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Hooper, Walter, C.S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide. London, HarperCollins, 1996.
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—— Surprised by Joy: the Shape of My Early Life. London, Collins, 2012.
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McGrath, Alister, C.S. Lewis: A Life. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2013.
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Priestman, Judith (ed.), J.R.R. Tolkien, Life and Legend: An Exhibition to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of J.R.R. Tolkien. Oxford, Bodleian Library, 1992.
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Sayer, George, Jack: C.S. Lewis and His Times. London, Macmillan, 1988.
Scoble, Robert, Raven: The Turbulent World of Baron Corvo. London, Strange Attractor Press, 2013.
Seymour-Smith, Martin, Robert Graves: His Life and Work. London, Collins, 1987.
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Watkins, Calvert, How to Kill a Dragon: Aspects of Indo-European Poetics. Oxford, OUP, 1995.
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‘AB language’: see languages, historical: Middle English
Abercrombie, Lascelles, 117, 127
Ace Books, 269–71
Acland Nursing Home, 262
Alfred, King, 124
Amigo, Archbishop Peter, 34
Amis, Sir Kingsley, 121, 239
Faber Popular Reciter, 121
Ampleforth, 240
Ancrene Riwle, 148, 153
Ancrene Wisse: see Ancrene Riwle
Anderson, Douglas A., 284
Anglo-Saxon (language): see languages, historical: Old English
Animalic: see languages, invented
Ardenne, Simonne d’, 156–7, 207, 209, 211, 221, 261
Asquith, Herbert, 71
Auden, Wystan Hugh, 261
Bakshi, Ralph, 287
Ballantine Books, 270–71
Bank of Africa, 20
Barfield, Owen, 141, 165, 166, 185, 211, 222
Poetic Diction, 185
Barnsley, Sir John, 76
Barnsley, T.K., 40, 52, 76, 102
Barrie, J.M., 43
Peter Pan, 43
Barrowclough, Sidney, 40, 102
Battenberg, Prince Louis of, 76
Battle of Maldon, The, 170–71, 241–2
Baynes, Pauline, 228, 229, 230, 232
Beatles, The, 286
Beauval, 95
Belloc, Hilaire, 293
Bennett, J.A.W., 217, 226
Beowulf, 60, 67, 98, 119, 120, 149, 154, 168–70, 174, 190, 199–200, 206, 226, 228, 234, 243, 282, 283, 293
Bible de Jérusalem, 251
Birmingham, 12, 20, 23, 28–30, 35, 79, 88, 95, 99, 240
Birmingham Oratory: see Oratory, Birmingham
Bishop, Edmund, 68, 116, 128, 196
Liturgica Historica, 196
Bjarkamál, 199
Blackwell, Basil, 129, 130, 200, 202, 204, 207
Blackwood, Algernon, 186
Bletchley Park, 185
Bloemfontein, 20–22
Bodleian Library, 32, 62, 94, 282, 283, 284, 285
Bodley Head, 176
Boer War,
First, 21
Second, 23, 46, 73
Boorman, John, 287
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 75
Bosworth, Joseph, 62, 63
Bourne, Francis Cardinal, 34, 160
Bournemouth, 70, 274–5, 277, 278
Bouzincourt, 90–91, 93
Bowie, David, 289
Bradley, Henry, 65, 104, 107–8, 127, 248
Bratt, Edith Mary: see Tolkien, Edith Mary
Bratt, Frances, 35
Braunholtz, Gustav, 142
Brett-Smith, H.F.B., 152, 158, 206
Brewerton, George, 32–3
British Academy, 168, 226, 248–9, 251
Brittany, 70
Brooks-Smith family, 47–8
Brown, Peter, 196
Augustine, 196
Bryson, John, 143
Buchan, John (Lord Tweedsmuir), 41, 44–5, 72
The Moon Endureth, 45
The Path of the King, 173
The Watcher by the Threshold, 45–6
Caldecott, Stratford, 9, 212–13, 291–2, 297–8
Cambridge, 25, 56, 63, 80, 105, 128–9, 152, 244–5, 253, 256, 268
Campbell, Alistair, 244, 261
Old English Grammar, 244
Campbell, Roy, 204–5
‘Flowering Rifle’, 204
Cape Town, 21, 113
Capel, Mgr Thomas, 27–8
Carpenter, Bishop Harry, 254–5
Carpenter, Humphrey, 48–9, 133–4, 164, 179, 225, 238, 242, 255, 263
Catenians, 292
Catholic Herald, 293
Catholic University College, Kensington, 27–8
Catholicism, 23, 26, 53, 55, 164
, 216–18, 219, 291–9 passim
Cecil, Lord David, 166–7, 215, 216, 231, 238
Chadwick, Hector, 128–9, 152, 239
The Heroic Age, 129
