Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3)

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Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3) Page 34

by Sarah Carter

  With his jaw dropping, Mason yells, “No way! A Neturu came up with that.”

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss this with you. Let’s just say it hits a little too close to home.”

  “W-o-w,” Mason draws out.

  “Okay, we have to cloak the ships,” Mr. Hardrick says. The ships shimmer and then disappears. “We will take you up three at a time.”

  Tray says, “We should escort the little ones up.”

  Alli steps forward, “I will go first with the youngest.” She picks a three-year-old boy up in her arms and grabs the hand of a girl around the same age. They look terrified. “It’s going to be okay guys.”

  “They have lots of ice cream waiting,” Mason states. “You will be so excited.”

  “Real ice cream?” One of the kids asks.

  “Yup, real ice cream. You will get to try a whole bunch of new stuff. It will be great. Tonight, we will concentrate on just checking stuff out.”

  Suddenly, a voice cries out, “GUYS!”

  Aurora spins around with everyone else. A blonde girl comes tearing out of a doorway. “Jennifer!” Aurora yells back. The girl comes running over and leaps into her arms.

  “She had me locked away,” Jennifer exclaims. Holding onto to Aurora for dear life.

  “Is it true? What you can do,” one of the other kids ask.

  Jennifer nods. “She was making me turn everything to gold. I didn’t know how to at first, but then I learned. I refused to tell her. I was punished so badly, but I would not help her. She could have killed me and I wouldn’t have cared. I wasn’t going to help her. She’s evil. Pure evil.”

  “She won’t be able to get to you anymore,” Mr. Hardrick says. “But we need to get everyone on the ships, so we can leave. We will send you up with the youngest right now.”

  Alli nods and holds the kids close. Then they are gone. Xander steps forward. “I want to take Trinity up there. It’s going to take us a little longer to make our way around.”

  “I’m scared Xander,” Trinity whispers, grabbing a hold of his arm.

  “You won’t even know we moved,” Xander replies. “It would shock you visually. Just realize the sounds will be different. Don’t move forward because we are going to be on a platform.”


  Xander looks at Mr. Hardrick. “Take us up.”

  A nanosecond later, they are on the ship. “Okay, we’re up here,” Xander says. “Take a step forward and then down.”

  “That was it? We’re on the ship?” Trinity gasps.

  “We are on the ship,” Xander replies, kissing her on the head. “Let’s go down.” He slowly leads her down to the floor. “Okay, we should go this way.”

  Dr. Galliger appears in the doorway. “Oh good. You are up here. Come with me.”

  “Who’s that?” Trinity asks.

  “Oh, I’m sorry dear. My name is Dr. Galliger. I assume you are Trinity.”

  “Yes,” she replies.

  “It’s very nice to meet you. We are going to try and check everyone out. If they let us. No tests. We just want to make sure you are okay.”

  Trinity nods. “If Xander says it’s okay, then it’s okay.”

  “You can trust him,” Xander promises.

  “Then come this way,” Dr. Galliger says. He starts to walk through the ship. “Will you let us scan you or should we just do a general look over?”


  “It’s what you saw me in,” Xander says.

  Dr. Galliger says, “We aren’t going to do any invasive testing. We just want to make sure you are going to be okay.”

  “Yes, you may scan me,” Trinity answers. “Will it hurt?”

  “Nope. You definitely won’t notice anything,” Xander says.


  They take their time and make it through the ship. “Now, this is just a runner ship. We can’t do much, but this will at least tell me if there is something wrong. We want to do it on everyone, if they will let us. There are direct orders that we can’t force anyone to do anything, unless they are putting themselves in harm’s way. We are supposed to tell everyone that, too.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” Trinity whispers.

  “We want you to realize we mean you no harm.”

  “If Xander trusts you, then I trust you, too.”

  Dr. Galliger nods. “Great. Into this room then.”

  Xander leads her into a small room. A scanner sits in the center of it. “We’re in the room with the scanner.”

