The Aristocrat

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The Aristocrat Page 13

by Penelope Ward

  “Well, he’s keeping up with two women at the same time currently.”

  “What’s new about that?”

  “I mean, literally the same time. That’s what’s new.”

  “Oh. He’s too much, that one.”

  My cousin walked into the room.

  “Speak of the devil, Nan. Sigmund just got here. I’m going to let you go. I need to fill him in on some things.”

  “Okay. Love you, my boy. Tell my other grandson hello and to behave.”

  “I will.” I hung up and turned to him. “Nan says to behave.”

  “That’s why I’m her favorite.”

  I tossed my phone aside. “So, I ran the Boston trip by Felicity, and we’ve decided to just stay here.”

  “Ah. Taking advantage of having the house to yourself so you can have a shagfest in peace, eh?”

  “I highly doubt that’s going to happen.”

  “You expect me to believe that?”

  “I don’t know what will happen. Whatever she wants.”

  “You have no chill about this, and you know it. Stop acting like you’re not dying to fuck her. It’s the only time in your life you’ve had to wait for anything you’ve wanted.”

  “We don’t have to have sex in order to enjoy each other.”

  He examined my face. “All right, I’ll stop. It’s clear you really like her. And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m…starting to as well.”

  I squinted. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Relax. I’ve got my hands full as it is. I don’t fancy your girl in that way. I just meant I can see now why you like her. She’s grown on me. I still maintain that you’re making a mistake and getting in over your head, but I’m not going to give you grief about it anymore.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  He left the room, and a few minutes later returned, throwing a box at my chest.

  It was a gargantuan box of condoms.

  “What the hell? I have my own, thanks. Who needs this many condoms, anyway?”

  “The Marias took me to a wholesale store in Massachusetts. It’s called BJ’s Warehouse. Fitting name, eh?”

  “You’re insane.”

  “I got a three-pack of those boxes. You can keep that one.”

  Shaking my head, I threw the box of condoms and hit him in the chest.

  * * *


  Track 12: “Sunshine of Your Love” by Cream

  Friday afternoon seemed to take forever to get here. I spent the morning cleaning my room and setting up some more of my planners, just to pass the time. I finally opted to put myself out of my misery and head over to Leo’s a little early.

  The afternoon sun was shining brightly as I rang his doorbell.

  He opened the door with a huge smile. “Welcome home, gorgeous.”

  “I wish,” I said, giving him a once-over.

  “Come in.”

  Wow. He’d apparently just been weightlifting. He wore a pair of black workout tights. I never thought a man in tights could be sexy, but they really showed off the muscles in his legs, which I knew he worked hard on. A sheen of sweat glistened over his chest, and his big feet were bare, which I found incredibly hot.

  “Did I interrupt your fitness regimen?”

  “I thought you were arriving closer to three, so I figured I’d sneak a workout in, but getting to see you earlier is much better.” He looked down at my overnight bag, which was covered in tiny Hello Kitty heads. “You’re fucking adorable with that bag.”

  “Hello Kitty. Did you expect anything else?” It fell to the ground with a thud as I looked around. “Sig already left?”

  “Yes. We’re completely free. Although, he left you a present.”

  Leo walked over to a glass cake display on the counter. Sig had baked something and left a sticky note on the front of the glass.

  I peeled it off and read it.

  A gingerbread for a gingerhead.

  I know you’ll miss me this weekend. (Not!)

  You and Leo will have to try to find a way to entertain each other. I’m sure you can figure something out, eh?

  P.S. This is a new recipe. Hope you like it. I suggest adding some “Leo is whipped” cream, which is in the refrigerator.


  Your Favorite Ball Buster

  “He’s a joy, isn’t he?” Leo rolled his eyes. “At least it’s edible, unlike the majority of the crap he pulls.”

  “I’m definitely going to devour that later.” Somehow my eyes were actually on Leo’s body when I said that. And I couldn’t help thinking how badly I wanted to devour him.

  His eyes lingered on mine, then dropped to my chest, which was probably more exposed than he’d ever seen it. “You look so fucking beautiful right now.”

  I looked down at my cami and denim shorts. “Thank you.” I looked over the ridges of his chest. “You should finish your workout since I interrupted you.” Maybe I’ll watch.

  “No need. I was pretty much finished. I’ve been sort of bouncing off the walls all day waiting for you. Nervous energy, I guess.”

  “Oh my God. I was the same way. Although, I’m surprised you’re nervous to have me here.”

  “More like excited—on top of the world. I just want you to have a nice weekend and be happy. That’s all.”

  “I am, Leo. I really am. I don’t want to overthink anything. I just want to let loose and have fun with you.”

  “I’m so fucking down for that,” he said, lightly pinching my cheek. “On that note, what can I get you to drink?”

  “I’m gonna hold off for a bit. The night is young.”

  “Probably a good idea.” Leo smiled. “What do you want to do first? We can go out on the boat for a while, swim in the bay, watch a movie—the possibilities are endless.”

  “It’s pretty hot out. I think a swim would be nice before the sun goes down.”

  He nodded. “Let me show you to your room so you can change.”

