Forever Better Together

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Forever Better Together Page 12

by A. D. Ellis

  Grif wiped his eyes. “Oh my God, that’s the sweetest thing ever.” He kissed me. “What about Mulan?”

  “I felt Mulan was very good. Not better or worse than Winnie the Pooh, just different. I think the lesson is be strong, be independent. But most importantly, be yourself, no matter what other people think. And that is so very perfect for you, for me, and for us. The quote I liked best was the one about ‘The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.’ You are the perfect example of that quote. You’ve overcome so much despite the shit handed to you. And you’ve come out on the other side of it strong, independent, and successful.”

  “I’m not sure I’d say independent or successful just yet.” Grif wrinkled his nose.

  “You are. And you’ll gain more independence and success with each passing day.” I wrapped him in my arms. “Just don’t get so independent and successful that you don’t need or want me around.”

  “Never,” Grif mumbled into my neck. “Video game time?”

  “Yes, because once you dance for me, I’m taking you to bed for the rest of the night.” I ran a hand from his shoulder down to his ass and squeezed. “Any choice of video game?”

  “Nope, it’s your gift so you get to choose.”

  I picked Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and we settled in for an amazing two hours of laughing, teasing, smack-talking, and arguing. By the time we reached the end of our time, my eyes desperately needed a break from the screen. “We should do this more often. All of it. Makeup, movies, video games.”


  “And sexy dancing that leads to you in my bed.” I waggled my brows. “I’m ready for my dance.”

  Grif blushed. “Okay. Sit on the couch. I’m going to change my clothes.”

  I was equal parts nervous and turned on as I waited for Grif to come back. Bottoming had never really been something I’d wanted to do. Except for Griffin. I’d never really been interested in topping anyone. Except for Griffin. Making out and some blow jobs with others were fine, but every single kiss, every blow job, ended with me thinking about one thing. Griffin.

  And now I sat on our couch, in our suite, waiting for Griffin, my boyfriend, to put on underwear he bought specifically for me and to dance for me. Never let anyone say that dreams don’t come true.

  Griffin cleared his throat from behind me and I turned to see him leaned against his bedroom door wrapped in a black silk robe. He looked as nervous as I felt, but the way he bit his lip let me know he was also just as turned on as me.

  He sauntered to the kitchen and turned off the light before he dimmed the two living room lamps. Grif slid his phone from the robe pocket and messed with it before Rihanna’s “Skin” filled the room. The transition was instantaneous; Grif’s eyes were dark and sultry as he drifted across the room in rhythm to the song.

  Once Griffin stood in front of me, his back to me, the robe slipping from one shoulder, I noticed he was wearing fucking black heels, and I nearly busted a nut right there on the couch.

  The robe slipped from the other shoulder, and Griffin rolled his hips as he turned around. He used the black silk as a sexy-as-fuck prop as he slid the material against his skin, teased flashes of skin underneath, and twisted the fabric in his hands. I wanted to grab him, tear the robe from his body, and kiss him from head to toe, but I couldn’t move, couldn’t take my eyes off him.

  He strutted slowly away from me, spread his legs, and bent over to wrap long, graceful fingers around his ankles. The robe rode up and taunted me with a tiny peek at the curves of his ass cheeks in what appeared to be a Y-Back black mesh thong. Holy hell.

  Griffin teased the robe up higher on his ass and gave his ass a shake before he smacked a perfectly round cheek with his hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “Fuuuck,” I moaned and adjusted my hard length.

  He twirled around and gave me a wicked grin before gliding toward me. Just when I thought he was going to touch me, Griffin stopped and dropped into a squat. Robe gathered around his waist, elbows on his knees, and one thumb tracing his bottom lip.

  My heart pounded in my chest, and I had to put my hands under my legs to control the desire I had to pull him to me. He was so very close, but still too far away. Griffin smirked at my hands under my legs. Sexy fucker knew he had me fucked up.

