Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3)

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Shifters (The Neturu Chronicles Book 3) Page 36

by Sarah Carter

  “I meant more that she can be anything she wants to be. Spread your wings and fly.”

  Furrowing her eyebrows, Lexi says, “Lexi no shift.”

  “Like ever?” Claire squeaks.

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Lexi no shift now.”

  “Lexi honey. It’s a rare, rare, rare thing for someone to shift at the age of two,” Claire assures her.

  “Lexi have all powers.”

  “Are you positive on that?” Damien asks.

  With a shrug of her shoulders again, Lexi says, “Not sure. Pretty sure.”

  “I hope not. You really don’t need any more powers.”

  “Lexi be good,” Lexi promises. “No powers.”

  “Thank you,” Damien says. “Let’s get to the bay door. We should be there in a few minutes. Then you can get on the big ship.”

  Lexi pats her tummy. “Eat dinner. Lexi hungry.”

  “Okay, that’s the first thing we will do,” he replies. Damien starts to walk towards the left side of the ship, where the main door sits. Claire and Mr. Hardrick follow. “So, what can you tell us about yourself Lexi,” Damien says.

  She looks like she is thinking really hard. “Lexi sleep for long time. Take nap after lunch.”

  “You sleep a lot,” Claire says.

  With a nod, Lexi say, “Always sleep for long time. Longer than other kids. When Lexi get older, sleep a little less, but still sleep a lot.”

  “Well, your Aunt Kayla can out sleep anyone. She’s pretty much made a sport out of it,” Claire laughs.

  “Lexi sleep ten hours at nighttime and two hour nap.”

  Claire grins. “That works for me. Mommy can get in her training time.”

  “Lexi like Barbies. Lexi want more Barbies.”

  Pulling her close, Damien says, “We will get you a Barbie castle and car and everything.”

  “Don’t spoil her too much,” Mr. Hardrick laughs.

  “Hey, she has never been shown affection,” Damien replies. “I plan to shower her in it. The same with the other kids. They will know what true love is. Compassion. What the world really has to offer.”

  “Love you Daddy,” Lexi whispers.

  He looks at her. “It’s so weird. So damn weird. But I love you too.” Lexi squeals and giggles and everyone laughs.

  They get to the door and it opens. Lexi gasps, “Snuffles!”

  “Right there, honey,” Damien replies. The guard member walks over with Lexi’s stuff.

  She grabs snuffles and squeezes him tight. “Snuffles.”

  Claire takes the other stuff. “Ready to go meet a bunch of people.” Lexi nods. With that, they walk out of the ship into the main ship’s hangar.

  Dr. Galliger is standing there with Mr. Paulson. Dr. Galliger nods. “Is everyone alright?”

  “Hi Dr. Gagiler,” Lexi says. “Me Lexi.”

  “Hello Lexi,” Dr. Galliger replies. “This is…”

  “Mr. Possom,” Lexi giggles.

  Both Dr. Galliger’s and Mr. Paulson’s jaws drop. “You know who we are?” Mr. Paulson gasps.

  “Mmhmmm,” Lexi hums. “You do tests on Lexi. Put Lexi through scammer. See why Lexi so different. Lexi very different. Lexi super special.”

  “We heard,” Dr. Galliger says. “Are you alright? Can I check you out? Simple checkup?”

  Lexi shakes her head. “Lexi hungry. Tests tomorrow.”

  “You don’t mind if we do some tests,” Dr. Galliger says, his eyebrows shooting up.

  She shakes her head. “No. Lexi no like needles though.”

  “Okay, we don’t have to draw blood right away,” Dr. Galliger says.

  “Lexi okay. Lexi just no like needles,” she replies.

  “We can numb your skin first and then it won’t hurt at all,” Dr. Galliger says. “Does that sound alright?”

  Nodding, Lexi says, “That okay.”

  “Alright, let’s actually go into the ship,” Damien suggests. They start to walk. “Is everyone else here?”

  “Yes. They are obviously scared and shook up. This is very scary for them. They also come from such an abused atmosphere. I think it’s going to take them a long time to adapt and trust anyone. We have the best counselors working with them. We will get them to a healthy mental state.”

  “Lexi see them,” Lexi states. “Lexi see them now.”

  Damien looks down at her. “Why?”

  “Lexi need to see them.”

