by Sasha Pruett
Chapter Twenty Eight
And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.
I Corinthians 8:2
“Gary, I’d like to volunteer to go with you to search for Michael.”
“That’s nice of you to offer Aaron, but it’s not a good idea. This is still police business.”
“Listen Gary, do you really want to call the station and have them send out backup for a werewolf, because that’s exactly what you’d have to do, you sure can’t send them out there blind. You’d be better off taking Jonathan and me along with you; at least we know what we’re up against. We already know the situation and the danger. Just think of the paperwork alone. I have a point Gary and you know it.”
Aaron could see the wheels in the policeman’s head turning over and over, sharp and hard, and Gary was forced to admit, unfortunately, that he was right. There was no way to explain this to the other men and women on the force, let alone to his superiors. His back was to the proverbial wall, he had no choice.
“First, let’s see what Jonathan has to say about this, it’s not right to volunteer a man for something as risky as this without his consent. Then we need to decide what form of action we’re gonna’ have to take. Mrs. Kinsington?”
“Now you should know by now to call me Wendy, Gary. We’ve come too far to stand on formality, especially after tonight.”
“Sorry, habit, considering the situation, you’re right, Wendy. Could I use your phone, I can’t seem to get a good enough signal on mine with this storm and I’d like to call the Lamb’s and reassure them that we’re on it.”
“Of course, it’s right here. Just press the talk button and you’re good to go.”