Tremors of Fury

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Tremors of Fury Page 38

by Sean Hinn

  With equal joy and love, I thank my children, Joey, Sean, and Bella, for making the world a thing of wonder and beauty. For every smile you think you bring to my face, there are a hundred more you never see. The word to describe the delight you bring to my life simply does not exist.

  Yes, I am going to thank my dogs. Magpie, the world’s cutest toe-biter. Fred Bobdog, my bestest boo-roo Bobdog buddy. And the newest member of House Hinn, Louie (a.k.a. Loodles, a.k.a. Noodles, a.k.a. Loodily Doodily, a.k.a Wolf.) Why? Because it’s my damned book, and I can thank my dogs if I want to.

  On the professional side of things, I offer my deep thanks to Paulo Duelli for the gorgeous cover art he’s provided for Tremors of Fury, Omens of Fury, and Strife. You’re so talented brother, and you’ve captured the feel of Tahr brilliantly. I also wish to thank my buddy Shehan for the brilliant marketing advice and unwavering support you’ve offered for my fledgling career. When I doubt myself, you’re right there, every time, telling me I can do it. That’s not a small thing, and I’m sincerely grateful.

  And then there’s my editor, Betsy Mitchell. First of all, for you to even consent to work on my stuff is downright ridiculous to me, and I have to pinch myself every time I realize that, yes, you’re actually my editor. And then there’s the exceptional work you’ve done… I say without any reservation that Tremors is immeasurably better for your involvement. You’re the cat’s pajamas, ma’am, and I cannot wait to work with you on #3 (and to have that drink at World Fantasy Con.)

  Special thanks also go out to my new bud T.L. Branson, for not only being the very first blogger to do a writeup on Omens of Fury, but also for the help of pointing out typos in the second edition. And along those lines, big hugs to my Typo Troopers, who helped me find errors in this 116,000-word monstrosity. (If there are any left, I promise, it’s not for lack of effort!)

  Who am I missing, let’s see… um… OH YEAH, A BAZILLION FANS AND READERS! You people are flat out awesome. All of you. The letters of support, the Facebook messages, the emails, the reviews… I dunno if you realize this or not, but every time one of you has something nice to say, it matters. Ask Emily. I wake her up at 3am to tell her, “Honey, look what Sherry said! Look what Alex wrote! Look at the review Melody wrote! Look at this email from _(your name goes here)_!” I suppose there is some point where a writer gets so famous that they don’t read every letter or comment, but I promise you, every single one of you who has reached out to me has carved out a place in my heart. And here’s a quick shout out to my peeps in the Epic Fantasy Fanatics Facebook group…. Whazzup, Fanatics! (If you’re not in that group, you need to be. Go here: )

  Next to last, I want to thank the amazing author friends I’ve made along the way, in particular JA Andrews, Steven Kelliher, and Eric T. Knight, as well as the rest of the crew in the Epic Authors Only group. What an honor it is to rub elbows with the likes of you guys and gals.

  And again, as I said, first, last, and always: thank you, Emily. How very lucky I am to wake up next to you every day.


  Anie Thomison (AY-nee TOM-is-sun): Wife of Vincent Thomison. Deceased.

  Aria Evanti (AH-ree-uh ee-VON-tee): Elven Princess of Thornwood, daughter to Terrias Evanti, heir to the Seat of Thornwood. Unmarried.

  Barrington (BEAR-ing-tun): Deceased former Master of Trade in the kingdom of Mor. Killed by a Defender while speaking out of turn in the throne room.

  Barris (BEAR-iss): Sir Barris, First Knight of Thornwood. Parentage unknown, no known heir or kin.

  Blythe Kalder (BLYTH KAL-der): Captain of the Gate of Belgorne.

  Boot (boot): See "Kelgarr."

  Brenn Silverstone (BREN SIL-ver-stōn): First King of Belgorne, once Brenn Blackhammer.

  Champ (CHAMP): Light brown paint, stallion. Given to Nikalus by Master Argus.

  Cindra Sandshingle (SIN-druh SAND-sheen-gul): Gnomish witch, descendant of the Sandshingle and Claywart bloodlines. Maternal grandmother to Shyla Greykin.

  Colonel Onyx (KER-nel ON-ix): Second in the dwarven army to General Brandaxe.

  Dohr Silverstone (DOR SIL-ver-stōn): Secondson of Belgorne, brother to J'arn.

  Earl (ER-ul): Citizen of Mor. Wagon loader.

  Eriks Lane (ERIKS LAYN): Former Defender of Mor. Member of the secret society of the Merchants.