  Walking over to the panels, Dr. Galliger makes some adjustments. “Okay. She can walk in at any time.”

  “I’m going to place you in the scanner,” Xander tells Trinity. She nods. He walks her forward and then stops her. “I should take your stick. Just stand still.”

  “Okay,” she mumbles. “I’m scared. I can’t see anything.”

  “This may tell us if it’s something we can change, otherwise we will have to take more of a thorough scan in Alaska,” Dr. Galliger says. “Okay Xander, step out.” He does. Trinity stands there with a scared look on her face. Dr. Galliger presses a button and then, a few seconds later, say, “All done.”

  “That was it!” Trinity gasps.

  He walks over to the panel. “It’s a scanner dear. It can’t do anything to you.”

  Xander walks in and grabs her hand. “Let’s get you out of there.”

  Trinity steps out and Xander leads her to a chair. She bumps against it. “Oh.” Trinity reaches back and then sits down.

  “So,” Xander says. “What did the scan say?”

  “Well, she doesn’t have a disc inside of her. I can’t be a hundred percent sure, but I figure she is a hundred percent Neturu.”

  Trinity sits up tall. “Really?”


  She reaches up and finds Xander’s hand. “What does that mean? For us?”

  “We aren’t sure yet,” Dr. Galliger says. “We haven’t done any deep studies on the others yet. We got the basics. We are hoping to find one of these discs in the institute. Plus, if we can get any information from her files. We have to see if we can find her files.”

  “And if you can’t.”

  “Then we go off of you guys. Though, again, we will never make you do anything that you don’t want to. Any of you. Would it be better if we knew as much as possible? Yes, of course. To know and for your health, too. We need to know all that we can in case something goes wrong. If you get sick, we aren’t positive that we could help. You older kids are going to have to make the decision for the little ones.”

  “What would you have to do to them?” Trinity asks.

  Dr. Galliger walks over to her. “Scans. Blood samples. Maybe more if they have the discs in them. We have to presume that they are half Kenga then.”

  “So, Xander really is part Kenga,” Trinity whispers. She grips his hand harder. “I wonder how that is even possible.”

  “That’s something everyone wants to know,” Xander says.

  “Can we have children?” Trinity asks. “Since you aren’t fully Neturu.”

  With his heart sinking, Xander says, “I’m going to try to push my energy into you. Just a little bit.”

  “Okay, why?”

  “Just…I have to try something.” He gently pushes his energy into her.

  “Whoa,” Trinity gasps. “That’s intense.”

  “You can feel me!” Xander yells.

  She nods. “Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

  “Damien and Claire can’t,” Xander gasps.

  Dr. Galliger walks to the panel. “Get into the scanner. Both of you.” He turns. “I’m sorry. Please get into the scanner.” Xander helps Trinity up. They walk into the scanner. “Okay,” Dr. Galliger says. “Merge your energies. Both, if that’s alright?”

  “That’s a little weird,” Trinity mumbles. “The first time that we do it and it’s in front of someone.”

  “We can wait,” Dr. Galliger says. “I won’t force you to do anything
you don’t want to. We can always wait until a different day. Don’t do anything that will make you uncomfortable.”

  Trinity looks like she is thinking. “Okay, we should learn more about us. Are you ready honey?”

  Xander smiles at the honey comment. “Yes baby. Whenever you want.” There’s a light wisp of energy and then they combine their energies. It’s intense. Xander can’t help himself. He grabs her and kisses her. Trinity meets him with the same eagerness. They stand there, not knowing how much times slips by.

  Finally, Dr. Galliger says, “Okay, you can stop.”

  Very reluctantly, Xander pulls away. Trinity gives him this soft smile. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “That was very interesting,” Dr. Galliger says. “Trinity’s energy is a little different. I mean from a normal Neturu.”

  “Why would she be different?”

  Dr. Galliger looks at the screen. “I guess I can say this now. I believe Mason is the same way. He’s and your energies are slightly different than a normal Neturu. Like a fraction of a wavelength.”