Chamberlain, Joseph, 30, 73
Chamberlain, Neville, 185
Chambers, Raymond Wilson, 66, 124, 125–6, 127, 128, 153, 158, 168–9, 174–5, 176, 196, 198, 199, 226, 229, 248
‘Beowulf and the Heroic Age’, 126
Beowulf: An Introduction, 126, 196, 199
‘The Lost Literature of Medieval England’, 126
‘Recent research upon the Ancren Riwle’, 124
Widsith, 125–6, 129, 154, 169, 196, 199
Cheltenham, 36, 54–5, 97, 100–101
Cherwell Edge, 175, 292
Chesterton, G.K., 115, 185, 293
The Coloured Lands, 185
Child, Francis James, 115
Childe, Wilfred, 113, 118, 123, 205
Dream English, 113
Classics: see Literae Humaniores
Coalbiters, 142–3
Coghill, Nevill, 143, 152, 166, 261
Coldstream Guards, 44, 102
Collins (publisher), 232–3, 239
Corvo, Baron: see Rolfe, Frederick
Cosman, Milein, 220, 222–3
Craigie, Sir William, 73, 74, 79, 104, 109, 127, 226, 248
Dictionary of American English on Historical Principles, 127
Dictionary of the Older Scots Tongue, 127
Crankshaw, Edward, 178–80
Crist, 77, 78
Crockett, S.R., 41
Cullis, Colin, 79, 102
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, 247
Dagnall, Susan, 175–6, 179
Dane Court, 253–4
Darbishire, Helen, 215
Darton, Longman and Todd, 251–2
Dasent, Sir George Webbe, 24, 184
Popular Tales from the Norse, 24, 184
Davidman, Joy: see Lewis, Joy Davin, D.M., 226
Davis, Norman, 124, 130, 156, 244, 261
Dawkins, R.M., 142–3
Dawson, Christopher, 184–5
Progress and Religion, 184
Day Lewis, Cecil, 231
Dent, J.M., 176
‘Deor’, 98
Deutsches Wörterbuch, 59–60
Dickens, Charles, 238
Downside, 223
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 41, 43
Dragon School, 216
Drout, Michael, 284
Dublin Review, 207
Duggan, Alfred, 247
Dundas-Grant, James, 218
Dunne, J.W., 213–14
An Experiment with Time, 214
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett 18th Baron (Lord Dunsany), 41, 44, 99
Dyson, H.V.D. ‘Hugo’, 144, 152, 164–5, 166, 194, 209–10, 211, 220, 231
Eagle and Child (public house), 165, 204, 256
Earle, John, 63
Early English Text Society (E.E.T.S.), 207, 261
Eddison, E.R., 208
Edgbaston Waterworks, 30
Elder Edda, 177, 284
Elene, 154, 283
Eliot, T.S., 238
Emery, Fr Augustine, 88, 110, 277
English and Medieval Studies presented to J.R.R. Tolkien, 261
Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 222
Essays and Studies, 148, 241
Étaples, 89, 90
Everett, Dorothy, 152, 209
Exeter Book, 77
Exeter College: see Oxford
Exodus, 154–5
Fairford, 211
Farrer, Austin, 219
Farrer, Katherine, 219, 235, 236–7
Faulkner, Mr and Mrs, 35
Fiedler, Hermann, 128
Finnish (language): see languages, historical
First World War, 73–103 passim
Passchendaele (Third Ypres), Battle of, 100, 102
Somme, Battle of the, 12, 88, 90–95
Fisher, St John, 229
Fleet Air Arm, 208, 214
Flieger, Verlyn, 272, 284, 297
Fox, Rev. Adam, 166, 231
Foyles, 200, 202
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 75
Fraser, John, 142
Gardner, Helen, 156, 238, 244–5
Garrod, H.W., 215
Garth, John, 126, 139, 234
Gedling, Nottinghamshire, 47, 77
George Allen & Unwin, 176, 193, 201, 213, 221, 232–3, 247, 260, 268, 269, 271, 286
Gilson, Cary, 30, 39
Gilson, Robert Quilter, 39–40, 52, 74, 80–81, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 100, 102
Golden Dawn, Hermetic Order of the, 186–7
Goldsmith’s Professorship of English Literature, 231
Gordon, Eric Valentine, 113, 116, 118, 121, 124, 153, 156, 168, 170–71, 207, 220, 226, 242, 248
Introduction to Old Norse, 171
Gordon, George, 112–13, 114, 117, 121–7 passim, 134, 135, 140, 143, 153, 176, 198
Gordon, Ida, 171, 207, 220, 248
Gothic (language): see languages, historical; see also Wright, Joseph
Gough, General Sir Hubert, 90, 93, 95
Government Code and Cipher School (G.C.C.S.), 185–6
Graves, Robert, 83, 86, 231, 273
Fairies and Fusiliers, 86
Great Haywood, 88, 89, 95, 97, 98
Greek (language): see languages, historical
Green, Roger Lancelyn, 229–30, 242, 276
Greeves, Arthur, 141, 164–5