  Eyrelie Kehrlia (IRE-lie CARE-lee-ah): "The Raven," commonly accepted to be the most powerful wizard in the history of Mor. Daughter of the namesake of the Tower of Kehrila.

  Fain Thallinson (FANE THA-lin-sun): Father of James Thallinson. Killed by Vincent Thomison.

  Fannor (FAN-nor): Dwarven soldier. Member of Prince J'arn's Grove-bound company. Brother to Narl.

  Fennar (FEH-nahr): Deceased former master of Treasury in the kingdom of Mor. Killed by a Defender while speaking out of turn in the throne room.

  Garlan (GAR-lan): Dwarven forgemaster of Belgorne.

  Garne Silverstone (GARN SIL-ver-stōn): King of Belgorne, direct descendant of Brenn Silverstone. Widower. Father to J'arn, Dohr.

  General Brandaxe (BRAND-axe): Leader of the dwarven army. Second to Dohr Silverstone. Nickname "Hatchet."

  Gerald Longstock (JEH-ruld LONG-stok): Housemaster to Vincent Thomison, wizard. Member of the secret society of the Merchants.

  Gritson (Laine Gritson, Jr.) (GRIT-sun): Dwarven engineer, second to Kelgarr (Boot). Father to Laine III, husband of Gennae, brother-in-law to Kari Flint.

  Halsen (HAHL-sen): King of Mor, direct descendent of Jons Halsen, of the days of the Strife. Unmarried. No known heir.

  Heina Ridge (HY-na RIJ): Gnomish Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  Hope (HOPE): Chestnut mare, mount to Lucan Thorne. Taken from Samuel Thomison in Lucan's escape from Mor.

  Jade (JADE): Dwarven scout, second in command of Flint's Five.

  Jak Tinner (JAK TIN-ner): Deceased farmer of Mor, dead of Flightfluid overdose.

  James Thallinson (JAYMZ THA-lin-sun): Son of the slain Fain Thallinson, killed by the hand of Vincent Thomison. Laborer of Mor.

  J'arn Silverstone (YARN SIL-ver-stōn): Dwarven Firstson of Belgorne, heir to the Sovereign. Son of Garne, brother to Dohr. Unmarried.

  Jarriah (jeh-RYE-uh): Apprentice of Kehrlia

  Jasper (JAS-per): Dwarven Scout. Member of Flint's Five.

  Jender (YEN-der): Dwarven soldier, deceased. Drowned at the Boiler en route to the Grove.

  Jensen (Master Jensen) (JEN-sen): Dwarven, head engineer of Belgorne.

  Jons Ganner (JONS GA-ner): Master of the smith's guild of Mor. Member of the secret society of the Merchants.

  Kal (KAL): Nearest of the two moons of Tahr, smallest of the Twins. Believed by some to be the harbinger of death and decay.

  Kalindra (kah-LIN-dra): Mistress of the brothel's guild of Mor. Twin sister to Maris.

  Kari Flint (KEH-ree flint): Dwarven barkeep of the Hammer. Niece to Latimer Flint, scout captain of Belgorne. Sister to Gennae Flint. Unmarried.

  Kelgarr (KEL-gar): Dwarven, also "Boot". Second Engineer of Belgorne, companion to J'arn Silverstone. Married, no heirs.

  Kender (KEN-der): Elven Hand of Justice. Councilor to Queen Evanti.

  Kenter Loamknoll (KEN-ter LOME-nole): Gnomish Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  K'yrl Gypstone (CURL JIP-stōn): Head Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  Lani (LAH-nee): Elven Sister of the Society of the Grove.

  Lian (LE-an): Incantor of Kehrlia. Serves in Sartean D'Avers' abscense as crown prosecutor in public trials.

  Lor (LOR): Furthest of the two moons of Tahr, largest of the Twins. Believed by some to be the bringer of life and love.

  Lucan Thorne (LOO-can THORN): Also "Lucan not-Thorne." Erstwhile tavern hustler and orphan. Unmarried. No known heir or kin.

  Lux (LUX): Dwarven Scout. Member of Flint's Five.

  Mahl (MAHL): Master of the jeweler's guild of Mor. Member of the secret society of the Merchants.

  Mama (MAH-muh): Legendary dir
e wolf known to prowl the foothills between Belgorne and G'naath.

  Maris (MEH-ris): Mistress of the brothel's guild of Mor. Twin sister to Kalindra.

  Master Alton (AHL-tun): Head of Labor in the kingdom of Mor.

  Master Argus (AR-gus): Master of a stable on the Northern Road leading from/to Mor.

