I Married an Alien Handyman: A Spicy, Steamy Romp Across Alien Galaxies

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I Married an Alien Handyman: A Spicy, Steamy Romp Across Alien Galaxies Page 16

by Nora Nolan

  There were many questions to be worked out, and they didn’t iron them all out. Some aspects of this new effort had to be deferred until they had some more thought and research and met again.

  They did determine that only those who had previously been in the military would be eligible for the elite squad. The remaining ones would be offered a medical solution, a course of a special version of the vaccine, to render the shapeshifting capability inactive. If there were dissenters, though, most likely they would be held for a while to give them additional time to change their mind. They would be killed if they still refused.

  Contracts for the individuals who would be recruited for the shapeshifting team were drafted and finalized, and the Council determined that training could begin the next day for the ones who wanted to participate.

  * * *

  Ava and Serrin were getting along well. Serrin showed Ava a few more capabilities with her phone. One thing that Ava was beginning to understand was that except for food replication and beaming, day to day life was comparable to earth, for the most part. Ava wanted to talk more about Dan, and Serrin was happy to fill her in.

  “We had a great childhood. There were three of us kids, Dan and me and our sister Ayla. She’s between us in age. Ayla was always just a little more reserved than Dan and me. So when we cut up, it was either Dan and me pulling tricks on Ayla, or when she was in the mood, Ayla and me giving Dan grief. For some reason, the two of them never ganged up on me.”

  “What did your parents do about it?”

  “Most of the time, nothing, they’d rather let us work it out between us. But if anyone got hurt or anything of importance was damaged, they’d intervene.”

  “Intervene? How?”

  “Are you asking if they were they strict? No more than most, I’d imagine. I’m told I got swatted on the behind once when I was about to run out in front of a vehicle after a toy, but I don’t remember it.”

  “So, they spanked you as children?”

  “Oh, I think I see what you’re asking. I guess that falls under the heading of how things here are different than things on earth. My understanding is that on earth, children are usually punished for bad behavior, but as they grow up, it happens less and less until they’re finally adults and they don’t have to worry about getting in trouble anymore. Am I right?”

  “Pretty much. Our parents spanked Zoe and me up until we were nearly teenagers. After that, we were usually grounded. Then later, we might have driving privileges revoked, too.”

  “Yeah, brace yourself. It’s different here. The older you get, the more in danger of a spanking you are. We just think they aren’t needed with smaller children unless someone’s in immediate danger. But as you get older, you’re expected to know better, so you’re held to a higher standard. Girls have to start really looking out, I’d say, mid to late teens. It’s a given that in marriage the husband punishes a misbehaving mate. I’m sure they told you that on this planet, wives are expected to obey. Woe be unto she who doesn’t.”

  “They mentioned that. I was hoping they exaggerated,” she dead-panned, but Serrin laughed anyway.

  “No exaggeration, my friend. When we were teenagers – Dan was probably seventeen or so, Ayla and I were giving him grief and stealing some of his electronics, then returning them later. We had one of his games that we fought over, and we broke it before we could return it to him. He caught us trying to slip it back into his bedroom. When he saw it was broken, he gave us both a look I’ll never forget, and we both knew we were in for it. Remember, he was already nearly seven feet tall and stronger than two or three earth men. Even together, we couldn’t take him. He locked the door so we couldn’t escape. Then he stood there in front of us and pulled his belt out of his jeans. When he told us to bend over the bed, Ayla and I didn’t immediately do it. He asked if we wanted him to call in Mom and Dad. We definitely didn’t want that, so we finally bent over. He let us keep our shorts on, but let me tell you, that was one painful ass-whooping. In the middle of it, Mom and Dad beamed in because they heard noises and found the door locked. Dad made him stop and explain. When he did, Dad just said ‘Well, all right. Carry on.’ After that, they pretty much always had Dan punish us if he was around. So, yeah, grownup girls get it here. And unfortunately for you, I can tell you that Dan definitely knows how to do it.”