  Dr. Galliger tilts his head. “They are all in the cafeteria. We are trying to get them to eat. They are so scared.”

  “It may take a while. We have to try and urge them to eat though. We don’t need them to get sick. Especially the kids and especially since we don’t know much about them,” Claire says.

  “Lexi see,” Lexi states again.

  Looking at her hesitantly, Damien says, “Alright, let’s go.” They start to walk through the hallways.

  “Daddy go left,” Lexi says.

  He looks down at her. “How do you know that?” Lexi smiles broadly and giggles. “Of course you know.”

  Lexi looks over Damien’s shoulder to Claire. Claire makes a silly face and Lexi beams.

  They finally make it to the cafeteria. Everyone is very quiet and huddled around tables. There are Neturu counselors sitting around with them. Obviously, trying to calm them. Everyone turns as they walk into the room and stares at them. “Hello,” Damien says. “My name is Damien Blakely. This is my fiancée Claire Livingston. That is Dr. Galliger and Mr. Paulson.”

  “You’re really Damien Blakely? The heir to the Merjyet line?” A girl asks.


  “You personally came to rescue us?”

  He nods. “Yes, I did. I want you to know the council will take care of you. You don’t have to be scared.”

  “We’ve never been outside of the institute,” another guy says. “We know nothing but the horror of the outside world. How are we supposed to trust you?”

  “LEXI!” Lexi screams.

  All eyes turn to her. She giggles. “Lexi,” Damien sighs. “Anyway, this is Lexi. She was engineered too.”

  “We have never seen her before,” the guy states.

  “Lexi!” She squeals again.

  “Lexi honey,” Claire tries to hush her.

  She starts wiggling around. “Daddy put Lexi down.”


  “Daddy, put down.”

  Damien bends over and sits her on the ground. Lexi goes and runs over to the guy who was talking. “Isaiah!” She squeals. Jumping onto his lap, she wraps her arms around him. The sixteen-year-old jerks but then gets a look on his face. “Isaiah be okay. Isaiah trust.”

  “Oh my gosh,” Isaiah says. “I feel so calm.”

  “Lexi show. Lexi show okay,” Lexi says. She crawls down from his lap and goes to one of the six year olds. “Lexi hug!” She grabs onto the little girl. The little girl looks scared but then instantly calms down. She hugs her back.

  Claire watches as Lexi slowly goes around to everyone. You can see the relief and tension leave each of the kids. Lexi calls each of them by their names, but no one looks shocked that she knows who they are. Claire turns to Damien. “It has to be an ability.”

  “I’m starting to believe that,” he replies. “Whatever it is, it’s making them calm, which is good.”

  Lexi finally starts jumping around, clapping her hands. “Eat! Eat! Eat!”

  “Yeah, we are getting hungry,” one of the teenagers says.

  “Hungry,” a little girl whines.

  Damien looks at one of the chefs. “Start to prepare food.” He looks at the kids. “Is there anything you wanted to try?”

  “Pizza!” About half of them scream.

  “Cheeseburgers,” a bunch of others say.

  “French fries!”

  He looks at the cooks and they nod. Lexi comes running back over to Claire. “Lexi potty!”

  “Oh gosh, are you potty trained?” Claire asks. “I don’t have anything.”

  “Lexi go on big potty,” Lexi replies. “Mommy, Lexi have to go.”

  “Okay, come on,” Claire says, picking her up. “We will see you in a few minutes,” she tells Damien. He nods. “What did you do in there?” Claire asks Lexi.

  Lexi shrugs and smiles. “Lexi say it going to be okay.”

  “I know, but what did you do?”

  “Lexi don’t know.”

  Claire looks at her. “You don’t know what you did?”

  “Before. Lexi see before. Lexi see what Lexi do. Lexi makes kids happy.”

  “You saw what you did in the future?” Claire replies. Lexi nods. “Interesting. What do you want to eat? Do you know?”

  “Pizza! It Lexi favorite.”

  “You’ve had it before,” Claire says, not hiding the surprise in her voice.

  Lexi shakes her head. “Lexi just know.”

  “Are you sure you can’t see your future,” Claire inquires, looking at Lexi speculatively.

  “No Mommy,” Lexi replies. “Lexi sure. Lexi no see future.”

