Big O's (Sex Coach Book 2)

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Big O's (Sex Coach Book 2) Page 22

by M. S. Parker

  A few hours later, we lay in bed, half entwined.

  Raye had her head on my chest, and my fingers were curled around the back of her neck.

  She kept tracing her fingers over the tattoos on my chest and belly. Occasionally, it veered toward the ticklish zone, and she laugh when I flinched. “I never thought a big, tough guy like you would be ticklish.”

  I finally retaliated by finding every last ticklish spot she had.

  And there were a lot.

  But even though I tickled her until she was begging for mercy, that didn’t keep her from tracing the tail feathers of the phoenix where they spread down low over my rib cage, or the flames that licked around my navel. I wasn’t going to stop her either. If she wanted to be touching me, I wanted her to be touching me.

  Mine. The covetous way she’d whispered it kept circling around in my head.

  There was something else floating around in my thoughts, too. Something that had hit me when I’d seen her slam her fist into Chad’s head.

  I loved her.

  As her hand wandered down near my lower abdomen once more, I caught her wrist. Rolling her onto her back, I threw my leg over hers and stared down into her face.

  She made a face at me. “I’m not trying to tickle you,” she said. “I just like touching you.”

  “I didn’t say anything,” I said mildly.

  “You’ve got a look in your eyes.” She cocked her head, studying me. “What’s that look for?”

  “You and I …we can’t even say we’ve been dating. We’ve only been out on a real date twice, and that’s this past week. I know this is going to sound kind of crazy…” I took a deep breath. I hadn’t ever been a coward, not in my whole life. I wasn’t going to start now. “But I don’t care if it’s crazy. And I’m not expecting anything from you, either. I just…Raye, I’m in love with you.”

  Her dark blue eyes went wide. Her lashes fluttered. She opened her mouth, then closed it. I could see her throat working as she swallowed.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” I told her. “I just…I wanted you to know.”

  She lifted a hand and pressed it to my cheek. “Kane.”

  As Raye tugged me down so she could kiss me, my heart flipped over. I’d told her, and here she was, kissing me and clinging tight.

  I’d told her and…

  “I love you, too,” she whispered against my lips. “Yeah, it’s fast, but it feels right.”

  Her words knocked me sideways.

  Jerking my head up, I stared down at her. “You…say that again.”

  “I love you, too.” She shrugged as she smiled up at me. “I’ve never had anything in my life feel this right, so fast or not…I’m not going to fight it.”

  I hooked my forearm around her neck and pulled her in close, burying my face against her neck.

  She smoothed a hand up and down my spine. I didn’t even care when her hands reached that spot low on my back that was just the slightest bit ticklish.

  “Finish school,” Raye said.

  We had four boxes of Chinese in front of us and sat eating them naked on her bed. All those dates we hadn’t had and the time we were just now starting to spend together had made me aware of something – we had a lot ahead of us in the getting to know you department.

  I wasn’t much on relationships, but I did know that it helped to know the person you were with.

  One of her top five goals in life was to finish school.

  I’d already told her I planned on owning the garage outright before another ten years passed.

  “It won’t leave me with a lot of free spending money. I’m not real big on going on and partying or eating out a lot.”

  Raye waved a hand. “My mother wasn’t much of a cook. I hardly ever got home-cooked food at home. That was one of the reasons I learned how to cook – and do it well – as young as I did. I prefer eating at home anyway. It costs too much. Except for Chinese from time to time.” She winked at me over a bite of crab Rangoon.

  “Next goal?” I snatched the last piece of crab Rangoon from the box. She’d eaten three of the five.

  She stuck her tongue out at me, but a grin flirted with her lips. It faded though, and she looked pensive, clearly thinking. “I want to get to know my brother better. Both him and Michelle. Family wasn’t something I had much of as a kid. I’d like to change that.”

  I couldn’t imagine not having mine. Laying a hand on her knee, I squeezed lightly. She smiled at me and covered my hand with hers.

  “What about your father? Do you want to meet him?”

  Raye started to shake her head, then she stopped. “I don’t know. Jake mentioned it, said he’d probably love to meet me. Mom always told me he didn’t care about me, but…maybe she lied?”

  “Would she do that?” Raye hadn’t told me much about her mom, but what little she had shared hadn’t exactly painted a pretty picture.

  Raye made a face, tapping her chopsticks on the box in front of her. “I want to say no.” She shot a look at me. “I want to…but I can’t.” With a shrug, she looked away.

  “What’s stopping you from meeting him?” I asked.

  She opened her mouth, then closed it. After a few seconds, she said, “I just…” But she ended up shaking her head, one hand lifted as if she could pull the words she needed from thin air.

  “You don’t want to be rejected, do you?”

  “No,” she whispered, looking vulnerable.

  Turning my hand over, I laced our fingers together. “Take your time and think it through. You’ll figure out what’s right for you.” Letting go of her hand, I took my fork – chopsticks were yet another skill I hadn’t mastered. Stabbing a piece of sweet and sour chicken, I shot Raye a look. “I’d like to mend fences with Dinah. We’re better now than we were, but we’re not close the way we were as kids. I’d like to fix that. But the only way to do it is to show her I’m not going to mess up again.”