  Master Tinner (TIN-ner): Farmer, father of the late Jak Tinner.

  Mikallis Elmshadow (mik-A-lis ELM-sha-do): Currently serving a cyclical stint as Capatain of the Guard, protector of the Evanti family. Close family friend to Aria and kin. Unmarried.

  Mila Felsin (MY-la FEL-sin): Citizen of Mor. Incantor of Kehrlia. Inventor of Flightfluid.

  Myriel (ME-ree-el): Matron of the Klor estate in the farmlands of Mor.

  Narl (NARL): Dwarven soldier. Member of Prince J'arn's Grove-bound company. Brother to Fannor.

  Neral Evanti (neh-RAL e-VON-tee): Elven Goodfather of Thornwood. Widowed husband of Elisia, father to deceased son Banor. Lifelong Captain of the Elven Cavalry. Great grand-uncle of Terrias Evanti.

  Nikalus (NIH-ka-lis): Stableboy, assistant to Master Argus. Friend to Sir Barris and Phantom.

  Nishali (nih-SHA-lee): Head Ranger of Thornwood, councilor to Queen Evanti.

  Nova (NO-vuh): Dwarven Scout. Member of Flint's Five.

  Oort Greykin (OORT - GREY-kin): Father to Shyla Greykin, husband to Thinsel Greykin.

  Par Greel (PAR GREEL): Master of the builder's guild of Mor. Member of the secret society of the Merchants.

  Petahr (PAY-tar): Elven Initiate brother of the Society of the Grove.

  Phantom (FAN-tom): Black stallion, mount to Sir Barris of Thornwood.

  Pheonaris (fee-oh-NAR-is): Elven Mistress of the Society of the Grove. Mentor to Aria Evanti.

  Quari (KAH-ree): Gnomish Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  Rane Sarsen (RāN SAR-sen): Gnomish Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  Ren Smitt (REN SMITT): Farmer of Mor.

  Samuel Thomison (SAM-yoo-el TOM-is-son): Citizen of Mor. Older brother to Vincent Thomision. Unmarried, no heir.

  Sartean D'Avers (SAR-tee-ann dee-A-vers): The Master of the Keep of Kehrlia in the kingdom of Mor. Head of the Fraternity of Incantors. Adviser to King Halsen. Unmarried. No known heir.

  Sera (SEH-ra): White filly, mount to Princess Aria Evanti.

  Sergeant Rocks (ROX): Dwarven soldier. Member of Prince J'arn's Grove-bound company.

  Shabi Ridge (SHA-be RIJ): Gnomish Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  Shyla Greykin (SHY-la GREY-kin): Gnomish outcast of G'naath, daugther to Oort and Thinsel Greykin, granddaughter to Cindra Sandshingle. Unmarried.

  Sienni (see-EH-nee): Young Incantor of Kehrlia. Assistant to Mila Felsin.

  Sir Marchion (MAR-chee-on): Second Knight of Thornwood. Councilor to Queen Evanti in Sir Barris' absence.

  Sledge (SLEJ): Gnomish Elder of G'naath. Kin unkown.

  Spirit (SPI-rit): Sorrel-coated colt, mount to Mistress Pheonaris.

  Starl (starl): Dwarven soldier, deceased. Drowned at the Boiler en route to the Grove.

  Steelwind (STEEL-wind): Steel-grey stallion, mount to Vincent Thomison.

  Tam (TAM AR-gus): Son of Master Argus, stablemaster in Mor.

  Terrias Evanti (te-RYE-us e-VON-ti): Elven queen of Thornwood. Mother to Aria. Gret grand-niece of Neral Evanti.

  Thinsel Greykin (THIN-sel GREY-kin): Mother to Shyla Grekyin, wife to Oort Grekyin.

  Tobias (toe-BY-is): General of the Elven Regular Army, also known as the Swords. Councilor to Queen Evanti.

  Travert (TRAH-vert): Dwarven cartographer, advisor to King Dohr.

  Trellia Evanti (TREH-lee-uh ee-VON-tee): Vicaris of the Society of the Grove, paternal aunt of Queen Terrias Evanti. Unmarried, no heir.

  Triumph (TRY-umf): Steel-grey stallion. Mount to Mikallis Elmshadow.

  Vincent Thomison (VIN-sent TOM-ih-sun): A wealthy citizen of Mor, leader of the secret society of Merchants. Widowed. No known heir.

  Wolf (wulf): Canine companion to Shyla Greykin

  Yano (YAH-no): Incantor of Kehrlia. Assistant to Mila Felsin.

  We’re just getting started.





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