  “He told me what happens, but I didn’t realize he has practical experience. But really, he’s been wonderful to me and I trust him. He hasn’t given me any directives I needed to obey, though, so I guess I haven’t really been tested.”

  “Dan’s a good guy. He’ll beat my ass in a heartbeat if I deserve it, and I still love him to pieces. That should tell you something.”

  “He’ll still spank you?”

  “Until I marry. Then it’ll be my husband’s responsibility.” She shrugged. “That’s just how it is.”

  * * *

  Back in Tribe Two, called Stardon, Mark and Ella enjoyed an afternoon soft drink in their living area.

  “We need to find an assistant for you, sweetie.”

  “I guess you can post on Craigslist. That’s how you got me.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “That probably wouldn’t work on Bargellan women. I’ll get my own assistant on it. Anything special you want me to ask for?”

  “I’ll need someone with a sense of humor. And plenty of patience.”

  “Patience? Do you think it’ll be hard dealing with you?”

  “Maybe not. But I don’t like disappointing people.”

  “Sweetie, I don’t think you could. I may have someone in my office, though, who fills the bill. How about I get her as your assistant, and then hire a new staffer?”

  “Is she funny?”

  “Yeah, we love her to death in the office. The rest of them will probably be upset with me for taking her away.”

  “Well, don’t tell me that!”

  He chuckled again. “Don’t worry. After she gets you squared away and comfy here, you probably won’t need her full time.”

  “What’s her name?”


  “How soon can Lorraine start?”

  “I’ll have her beam over now.”

  * * *

  Back in Stellza, Sally looked at her phone when it buzzed.

  She eyed Sam. “Who’s Shanda and why is she calling me?”

  “Oh, that’s Jode’s mate, and she’s probably calling about the ball they want to give in honor of the new wives. You’ll like her.”

  She clicked the button. “Hello?”

  “Hello Sally, I’m Shanda, and I can’t wait to meet you! Can you chat for a few minutes?”

  “Sure! I’m looking forward to meeting you, too.”

  Sam mouthed to her that he was headed to his office, then he blew her a kiss and beamed.

  It didn’t take long for them to decide they would be better served by being physically together, so Shanda beamed to the chief’s mansion in Stellza. Soon, all eleven of the mates of the High Council chiefs were in attendance, as was Serrin, Ava’s sister-in-law and assistant, and Lorraine, Ella’s assistant.

  As she looked around the room and saw their interactions, Sally was struck by the natures and appearances of the wives of the other chiefs. They seemed no different than her own friends from earth. They were tall, short, pretty, less pretty, thin, plump, dark, light – but there was one thing they had in common: all seemed cheerful and happy. She was encouraged by that.

  Shanda took charge of what would turn out to be a party planning session, fashion consultant meeting, catering discussion, gossip session, and intro-to-Bargella session. The new wives learned that the formal ball would indeed be a grand affair. It would be attended by all of them and their adult family members, judges of the High Court and their mates, the higher military echelon and their mates, and police commissioners and their mates.

  Shanda explained that the evening would begin with a happy hour meet-and-greet, followed by an elaborate dinner
, introductions of the five new wives, the Judicial Chieftess Inquisition, and it would end with dancing until the last person left.

  Ella wondered if she’d heard that right. “I can understand introductions, but what’s this Chieftess Inquisition?”

  The wives all hesitated to answer, so Serrin finally spoke up to provide the explanation. She tried to make it not sound frightening.

  “Well, it’s a tradition that started way back when the first women from earth came to live here. Some of our population were skeptical about accepting them and needed to be convinced that the women would accept our ways. So back then – and don’t worry, we don’t do it like this anymore – the women were required to strip publicly and accept corporal punishment from her mate to show she would willingly submit to him and to our laws. When it started, it was only earth women who were subjected to this, but over time, that changed, and now the tradition applies to only mates of chieftains, regardless of their place of birth. So, all of the wives you see around this table have experienced an Inquisition.”