  I loved that he was being respectful, giving me my own room. I wasn’t sure how to tell him I hoped to bunk with him tonight. It was probably wise to have the option of separate quarters, though.

  He led me up the stairs and into his room. I’d yet to be inside of it.

  “This is mine, but I’ll be sleeping in Sigmund’s room. There’s a guest room, as well, but it’s not as nice as this, and this room has a great bathroom.”

  The bedroom was stunning—sleek, black furniture, and gray satin sheets. It looked like something fit for a king, or a lord.

  “This is so nice. Thank you for giving me your room.”

  “Anything for you.” He took a deep breath. “Anyway, I should let you get changed.” But he didn’t budge.

  I sat down at the edge of the bed and looked over at the bedside table. A necklace I’d seen him wear before was on top. It had a man’s gold and diamond ring dangling from it.

  “What’s the story with the ring on that necklace?”

  “It was my grandfather’s. It’s my most prized possession, so I don’t travel without it. It’s sort of like a good-luck charm. He gave it to me when I was sixteen. My grandad was ill and knew he didn’t have much time left. That was a ring he’d always worn on his pinky finger. He told me to wear it around my neck as a reminder of him. I feel like it brings me strength in times when I need it.”

  “That’s amazing. I’d wondered if it had significance…”

  The drawer beneath it was partially open.

  “That’s quite a box of condoms in there. Can never be too careful, I guess?”

  Leo’s face turned beet red—like I’d never seen it before.

  He gritted his teeth. “Fucking Sigmund.”

  “It’s no biggie. Every guy has condoms in his drawer...”

  “Maybe. But not every guy has a box that’s large enough for a small village. I didn’t put those in there. My idiot cousin bought that box as a gag gift going into this weekend. I gave them back, but he must have put
them there and conveniently left the drawer open. Probably hoped you’d find them.”

  “Where the heck did he even get a box that huge?”

  “BJ’s, of all places.”

  “Sig is probably the only person on Earth who might actually need this many.” I gathered my courage for a moment.

  Leo read my mind. “You look like you have a question.”

  “I’m curious. Have you been with anyone since you’ve been in the States?”

  Leo blinked a few times. “One person. When we were in California the first month. It was just a one-night thing. No emotional attachment. It didn’t mean anything, and I was careful.”

  “You’ve said you’ve been with a lot of women…” I felt my face heat up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t plan to have this conversation now. I’ve just been wondering about it.”

  Leo sat down next to me. “Look, I’ve told you before that you can ask me anything, and I’ll tell you the truth.” He sighed. “I’ve never counted. But I’ve never had unprotected sex. Not even once. And I get regular check-ups to be on the safe side.”

  “Okay,” I said, relieved that he’d offered that last bit of information.

  He stared off. “I think it’s around twenty-five girls I’ve been with, if I had to estimate. I had the one girlfriend in high school, and there have just been casual hookups since then—mostly women who’ve wanted more from me or wanted to sleep with me because of my status. I’ve been ultra careful because I know that for many of the women back home, there are big incentives to trap me. I’ve been a bit fearful during every sexual encounter, to be honest. I’ve always insisted on using my own condoms—things like that. I never trusted that someone wouldn’t tamper with them. Does that sound crazy?”

  “No, it doesn’t sound crazy at all. I wouldn’t trust anyone, either, if I were you.”

  “I can’t remember the last time I fully let go during sex, just allowed myself to be completely lost in someone. There’s always a bit of anxiety putting a damper on things.” He paused, his eyes searching mine. “When was the last time for you?”

  Ugh. Now it was my turn to stop and calculate. There certainly weren’t that many. “It’s been a while…”

  “Yeah? How long?”

  “Well, I’ve already told you I had two relationships. My first time was with Matt, and then my college boyfriend, Finn. After that ended, I wasn’t with anyone for a long time.” I paused, my palms getting sweaty. “About a year ago, when I was still living in Boston, I just…really started to miss sex. So I hooked up with someone I met online who said he was only interested in a one-night stand. I was safe, of course, but it had been so long, and I needed it.” I exhaled, not sure why that was hard to admit when Leo was far more experienced.

  He let out a shaky breath. I couldn’t tell if he was upset or turned on by what I’d just admitted. Then he asked, “Did that…scratch your itch?”

  “It did, I suppose. But there’s been no one since. So, it’s been a while.” I shook my head. “I can’t believe I just admitted that to you.” I started to look down but felt his hand on my chin.

  He brought my eyes to his. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want you to think I take it lightly or something.”

  “You shouldn’t feel ashamed. You’re human. You have needs.” He lowered his hand to my leg. His voice grew thick. “Do you want to know what I really think about it?”


  He squeezed my knee. “Okay. Of course, I don’t love thinking about you having sex with some strange guy. But I find it incredibly hot that you knew what you wanted and let yourself have it. You come across as a bit reserved, but I think there’s a wild side in there somewhere. And I’m here for it. I’m so fucking here for it.” He leaned in and kissed my neck.

  I bent my head back to enjoy it. “I think everyone’s libido peaks at different times. I find the older I get, the more I crave sex.”

  Leo grabbed one of his pillows and placed it over his face, letting out a muffled groan.