Gresham, David, 252–4, 255, 262
Gresham, Douglas, 252–4, 255, 262
Gresham, Joy: see Lewis, Joy
Gresham, William, 252–3, 255, 262
Grettis Saga, 199
Griffiths, Elaine, 175
Grimm, Jacob, 59–60, 78, 125, 128, 138, 196
Deutsche Grammatik, 59, 196
Deutsche Mythologie, 59, 196
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, 196
Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Grimms’ Fairy Tales), 59, 185
Grimm, Wilhelm, 59, 78
Grove, Jennie, 55, 88, 100, 101, 102, 104, 111
Grundtvig, Nicolai, 199–200
Gryphon, 119
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 41, 97
She, 97
Haig, Field Marshal Sir Douglas (Earl Haig), 95
Hali Meiðhad, 124, 148
Hardie, Colin, 216–17, 278
Hardie, Frank, 216
Harrogate, 99–100
Havard, Robert ‘Humphrey’, 166–7, 193, 211, 216, 225, 230, 241, 255, 262
Headington-on-the-Hill, 240–41, 253, 256, 260
Heenan, John Carmel Cardinal, 293
Hessian Trench, 94
Hitler, Adolf, 193, 194
Holywell Street, 233, 240
Home Guard, 189
Hooper, Walter, 245
Houédard, Dom Sylvester, 251
Houghton Mifflin, 247, 269
House, Humphrey, 238
Housman, A.E., 125
Hughes, Richard, 247
Hull, 100–102
Humber Garrison, 99
Indian Civil Service, 62
Inklings, The, 165–7, 194–5, 205–6, 211, 216–18, 220, 224, 231–2, 253
Irish (language): see languages, historical
Irish National University, 224
Jackson, Peter, 287–8
Jerusalem Bible, 251–2
Jessop, Mr and Mrs, 54–5
Jeyes Fluid, 20
Johnson, Samuel, 195
Jones, Fr Alexander, 251–2
Jones, Gwyn, 199, 211
Kalevala, 49, 60, 80, 84, 120, 206
Katherine Group, 148–9, 156–7
Kay, Guy Gavriel, 281
Keller, Hans, 220
Kenny, Sir Anthony, 251
Ker, William Paton, 65–6, 78, 125, 127, 128, 169, 170, 196, 248
nbsp; The Dark Ages, 65–6, 78
Epic & Romance, 65, 66
Kilby, Clyde, 271–2
Kilns, The, 145, 240–41, 252–3, 254, 268
King Edward’s Horse (King’s Oversea Dominions Regiment), 52, 60–61
King Edward’s School, Birmingham (K.E.S.), 25–7, 32–4, 37–40, 46–7, 52, 74, 89, 215
Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert, Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, 76, 86, 90
Klaeber, Frederick, 169, 206
Knox, Dilwyn, 185
Knox, Mgr Ronald Arbuthnott, 160–61, 185, 217, 241
The Holy Bible (translation), 241
Let Dons Delight, 241
Korean War, 239
Lady Margaret Hall: see Oxford
Lancashire Fusiliers, 84, 88, 90, 93, 94, 100, 101
Lang, Andrew, 24, 41, 184, 276–7
Red Fairy Book, 24–5, 160
languages, historical
Finnish, 50, 60, 80–81, 266
French, 31, 114
German, 31, 114
Gothic, 31–2, 37–8, 50, 81, 114–15
Greek, 30–31, 37, 50, 114, 266
Irish, 224
Latin, 30–31, 37, 114, 266
Middle English, 114, 123, 148–9, 156–7, 209, 239, 248; ‘AB language’, 148–9
Old English, 33, 37, 50, 114–15, 149, 157, 199–200, 209, 239, 242–3, 248, 266
Old French, 114
Old High German, 114
Old Norse (Old Icelandic), 68, 114–15
Polish, 203
Spanish, 31
Welsh, 30, 40, 50, 74, 100, 114, 248
languages, invented, general, 265
Animalic, 24, 50
Gautisk, 60
Goldogrin, 100, 121
Naffarin, 31, 37, 60
Nevbosh, 24
Noldorin, 121
Qenya, 60, 81, 82–3, 86–7, 100, 121, 235
Sindarin, 100
Larkin, Philip, 239
Leeds, 122–3, 291
Leeds University Verse 1914–24, 118
Leeds, University of, 110–18 passim, 130
Lennon, John, 286
Lewis, Albert, 141–2, 144–5, 230
Lewis, Clive Staples (‘Jack’), 83, 139–42, 143–5, 147, 152, 156, 158, 164–7, 169, 172–4, 187–8, 193–4, 197–222 passim, 228–32, 238, 240–56 passim, 261–3, 266, 268, 273, 292, 295, 296–7
The Allegory of Love, 172, 187
The Dark Tower, 213–14
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century (O.H.E.L.), 228–9, 244, 248
The Four Loves, 208
The Great Divorce, 195, 203, 213
A Grief Observed, 262
That Hideous Strength, 173, 188, 198
Language and Human Nature, 206
The Last Battle, 230
Letters to Malcolm, 268
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, 230
The Magician’s Nephew, 230
Mere Christianity, 202, 254
‘Narnia’ books, 229–30
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