Due East, Beasts & Campfire Feasts

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Due East, Beasts & Campfire Feasts Page 20

by Erin Johnson

  Strong hands grabbed my shoulders, and Kenta spun me to face the blob as it launched at us like a dust devil.

  “Ahh!” I screamed and shoved Cat toward it. The little guy continued to hum, the sound reverberating through his ribs where I held him. The maggots froze and dropped to the ground, just a bunch of underdeveloped insects crawling around without a unified shape or purpose. I let out a shaky sigh, and Sam, Kenta, and I exchanged relieved looks. The feeling didn’t last.

  Ryuu Tanaka rose from his seat and pointed at us through the forcefield. “Take them down!”

  His gold-clad guards leaned over the half wall from every possible angle and pointed their wands at us. I hunched my shoulders up and squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the spell that would end me. Angry shouts rang out and I peeled an eye open.

  “Then lift the forcefield!” Ryuu Tanaka’s face had turned a shade of purple I didn’t think was possible for a human. The torchlight illuminated the specks of saliva that flew from his mouth.

  “Come on!” I jerked my head toward the tunnel, and we made a run for it. I glanced back as we sprinted into the shadows, leaving the arena behind. The shimmering forcefield disappeared and flashes of light ricocheted off the tunnel near the entrance, but none reached us. We’d made it—for now. The duck-headed horse and the now-blinded crab scurried into the tunnel behind us, followed by the surviving monsters.

  My heart pounded in my ears and I hugged Cat tight to my chest, making sure not to look at him. “What—now?”

  We rounded the corner and the smells of the stable hit me—the iron of blood mixed with the stench of feces and rot and fear. I crinkled my nose and pushed forward. Sam’s hands bounced where he held them in front of his shoulders and I caught Kenta’s notice, and smiled. The howls and shrieks of the monsters behind us mingled with those still left in their cages. I held Cat out as we passed trainer after trainer, and he stopped them in their tracks before they could finish drawing their wands.

  “There’s a way out from here!” Kenta skidded to a stop and pointed to the right. “It’s a service entrance so they can bring the monsters in without having to use the main one. It’s this way.”

  I glanced at Sam. He paled, though two bright red spots glowed on his cheeks. His thin chest heaved as he looked around at the scarred, moaning creatures around him. He blinked his milky blue eyes. “We’re jussst going to leave them all like thisss?”

  A muscle jumped in Kenta’s jaw and voices echoed from the tunnel up ahead. “Of course not. We’ll come back—with backup.”

  Sam looked to me. “But—but what if they hurt them all before we can?”

  I bit my lip and looked from Sam to the suffering creatures to the tunnel behind me—the voices and shouts grew louder. Ryuu Tanaka and his guards would be on us any moment and I wasn’t sure how powerful Cat was—we needed to go, now. But still I hesitated.

  I didn’t like the idea of leaving all these creatures behind either, and who knew how many of these people would escape and go unidentified before we returned? The monsters, and the evil people who saw this as sport, deserved justice—though in different ways. I looked around. There had to be a dozen trainers down here, all standing stock-still under Cat’s trance.

  I hugged Cat closer. “Okay, buddy, I feel like I’m really pushing my luck here in terms of what you must be capable of understanding but—it’s worth a try.” I gasped as the first guards poured into the stables. “Okay, Cat, make the trainers unlock the cages and let the monsters out.”

  Kenta’s eyes widened. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

  I nodded. “Not at all.”

  Cat vibrated harder and the trainers dropped their knives and whips and lifted their wands to the cage doors. Loud clicks sounded throughout the stables. The rushing golden guards skidded to a stop as cage doors swung open all around us. A herd of monsters burst out.

  Dragons stretched their leathery wings and took flight, the cave’s ceiling barely tall enough to accommodate them. A giant wolf with a scorpion tail bounded toward the exit and sent the golden guards scattering. A stampede of monsters followed, and chaos descended upon the stables.

  We scrambled into the narrow space between two cages and huddled up.

  “Now what?” Kenta’s chest heaved and he looked left and right, panicked.

