckled as he spoke that last sentence, and it put the women more at ease.

  “I think that’ll be fine,” Sam said.

  Sally wanted to let them know it was appreciated. “I think that’s a lovely idea, and I’m sure the others think so, too.” There was an excited murmur of agreement. “I hope your wives will be available to meet us beforehand, and let us know what to expect.”

  Jode laughed. “Count on it. It’s all I’ve heard about for the last four or five days.”

  * * *

  Everyone was in the Bridge Control room when they docked. The women were beyond excited, and seemed a bit sad to be going so far away from each other.

  “Might I remind you,” Mark said, “in a sense you’re closer here than on earth. Here, you can instantly beam to be with someone. And texts and phone calls are just the same. There’s no need to be sad, you know.”

  “We know that,” Ella said, slapping his chest playfully. “But we’re all starting a whole new life here, and officially saying good-bye to the old one. It’s a little emotional.”

  He ruffled her hair and pulled her into a quick hug. “I know, sweetie, but really, you’ll all be fine. I promise.”

  They all headed down to the gathering room one last time for a last minute debrief before going home. After hearing encouraging words from Sam, they hugged all around again, stood with their arms around their men, and beamed.

  Chapter 18: Bargella Arrival

  Sam and Sally regenerated in their bedroom. The grandness took her breath away. It was a large room with a huge fireplace and a sizable sitting area, but it was the bed that drew her attent
ion. Clearly, this was a bed worthy of an eight-foot tall man whose appetite for sex will not be ignored. It was much larger, by nearly half, than her king sized bed on earth. The four posts at the corners were beautifully carved, as were other pieces in the room. She touched the woodwork with an expression of awe on her face.

  It made Sam happy to see Sally’s reactions. “Sugar, this is your home now. You’re welcome to change anything you want. We can replicate pieces from your earth house, if you’d like.”

  She glanced into the closet and peeked into the bathroom, then ran across the room and jumped into Sam’s arms, her legs around his waist. “I don’t want to change a thing! At least not yet. We should have sex in every room. What do you think about that?”

  “How about on every substantial piece of furniture in every room? And on the floors and against the walls, too.” He laughed as he said it because she was lavishing kisses all over his face and neck like a rambunctious puppy.

  * * *

  Mark and Ella appeared in their bedroom, too. “Whoa!” Ella’s shock amused Mark when she saw the bed. It was the same size as Sam’s, but it had a canopy and drapes on all the sides. “This is exactly the romantic kind of bed I dreamed of when I was younger. Well, not quite so big, but the style is the same. I can’t believe I have one like that now!”

  “I’m glad you like it, sweetie, because if there’s a place I definitely want you happy, it’s in that bed.”

  “I can’t wait to try it out.”

  “You don’t have to wait.” He ripped his shirt off and buttons flew everywhere. Then he made his way over to Ella and pulled her shoes and clothes off her. As he made a guttural moan, he picked her up and threw her on the bed. With a shining, smoldering gleam in his dark blue eyes, he removed the rest of his clothing and jumped onto the bed beside her.

  * * *

  Dan and Ava beamed into a big kitchen, and he explained that this was the main kitchen for big events, but that they had their own smaller kitchen in their suite. The first thing she noticed was how big their replicator was. Dan explained it was because this was the model that could replicate other things in addition to food. He reminded her that she could create almost anything she desired, but he still would like for her to shop in brick-and-mortar stores, too, when it was practical. He indulged her, though, and showed her how it worked as she virtually recreated her earthly wardrobe. She was ready to move on to another room when he stopped her.


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