  “Okay,” Ella asked haltingly, “What’s the ceremony like now?”

  “The introductions are nice. You and your husbands will be on stage, and each of you will be introduced by your husband. That part’s enjoyable. Then for the Inquisition part, the highest judge in attendance will ask you individually if you are willing to obey our laws and support your mate. Of course, you will, and you’ll say so.”

  She took a deep breath before continuing. “Then you’ll be asked by the judge if you have received punishment at the hands of your mate. You’ll answer honestly. I promise you, your mate will not lie, and he won’t let you lie, either. If you answer that you have received a punishment, then your husband will take you across his knee for a symbolic spanking, only three swats, and your part’s over. But if you haven’t yet been punished, your husband will bend you over with your face to the audience, bare your backside, take off his own belt and seriously stripe you.”

  Sally jumped in, horrified, “So, okay, let me get this right. Zoe and Cheryl have been spanked, even while still on earth.”

  “Sally!” It was Cheryl, a bit upset that Sally had just shared this private information.

  “Calm down, we have to know this! So, the other three of us, if our husbands haven’t punished us for anything, we’ll…”

  “Yes, that’s exactly right. Here’s the catch. It has to have been a real punishment spanking, you can’t just go home and say ‘Honey, please belt me now so we don’t have to do it in front of everyone.’ It has to be real, but it could be for anything.”

  “Good grief,” Ava said, putting her hands in her head. Then she looked up and asked, “You’ve all been through this?”

  The all nodded in the affirmative.

  “Did any of you get the serious belt version because you hadn’t been punished before?”

  Shanda and Willa kept nodding in the affirmative. Willa finally spoke. “It was awfully embarrassing, more embarrassing than painful, and it was painful. I would strongly advise the other three of you to break a few rules in the next twelve days.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Sam called all the chiefs and their mates to the High Council meeting room. The men dressed in suits, and they asked their wives to dress accordingly. It was in keeping with the philosophy that the meeting room was to be considered a place for respectful behavior.

  When everyone was assembled and seated, Sam stood and addressed them.

  “Thank you for coming today. I wanted to be able to speak freely with you regarding security, without any possibility of being overheard. I invite you to look around – notice there isn’t a door to this room. The only way in or out is to beam, and only the eleven High Council members have that level of authority. We know without question that this room is secure. As a matter of security, on the night of the ball, all of you will have the level of authority to beam in here. If you find yourself in danger, beam in here, then contact your mate immediately. You’ll be safe in this room.

  “I want to talk specifically about the night of the ball, but it would be good to remember what we’re about to discuss for other situations, too, now that there are shapeshifters afoot. We don’t know, and can’t know for certain, that all shapeshifters have been caught. It’s entirely possible that there are more out there. And moreover, it’s possible that they’ve allied themselves with Gandarz or Baltim, since those planets would likely welcome shapeshifters as spies.

  “Let me ask you all something. Suppose I were to walk up to, say, Willa, at the ball and ask her to dance.” He walked over to stand in front of Willa, the Chieftess from Tribe Six, the Weller Tribe. “How does Willa know it’s really me, and not a shapeshifter who has assumed my form? And how could I know she’s the true Willa?”

  A few gasps escaped from them. There were murmurs, then Shanda spoke up. “I can only think of one way. You and Willa would have to know something that the shapeshifter wouldn’t know. Like in all the old spy movies.”

  Sam walked to stand beside Shanda. “I agree. We’ve thought of possible alternatives, and nothing seems as secure as that. We might develop an electronic solution, but we don’t have one now. We can’t have it phone-based because they can be stolen. So, let’s come up with keywords. I’ll ask one of the new wives to come up with a keyword she’s sure they’ll be able to remember, and all the women will use it. So, Zoe, what’ll it be?”

  Zoe grinned, and looked at her friends. “I think we can all remember handyman.”

