The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook
The Easy 5-Ingredient
Cookbook Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes
for Busy People on the Keto Diet
Copyright © 2018 by Jen Fisch
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Bul etproof Coff ee, page 19
Introduction viii
ONE Simple & Easy Ketogenic Cooking 1
TWO Smoothies & Breakfasts 17
THREE Hearty Soups & Salads 41
FOUR Side Dishes & Snacks 65
FIVE Fish & Poultry Entrées 89
SIX Pork & Beef Entrées 113
SEVEN Desserts & Sweet Treats 139
EIGHT Sauces & Dressings 163
Appendix A: The Dirty Dozen
and the Clean Fifteen 177
Appendix B: Measurement Conversions 178
References 179
Resources 180
Recipe Title Index 181
Recipe Type Index 184
Index 185
I’m so happy you’ve decided to explore the
that I cut sugar out of my diet. This was the
ketogenic way of eating with me.
first time I had thought about the connection
Following a keto diet has helped so
between food and auto immune disorders.
many people. The keto diet is a super-low-
I followed his advice, started on a low-
carbohydrate diet that includes a high
carb diet, cut out sugar, and saw relief within
level of healthy fats and a moderate level of
weeks. I noticed a definite decrease in the
protein. My journey with low-carbohydrate
inflammation in my joints as well as in my
eating began over a decade ago, at the
skin, which had been angry and red. This
recommendation of a doctor I was seeing for
started me on a path of discovery, learning
acupuncture. When I was 18 and 19 years
more about how my body reacts to various
old, I was diagnosed with two autoimmune
foods and finally finding an eating plan that
disorders: psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.
could help me feel like my best self.
I was looking for ways to alleviate pain and
For many years I followed a mostly
inflammation, and the doctor recommended
low-carbohydrate eating plan, but I also went
through periods where I “fell off the wagon.”
recipes (and everything else in my life) as
Then, a few years ago, I started having more
simple as humanly possible. In my experience,
autoimmune issues again. My doctors thought
you do not need a lot of exotic ingredients and
perhaps I had Crohn’s disease, but they
a cupboard full of special oils to whip up
weren’t sure. After many tests and not a lot o
amazing keto meals.
f answers, I decided to go back to experiment-
The recipes in this book will help satisfy
ing with food to see if I could help heal myself.
cravings you will have for those high-carb
I started by eating high-quality foods (organic,
favorites you used to eat pre-keto. Having
grass-fed, etc.) but with gluten-free carbs. I
those cravings is super normal. Most people
saw some improvement with my issues, but
have eaten a high-carbohydrate diet their
I just felt sluggish, and after six months of
entire lives, so it is definitely an adjustment
following that plan, I had gained weight
to go keto. But I encourage you to stick with it.
thanks to those tasty gluten-free treats that
My 5-ingredient recipes have made my
are so readily available these days.
life easier. For this book, I created as many reci-
p; Then I came across the ketogenic diet.
pes as I could that can be made in 30 minutes
At first, it seemed like the induction phase to
or less. Who has the time these days to spend
the Atkins diet, but I liked the idea of eating
hours preparing a meal? The recipes are full of
real foods, lower in protein, with a focus on
flavor and healthy fats. You’ll be cooking with
healthy fats. I had never heard of “keto” at
natural, wholesome ingredients that are easy
the time, and like many people, I felt a little
to find and that are affordable. There is no need
confused and overwhelmed by the new keto
to go to five different grocery stores just to hunt
terms. What on Earth is ketosis? What is a
down a bunch of unfamiliar ingredients. My
macro, and how do I measure it? But I decided
recipes make keto easy!
to try the keto diet, and I am so glad I did.
Come along with me as I guide you on your
Immediately I loved the challenge of cre-
keto journey. I know you can do it. I’m excited
ating keto-friendly meals that were quick and
to show you all the super-delicious ways you
easy, and also delicious. I am a single mom,
can make my easy, 5-ingredient, keto-friendly
and I work full time. I also have an extremely
recipes. Let's start cooking!
busy teenage daughter, so I like to keep
What I love most about the ketogenic lifestyle is how easy it is,
both when cooking at home and eating out. The recipes in this
book are simple and use familiar foods. I will show you how to
turn everyday, easy-to-find ingredients into keto-friendly meals
that are delicious and full of the healthy fats your body will use
to fuel itself. The most important step in starting the keto diet
is just starting! Don’t feel intimidated: I will walk you through
everything you need to know!