  Grif stood and popped his right hip, heeled left foot turned out as he trailed a hand up his thigh and cupped his cock before hooded eyes met mine. He swiveled his hips in small circles as he turned his back to me again. Glancing over his shoulder, he shimmied the robe in hella slow increments from his elbows down to his waist, over his hips, and finally let it fall to the floor in a billowy mass of black silk. His pale skin was still pink where he’d smacked his own ass and he rubbed a hand over it slowly. The strips of black material stretched across his ass and contrasted beautifully with his skin. When he finally swung his hips around to face me, he dipped his thumbs into the waistband and teased the mesh-front thong down his hips slightly. His plump cock filled the material and I nearly bit through my tongue wanting to touch him.

  Griffin’s movements matched the rhythm of the song and never once faltered as he moved across the last few feet between us to pull me to the edge of the cushion before he straddled my lap. He stripped my shirt over my head and then pushed me to lean back on the couch.

  My hands reached for him but he shook his head and moved my arms to rest behind my head before he trailed his hands down my chest. He teased my nipples, ran a finger down the middle of my abs, and dipped his fingers under my waistband for a brief moment.

  He shifted from straddling my lap to my hips so his ass could grind against my cock. Hands running through his own hair, hips gyrating, Griffin looked down at me and teased his tongue along his lips.

  “Jesus,” I huffed out. “You’re gonna kill me, G.”

  He smirked and ran his hands from my bent elbows to my hands and then moved my hands to his hips as he continued to rock himself on my cock.

  I skimmed my hands from his hips to his ass and squeezed his cheeks hard before teasing a finger along his exposed crack. Griffin shuddered and leaned forward to kiss me. All control I had pretended to have flew out the window and I wrapped my arms around him and stood from the couch. Rihanna reached the end of her lyrics, but he must have put it on repeat because she started in on “Skin” again as I reached the doorway to my bedroom. I’d never hear the song for the rest of my life without thinking about Griffin dancing for me and our first time having sex.

  I dropped Grif on my bed and skimmed my hands from one thigh to his foot to remove the black patent-leather heel before repeating the movement on the other thigh before removing the second shoe. His long legs hung over the edge of my bed, and I stood between his legs and hooked my fingers under his waistband before leaning over to press kisses against his inner thighs and tongue his cock through the black mesh.

  “You like the underwear?” Griffin propped himself up on his elbows and watched as I mouthed his dick.

  “Best underwear I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” I whispered my words against his lower belly before licking the thin trail of hair up to his bellybutton. “But now I need to see them off of you.” I pulled gently on the elastic and moved the material slowly down Grif’s thighs until he was completely naked.

  “I feel a little underdressed.” Grif kept his eyes on me as he gripped his cock.

  I stepped away and paused with my hands on my fly. I’d never be as graceful as Griffin, but I allowed the rhythm of the song to set my movements. With a little hip action of my own, I turned around and teased my jeans from my waist, over the swell of my ass, and past my thighs until the pants were at my ankles and I kicked them toward the wall. I began again with my boxer briefs, swiveling my hips, shimmying the material down slowly until I was completely naked.

  “Oh my God.”

  I heard G’s low groan and turned toward him with a wink. “Like what you see?” My heart thudded and my breath caught a
s I took in Grif’s body spread out before me, his cock fully erect, and his eyes appraising me from head to toe.

  Grif nodded slowly and licked his lips.

  I crawled between his legs and gathered him in my arms before capturing his mouth in a kiss that blended perfectly with the rhythm of the music filling the suite. Our tongues danced, tasted, teased, and thrust. “You want to stop with this? We could have plenty of fun just like this.” I didn’t want to stop. Not at all. But I didn’t want Griffin to feel pressured. That was part of why I wanted to bottom this first time.

  Grif shook his head and palmed my cheek. “I’m so fucking nervous, but I don’t want to stop.”

  Turning my head, I pressed a kiss against his palm. “Tell me what you’re nervous about.”

  He took a deep breath. “Doing it wrong, hurting you, sucking at it.”

  I chuckled. “Insert Tab A into Slot B. Easy peasy.”

  Grif snorted.