  “You know.” I rolled a hand. “The monsters are free now, and they return to the wild.” I shrugged.

  He shook his head. “I meant for us!”


  Sam looked like he was about to cry. “People who hurt poor animalsss make me ssso mad.” He sniffed. “They ssshould have to be in cagesss and sssee if they like it.”

  Kenta and I exchanged looks.

  “That’s a pretty good idea, Sam.” Kenta lifted a brow and Sam blushed a deep red. Look who was getting all bashful.

  I nodded. “If Cat can round them all up, we can lock them in and make sure they answer for what they’ve done.”

  Kenta nodded. “After that we’ll still have to go get backup… I just hope these criminals won’t find a way out in the meantime.”

  “Ooh!” I lifted my brows. “We can hit them with those darts that take away magic….” I scrunched up my nose. “That’d take a while though.”

  “We’ll just have Cat make them do it to themselves.” Kenta lifted his palms and I nodded my agreement.

  “Perfect.” I tipped my head from side to side. “It’s just, we’re kinda verging into creepy territory with Cat and his mind control powers, so let’s make sure we don’t take it too far.” I winked. “We don’t want a Jessica Jones Kilgrave situation.”

  Kenta and Sam looked at each other and my snake friend shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Ugh. I really needed just one human friend to fully appreciate how clever I was with my little zingers.

  The cage behind me rattled and I lurched back. The giant monkey with spider hands threw another guard against it, then another, and then the spiders flooded from its hand and spread out, engulfing guards and monsters alike.

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. “All right, Cat, work your magic, you terrifying little cutie.”

  Cat chattered back in response and I forced myself to step out of our hiding spot and into the melee. Holding Cat in front of me and keeping one eye closed, I led our little group into the heart of the monster versus guard battle royale.

  At first my stomach turned with unease. Holding Maple and Wiley’s tiny, chattering fur baby out in front of me at first felt a lot like using a friend’s beloved kitty as a shield. But as monster after monster fell into his trance and calmly walked and flew and slithered out of the cave, the feeling faded.

  Guards, women in silks, and men with pockets full of money and illegal contraband walked themselves into cages and jabbed themselves in the thighs with the potion-filled darts, depriving themselves of magic. It took some time to round everyone up, but it went faster when Cat began to make people forcibly grab others and drag them to the cages. He’d come up with that idea all on his own, which I found particularly terrifying. We’d just thrown Ryuu Tanaka into a cage slick with maggot slime when Kenta pushed Kai in behind him.

  “Hold on a moment.”

  The spelled Kai froze.

  “I want my necklace back.” Kenta held out his hand while the dazed Kai pulled it from his neck. He dropped the jade fish necklace into Kenta’s waiting hand and then locked himself into the cage before snapping his wand and injecting himself with the potion. Cat chittered, and Kai and Ryuu Tanaka turned to face each other, their eyes glazed. They reached out and punched each other in the crotches, then doubled over groaning.

  “Cat!” I gasped at the little creature in my arms. “So not necessary.”

  Kenta turned away, and I winked at Cat and whispered, “But pretty funny.” Cat nuzzled against me.

  Kenta let out a sigh of relief. “That’s the last of them.”

  I bit my lip. “I hope we got them all.”

stopped humming and sniffed the air, his bat nostrils flaring. I frowned. “What is it, little guy?”

  His giant eyes grew bigger and he scrambled up my shoulder and perched on top of my head. I turned to see what had gotten him so excited, just as voices sounded from down the tunnel that led to the main cave.



  “Where is everyone?”

  “We’ll find them.”

  I grinned. I’d know those voices anywhere.

  A moment later, Maple and Hank rounded the corner. Hank held one hand palm up at the ready, while Iggy in his lantern dangled from the other.

  “Guys!” I rose on my toes and waved.

  Their faces swiveled toward us as Wiley, Rhonda, Francis, and everyone else piled into the stables behind them. Maple gasped and pressed her hands to her mouth while Hank stopped dead.

  His shoulders dropped. “You’re alive.” His eyes shone and his chest heaved. “Thank the goddess.”