  “What’s that all about?” I giggled.

  His hair was a bit messed up as he emerged from behind the pillow. “You realize you’re killing me right now, right? I can’t remember the last time I was this turned on. And we’re merely talking. It’s too early in the weekend for me to be feeling like this. I’m supposed to be on my best behavior, but fuck, Felicity…” He pointed down to the massive erection threatening to bust through his black workout tights. “Of course, I’d choose the worst pants to be wearing under these circumstances. Look at this. It’s bloody pathetic.”

  “I think it’s hot, actually.” I forced my eyes up to meet his. “I think you’re incredibly hot.”

  He inched closer. “Do you now?”


  His pupils seemed to dilate. “Well, the feeling is very mutual.”

  “You don’t need to worry so much about behaving. Regardless of what I might have said at one time, things have changed. I think I’d like to experience you not on your best behavior.”

  His mouth curved into a grin before he planted a long, hard kiss on my lips. Revved up from our conversation, I grew wetter with each second that his tongue swirled around my mouth.

  Leo pulled away. “I’m not sure you know exactly what you’re signing up for in asking me not to behave, Miss Dunleavy.”

  I looked down at his hard-on again, and my mouth practically watered. What is happening to me right now?

  “Seriously…” he said. “Regardless of how badly I want you, there is no pressure this weekend, all right? I hope you know that. And for the record, there are many ways we can explore each other without sleeping together. Many options available.”

  “I’d love to know what my options are.” I smiled teasingly.

  “They’re endless, really.”

  “Tell me.”

  “You want me to spell one out for you?”

  Biting my bottom lip, I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, to be more specific…” Leo’s breath tickled my ear as he leaned in and whispered, “There’s no place I’d rather be than inside you, Felicity. But if that’s not what you prefer, I’d love to have you sit on my face and ride the fuck out of it. I can find ways to make you scream. All you need to do is tell me what you want. The ball is in your court, and nothing is off the table. But doing nothing at all is an option, too. I’m just happy you’re here and can’t wait to spend this time with you.”

  My legs quivered with anticipation.

  “Was that direct enough for you?” He chuckled.

  “Mmm-hmm,” I muttered, so turned on, I could hardly speak. “Sounds good.”

  “On that note…” Leo slapped my leg. “I’m going to take a shower. A cold one. That will give you some privacy. You get changed. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few.”

  He placed one last kiss on my lips, and I yearned for him to stay on this bed and take me. He deepened the kiss for a few seconds as our tongues collided before he moved back again. “Fuck. I need to pace myself today.” He hopped up. “Going to shower!”

  He ran out of the room so fast that he tripped on the carpet. “Damn, I’m smooth,” he said as he disappeared out the door.

  My mouth hurt from smiling. As I got undressed, I realized my nipples were hard as steel. After putting my bikini on, I pulled a cover-up around my body and slipped into some flip-flops.

  All that talk about sex had me hot and bothered, but it was Leo who made me like this. The way he’d looked at me from the moment I met him. The way he wanted me. The way I wanted him. It had always been this intense. I’d just never let loose long enough to experience the depth of it.

  After I ventured downstairs, I found Leo on the phone, looking tense.

  “Hang on, Mum,” he said. Then he whispered to me, “I’ll be right off. It’s my mother.”

  Waving my hand, I said, “Take your time.”

  I walked over to the French doors leading out to the deck, but I couldn’t help b
ut listen to his conversation.

  “So they’ll just start another round of treatment, then,” he said.

  My heart sank. Shit. This must be about his father. I turned around, unable to pretend I hadn’t heard.

  He continued talking to his mother for several minutes. At one point, I did finally wander into the next room to give him some privacy. When I returned to the kitchen, he was still immersed in conversation, pulling on his hair as he paced.

  “Yeah. Okay. Put him on.” He exhaled before it seemed his mother had put his father on the phone. “I thought we had a deal, old man. No getting sick while I’m away.” He paused. “How are you feeling?”

  Leo spoke to his father for about five minutes before the call ended.

  He hung up and stared at the phone for a moment before turning to me. “My dad’s cancer is growing. They need to start his treatment regimen again.”

  “I figured as much. I’m so sorry, Leo.” I never seemed to know what to say in horrible situations like this.

  “He’d been on a good stretch for the past year. There wasn’t any growth of his lung tumor—until now. I was hoping the reprieve would continue.”

  “I can only imagine. It’s got to be so hard on your mother and you.”

  “He insists that I don’t need to come back right now. I feel like I should, but at the same time, I can’t leave Narragansett yet. Does that make me a bad person?”

  I shoved aside the panic that shot through me at the prospect of his leaving. “I think you would know if you needed to go home. You’re a seven-hour flight away, right? Your mother would tell you if anything changed.”

  He nodded. “That’s true. You’re right. My father has been very supportive of this trip. I’m gonna try not to feel guilty. Instead, I need to think positive—believe that he’s going to make it through this, just as he’s made it through all of the other rounds of treatment.”

  I wrapped my arms around him. “What do you need right now?”

  He squeezed me tighter and breathed into my neck. “You. This. I just need to touch you.”


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