  “Baby, I’ve dreamed of sex with you basically since I figured out what sex was. I’m anxious about it, but it’s a good anxious. I want this with you. I want to give you this.” I wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. “Now, I’m dying to get your cock in my ass if you’re ready.”

  “Sweet talker,” Grif teased. “I’m nervous, but I’m ready. You have condoms and lube, right?”

  I rolled to the side and fumbled with the side table drawer until I reached the foil packets and bottle I was searching for. I held them up with a waggle of my brows.

  “Did you, um, do any other type of preparation?” He grimaced. “I mean, I’m not completely familiar with all of that, but um,” he babbled.

  I huffed a laugh. “Taken care of. That was an experience.”

  When Grif’s eyes widened, I stopped him.

  “Not in a terrible way. Just new. But the pathway has been cleared for your journey.”

  Grif groaned. “Oh my God, I need you to never say that again. And later you need to give me the pertinent details so I can do the same.” He was cute when he rambled nervously.

  “Get. In. My. Ass.” I muscled the two of us to lay parallel with the bed and pulled him on top of me. Grif fit perfectly between my spread legs and our heavy cocks took a renewed interest in the conversation as they met and rubbed together.

  “How do you want to be? On your back? Your knees? On top?” Grif worried his lip.

  “Just like this. On my back, you between my legs. I want to see your face. I want you controlling everything.” My breath hitched on the words. “Do you want to prep me or want me to do it?”

  “As appealing as the thought of watching you finger yourself is,” Grif smirked, “if I’m going to control everything, I think I’d like to do it.” He grabbed the lube and snapped the lid open. First time nerves must have gotten the best of him because he dumped about a gallon of liquid into his palm. “Shit, that’s a bit of an overkill.” He winced.

  I laughed. “No worries, baby. We’ll have to wash the sheets anyway.”

  Grif laid to my side, his head aligned with my bellybutton, and slowly trailed his slick fingers toward my ass. My cock jerked as he teased my taint. My legs fell open more as Grif probed at my hole.

  “This okay?” Grif’s face was a mix of terror, lust, and concern.

  “Do it. Press it in.”

  I couldn’t help the gasp as his finger breached me. It stung.

  “Sorry.” He paused.

  “Don’t. Move it. Add another. It’s kinda stingy but it’s not painful.”

  Grif spent the next few minutes stretching me, finger fucking me, and studying my face to be sure I was okay. Worrying about me, protecting me as a lover just as he always had as a friend and brother.

  “I’m ready, G. I want more. I want your cock.” I gripped my own dick and squeezed hard.

  Griffin fumbled to open the condom with his extra slick hands, but he finally ripped it open with his teeth and rolled it down his hard length. Slicking his cock first, Grif reached for a pillow. “Put this under your hips. I think it will give a better angle.”

  I doubled the pillow and slid it under my ass to prop myself up.

  “Please don’t let this hurt or suck,” Grif mumbled in sort of a soft prayer.

  I laughed. “I want it, G. Now.”

  The first press of his cock against my hole set me on fire. As he slid in slowly, inch by inch, that fire grew. The sensations overwhelmed me. The stretch, the sting, the fullness all mixed with the heat of Grif’s cock, the fever of his skin against mine, and the look of total bliss on his face as he sank deeper into my ass. We were one, united, and it felt like my entire world was complete.

  “Holy fuck,” Griffin gritted out between clenched teeth. “You’re so fucking tight.”

  “Move, G. Fuck me.” My cock had softened a bit with the initial discomfort, but I gripped it and stroked.

  Grif began to pump his hips in an unsure rhythm. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, baby. I’m amazing. You can go slow or fast, whatever feels right. Just fucking move.”

  He finally settled into a smooth, slow rhythm, and I threw my head back in pleasure. It felt so fucking good.

  Griffin moaned. “Q, I’m not going to be able to do this for long. I’m going to come.”

  “Watch me jack myself as you fuck me. I’m not far behind you.” I continued stroking my cock as his thrusts increased in speed and power. When he hit me deep, I saw stars and my balls drew up tight. “Shit, G. Do that again.”