  “Can we merge with a normal Neturu?” Trinity asks.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t tried.” Trinity sticks out her hand. Dr. Galliger looks at it. “You want to try with me?”

  “You’re fully Neturu correct?”

  He nods. “Yes, of course.”

  “I don’t know anyone here, so it’s not like there’s a better option,” Trinity states.

  With a look of deep thought, Dr. Galliger says, “That’s true. Alright.” He reaches out and grabs her hand. Xander watches with curiosity.

  Trinity yanks her hand away. “Whoa.”

  “Hmmm, that’s interesting,” Dr. Galliger says. “You’re the bridge between a full Neturu and a half Neturu, half Kenga.”

  “So, does that mean we can have kids?” Trinity asks.

  “We won’t know for sure until you try,” Dr. Galliger replies.

  Xander looks at Trinity. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  She smiles. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I know how much you want kids of your own.”

  “Silly Xander. We have just been rescued. I want to get married first. Have a house to ourselves.”

  “And I promise you will have that someday,” Dr. Galliger says.

  Suddenly they hear, “Dr. Galliger, Claire is back. She has the little girl.”

  “I have to go,” Dr. Galliger says. “Stay here until we get to Alaska.”

  “Okay,” Xander replies.

  With that, Dr. Galliger leaves. “I’m glad we can be intimate,” Trinity says. “That’s important to me.”

  “I know. Me too,” Xander whispers. He grabs her and kisses softly. They stand there for a minute doing just that. Finally, Xander pulls away. “I’m so glad we are here. We are free and here with each other. We can finally love each other…to the fullest.”

  “I want to…” Trinity trails off.

  “Want to what?”

  Trinity reaches out. She feels her way to his face. Drawing him down, Trinity whispers, “I want to make love to you,” into his ear.

  “So soon?”

  “So soon,” she laughs. “Xander, we’ve been with each other for years. Too soon? We’ve been waiting for this.”

  “Let’s take our time,” he replies. “We haven’t done anything. Let’s start with the small stuff.”

  She presses up against him. “Why? We’ve loved each other for years. I say we go big or go home.”

  He laughs and laughs hard. She smiles. “My innocent little Trinity.”

  “I don’t want to be so innocent,” she replies. “We’ve waited years. I couldn’t even kiss you. Now, I want to feel you all over me.”

  “Wow,” he exhales.

  “I love you and I want to show you that.”

  Smiling, Xander bends down and gently kisses her on the lips. “Okay, let’s get us safe first.”

  “We are still going to sleep by each other, right?” Trinity asks. “I would be too scared. I can’t see and have no idea where we are.”

  “I won’t leave you alone. Ariel and Aurora can also help you in the bathroom. Claire would too.”

  “She’s the girl I saw with you,” Trinity says.

  Xander nods. “Yeah, you’ll like her. She’s very spunky and in your face.”


  “No, incredibly nice, just…you will have to meet her. Oh! I can finally tell you. The guy with us was Damien.”


  “Master Damien. Damien Blakely.”

  Trinity’s jaw drops. “No way. No wonder you couldn’t tell me. Though, I would never have said anything.”

  “It was for your safety,” Xander says. “Could you imagine what The Collector would have done if she had known you could make contact with the Neturu council.”

  The color drains from Trinity’s face. “She would have killed me.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulls her close. “That was what I was afraid of. I couldn’t risk it.”

  “I’m glad that you didn’t,” Trinity whispers, holding him close.

  Chapter 18


  “Claire,” Damien hisses.

  “Shhh,” she hushes harshly. Lexi is curled up on a bed.

  “Let’s talk outside.”

  She turns to him. “Fine, but if she wakes up, I’m going back in by her.”

  They walk out the door and shut it most of the way. Claire can still see Lexi on the bed. Damien spins on her. “You are being absolutely ridiculous.”

  “Don’t you feel something for her?” Claire asks. “It was an instant thing for me.”