  “I wonder why,” Claire whispers, as they walk down the hallway.

  Fiddling with her jumpsuit, Lexi says, “Lexi no want to see Lexi’s future.”

  “You can make that choice,” Claire replies. “You can choose what you see.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Lexi no know. Lexi only two.”

  Claire laughs. “That is very true. With the way that you talk, sometimes I think you are older.”

  “Lexi just turned two,” Lexi states, with a smile. “Lexi want big birthday party when she turn three.”

  “We will throw you the most ultimate of ultimate birthday parties,” Claire promises. “Okay, here’s the bathroom.”

  Ten minutes later, they make it back to the cafeteria. “Put Lexi down,” Lexi squeals. Claire sets her down. Lexi screams, “Uncle Mason!” And runs across the floor as fast as she can. Claire follows her.

  He scoops her up and holds her above him in the air. “Hey you.”

  “Kissie!” Mason brings her down and gives her a big kiss.

  “Hey honey.”

  “Lexi so excited to see Uncle Mason.”

  “I’m excited to see you, too.” He says. “There are some people who I would like to introduce you to.”

  “Ariel, Aurora, Xander and Trinity,” Lexi declares, looking at each of them.

  Ariel smiles. “It’s so good to meet you. We’ve heard all about you.”

  “I haven’t heard much,” Trinity whispers.

  Lexi squirms until Mason sets her down. Lexi goes over and hugs Trinity’s legs. “Auntie Trinity.”

  “Wow…hey,” she whispers. Trinity strokes her hair. “You know I can’t see, right?”

  “Auntie Trinity see soon,” Lexi states. “Auntie Trinity see Lexi different.”

  “How are you different?” Trinity asks.

  “Lexi have purple hair and green eyes.”

  Trinity’s eyebrows go up. “Like Kenga.”

  “Yup,” Mason replies. “I’m thinking she is part Kenga.”

  “Fully?” Trinity asks.

  He shakes his head. “No, she doesn’t have purple skin.”

  “She can do amazing things though,” Mason replies. “Right honey?”

  Lexi nods her head. “Lexi super special.”

  “I wonder why she was created with all those powers,” Xander says.

  “Collector wants to take Lexi to Jiub,” Lexi says.

  Claire kneels down next to her. “What are you talking about?”

  “The Collector say she want to take Lexi to Jiub,” Lexi states again.

  “Did she say why?”

  Shaking her head, Lexi replies, “No. Collector crazy lady.” Everyone laughs and Lexi giggles.

  “See, she knows all,” Mason snorts.

  “Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!” Lexi exclaims, doing this jumping dance on the floor.

  “She’s obviously super excited,” Claire laughs.

  “She’s two,” Aurora says. “That’s a given. Haven’t you been around any two year olds.”

  Claire raises an eyebrow. “No, not really.”

  Everyone starts roaring. “Oh my god,” Ariel gasps. “Just wait.”

  “It can’t possibly be that bad,” Claire drawls out.

  That sends everyone into a tailspin of laughter. “The Tasmanian Devil,” Ariel says. “Wait and watch.”

  “That is the second time that analogy has been brought up,” Claire says. “I’m starting to think I’m in for a rude awakening.”

  “Lexi be good,” Lexi says, hopping around. “Lexi no trouble.”

  “We will see about that,” Claire laughs.

  Suddenly, they hear, “Damien.”

  They turn to see Mr. Blakely walking into the cafeteria. The whole cafeteria gets quiet and everyone stares at him. “GRANDPA!” Lexi screams. She goes tearing off across the cafeteria towards him. The guards surrounding him draw their guns on her. Lexi stops and then freezes. There is a pause and then she immediately starts crying.

  “Back up,” one of the guard member says.

  “No,” Lexi yells. Suddenly, all the guards’ weapons are stuck to the ceiling. The rest of their weapons are drawn out of their clothes and join the guns on the ceiling. “Lexi say hi to grandpa.”

  Claire runs over to Lexi. “Lexi, stop honey.”

  “Mommy!” She turns around and jumps into her arms.

  “Stop. Shhh.” Claire hugs her tight. “They don’t understand. They don’t know about you. Can you please stop?”

  Damien comes up behind them. “Mommy is right. Remember, no powers.”

  “Guns on Lexi!”