  That drew a laugh from everyone, because they were all aware of how the earth women were initially approached.

  “Sounds perfect. Now – what word should the men use?”

  Meck spoke up. “It’s gotta be toolbox.”

  “All right,” Sam said, “handyman and toolbox for the group at large. Now, while we’re all still in this secure room, get together with your mate and determine your own individual words or phrases that only the two of you will know.”

  There were whispers all around, and soon each couple had their code words.

  “Perfect. Thank you for coming this morning, and please, outside of this room, don’t tell anyone at all about the code words. Even between yourselves, don’t speak of them. Understood?”

  Everyone agreed.

  * * *

  Ella and Mark were finishing up dinner, lingering over dessert.

  “Sweetie, I know it’s bothering you. Let’s talk about it. We need to talk about it.”

  “You and that damn mind-reading thing.”

  “Want me to stop?”

  “No, I guess not. At least not right now. Maybe after the ball. I think for now I need you to help me through this.”

  “The Inquisition is bothering you, isn’t it?”

  “You should have told me. Were you just going to spring it on me? Let me learn about it that night as it unfolded?”

  “No, I wouldn’t have done that. There was still time. There is still time.”

  “Look, I’ve accepted that whole men-make-the-rules thing here, but I always thought it would be private, just between us.”

  He pulled his chair closer to hers and put his arm around her. “After that one display of willingness, it will be. It usually is just between mated couples. Everyone knows it happens; it just happens in privacy. That’s how it should be.”

  “I think I can handle the symbolic one - the three swats over my clothes. But Mark, I don’t think I could take my first belting on stage in front of a crowd. It’s too much to ask of me!”

  “I know, sweetie, I don’t want it to happen that way, either. I also know you aren’t a troublemaker by nature, so that’ll make it tough for you. It would go against our traditions for me to whip you just so we won’t have to do it that night, but I’m not heartless, either. There’s only one solution: you need to disobey. I’ll be watching closely.”

  She frowned at him. He shrugged, but with a sympathetic look on his face.

  * * *

nbsp; Dress shopping proved to be fun for all the wives of the chiefs. A few of the them designed their own and had their replicators produce them, but most enjoyed the tried and true ritual of trying them on and imagining what their husbands would say. Serrin had given them one bit of safety advice: make sure to have either a small evening bag or preferably, a pocket that would hold their cell phones in case they needed to beam somewhere. With the threat of unrest, they needed to stay as safe as possible.

  The only thing that topped dress shopping was shoe shopping. Styles seemed to be similar to the ones on earth, with the notable and endearing exception that even high heels were comfortable to walk in. Why hadn’t that secret been shared with earth? Many, many shoes were purchased when that little fact became apparent. So many shoes!

  * * *

  Sally and Ava both knew they needed to do something to break a rule worthy of punishment before the ball, but neither had discussed it with her husband. Both their husbands were infuriatingly tolerant, and didn’t give them specific things to do or not do. How were they ever going to disobey if they weren’t given anything to disobey? Break a law? Neither wanted to go that route, or they’d face much worse.

  Ava thought she might have hit upon something when she decided to purchase forty-eight pairs of heels. Surely that would upset any husband other than Ferdinand Marcos, right?

  Dan came home that night to find his living room strewn about with shoe boxes, some opened with the contents scattered about. There were high heeled thigh boots, high heeled knee boots, high heeled ankle boots, high heeled sandals, high heeled stilettos, high heeled wedges, high heeled pumps, lace-ups, zip-ups, strap-ins, slip-ons – just about every type of high heeled shoe in existence.

  “Ava, darlin, what’s going on?”

  She called out from the other room. “I went shoe shopping with the girls. Needed shoes for my ball gown.”

  “I can see that. Which pair will you wear with your dress?”

  “The beigy-skin colored stilettos. They make my legs look longer.”

  “I’d like to see that! Try them on for me with the dress.”

  Lightbulb moment.


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