  “No, I don’t feel anything. I’m not her father, nor will I ever be her father. You are also not her mother.”

  Claire crosses her arms. “I’m going to be her mother.”

  “Claire,” Damien growls.

  “She saw it,” Claire says. “No matter what you believe or not. She’s been right on everything.”

  “No, she hasn’t.”

  “There has been time shifts. That’s different,” Claire snorts.

  Damien grabs the bridge of his nose. “Claire, honey, we aren’t going to adopt a little girl.”

  “Maybe you aren’t, but I am,” Claire declares, straightening her back.

  “You’re going to screw our relationship over this,” Damien snaps.

  “Seriously?” Claire gasps. “You’re going to break up with me over her?”

  He crosses his arms this time. “Yes.”

  Her jaw drops and she just stares at him. They stand there glaring at each other for a few minutes. Neither one of them says a word. “She is my daughter. I feel it in my soul. Why can’t you believe me?”

  “Because she is such an absurd idea,” Damien growls.

  Suddenly, there is movement next to them. Lexi is standing there. Her lip’s quivering and tears are building up in her eyes. “Oh Lexi,” Claire gasps.

  Lexi turns and runs through a wall. Damien slams down on a panel. “Red alert!”

  “Damn you Damien!” Claire screams. “Lexi! Stop! Honey! Come back!” She spins on him and yanks of the ring. She drops it in front of him. “Fuck you Damien.”

  His eyes widen. “Claire.”

  “She’s going to be my daughter, if you like it or not. Now, go to hell.” Claire turns and runs down the hall. “Lexi honey! Where are you?”

  Lexi hide. Lexi no want to see anyone.

  “Honey, you never have to see Damien again. Just come back to me. Mommy won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  Mommy follow her heart.

  “What do you mean?”

  Mommy follow her heart to Lexi.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Mommy can feel Lexi. Mommy find Lexi. Hide and seek!

  Claire throws up her hands. “Lexi, now is not the time for this.” There is no answer. “Lexi.”


aire!” Damien calls out.

  She spins on him. “Don’t!”

  “We can’t sense her.” He runs up to her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have no way to track her. She’s somewhere on this ship. We aren’t landing until we find her.”

  Claire puts her finger to his chest. “I’m going to find her. I promised her she wouldn’t have to see you.”

  “She doesn’t want to see me?” He gasps.

  “I don’t know, but you just called her absurd. How do you think she feels?”

  Damien grabs her hand and puts the ring in it. “Let’s not jump into breaking up, okay?”

  She grabs his face with her hands and says, “I’m not letting her go, but I’m not letting you go either. We need to see if we can make it work.”

  He presses his lips into a hard line. “I don’t know if I can adopt a kid.”

  “You wanted a lot of kids. You’re the one who has been pushing for that.”

  “Not at the age of 19,” Damien snaps. “We have college. I have med school.”

  Crossing her arms, Claire says, “I’m going to quit school and take care of her.”

  He bursts out laughing. “You’re going to be a stay at home mom?” Damien spins around in a circle. “Am I getting pranked?”

  “Yes, I will take care of her. I can teach the guard how to fight at the same time. I’ve never wanted to do college. I’ve never seen the need for me to do it. It’s just a waste of time. We know I’m just going to work with the guard one way or another for the rest of my life. That means I can take care of her. She won’t trust anyone else. Have you ever thought of how scared she is right now? She just yanked out of the only thing she knew. She’s two. Knowing the future and being creepy smart or not. She’s a kid. Damien, Lexi sees you as her father. How do you think she’s feeling right now?”

  “Holy shit,” Damien exhales.

  “Yeah, she’s scared and hurt hiding in the ship somewhere. Now, leave me alone, so I can find her.” Claire shoves the ring in her pocket. She’s not ready to put it on again. “Lexi honey,” she sighs. “Where are you?”

  Lexi don’t know. Room is dark.


  Mommy can find Lexi. Follow her heart. Close eyes and feel Lexi.


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