  “You’ve been doing that since you got out of prison.” Raye swayed close and kissed me. “You can’t keep trying to prove yourself. She can either accept you or not. If she doesn’t, that’s her loss.”

  When she would have pulled back, I cupped her cheek and held her close for another soft, slow kiss.

  She tried to turn her head away, laughing. “I taste like kung pao chicken,” she said.

  “You taste like Raye.” It was a taste I’d never get enough of.

  She broke away first and the two of us, without saying a word, started to clear the food from the bed. She rose up onto her knees, leaning over to put everything on her dresser, just barely in arms reach. As she leaned forward to add the last box, I caught her hips and bent my head, pressing my lips to her butt.

  She hissed out a breath and looked over her shoulder at me.

  “I’ve got so many ways I want to take you,” I murmured against her skin, kissing a path upward and moving in closer.

  “Is that a fact?”

  “Hmmmm…” I reached her shoulder, using my grip on her hips to pull her back flush against me. “Look.”

  I felt her head move, felt her body tense and knew she’d seen.

  There was a mirror on the wall across the room, and she could see us, see me as I slid a hand around and cupped one full, lush breast. “Do you see me touching you?” I asked, even though I knew the answer.

  “Yes…” The breath stuttered out of her and she arched her spine, thrusting her hips back against me.

  I rolled mine forward, and she jerked as my cock cuddled up against her ass.

  Adjusting us on the bed, I nudged her forward until her hands were braced on the mattress. “Keep watching,” I told her. Then I tucked the head of my cock against her entrance and slowly fed it into her wet, waiting depths.

  She whimpered, tightening around me, so slick and hot already.

  Her head bowed forward. I caught her jaw and nudged upward. “Keep watching, Raye.”

  Her eyes met mine in the mirror, and she shuddered, her spine
arching in a long, elegant curve. But she watched.

  As I withdrew, then drove back in.

  As I slid a hand around and toyed with her clit.

  As I began to shaft her with hard, deep digs of my cock.

  Even as her body began to quake in reaction, the orgasm bearing down on her.

  She kept watching.

  I curved my hand over her throat and felt the mad flutter of her pulse. She clamped down tight around me, then abruptly shoved back against me, sitting on my cock. I groaned as her silken wet pussy clamped around me like a fist and she wiggled and bounced, trying to take me deeper and faster.

  “More?” I asked.


  I grabbed her hips and lifted her, then brought her down. Up, down, feeling the drag and glide of her cunt. It was erotic, sweet as hell.

  She wailed out my name and came, hard and fast.

  I buried my face against her back and started to grind against her, gritting my teeth as the sensations spread through me.

  She milked and squeezed me, still in the grips of her climax and the final milking sensation sent me over.

  We fell back into the bed, me clutching her to me, Raye curling up into the curve of my body.

  “I love you,” I whispered against her neck.

  She shivered, a soft sigh escaping her. “I love you, too.”



  My apartment looked like Christmas had exploded all over it.

  I didn’t know how long it would take to clean everything up, but I didn’t care. I’d just spent my first Christmas with Kane – and with Jake, Michelle, and Kane’s family. It had been the best Christmas of my life, and it wasn’t even over.

  Kane stood up amid all the boxes and bags, striding over to sit next to me on the couch. “There’s barely room for me here with all this stuff,” he said, a rueful grin on his lips. “I think Jake tried to make up for more than twenty Christmases in one year.”

  “I’ll make room for it all.” I smiled at him. Silently, I agreed with him. My brother had gone above and beyond, but I wasn’t going to complain. I’d been a little spoiled this past year between Kane and Jake, and I kind of loved it.

  Having somebody fuss over me was something I’d never had, and now I had two guys doing it, my lover and my brother.

  “I can’t decide who got more spoiled by my family this year…you, or the little kids.” Kane cupped the back of my neck, rubbing his thumb up and down my skin, sending shivers through me.

  “Oh, that’s easy. It was Dinah’s little girl.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “There was no question. Did you see all the clothes Eddie and Rick bought for her? She’s going to be the best-dressed baby in New York City.”

  “Dinah won’t have to go shopping for clothes for months,” he agreed.

  Snuggling up against him, I closed my eyes, tired and drained, but in the best possible way. “I can’t believe Rick and Eddie are engaged now. They look stupid-happy.”

  “Stupid-happy.” Kane rubbed his lips over the top of my head. “Is that a good thing?”

  “Absolutely.” I yawned and stretched against him, craning my head back so I could meet his eyes. “And Nathaniel’s going to be a daddy again. He better start making bank if he’s going to feed all those mouths under his roof.”

  Kane laughed. “He’ll handle it. That’s what he does.”

  “Your mother looked over the moon. You’d think all the grandbabies she’s got would be enough, but hearing she’s going to have another was all the Christmas present she needed.”

  “She loves being a grandma.” He cupped my cheek and dipped his head to mine. “Sometimes, I think she loves it more than she loves being a mom.”