The benefits of a ketogenic diet are vast,
and each person has their own reason for
embarking on a keto journey. For me, I was
focused on reducing inflammation in my
body. Removing sugar, which is extremely
Starting a new eating plan can be over-
inflammatory, and carbohydrates has been
whelming. I know when I first started
life changing. Enabling your body to be in
researching the ketogenic diet online, the
nutritional ketosis can be helpful for condi-
materials available were confusing, and I
tions such as obesity, epilepsy, neurological
felt like I was back in science class. But at
conditions, and more. Being a fat burner
its core, “keto” is focused on eating a diet
instead of a sugar burner may also boost your
full of healthy fats, mixed with proteins and
longevity. It seems like every week there are
very few carbs. Ideally, the carbs you do
new studies supporting the keto lifestyle.
eat will come mainly from vegetables. Your
When starting a ketogenic diet, you
body will switch from burning sugar and
may encounter new terms and have some
carbs for energy to burning fat/ketones for
energy. This process is called “ketosis,” and
it puts you in the optimal state for burning
What is ketosis? Drastically restricting
body fat and losing weight. But weight loss
carbs and sugar in your diet puts your body
is not the only benefit to the keto plan.
into a state of ketosis, which is when the body
Mental clarity, reduced inflammation,
burns fat (ketones) instead of glucose (carbs
and increased energy are just some of the
and sugar). When there are very few carbohy-
other benefits.
drates in the diet, the liver converts fat into
When you are first beginning the keto diet,
fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone
you may find yourself eating more to feel full.
bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose
But quickly, as you become keto-adapted,
as an energy source. This elevated level of
you will find that you are often not hungry at
ketone bodies in the blood is known as keto-
mealtime. It is important to learn to listen to
sis. You can often achieve a state of ketosis
your body, and if you are not hungry, you don’t
within the first week of starting a keto diet,
need to eat. I continuously remind myself of
which is the first step of eventually becoming
this lesson. When I am at work, I often feel
keto-adapted, which can often take about a
like I need to eat at noon when everyone goes
month to achieve.
to lunch. However, on the weekends, with-
out such a schedule, I can often go until 2 or
What are macros, and why are they
3 p.m. before eating. Allow your body to guide
important? When you first start a keto
diet, you will want to calculate your “mac-
you, but always make sure you are drinking
ros” and track them every day. Macros, or
plenty of water and getting the proper intake
macronutrients, are the major nutritional
of electrolytes.
elements that make up the caloric content
Is eating that much fat good for you?
of your food—protein, carbohydrates,
Eating 70 to 75 percent fat on the keto diet
fat, plus some minerals. The Centers for
probably seems a little crazy when you are
Disease Control and Prevention states that
used to a typical high-carb, low-fat diet.
the typical American diet is about 50 per-
In fact, when I first started on the keto
cent carbohydrates, 15 percent protein, and
plan, I found it easy to quit carbs but much
35 percent fat. In contrast, the structure
more difficult to hit my recommended fat
of a typical keto diet is closer to 5 percent
amount every day. The most important
carbs, 20 to 25 percent protein, and 70 to
thing to remember is that you want to eat
75 percent fat.
high-quality fats; not all fats are created
To find the best macros for you, you can
equal! High-quality fats like grass-fed
go on Google and search for “keto macro
butter, ghee (clarified butter), grass-fed meats,
calculator.” The macro calculator will ask you
organic full-fat dairy, avocados, macadamia
to enter information (height, weight, activity
nuts, and salmon are examples of the kinds
level, goals, etc.), and based on that informa-
of fats you want to consume. You should
tion, it will suggest your keto macros. The
avoid low-quality fats like vegetable or
macros represent the upper limit of your ideal
canola oils. You will notice that on the keto
nutritional intake for each day. Macros will
plan, you won’t be hungry as often because
be broken down into calories, fat, protein, and
the high-quality fats will keep you satisfied
carbohydrates. If weight loss is your goal, it
and feeling full.
is often recommended that you stay under
20 net carbs per day, which is my daily goal.
What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent
fasting (IF) can be adopted as part of a keto-
I use the free Carb Manager application to
genic lifestyle. I typically eat all my food for
track my food. You can set the preferences
a day within an eight-hour “eating window,”
to net carbs.
which for me is typically between noon
Some people monitor their total
and 8 p.m. This leaves 16 hours in the day
carbohydrates while on the keto diet, and
where I am intermittently fasting, but I am
some follow net carbs; it is a personal deci-
sleeping for a good portion of that, which
sion. I count net carbs, which basically means
makes IF pretty easy to achieve. During
that you subtract the insoluble fiber content
the IF time period, I drink Bulletproof
from the total carbs because fiber is a car-
Coffee (page 19) which is allowed on the
bohydrate that your body cannot digest. For
Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting protocol,
example, ½ cup of cauliflower has 2.65 grams
and water, but I don’t consume any solid
of carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of insoluble
food. The Bulletproof Coffee curbs my
fiber. So you subtract the fiber from the total
appetite because of the fat content in the
carbohydrates, and the net carb content of
grass-fed butter and Brain Octane Oil. The
that serving is 1.45 grams.
longer you are on the ketogenic diet, the less
hungry you will become in general, because
electrolytes are out of balance, you will feel
the higher amount of fat you are eating will
tired or just “off.”
satiate you.
Manage your electrolytes to minimize
What is keto-adapted? Most people reach
the “keto flu” when you are first starting
a state of ketosis within a couple of weeks
keto. When you begin to follow a ketogenic
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