  “Psh.” Iggy scoffed. “I leave you alone for a few hours and you’ve already replaced me with that.”

  I rolled my eyes upward to where Cat perched on my head.


  He clutched bunches of my hair in his monkey hands.

  Iggy sniffed. “Your loss.”

  Hank strode toward me, a determined look on his face. Real determined. My heart fluttered and I glanced around uncertainly as Cat abandoned ship and scampered over to Maple and Wiley. Was Hank going to stop? He never slowed, just walked right into me and gathered me up in his arms.

  He buried his face in my neck and held me tight. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I slid my arms around his waist and squeezed him back. His chest heaved against me, warm and broad, and his heartbeat thrummed away in my ear.

  A smile stretched across my face as I realized that even on an island forgotten by the world, a million miles away from the place where I lived, in a cave dungeon, Hank was all it took to make me feel like I was home. I grinned wider and nuzzled my face into his chest. Man, I was corny when I was happy.

  I peeled an eye open and glanced over at Iggy. He dangled from Hank’s hand against my side. “You know I could never replace you.”

  He blinked slowly. “Obviously.”

  “At least not in a couple hours—it would take me at least a day or two.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Witch, you wish.”

  I chuckled and Iggy’s face softened. “I’m glad monsters didn’t eat your head.”

  “I know, Iggy.” I smiled at my little flame, tears in my eyes. “Me, too.”


  I leaned back and looked around Hank’s shoulder. Misaki shoved her wand in her wide waistband and sprinted past the cages crammed with Ryuu Tanaka, Kai, and hundreds of their fellow criminals. Kenta froze, his eyes wide with surprise as Misaki skidded to a stop right in front of him.

  He bowed. “Misaki.”

  She waited for him to straighten, then threw her arms around him, pinning his arms to his sides. “You’re alive!”

  I grinned up at Hank, and though he looked pale and still shaken, his lips pulled to the side and he flashed me that handsome grin of his. We pulled apart reluctantly as the rest of our friends and the guard rushed over. Sam and I took turns hugging everyone, and Yann wrapped Sam and me up together in a giant bear hug and hefted us up off our feet.

  Hank handed Iggy over to me and I looked at my little friend.

  “So does this mean you’re camp Cat now?”

  I plastered on a huge grin. “Absolutely.”

  Maple beamed at Cat in her arms, and Wiley bent over to scratch under his chin.

  I lifted Iggy close to my face until his heat warmed my cheek and hissed, “But I find him more terrifying than ever.”

  Iggy’s eyes widened and he nodded. “So all these people are under his spell?”

  I nodded. “Pretty much.”

  He grimaced. “For how long?”

  I shrugged.

  Iggy shook his head. “Horrifying.”


  Iggy and I spun to look at Maple, who nuzzled her face against Cat’s.

  I shrugged, and Iggy blurted, “Nothing!”

  Maple frowned, but I turned to Hank before she could question me further about her scary pet. “How’d you get around the rocks?”

  Hank grinned. “I figured out the transformation spell.”

  I gave his arm a little punch. “Look at you!”

  He chuckled.

  Wiley lifted his brows. “He turned into a giant bear and carried all of us on his back.”

  “That’s what I turned into!” I turned to Hank, wide-eyed. “But all of them?”

  He nodded, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “I was a big bear.” He tipped his head side to side. “And I ate some of that kusuri herb—it gave me a little surge of strength.”

  Rhonda appeared at my side and slid her arm through mine. “Oh, girl, you two are gonna have some fun.” She winked.

  I frowned at Hank, and he looked as confused as I did. “Because we can both turn into bears?”

  She winked again. “Have you ever heard of furries?”

  I pressed my lips tight together. “Yeah, nope.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Okay, so you’re basically living their dream, it’s like when—”

  I held up a hand. “No, I know what they are. I just meant, nope, we’re not having this conversation.”

  “Oh.” Rhonda nodded. “Got it. We’ll save this for a private conversation.” She winked and patted my arm, then moved off to join Francis in chatting with Captain Kenta, Sam, Misaki, and Jun. Jun stood with his chin dipped as Kenta accepted a swig of water from Misaki’s canteen.