  “That’s true. No more guns, okay? You need to stop,” Damien says, stroking her head. Lexi sniffles and nods her head. The guns and weapons drop to the floor. Damien looks at his father. “Dad, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “I thought it was safe,” Mr. Blakely says. “I may need to leave.”

  Lexi turns around. “No, Grandpa no leave. Lexi be good. Lexi scared of guns.”

  “Yes, that had to be scary,” Mr. Blakely replies. “But, I have to be kept safe. I hope you understand that.”

  “Lexi no hurt Grandpa,” Lexi sniffles. “Lexi protect Grandpa. No bad guys. Lexi hurt bad guys.”

  “What bad guys?” Claire asks.

  Lexi plays with her hair. “Lexi. Older. Bad guys.”

  “What are they doing?”

  She shrugs. “Lexi no know. Lexi tell Grandpa about powers.”

  Damien grabs her from Claire. “You want to tell Grandpa about your powers?”

  Nodding, Lexi says, “Lexi show.”

  “How about we tell him,” Damien replies. “You can show him some other time. We don’t want to use your powers for a couple of days. Okay?” Lexi nods again. “Well Dad. Lexi is different and super special. She can walk through things.”

  “Like…through them?” Mr. Blakely replies slowly.

  “We made our way through the institute walking through walls and closed doors,” Claire states. “It was different. It made no residual effects on the walls. It was just POP and we were through them.”

  Mr. Blakely looks at Lexi. “That’s incredible.”

  “That’s not even close to the end of it,” Damien says. “She obviously is telekinetic and sees the future. She also can change the elements.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Okay, show him this one honey,” Damien replies. “Show him.” Lexi runs over to a chair. She touches it and the chair sifts up into the air and turns into nothing.

  There is silence as Mr. Blakely stares at her. “How? How would any of this be possible? It makes absolutely no sense.”

  “Latent ability?” Claire interjects.

  “Of who? Neturu. This doesn’t even make sense. It’s matter. How do you change that? It’s plastic and metal and now it’s gone. Just POOF. It. Doesn’t. Make. Sense.”

  “Lexi special,” Lexi squeals, jumping around.
“Special. Special. Special.”

  “Lexi, do you know how you do it?” Claire asks.

  She comes running back and jumps into Claire’s arm. “Lexi control anums.”

  “Atoms?” Claire corrects.

  “Atums,” Lexi replies. “Move things, control atums. Same thing. Take atums and move them around.”

  Claire raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t quite make sense.”

  “Too hard for Lexi to explame. Lexi two.”

  “It gives us something to start with,” Dr. Galliger says. “Do you think she can do anything else?”

  Damien shrugs. “She said The Collector wants to take her to Jiub. Abilities or not, why would she want to do that? Lexi can’t change anything that is happening there.”

  “Do we really know what’s going on there?” Claire asks. “We have no idea. Do you think The Collector has some way to know anything about Jiub?”

  “No,” Lexi mumbles, pulling her hair forward and putting it in her mouth.

  “Don’t eat your hair,” Claire says, pulling it out. “Ewww.”

  “Hungry,” Lexi whines.

  Claire looks over across the cafeteria. “It looks like it’s going to be done any minute.”

  “Back onto Jiub,” Damien says. “Why would she go back there?”

  “Collector say Lexi together!” Lexi squeals, slamming her hands together.

  “What do you mean?” He asks.

  She shrugs. “Together. Collector say Lexi together. Lexi no know what Collector talk about. It confuse Lexi.”

  “Well, that doesn’t help us,” Damien sighs.

  Mr. Blakely shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter now. We won’t let her near these kids. There is going to be maximum security. We already started scanning all guard members. We have found three so far. Lower levels, but they had the microchips. The microchips seemed to be have turned off. The general response is crying in relief. She threatened them, their families, anyone they cared for. To the point that she would do something to prove her point. Usually an accident. Not resulting in death, but to scare them.”

  “That’s awful.”

  “We aren’t sure what we are going to do with her people. It sounds like they had no choice.”

  “They could have come to us,” Damien states. “We would have done something.”

  He shakes his head. “They were absolutely terrified. Scared out of their minds. I’ve never been in their shoes, so I have no idea how easy it would be to betray someone that ruthless,” Mr. Blakely says. “The women were all made to go under. They have no idea what was done to them.”


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