  He kissed me softly, but just as I started to respond, he lifted his head, looking down at me with an odd look in his eyes.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Just thinking about you…the past year.”

  “Good thoughts?”

  He pressed his brow to mine. “Nothing but.”

  My heart flipped over at the look I saw in his eyes, and I curled my arms around his neck. “Why don’t you take me to bed and I’ll give you another Christmas present?” I told him.

  I actually had one more for him, but now he had me thinking thoughts about naked skin and smooth sheets.

  The other present could wait.

  But instead of responding, he kissed me, then straightened.

  He started to pace, and there seemed to be something oddly nervous about his movements. He paused here and there, picking up stray boxes or pieces of wrapping paper. “It’s a good thing we decided to have our Christmas at your place,” he said absently. “My apartment never would have held all of this.”

  “That’s why we did it,” I reminded him. I barely had room for the big tree I’d wanted. It never would have fit into his place, although I did insist he get a tabletop sized version and we’d decorated it one night while eating pizza and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

  He nodded, still with that nervous, restless look on his face.

  He hadn’t looked that nervous the night I’d graduated from college, just a few short weeks ago and he’d surprised me with a pearl necklace. I reached up and touched the strand now, wondering what had gotten into him. “What’s going on, Kane?”

  “Nothing.” He turned and faced me, straightening his shoulders and taking a deep breath. He looked like he was bracing himself.

  I eyed him warily as he came striding back toward me.

  Then he sank down on one knee.

  I sucked in a breath as he pulled a small black box out of his front pocket. “There’s one last present,” he said, his voice rough. Then he flipped it open and turned it to face me. “Will you marry me, Raye?”

  For a few seconds, I couldn’t even think, much less answer.

  Then, as the question finally sank in, I launched myself off the couch toward him, laughing and kissing him at the same time. “Yes.” Kiss. “Yes, yes.” Kiss. “Yes, absolutely yes.”

  He grinned up at me from where he laid beneath me on the floor. “I take it that’s a yes.” He slid the ring onto my finger without even looking.

  “Let me think…” I pursed my lips and cocked my head, lifting my hand so I could study it. “Hmmm…yes.”

  He stood up, holding me effortlessly, but when he went to carry me over to the bed, I wiggled and pushed at him until he put me down.

  “Hold on,” I insisted. Since he’d gone and given me one last present, it was time I give him his last present. “I’ve got something for you, too.”

  I turned around and had to circumnavigate the piles of boxes and gift bags on my way over to my purse. Sliding him a sly look, I said, “You do know this means we should start looking for a new place to live.”

  He opened, then closed his mouth. “Ah…maybe? Yeah. I guess.”

  “No.” I shook my head, a thoughtful look on my face. “I’m pretty sure we’ll need to find a place…a bigger place.”

  I tugged the card out of my purse and walked over to him, placing it in his hands.

  “What’s this?”

  “A Christmas card.” I grinned at him, wondering if he’d get it right away.

  I had no idea, but I’d be more than happy to explain it to him. It had killed me to keep this a secret the past week.

  He glanced at the card, then at me. “I didn’t know I was supposed to get you a card.”

  I laughed at the panicked look in his eyes. “Oh, you weren’t!” I cupped his face in my hands. My new engagement ring sparkled back at me. Rising on my toes, I tugged him down for a kiss. “I just wanted to get you one. Now…open it.”

  He looked a little self-conscious as he ripped it open.

  Some of the confetti I’d stuffed inside spilled out, and he glanced down, frowning at the sparkle of pink and blue that hit the toes of his boots. He eyed it, then glanced back at the red and green card. When he opened the card, the rest of it fell out in
a shower, raining all over the floor.

  I grinned at him as he read it. I remembered exactly what I’d written.

  There’s another present on the way. Should be here in just under eight months.

  He read it, then closed his eyes, shaking his head a little. Then he read it a second time.

  “What the…?”

  His eyes slid to the confetti on the floor, all the pink and blue pacifiers that covered the toes of his boots and my threadbare carpet.

  “Are you pregnant?” he whispered, his voice hoarse.

  I nodded, suddenly nervous. What if he wasn’t happy? What if he blamed me for not realizing the antibiotics I’d taken for strep throat would KO my birth control pills?

  He reached for me and hauled me up against him.

  As his lips came down over mine, I sank into him, and he whispered against my mouth, “Merry Christmas.”

  I smiled against his lips. “Merry Christmas to us both.

  His hand splayed across my belly. “Merry Christmas to us all.”

  Thank you so much for reading Big O’s. Don’t miss the final Sex Coach book, Pleasure Island, coming in the spring. CLICK HERE to get an email notification on release day. Until then, turn the page to read the free bonus book.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Belmonte Publishing LLC

  Published by Belmonte Publishing LLC

  ISBN-13: 978-1974484942

  ISBN-10: 1974484947



  It was freezing in the house, but now, as we all huddled by the electric fire pit, I breathed in a little deeper and sighed. Next to me, Maverick Jorgen, all six feet of him in his bronze glory, accepted a bottle of whiskey from some guy I didn’t know, sipped it, then passed it my way.


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