  I sighed. “Our friends are so weird.”

  Hank slid an arm around my shoulders and hugged me tight to his side. “Yes.”

  Warm happiness flooded my chest.

  “I was pretty proud of myself when I finally figured that spell out.” Hank grinned down at me, though his eyes looked glassy in the torchlight. “Figured we’d sweep in here and save you two.” He lifted a thick brow as he looked around at all the caged monster fighters. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

  “Ha!” I hugged him tighter.

  “Yep.” He nodded. “Clearly couldn’t have done it without me.” His smile faded as he took in the bloodstains, shackles, and grated floors. “Another brush with death, and I was right there, by your side,” he finished flatly.

  I swallowed my throat tight. “Hey.” He looked down at me, his blue eyes wide and vulnerable. “For the record, I’d like to think I won’t have any more brushes with death, but this is me we’re talking about.”

  His lips quirked to the side.

  “So if and when I do, I want you there by my side.” I let out a shaky breath. “I need you to be.” I shrugged and fought to hold back the tears welling in my eyes. “I just kind of need you, period.”

  Iggy sighed loudly. “I am right here.”

  I rolled my eyes and threw my arms around Hank. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  Hank hugged me tight against him, cupping one huge hand around my head. He slowly rubbed his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp, and I melted into his warmth. “I mean, that’s not the only way I meant it.”

  “Right here!” Iggy dangled from my hand behind Hank’s back.

  The prince chuckled and the deep sound vibrated through my cheek resting against his chest.

  “I’m grateful to see you safe.”

  I turned my head. Jun bowed deeply to Captain Kenta and then reached out and shook his hand. Kenta grinned back at him. Jun looked from Misaki, who stood beside Kenta, back to the captain. A muscle jumped in his jaw. “You’re a very lucky man.” He pressed his lips in a tight line as Kenta’s brows drew together in confusion. “Misaki took charge and wouldn’t take no for an answer. If it weren’t for her dedication and bravery, we never would’ve found you.” Jun dipped his head again with a tight-lipped smile and the
n turned and moved slowly away.

  I bit my lip. Poor guy, he had it bad for Misaki. She frowned and looked between Jun and Kenta.

  Hank’s deep voice sounded in my ear. “You know, I’m impressed you—”

  “I’m sorry, can you hold on just a second?” I lifted a finger and grinned up at him. “I’m eavesdropping.” I jerked my head towards Misaki.

  “Oh.” Hank lifted his brows and watched Misaki watching Jun. “She’s into him, right?”

  “Right?” I grinned, delighted Hank was up to speed. “But maybe she’s into Kenta?”

  “Shh, I’m watching.”

  I gaped and Hank winked at me.

  Misaki took a big breath and ran after Jun, her top knot bobbing. I bit my lip. She tapped his shoulder and he turned to face her. They stood between two rows of cages. The criminals locked inside watched them, blank faced. Maybe not the ideal romantic setting, but I held my breath, hopeful for them.

  “Do you—do you think I have feelings for Captain Kenta?” Misaki spoke in a rush.

  “Oh.” Jun scratched the back of his neck and looked down. He towered above her. “I thought that might be part of why you wanted to find him so badly?” He held up his long hands. “Not that that had to be a reason, but I just got that feeling that—it might be.”

  Her chest rose and fell as she stared up at him. “I wanted to find him because I admire him. He’s a great captain and a good friend.” She stepped closer, closing the gap between them. “And only for those reasons.”

  A smile played at the corner of Jun’s mouth, and he moved closer to her. “Oh.”

  They stared at each other. She leaned in. “In fact, I have feelings for someone else.”

  “Oh.” Jun’s face fell and he dipped his chin. “Well, I— You know, I wish you the best of luck with that and—” He half turned from her.

  “It’s you, you dummy.” She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled. He turned, his face lit up with delight, and dipped down to kiss her.

  “Awww.” I nuzzled into Hank’s chest, happy for Misaki and Jun.


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