  He thrust deep and hard several more times before he paused with his cock buried in my ass and groaned. His dick throbbed deep in my body as he unloaded his release.

  With a final stroke of my cock, I painted my chest with a roar.

  Griffin collapsed on top of me, smearing my cum between us.

  “Holy fucking shit,” he growled. “That was beyond amazing. I’m so glad I never did that with anyone before you.”

  “Same.” And then I thought about what he said. “Baby, I can’t even breathe thinking about you doing that with someone else. Or me even trying to find pleasure like that with someone else.”

  “No worries, Q. I don’t know that I could ever be relaxed enough with someone else to do that with them. You’re the only person I ever want to be this close to.” He groaned a little and pulled from my body slowly. “You want to shower?”

  “Yeah.” I winced at the feeling of emptiness. “We better wash these sheets.”

  Griffin gathered the lube splattered sheets. “I’ll toss them in the washer. You get the shower started.”

  He met me in the bathroom a few moments later. I stepped into the shower and held my hand out for him. We rinsed and then I wrapped him in my arms. “That was fucking amazing. I love you so damn much.”

  Grif shuddered in my arms. “It was so good.” He chuckled. “Never really thought about topping. And I definitely want to bottom too. But watching your body under me, open for me, responding to my touch, coming apart because of me, with me? So fucking good.”

  We kissed soft and slow until the water began to run cold. Quickly soaping our bodies and shampooing our hair, we finished in cold water.

  “Double showers with making out should maybe start with washing next time.” I tossed a towel at Griffin.

  He dried himself but I caught his gaze stop at the box on the counter.

  “You want me to tell you about it? Or figure it out for yourself?” I nodded toward the package. I’d felt silly buying the economy pack of douches, but I figured we’d use them plenty. At least until we figure all the sex stuff out and settled into knowing our bodies’ needs and what we liked.

  “Um,” Grif blushed. “I’ve been reading. I think I can figure it out. Keep a little mystery between us so as to not kill the romance, huh?”

  I laughed. “Sounds good.” I kissed him. “But promise, it didn’t hurt. Wasn’t difficult.”

  “Good to know.” Grif chewed on his bottom lip. “My turn tomorrow, yeah?”

“Only if that’s what you want.” I pulled him close.

  “Oh, I want. Definitely.” He nodded and smiled. “Morning sex and then we head to see Momma.”

  “Sounds like the perfect plan.” I nibbled at his ear and kissed along his neck. “Sleep in your bed tonight?”

  We spent a couple hours talking and checking social media before I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I hugged Grif to my chest. “I love you. Merry Christmas, G.”

  He kissed my chin. “Love you more.”

  We drifted to sleep in each other’s arms.

  Grif moved and the bed shifted early the next morning before he rolled from bed and padded to the bathroom. In my sleepy haze, I heard the shower, but I slipped back into my sleep coma without giving it a second thought.

  Later, I wasn’t sure how much later, but the sun was up, Grif climbed back into bed. “Hey, I switched the sheets to the dryer since we forgot last night.” He kissed me.

  “No fair, you’ve showered and brushed your teeth?” The scent of soap and shampoo lingered on his skin and his lips were minty fresh.

  “I, um, wanted to have time for getting myself ready.” Grif murmured against my mouth.

  I groaned. “Oh my God.” His words went straight to my dick.

  “Assuming you still want to do sexy stuff before we leave?”

  “Definitely.” I rolled from bed. “Give me ten minutes.”

  Grif smiled wickedly. “Hey, um, just so you know. I may have ordered myself a butt plug. And I may have it in right now.”

  My mouth fell open. “You have a butt plug in your ass right now?”

  “No, I have a butt plug in my ear,” he deadpanned.

  “Don’t mess with me. You just told me something that has the potential to completely short-circuit my brain and dick if you’re being serious.”

  Grif smirked. “Guess you’ll have to hurry in the shower and then find out for yourself.”

  I all but ran to the bathroom. I took the quickest shower of my life before brushing my teeth and launching my naked body back into Griffin’s bed. “Let me see your ass.”


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